The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1249 [1248] Under Changbai Mountain 25 (5000)

Chapter 1249 [1248] Under Changbai Mountain 25 (5000)

Why did she and Jin Jun earn more?Because they are the hardest!

They are also part-time workers and part-time workers. They go to food factories and e-commerce factories to pick goods and earn wages by the hour, or they deliver food and express delivery. Now the food delivery and express delivery companies are all in charge of food, housing and round electric vehicles. They don’t need you at all. What to invest in? After watching the first episode of the program, Chu Qian looked at Jin Jun speechlessly.

"I suddenly regretted giving them the money." It's not worth it!

Jin Jun understood in seconds: "Are you a little disappointed to find that they didn't work as hard as you imagined, and they cared about the results of the game?"

She and Jin Jun worked tirelessly for 12 hours, ten hours, others, seven or eight hours, and went to the night market at night when they got their wages. Looking at themselves, it was a bit ridiculous to be serious.

Besides, Jin Jun didn’t spend any money on the place where he lived. The living conditions were dirty and messy with almost no bedding. The husband and wife have been together not to mention, and they still live in a chain hotel that costs more than 6780 yuan and nearly 100 yuan.

No wonder there was such a big gap with them in the end.

At first they were embarrassed, thinking that they could win, maybe because of the so-called celebrity effect, but looking at it now, it is extremely ironic!
They were able to win because they were solid enough and worked hard enough. The celebrity effect played a role, but more of it came from their own hard work. In the past 20 days, they also did their best to carry forward the spirit of hard work and hard work. .

"Do you think you're a bit silly for being serious?" When Jin Jun said this, Chu Qian's mood could be described as mixed.

"In any case, they are all successful people in society. The couple have an annual income of more than 50, which is also a high-income group. I thought they would take this variety show as a new challenge, but now it seems that I was wrong. That's just wishful thinking on my part. This is the first issue, and I can feel their perfunctory. No wonder the TV station edited the pictures of the two of us. The four of them combined are not as many as you alone. It's a pity that my 8 Ten thousand yuan!"

The more I think about it, the more panicked I feel!

"The eyes of the masses are discerning. Let's see, whoever works hard will cope with it. The audience knows better than anyone else. We take money to do things, and we have a clear conscience. As for other people, don't worry about it, just let them!"

After being persuaded by Jin Jun, Chu Qian didn't bother to say anything more. They earned 42 yuan before and after participating in this variety show, 2 yuan was sent to the parents on both sides for pocket money, and the remaining 40 yuan was directly invested in Jin Jun's company is running.

Chu Qian now has about [-] yuan in her hand, and Jin Jun gives her [-] pocket money every month, but she basically doesn't spend any money on a daily basis, and Jin Jun will send it to her directly for food and clothing. It's a sponsorship from a company, so they don't need to buy it. Of course, they want Jinjun to bring the goods to them.

Cosmetics, daily necessities, clothing and bags, there are many kinds of post stations that have set aside more than half of the room for her to deliver the express delivery, that feeling is not too good.

As long as she is at home, they will pull a cart and deliver it to her home. If one delivery is not enough, they will deliver it two or three times.

Naturally, she will not pile up these couriers in the room, put them in the space after uniform disinfection, take a handmade knife to dismantle them one by one, put the ones she likes aside, and put away the ones she doesn’t like to give to classmates or fans .

She also broadcasts live broadcasts now, but she doesn’t bring goods, but she will add products that she thinks are good to her little yellow car, such as these merchants who express to her. After she tries them out, she will pick out good ones and put them in her little yellow car according to the quality. Here, even if it does not start broadcasting and does not bring goods, the monthly commission income is more than [-].

The income of 500 yuan a month for [-] million fans is indeed not high, but the prerequisite is that she does not have any advertisements, even in the videos she shoots, there are no advertisements, and these incomes are from the fans themselves Looking for a small yellow car to buy, customer service and so on are also managed by the merchant, she is equivalent to a medium, so strictly speaking, this little money is not too small.

Of course, occasionally it can break through 50 or [-], which is rare. On average, it is only [-] to [-] to [-] to [-].

This income is added to her official account platform, short video platform traffic, and occasional commercial performances, so it is very easy to reach a monthly income of 50+.

I didn’t give the money to Jin Jun, I invested 150 million to open a coffee bookstore, a place that white-collar workers and postgraduates like to go to, two floors above and below, the private room and the self-study room are just downstairs in their community. Compensation, because when she took over it was a coffee shop, she just transformed it into a bookstore, and the renovation cost over [-] yuan, and the monthly rent was [-] yuan, so she lost a lot of money after opening for two months.

She can't let her business go bankrupt like this, she will subconsciously reveal this store and advertise it during the live broadcast. The number of visits is increasing, and there are naturally more and more people, especially in the store, a signed photo of her and Jin Jun is posted. Although it is not directly advertised, it is also obvious.

She also deliberately found a few good pastry chefs and baristas, and invited someone to play the piano to create an elegant and comfortable learning environment.

The initial decoration of this coffee shop is very high-end, and the opposite is the financial circle, office buildings, the flow of people is still acceptable, and her price is not outrageously high, at least ordinary white-collar workers can consume it, and all the raw materials are genuine. The materials are all obtained by Jin Jun from Country E. Although they don't make much money, they can at least guarantee their reputation and won't be said to use their fame to deceive consumers.

The elegant interior environment, soft and pleasant piano sound, and a wide variety of latest books that are good for learning have attracted the favor of many elegant people.

The books in the store are in cooperation with companies such as shared study rooms. They will change batches every once in a while, and there will be a special person to take care of them. She doesn't need to worry about it. She only needs to pay a certain borrowing fee. Her bookstore works every quarter. Change once, a handling fee of 1 yuan.

On weekdays, customers don’t need to pay for reading books here, but there is a certain seat fee for each coffee seat, plus the consumption in the store. With the continuous advancement of her advertisements, it is not overcrowded, at least there are no empty seats. The reviews on the APP are also very high.

The reason why she chose the coffee shop was because she wanted to worry less. After all, she didn't have much time to manage it, so the loyalty of the employees in the shop had to be high enough.

The variety show just aired for the first week, and the response was not enthusiastic, but with the rolling heat week after week, the number of fans of Jin Jun and Chu Xi also soared all the way, and many people even became black fans because of their hard work, The originally unknown variety show has gradually been frantically edited and reproduced on major media.

Especially in the scenes showing the two people's abilities, the repeated pursuit and praise made Chu Xi, who was not very exposed, suddenly broke into people's field of vision, and her popularity was also rising steadily. The number of fans once exceeded 2000 million, which was higher than that of the mainstream. The number of fans in the media is more than N times higher.

This unpopular variety show was brought up by the couple without warning. When phone calls came one after another, she started to go back and forth between the capital and the Changbai Mountain training base for a new round of training. It seems dispensable business cooperation.

Even the second Spring Festival after marriage, I had to miss it because of training.

Chu Qiang held his wedding on the eighteenth day of the twelfth lunar month in 2025. He found the bride himself, learned from the Internet and self-media, and recruited him from his small company. They got together naturally after a long time of love.

What a blessing it must be for the old gangster to turn around and find a daughter-in-law who is seven or eight years younger than him?
Chu Qiang gave her a gift of 18 yuan, hardware, and a loan from the provincial capital to buy a house. The woman repaid the mortgage together, so she added a name. After marriage, the gift money was also brought back, and her mother’s family even gave her a gift of [-]. The car within the limit is used for my daughter's daily transportation. Because there are only two daughters in the family, the father-in-law and mother-in-law have a bowl of water, and they don't want to accompany them. I just hope that Chu Qiang can treat his daughter well.

Besides, in terms of conditions, he is still from the city, his parents both have formal jobs and have not retired yet, so the family conditions are much better than the Chu family.

Chu Qian's parents are also very satisfied, and they are also very grateful to the in-laws. The house happens to be near the in-laws, so they can take care of each other in the future.

They have two sons and a daughter here, theoretically, they have more care than a family where both daughters are married, so Mother Chu does not object to the eldest son getting close to his in-laws, nor does she have any dissatisfaction or the meaning that she might not be left out in the future.

The youngest son is in graduate school, they are still young, and the only daughter is so capable, where will they be worse in the future?
So I don't worry about the future pension issue at all. After all, there is no one in the village who doesn't envy their family.

The small three-story mansion is big and beautiful. Even if they are farming every day, they feel that life is getting more and more prosperous. Moreover, they like the countryside and don't want to suffer in the pigeon cages in the city at all.

Chu Qian's gift to her elder brother and sister-in-law was home decoration, a complete set of furniture and appliances, all of which cost about 20 yuan, which can be described as a big deal.

His parents gave half of the money for the decoration, and Chu Qiang used the remaining savings to complete it in one step.

Marrying a daughter-in-law and building a new home almost used up all his assets. If it wasn't for his sister's sponsorship, he might not even be able to afford furniture and home appliances, so after marriage, the couple had to stick their butts out and work hard.

Brother-in-law, parents and brothers are doing well now, so Chu Qian can spare more time to train her profession.

In early February 2026, Chu Qian set off for Italy to participate in the 2 Winter Olympics.

Since she has participated in many competitions before this, her mentality has long been different from that of a substitute in the Beijing Winter Olympics.

It is already the highest honor for her to be able to participate as a regular team member.

And this Winter Olympics will pay a lot of attention to her. Who made her the swimming champion of the Summer Olympics? Then it is inevitable that she will have higher expectations when she comes to the Winter Olympics. If there is no pressure, it is all deceitful.

But she herself belongs to the kind of personality that becomes more and more courageous when she gets frustrated, especially on the ski resort, she exudes a confident light all over her body.

Not only successfully entered the finals, but also qualified for the finals of alpine skiing, freestyle skiing aerials, and women's big jumping platform.

After the Winter Olympics in the capital of my country, the ice and snow competition field has become more and more unstoppable, and more and more people have devoted themselves to this sport. Although there are very few people like her who have participated in both the Summer Olympics and the Winter Olympics, but Athletes are born with a sense of mission, and the competitive spirit of the arena can only be empathized with when they are integrated into it.

Of course, there are countless sweats behind every gold medal, and she is no exception.

On the premise of ensuring training, she also studied for a bachelor's degree, which is unique in history. Chu Qian is creating one miracle after another.

During the Winter Olympics, her resume, her studies, her variety show clips, live broadcast clips, and repeated rolling broadcasts. Before she won the gold medal, she was only selected for the finals, and the number of fans has already exceeded 2500 million. Waiting for her After winning the gold medal in alpine skiing, the number of fans directly exceeded 3000 million.

Of course, she would not pay attention to this information in such a busy situation, but there are many local media, and the team members who fought side by side will also tell her the good news. During the multilingual interviews, Jin Jun, who was supposed to appear in Italy, did not show up as scheduled, and he didn't even get through the phone.

Chu Qian didn't know what happened, so she asked in the family group, and Ms. Park responded to him.

"It's okay, you can play with peace of mind. This kid has appendicitis, and he is waiting in line for surgery at the hospital. He should be discharged from the hospital after the game. If it wasn't for a sudden illness, the flight ticket wouldn't be delayed. You are here alone. Take good care of yourself over there!"

Looking at this sentence, Chu Qian always felt that something was wrong, but she couldn't tell. In addition, the competition had entered a fierce stage, and the next aerial skills and big platform were very difficult. Although our country is strong in aerial skills, but The big platform needs to play 12 points of spirit.

As soon as Chu Qian won the second gold medal (aerial skills), Jin Jun sent a WeChat message of congratulations.

"I knew that my daughter-in-law is the best, but give our old Jin parents face, keep working hard, win the big diving platform, and you will be the ice and snow queen of the grand slam!"

Chu Qian angrily sent a voice over: "You are the only one who can talk. If I win three gold medals this time, will you take me on a round-the-world tour?"

This voice was sent out for a long time, but she didn't hear back, thinking that he was busy again, so she could only turn off the phone, wash and sleep.

When she woke up the next morning, there was no new news on WeChat. She was a little disappointed and sent another voice message.

"Today is the final of the big platform. Wish me success, my dear." After sending out these words, there was still no response.

After arriving at the arena, she felt that the atmosphere was weird. Everyone avoided looking at her when they saw her, and there seemed to be a lot of discussion in private.

She pulled a teammate with a better relationship and touched her face.

"Juan'er, is there something on my face? Why is everyone looking at me like this?"

Cai Wenjuan looked at her with complicated eyes, patted her on the shoulder, and comforted her.

"It's okay, they are jealous of you, play well, and strive to win another gold medal. This event in our country is far inferior to other events, and it is also very dangerous. You must work hard to score 12 points. Others You don't have to think about anything."

Although Chu Qian felt strange, she didn't ask any more questions because she was about to play. When she left, Cai Wenjuan gave the teammates around her a hard look.

"Depending on the situation, she doesn't know yet. It's also because our queen doesn't like to use her mobile phone. This project is too dangerous. You all have to hurry over and look after her."

Chu Qian's test skating before the competition was already quite powerful and amazing, including the cheers from the athletes on the scene, which made her feel excited.

After finally getting ready for the race and already entering the track, the H countryman suddenly said something in H language.

"My husband is dead, and I still have the mood to compete here? Why don't you go home and have a look?"

Chu Qian frowned slightly, and was about to see which Xiao Xiba was so unsightly, what did she say before the game that she was dead or not?who diedWhose husband?

However, without allowing her to think too much, the gunshots of the competition rang out. Her brain was not as slow in responding as her limbs, and she rushed off the track in an instant. Her body was like carrying memories, completing one difficult movement after another. It wasn't until she slid downhill smoothly and rushed towards the reporters, volunteers, and coaching team below that she realized that she kept thinking about what the H countryman said just now.

After she stopped, she immediately asked her coach: "Just now Xiao Xiba said that my husband died, whose husband died?"

She took the thermos from the coach's hand and took a sip of hot water. She didn't need to hand her the phone, so she went to grab it in her pocket, asking questions while grabbing it.

"No one called me, right? So did Ah Jun, I've sent several voice messages, and they didn't reply to me...,"

"Sissy, listen to me, there is one thing that we all hide from you, and we didn't hide it from you on purpose, really,"

"Coach, don't tell me, I don't want to hear it." With gloves on, she tore off the gloves shivering from the cold, and went to look for the phone. Because her fingers were stiff, she couldn't hold it firmly, and fell directly to the ground. She squatted directly Going down to pick up the phone, picking it up, tears flowed out of my nose uncontrollably.

"No, it can't be him. He agreed to come to the game. He just had a recurrence of appendicitis. He must have had an operation. He..."

"At the airport yesterday afternoon, he was helping to catch the prisoner. He was knocked off the bridge and died on the spot..."

The coach's voice was choked up, and he stretched out his arms subconsciously to wrap the weak Chu Xi in it. After feeling her soft sobs, he collapsed on the ground, holding his face and crying bitterly, and what he said in his mouth was: "No, it's impossible, how could he? Die? He hasn't divorced me yet, how can he die? It's impossible, it's impossible, I'm going to find him, I'm going to find him!"

I tried to pick up the phone several times to find relevant news, but because my hands were shaking so badly, I just couldn’t unlock the password until I fainted in the arms of the coach because of excessive sadness...

(End of this chapter)

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