The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1237 [1236] Under Changbai Mountain 13 (5000)

Chapter 1237 [1236] Under Changbai Mountain 13 (5000)

When Jin Jun went home to send Erha and the poultry, mother Jin and father Jin took this opportunity to divide the family.

She first took out the account books of her sons and returned them the wages they had earned over the years, and then looked at Jin Jun gratefully.

"Second brother is doing well. Help me and your dad pay off the remaining debts. We can relax in the future. You brothers should also work hard to buy or build a house as soon as possible, whatever you want."

Mother Jin didn't foolishly say that Jin Jun's salary was given to herself, she just returned the salary of the boss and the third child to them.

Because the things in the family are all bought by the old couple, they don't divide these things, and they have to work and earn by themselves.

The old couple didn't mention the car and house in the family, and the three sons naturally wouldn't even be greedy for these.

However, the house under Changbai Mountain made the eldest daughter-in-law somewhat dissatisfied.

"Mom, is that house in Uncle's house given to Ah Jun and the others?"

Jin Jun was taken aback for a moment, then shook his head, "No, we just went to live temporarily, so we cleaned up one room and came out. We didn't live in the main room. I already told my uncle, who said that if we want it, we can get 2 yuan. You can directly transfer the ownership to us, and Qianxi and I haven't discussed it yet, so we haven't bought it yet, what does sister-in-law mean, you're interested in that house?"

The sister-in-law really thought so in her heart, but she didn't expect Jin Jun to say it so bluntly, even so, she didn't hide it anymore.

"Mom, too. Since there is such a good place, why didn't you say it earlier, yes, we also want to buy that house."

When the youngest daughter-in-law heard the words, she quickly agreed: "Brother and brother, Aqian and I want to go there too!"

Look, no one cared about broken houses at the time, but now that videos are popular, some people start to miss them.

Jin Jun thought for a while, then nodded: "If you want, I will give it to you, but we spent 5000 yuan on the decoration and firewood in the house. You have to give us this money, not even a dime. No, these have payment proofs, you can check them!"

It's not that easy to take advantage of them, and Jin Jun is not stupid, so why doesn't he know what their plans are?
"Second brother, it's only [-] yuan to buy a house, so you dare to ask us for [-] yuan for home decoration?"

"Of course, those things were bought by my wife and I bit by bit. We spent money to clean them up so well. Why can't we ask for money? If you don't like expensive things, there are many things in Changbai Mountain. You can buy cheap houses as you like, you don’t have to buy the house of your uncle’s house, if you want to buy it, you have to pay, if you don’t pay for this house, we won’t let it go.”

The two daughters-in-law were a little unhappy, and they went to see the old couple at the same time, "Ah Jun said that it is reasonable, there is nothing wrong with it, he spent money, and he did not lie to you, the brothers will settle accounts clearly, not to mention that they have separated now. I know that you are all jealous couples who have made money and want to go to Changbai Mountain to find a way out. There is nothing wrong with that. Since you live in Changbai Mountain, isn’t it the same for you to find a place to build a house? Or buy someone’s old house. Why? Are you going to fight A Jun?"

Jin Jun is also not polite: "Didn't you just fall in love with our place and think it is a treasured place of geomantic omen? I said, it's okay, but the money must be given, otherwise I won't give it. The 5000 yuan, if you go to other places in the forest area It’s no problem to buy a [-]% new house somewhere. Why is my uncle’s house so cheap? Because it’s broken! Why do I spend so much money on repairs because it’s broken! Here are photos and videos, you guys See for yourself."

Jin Jun casually pushed the video in his hand to them. The two brothers naturally knew what the place looked like, so they didn't even look at it. Instead, the sister-in-law watched it very seriously. After watching it, they looked at the place where they lived How many times better is this house?
They hesitated, and Jin Jun continued: "You are welcome to conduct an on-site inspection. The forest area is basically vacant, with ten households and nine vacant houses. Just like ours, the residents are all elderly people. It is still very easy to buy a house, because Young people have gone to the city to develop, but I think you should rent instead of buying. After all, who can guarantee that you will live in the forest all your life? Why didn’t the two of us buy that house? I just don’t know how to make a short video Can it work, so I didn’t buy it, but rented it for a year, and this year, we paid uncle 2000 yuan in rent.”

Jin Jun's words silenced the two brothers for an instant, so he struck while the iron was hot and continued.

"You only saw our increase in fans, but you didn't see what Cici paid behind the scenes for making videos. Do you know how to edit videos? Have you learned? Every day, you climb up and down the mountain and walk through the thorny forest on the road, and you are bitten by mosquitoes and wrapped around your arms by snakes." , can you bear that hardship? Can you cook all kinds of delicacies? Can you shoot? "

Jin Jun asked a series of questions, the whole family fell silent, and Jin Jun blocked the conversation directly.

"My daughter-in-law is very busy, and we don't have enough time for ourselves, so don't try to disturb her, don't try to increase her workload, and don't go to her to learn. If you want to learn, you can find the subject matter on the Internet. Video, take notes carefully, listen to lectures, practice editing, when you learn these, it’s not too late to shoot short videos, if you can’t even bear this hardship, don’t enter the industry as soon as possible!”

"A Jun, you can't do this, you are brothers, what's wrong with helping each other?"

"What's the matter? My daughter-in-law goes up and down the mountain every day to go home and cook, and she is also busy editing videos, making public accounts, writing articles, and going to the ski resort on weekends to train. How can I have time to serve you? Don't talk about her, even me There are [-] hours of work every day, and you can get a high income by grinding out kimchi. Why do you think that you can enjoy everything when you come up? You have made up your mind to learn from us, and then push the work of video editing To my daughter-in-law? Tell you, there is no door, not even a window, I don't agree!"

"You don't agree? Does your wife agree? How do you know she doesn't want to?"

The sister-in-law's innocent appearance made Jin Jun shake his head, he didn't bother to deal with it, so he directly said to his parents.

"Mom and Dad, I have something else to do. I have to go back first. I rented the car. I can't stay longer. I have to go back to practice as soon as possible. I'll come back to see you when the two of us are free."

After Jin Jun left, he trained with Chu Qian, participated in the Winter Olympics, and went to Beijing. After the Olympics, he returned to Changbai Mountain to continue training. He didn't know how to free himself until the end of April. A few months later, Jin Chi and Jin Qian have already gone out to work. The sister-in-law and younger siblings are all pregnant and waiting for delivery at home. They also shot short videos, focusing on the relationship between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, slowly making arrangements.

Although she would often call and ask Chu Xi, whenever she had time, she would explain to them, as well as the skills of shooting videos.

After the separation, they didn't mention buying a house anymore. Instead, the uncle called to ask them what they meant. After knowing that the young couple had money now, they raised the price of the house to [-].

After hearing the news, Jin Jun said that instead of buying the house, he would still rent it. However, renting for one year also turned into 1 yuan, a five-fold increase.

Jin Jun heard the words and immediately called his mother. After knowing what happened, his mother was also very angry.

"Your uncle's handling of this matter is unreasonable. If you really can't do it, you can find someone else's house to rent, or rent a house in the town, it doesn't matter."

Jin Jun saw that his mother said the same thing, so he paid attention to it, and sent a video call to his uncle, saying that they would not rent the house and would move out immediately. When his uncle heard this, he panicked and immediately lowered the rent to [-]. Jun persisted.

"Two thousand, this is the market price. We only live in one room, but we paid the rent for the whole house. If we find another house to rent, it may be lower, because there are many houses nearby."

"Ah Jun, you are really getting more and more picky. You have earned so much money, shouldn't you pay more rent?"

"Uncle, your business is so good and you have made a lot of money over the years, why didn't you give us some?"

The uncle who said this sentence was speechless, thinking that Jin Jun is so difficult to speak, and the house is empty, if they even move away, they may not even have the 2000 yuan, so they can only sigh: "One month. 200 yuan, two thousand and four a year is always okay, right?"

This time, Jin Jun didn't refute and agreed by default. Before his uncle hung up the phone, Jin Jun heard his aunt scolding him in Korean.

After not going home for so many years, country H is already their home, so it's no wonder that their feelings are getting more and more indifferent.

It is right not to buy this house, who knows if there will be more nonsense in the future?
It was originally agreed to be [-] yuan, but in the end, it suddenly increased by five times. Do you really think this dilapidated house is worth something?

With that 10 yuan, they can build a big, bright new house, why bother to stay in this crappy house?
"The two of us can do whatever we want, but after we have a child, considering the education of the child, sooner or later we will move to the city."

Chu Qian likes this kind of countryside very much, and she really thinks she can build a yard of her own, but... there are too many variables in the future, so it's better to save the money if you can. If it's just a short stay, there's nothing wrong with renting a house. At least you can leave at any time without any burden.

The problem of the house has been temporarily settled. Like last year during the wild vegetable season, she sometimes stays on the mountain for a week, sometimes for two or three days, and the empty space last year is piled up again.

It's just that she didn't sell it this time, but saved it all up, because there are a lot of people in XJ who want these wild vegetables, and she can resell them there at that time, and the average price can reach ten yuan per catty.

In this way, at the end of May, Chu Qian became a trapeze person, flying to XJ live broadcast to bring goods during weekdays, and flying back to train on weekends.

Going out is either renting a car or taking a taxi. Anyway, it is very convenient to rent a car with a driver. Sometimes you can close your eyes and take a rest, not to mention how convenient it is.

She also didn't expect that she would lead a fast-paced trapeze life at such a young age, either in XJ or on the plane every day.

Of course, the more money he earns, the more he earns. Every money he saves now is laying the foundation for the future.

Since she started skiing training in October last year, Chuxi has been training uninterruptedly. Even in XJ, she will also conduct physical self-training, yoga, long-distance running, aerobic gymnastics, and various fancy exercises. blank time.

When someone recognized her as an Internet celebrity and uploaded the video to the online platform, many people reacted belatedly.

"I remember paying attention to [Changbaishan Eleven Qian] because she is a food blogger? When did she start to develop into sports? Have you seen the yoga videos she recorded? Based on my ten years of yoga experience Come to see, she is a master, very awesome, no wonder whether it is the ice and snow of Changbai Mountain, or the prairie of XJ, you can see her doing yoga, it is so beautiful! She is simply an all-round Internet celebrity ,How did you do it?"

Because she will spend more time sitting in the live broadcast room, so after the live broadcast, she mainly focuses on sports shooting. Through the cooperation during this period, she also met a lot of people at XJ, and some of the young ladies found out After she is very knowledgeable about sports, she will go out to exercise with her after work. Naturally, she has a free photographer, and the videos she shoots will become very positive sports series after editing and production by her.

She will also give advice on various sports such as running, aerobic, yoga, etc. according to the amount of daily exercise. How to do it will not hurt yourself, so that you can exercise yourself effectively. Many people hope that she will start a live broadcast and want to practice with her.

For this reason, she also made a special schedule. For example, after waking up in the morning, do yoga for an hour and a half, then have breakfast, start the day's work, have an hour of aerobic exercise at noon, and run at night in the evening.

There are three time slots a day for sports live broadcasting, during the day the studio will live broadcast and bring goods, and all activities will stop on weekends because she is going to participate in two days of closed training.

Skiing is an aristocratic sport. Without enough money to support it, you may not even be able to hire a coach.

In addition to personal talent, an excellent coach can bring out world-class players who make people shine.

In just half a year, Chu Qian had already changed two coaches. With the improvement of her coaching skills, she has been selected as a professional athlete for her comprehensive strength, and joined the professional ski team of the J provincial team.

In July, she went back to her hometown in Province G to apply for a passport, because she didn't want to rush to apply for a passport when she went abroad in the future.

Taking advantage of this trip to province G, she went back to her hometown. She asked the driver to take her back to her hometown at night when it was dark.

Sure enough, I didn't run into anyone in the village at this time, not even my brother who didn't live up to expectations was at home.

Parents and younger brother were surprised when they saw her suddenly come back. After the surprise, mother rushed over and hit her hard on the back more than ten times.

Her father patted the table and made her kneel down, "You unfilial daughter, do you still have the face to come back? Do you think our life is not miserable enough?"

Chu Qian watched their reactions indifferently, and let them vent their dissatisfaction. After they calmed down, she just pulled up a chair and sat down.

"It seems that you have finished speaking, is it my turn to speak now?"

"You raised me, that's right, so I did my best to provide you with living expenses, and I also promised that you will be hospitalized in the future, and I will pay for your medicine and nutrition. If my younger brother can pass the university entrance examination, I pay tuition and living expenses during college, but I don’t care how to live after graduation. I don’t care about my elder brother. Slander me, what's the result? Hehe, this is called self-inflicted, you deserve it!"

"You can beat me and scold me, because you are my parents, you gave birth to me and raised me, and I can't refute or resist, but that doesn't mean I agree with your actions, my elder brother grows up like that, he eats everything Yours, do you feel better in your heart? Do you feel that you are doing the right thing? Who has paid the most for this family since childhood? I started cooking at the age of five and left home to work at the age of 15. Do the math yourself. Are you treating me one-tenth as well as my elder brother and younger brother all these years?"

"I can't hate it anymore. I'm a girl. I have to get married sooner or later. You have two sons, and it's not my turn to take care of them. I will pay for it in the future. I won't pay anyone. The living expenses are 1000 yuan per month every year. You can't be shaken, little brother, listen, if your parents are sick and hospitalized, I will pay for the expenses, but it must be reasonable and legal, it must be real, you can't lie to me, you are an intellectual, you are a high school student, you should know the morality of people No matter where you want to go, I can only trust you, and you can only rely on me, after all, your parents can't afford your college money, and their money has long been scoured by the elder brother."

"I came back this time for no other purpose. I just wanted to see you. I gave you 1 yuan for the holidays this year, and then paid you back every month. I think this kind of living standard is okay. As for What you do with the money is none of my business. Now that I’m back, I can’t empty my hands. This is 5000 yuan. Brother, you should start school, right? Have you collected enough for living expenses and tuition?”

When Chu Qian finally focused on Chu Gang, the younger brother burst into tears.

"Sister, the money you paid for the Chinese New Year has long been taken away by the elder brother. Now the card is held by the elder brother. He will calculate clearly when you send the money. It is not the parents who want to give it to him. The roads are all cut off.”

Chu Qian frowned, and subconsciously looked at her original parents: "How can you hold back?"

"It was the eldest brother who stopped them from saying that if the money was cut off, he would come and kill us. He seemed to be gambling. The eldest brother failed to save my sister. Often, dubious people came to our house to ask for debts. I was about to have a heart attack, and the money I paid for studying was all saved from them."

I didn't expect that Chu Qiang was so bad at the root, and it would be a disaster to keep this kind of person. Compared with letting his parents and brothers hide XZ, it is better——

"Where is that scumbag now? Do you know?"

Chu Gang shook his head, "I don't know, he's just a gangster, wandering around the streets all day long with nothing to do, and if he has no money, he'll come back to us for it, and if he doesn't, he'll smash it. Look here, but there are still valuable things? Sister , I'm sorry, we were forced to have no choice but to say those things back then!"

(End of this chapter)

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