The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1227 [1226] Under Changbai Mountain 3 (5000)

Chapter 1227 [1226] Under Changbai Mountain 3 (5000)

"What can I do if it's not empty? They probably will settle there in the future, and the land in their hometown has been rented out. Such a large yard has left me with many childhood memories. I am very reluctant!"

"I'm very surprised. Isn't Songjianghe Town the only way to go to Changbai Mountain? And it's the nearest town. Every household in your town should have a hotel or something? Why don't you stay in China and go abroad?"

"You silly child, even so, not every household can open a hotel, and it depends on the central planning of the town. You think our house is located in the central place. Our Gada is really remote, and there are not many hotels. People used to live, and if they want to live, they live in a good hotel, a hot spring hotel, in our place, "

Speaking of this, he shook his head, "It's not suitable for tourism development. Although the town sounds small, its actual area is very large, especially our Gada has not been developed, and the land is sparsely populated. It is still a forest area. Although some people come to Rent, but at that price, it’s better to leave it empty!”

"Then... can I live there for a while? When the tire is stable, I want to live there for a while by myself. I have longed for the mystery of Changbai Mountain for a long time. Mom, I want to live there,"

Because of her longing, Chu Qian even acted like a baby. Park Zhenying was so happy to be hugged and acted like this by a girl, so she kindly reminded her.

"It's possible, but the house needs to be repaired, otherwise it's not easy to live in. After all, how long has it been unoccupied? ... But, do you really want to live there?"

"If we can be separated..."

Chu Qian looked at her words and saw that Pu Zhenying was very calm about the separation of the family, so she continued to speak boldly.

"I would like to live under Changbai Mountain. It's beautiful there, but it won't be too late to settle down after I give birth. Mom, you won't be angry if I talk about the separation of the family?"

"Why am I angry? We should have separated after we got married, but you all came back suddenly, and we didn't have time to prepare. Our family's conditions are here. We can only rely on you to build a house. If you I like it there, and later on, the two of you will discuss getting some money for your uncle and let him transfer the ownership to you."

"The house over there is unoccupied, and it is empty. As long as you want to go, you can go at any time, but I don't worry about you alone. I can't leave your father's side. If you feed some livestock, then you can leave It’s gone. Fortunately, because it’s near the scenic spot, most young people didn’t go out to work. In my house alone, I don’t know how many people came to rent it. I didn’t rent it. Drop! If there are many people, it will be safe."

The more Chu Qian listened, the more her heart moved: "Mom, let's put it this way, I'll finish my confinement here,"

"Then you have to wait until this time next year, otherwise you won't be able to stand the cold over there, but it's much colder than ours in Hunchun. This matter can be done, but you and A Jun still need to discuss it!"

Chu Qian nodded in response. She really had to spend some time getting to know her husband.

Because there is plenty of time today, my mother-in-law took her to the autonomous prefecture first. There are three languages: Chinese, Korean and Russian, among which [朝] naturally refers to Korean. Even when the country is here, it can be understood.

Foreigners can be seen everywhere here, and they are well-dressed, simple and generous, with darker colors, like our 80s clothing features are North Korean girls; young men like to have their hair permed, and those who wear suits and leather shoes no matter when and where are H countries and Europe Ba, women wear clean and tidy clothes. Older women will wear a silk scarf around their necks. Younger women like to wear casual clothes. Those who show their ankles in winter are women from country H; girls from country E dress boldly and beautifully, while men They are very tall, generally 1.9 meters, very romantic, often see hugging and kissing, oops..., too open.

The capital of the autonomous prefecture gave her the feeling that the billboards were colorful, and she was dazzled by the sight, and there were the most Korean characters. Those who didn’t know thought it was North C South H!
There are also a lot of delicacies here, but they came here after eating, and it gets dark at four or five in the afternoon, so they have to hurry up.

First, I went to a place that sells computers and bought a laptop with as high a configuration as possible, and finally got it for 8500 yuan.

Seeing her mother-in-law's pain, she shook her hands and acted like a baby: "Mom, when I make money, I'll buy you a gold necklace and a gold bracelet."

"Hey, you little mouth," turned to the salesperson and said, "What are you doing in a daze, issue the invoice, and issue the invoice to us, in case it breaks!"

"Auntie, these are all with a three-year warranty, if you have any problems, you can take them here..."

After buying the computer, the mother-in-law turned to her and asked, "Do you want to walk around here?"

"No more transfers, let's finish our business early and go back early, we can come here any time."

"Okay, let's go back to Hunchun Maternal and Child Health Hospital and build your file."

Having said that, the mother-in-law was afraid that she would be hungry, so she ran to the store and bought her a bowl of fried rice cakes, a piece of warm corn, and most importantly, a cup of hot milk tea.

Oh, why are you so considerate, I really don't know how the heroine messed up in her previous life, this mother-in-law looks really good, doesn't she?

How can we get along to that point?
So when it comes to feelings, no matter what kind of emotion it is, it needs to go both ways. If you treat me well, how can I treat you badly?
My mother-in-law doesn't like to eat these things, so why don't you let her eat them, "Eat quickly, while it's hot, I'm still driving, don't let people come and go."

Just eating, drinking and chatting like this, after three or four 10 minutes, I arrived at the Maternal and Child Health Hospital.

My own van has no safety factor at all. My mother-in-law carries a computer everywhere, and when she builds a file with her ID card, she thought she would be discriminated against on the basis of age. Unexpectedly, the nurses here are of high quality. Without saying anything, he registered her and dragged her into a study group. After studying, he would give her a brochure.

This time I came to the hospital for another B-ultrasound, and only with this list will I create a file for her. When the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were standing on the edge of the stairs to read the B-ultrasound list, the accident happened without warning, Chu Qian Pushed by a force of gravity, she fell forward suddenly. The mother-in-law screamed and pulled subconsciously. As a result, the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law rolled down together. Protecting her, she also turned pale with fright, and shouted in a trembling voice.

"Mom... I hurt, my stomach hurts..."

As for the culprit, as soon as something happened, he was dragged away by his mother and ran away. As a result, he was surrounded by onlookers, and someone called the police at that time.

The mother and daughter didn't care about these things at all at that time, and the mother-in-law cried out in fright.

"Sissy, Sissy, hold on, the doctor is here, the doctor will be here soon!"

Then he shouted towards the top: "Come on, help, come on, my daughter-in-law is bleeding, she is bleeding!"

Nine out of ten women who can appear on this floor are pregnant women. The doctor in the outpatient clinic has already pushed the cart over, and together with the nurses, they carried the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law onto the stretcher. : "Please keep it for me."

Just now, she only cared about helping her daughter-in-law, and the computer fell to the side. Now that her daughter-in-law was being carried on a stretcher, she remembered the computer, picked it up, and threw it to the nurse. The daughter-in-law was together, not on a stretcher, because there was only room for one cart in the elevator, and they limped into the elevator.

After Chu Qian was sent to the operating room, Park Zhenying endured the pain and called the old man.

"Come here, something has happened, bring more people, someone murdered us in the hospital."

After hanging up the phone, the nurse saw that her face was full of pain, and helped her to go for an examination. If she didn't check, she didn't know. If she doesn't protect her, what will happen to Chu Qian?

Knowing that the person has been stopped and someone called the police, Park Zhenying gritted her teeth and cooperated with the treatment first, and then thought about the young boy just now, she really couldn't figure out why they offended him, and he wanted to do something like this .

Chu Qian didn't expect the child to say goodbye to her in such a way. She felt that she had a dream, dreaming that a boy was waving at her.

"Mom, I know you don't like me, so I'll go first, and I'll come to you again when you want me. You're fine, you must wait for me."

After waking up from the dream, she slowly opened her eyes, looked at the drip bottle on her head, and the monitoring equipment on the table, and knew that the child was probably gone in eight or nine out of ten.

Her eyes turned red as she felt sour. Although she never thought of having this child, she never thought of saying goodbye to him in this way!

Moreover, coming to file today shows that she is already accepting him tentatively based on the attitude of her husband's family. Why did he leave?

"Sissy, are you awake? Great, doctor, doctor!"

Chu Qian was immersed in her own emotions, mourning the child who had only been with her for more than a month. She didn't notice the mother-in-law who was lying next to her, sitting in a wheelchair, with her arms and feet hanging. The eyes were also startled.

"Mom, what's wrong with you? Did you fall when you rescued me just now? Is it serious?"

"Sissy, mom is fine, it's all skin trauma, but you, child... don't be sad, the doctor said, you are still young, as long as you recover well, you can have more,"

As she spoke, she began to cry. Just as Chu Qian was about to speak, there was a fierce quarrel in the corridor. She looked at Pu Zhenying suspiciously.

"The one who pushed you was a 16-year-old boy. You have the disadvantage that the month is too young. If the month is older, seven or eight months, and then cause placental bleeding, hemorrhagic shock, and severe infection, people may die. We don't care. I know why he pushed you, but it is a fact that the child is gone. The police came, and the family was willing to compensate [-] yuan, but your father and I refused. This is the eldest son and eldest daughter of our family. Sue him, you must sue he!"

"No reason? Heck, how could there be no reason? Why did he appear on this floor, is it that his mother is pregnant?"

Park Zhenying glanced at her in surprise, "How do you know? Just now he... Mom knelt down to me and your dad with her belly upright, we ignored her, we knew she did this, and wanted to kidnap us morally,"

Chu Qian frowned slightly, is she really pregnant?That child probably has a psychological problem.

But no matter what, she didn't intend to just let it go. She was 16 years old and a high school student. If she dared to push someone to death today, she would dare to kill him tomorrow.

"Let's prosecute, and we need to do an injury appraisal. Let's do it together. He must be held criminally responsible."

Park Zhenying saw that her daughter-in-law was paying attention, rather than being soft-hearted, so she couldn't help but nodded.

"How can they make trouble in the hospital?"

"I want to see you, I think you are young, and I am blocked by your father and the villagers as a breakthrough from you. Let's see, there is still endless talk about this matter!"

Chu Qian had a miscarriage, she still had a lot of bruises on her body, and her mental state was very bad. The doctor came to check her and found that there was nothing serious, as long as she took good care of her, she chatted with her mother-in-law for a while, and then fell asleep.

After staying in the hospital in a daze for a week, Jin Jun took him home.

Because her mother-in-law was also injured, she needed someone to take care of Chu Qian, and her father-in-law was not suitable, so it must be Jin Jun, so Jin Jun came back, and returned to his hometown within ten days after leaving the house.

The family finally proposed a compensation of 50 yuan but failed to impress them, so they insisted on making him legally responsible.

Her mother begged them with tears: "The child is still young and ignorant. He is just a little mischievous. He is not a villain, and he has to take the college entrance examination. Can't we forgive him? Give him a chance to reform, okay? Can your child survive at such a young age?"

"In that case, the child in your womb may not survive. There are still several months before the birth, right? Do you think there will be any accidents in the middle? Our child is none of your business? Rehabilitation? Are you out of your mind? That day you wore the same clothes as my daughter-in-law. My daughter-in-law fell down the stairs to prevent disaster for you. You stupid BC are still pleading for this kind of scum? Let’s dream, we are poor, we don’t have as much money as you, but we want to sue him, it’s easy, because he is already sixteen, an adult, he should bear his responsibilities, and pay us compensation, because this is You should give it!"

After Jin Jun learned the cause and effect of the incident, he felt extremely sympathetic to this woman, pity her pleading for the unworthy child with her stomach puffed out.

People like this kind of attempted murder are obviously distorted in psychology. If they let it go, they don't know what they will do in the future!
Anyone with a discerning eye could understand these words, but only this pregnant woman was unwilling to accept the facts. She was completely dumbfounded by Jin Jun's scolding, and was finally dragged away abruptly by her relatives.

Jin Jun has already consulted the relevant laws. In their situation, because three people are involved, the compensation will be around 20 yuan, and the sentence will be three to five years.

Seeing his daughter-in-law haggard so much in just ten days, he felt very distressed, and because of his anger, he didn't intend to let her go.

If he accepted the 50 yuan, not only would his wife look down on him, but even himself would look down on him.

Anyway, no matter whether they go to jail or not, they don't want to rely on a single cent of the money they should pay.

At the beginning, the child refused to admit that he had admitted to the wrong person. Later, under the temptation of Jin Jun, he admitted it. The stepmother, the stepmother brought him up since he was a child, and had a deep affection for him, but he didn't expect to raise a bad wolf in the end.

After being scolded by Jin Jun, the stepmother was so heartbroken that she never went to see her again, nor asked anyone to intercede.

Sure enough, people's hearts are the most terrifying, "This is the real white-eyed wolf who is not familiar with it!"

However, Chu Qian thought a little more: "If you can open your mouth, you can pay 50. Their family conditions are good, right?"

"Well, those who are in the trading business have some bad money."

"In the final analysis, it was all caused by money. Maybe this child was instigated by someone to say that the stepmother's child was born to rob him of property?"

Seeing that her mother-in-law was puzzled, Chu Qian explained: "There was a second-child family before, and when relatives came to celebrate, someone pulled my sister aside and said that you. Mom won't love you when she has a younger brother. All the delicious and fun things were given to him. As a result, the young lady took advantage of the parents' inattention and threw the baby who had just been one month old from the balcony. The height of the third floor, the child fell to his death at that time, and her mother collapsed at that time But that relative left in despair. People are not old, and some ignorant people got myocarditis, and they were told that it was such a terrible disease, and then they committed suicide by drinking medicine, in order not to hurt themselves family..."

After hearing Chu Qian's explanation, Park Zhenying sighed: "Then this child sounds pretty pitiful?"

"Mom, a poor person must have something to hate. He has no opinion and is directed by others. If something goes wrong, he should bear the responsibility himself. Poor? I don't think so. I can only say that this kind of person has shallow ears and is easily deceived." , mentally unhealthy."

Chu Qian's remarks made Jin Jun very surprised, especially the casual but highly intelligent performance she had when she talked freely, which was completely different from the obedient, hard-working, and inferior daughter-in-law in her memory, so she left Ten days, such a big change?

And after this confinement period, Chu Qian also saw that this husband was okay, he was able to take care of others, and he was also a loving wife.

It's no wonder that Chu Qian came here without asking for anything. It meant that this boy was warmer. She was often ignored in her natal family, and she got the care and love of others. That's why she made up her mind to marry him, right?
As for the ending and experience of the previous life, many of them have been faded away, but she can feel that it has something to do with Chu Qian's previous personality.

It’s the kind of inferiority complex who might not be able to let out a fart. If an honest person keeps playing such a role, people around will think that she is such a person. She works hard. She is used to it, and her relatives are also used to it. , When the oppressed one day learns to resist, everyone will feel uncomfortable, including herself.

Therefore, the saying that character determines destiny is not just talk, it is the experience summed up by the older generation.

(End of this chapter)

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