The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

第1221章 【1220】80丑女逆袭47(5000)

Chapter 1221 [1220] Eighty Ugly Girl Counterattack 47 (5000)

Wang's parents still looked at their daughter in disbelief. Wang Ting didn't explain so much because time was precious. After all, a house in a good location must be the first to act first. Besides, this is not a small offer, but a few points. The future market is still a high-end community, and the future appreciation space should not be underestimated.

The monthly repayment of the loan for 20 years is less than 3000 yuan, which may sound unbelievable to the parents, and they even think that they have enough money in their hands, do not take out loans, and give the money they have worked so hard to do cheaply. Developers and banks!

Wang Ting could only explain to them patiently. After all, they need cash circulation to do business, otherwise they will not be far from closing the door. Now the cash that can flow in their hands is only tens of thousands of dollars, and the rest is on the goods. Compared with the rent of 3000 yuan a month, why can't I pay the bank to support my own house?

Besides, the property right of this shop is 70 years. Even if the shop is doing business below and people live above, that's fine. In this way, wouldn't it even save the rent of the place where you live?

To put it bluntly, the parents just turned this corner and ran for three or four days before they paid the money, signed the contract, and they collect and pay taxes on their behalf. Don’t worry about this. The name is written on Dad’s. , he is the head of the family, so naturally he should write about him.

It's just that although the house was bought, it would take three to five years for the house to be handed over, which shocked my mother.

"Doesn't that mean you have to repay the loan in advance?"

"That's right, but our loan is for 20 years, it's not the same if you pay it back early or late!"

What's more, the price of commercial houses in this community in later generations is 1000 to [-], let alone the shops starting with [-], which has increased by a zero, and [-] square meters, so it can't be counted towards [-] million?Even if there is a price but no market, occupying the gymnasium and the night market on Jiankang Road, their future business will not be bad.

The state vigorously supports domestic brands. Wang Ting sees that her parents are doing very well, so naturally she will not take them to make international brands.

Anyway, they have been in this business for a long time, and they will naturally find a way out. Even if the brand will wither for a few years in the future, with the strength of the motherland and the advancement of technology, it will get better and better. Old dealers like them , will receive preferential treatment sooner or later.

The so-called never give up or give up, those who didn't give up even in the most difficult time will generally receive preferential treatment from the company, and she hopes that her parents can do that one day.

After paying the money to her parents, she explained what procedures to do in the future and what to do, explaining everything in detail. For the sake of this family, this girl is also heartbroken.

"Mom, our business has been doing well in the past few years, and I will write books as soon as possible to earn some money. Later, we will raise funds to buy a commercial house. This house, the sooner you buy it, the better. The country has been developing. How can the house price not rise? You Look at our rent, doesn't it also increase once a year?"

Parents think so, "Okay, I'll listen to you, seeing you are so busy and worrying about family affairs, more than 50, you can give it if you say it, the previous 20, girl, we,"

"How can a family speak two languages? Shouldn't money be spent wisely? You two should rest if you can, and don't work too hard! The body is the capital of revolution."

When Wang Ting left, she and Zhang Heng sent Wang Man to Tsinghua University. She was a freshman and had at least half a month of military training.

When I was traveling before, I went to Tsinghua University, and I went there to take pictures. I didn't expect it to be so long before I was admitted.

Zhang Heng was very envious, but Wang Ting encouraged him to go to the capital to take the postgraduate entrance examination.

"Since both of you have been admitted to your favorite school and have good majors, you'd better get a graduate degree before you start working. This is the highest degree in our country. Only with a higher degree can you have a better job waiting for you!"

The capital city is less than a thousand kilometers away from city C, which is much closer than starting from city Z. It took about ten hours on the train to arrive.

After that, I entered the flight training in the senior year, and my life was full and busy, but because of the lack of money, the safety degree dropped a lot. Fortunately, she is a dormitory for one person, so she can put it in the space to do things. She would waste time outside, but she had to be outside when typing on the computer, which also caused her to spend all her coding time in the normal time period.

The children have all gone to college, and Wang and his wife have stable jobs, making them a well-off family that everyone envies.

Buying a house is like doing business. They keep it from relatives. This time, even my aunt didn’t dare to say it, because it’s more than 50 yuan at one time. In the eyes of the couple, it’s something that they can’t even think about. , but unfortunately, the eldest daughter of her family did it, and showed her parents the books she had published. The girl's good skills comforted the couple, but at the same time, she was more guilty. After all, the children have grown to the point where they are today , the two of them really didn't help much.

The house in my hometown has been given to the youngest brother by default, and my father has never thought about what to fight for, especially now that he bought a shop in the city, he will not ask for anything, so while sending grandpa and grandma home, he kept the house Everything used was loaded into the van.

In fact, there is nothing left. It is nothing more than the furniture used when they got married. The useful and valuable ones, including the things used when renting a house in the county, have been transferred to the space by Wang Ting. Now the couple go home to clean up One pass, nothing more important.

So I gave the key to my uncle: "If you don't think this house is in the way, you can keep it. We come back during the holidays, and we can stay for one night. If you think it's in the way, or you want to build a new house, tear it down. , it’s up to you to dispose of it!”

Uncle Wu has already painted the homestead, and will build a house at any time. He originally wanted the homestead with his father, but because his father said that he would not build a house, the second uncle wanted it, and planned to return to his hometown in the future to support the elderly.

When the parents are there, they are still brothers. When the parents are gone, they can only be called relatives.

As for the land of their family, they have not moved their household registration, so the land is still there, and it is still rented out to others. With the increase in production, they can harvest hundreds of catties of wheat every year and replace it with rice, flour, grain and oil. Empty.

Wang Ting has already conducted a year of flight training in the elementary school aircraft, which is a low-speed, light, propeller aircraft.

The purpose of its training is naturally to lay the foundation for the flight training of higher education aircraft. During the flight learning process, flight instructors with solid theoretical foundation, familiar flight skills and rich teaching experience teach. Generally, one flight instructor leads two students. During the process, the ratio of teaching and learning personnel is 2:1, that is to say, two flight instructors train one pilot student.

After one year of training, Wang Ting has been able to proficiently master the piloting techniques of take-off and landing routes, dark cabin instrument piloting techniques, simple aerobatic and complex aerobatic piloting techniques, simple aerobatic piloting techniques of two-aircraft formation, basic navigation methods, night Simple weather flight and other basic driving skills.

After this year's study, the original [-] students survived the harsh elimination system, and all of them were promoted.

Because there are a lot of exams to be taken at the end of the course, so while training the flying skills, the four aspects of military, political, cultural and sports should also be comprehensively cultivated.

In short, she was so busy, so busy, that she couldn't even go home during the Spring Festival in 2001. It was her family who took the train to see her, and then went back home after playing in City C for a few days.

In contrast, both Zhang Heng and Wang Man are guaranteed to complete their studies at school, and do not need to work overtime and do such hard training.

Seeing her sister getting stronger but slightly tanned, Wang Man feels distressed. Fortunately, Wang Ting herself knows the hard work of training, so she often buys skin care products to protect her skin from the wind and sun.

She was already unattractive, but if the only white person was reduced to a disadvantage, it would be even more disrespectful.

At the end of her senior year, Wang Ting passed the assessments of flying skills, aviation theory and political theory.

In addition, the comprehensive assessment of ground military and military sports has also reached the level of completion of elementary school aircraft, so the aviation academy allowed her to graduate.

Next, I will go to Xishi to transfer to the higher education plane for flight training.

The school Wang Ting went to was the Air Force Engineering University of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, which was established in July 1999 after the merger of the Air Force Engineering Academy, Air Force Missile Academy, and Air Force Telecommunication Engineering Academy.

She is going to start a year of higher education training here, that is, the third stage of pilots. The first stage is theoretical study, the second stage is elementary school aircraft learning, and now it is the third stage of advanced education aircraft training.

When she was in the aviation academy, she had mastered the rules of flying activities proficiently, so she was qualified to transfer to the higher education aircraft training.

She didn't go home during the following winter and summer vacations, and only went back for a few days during the Chinese New Year. Although it was closer to home in West City, it could be reached in three or four hours by car, but the task was heavier, and she was a soldier. Identity is destined to gather less and leave more.

But in the autumn of 2002, Dad bought a sports lottery and won 18 yuan. After deducting the personal tax, there was still 10,000+ left. When he told Wang Ting the good news, it made Wang Ting, who had never won a lottery, very special. surprise.

"Dad, hurry up, buy a house. You and my mother will go to Tianxia City to choose a house. Has it increased to more than 3000 this year?"

"But the money is not enough!"

"How big do you want to buy?"

"My mother and I went to see them. They have four bedrooms and two living rooms with an area of ​​180 square meters, but the price is also scary. But you can get a parking space when you buy a house. Only this kind of big square house can give you a parking space. The big square house is 3500 yuan a Square, your mother and I have taken a fancy to a house with a yard on the first floor, where we can grow vegetables in the future, and a basement of twenty or thirty square meters as a storage room."

After being told by her parents, Wang Ting also felt that it was a good deal. The whole house plus the basement cost 66 yuan.

The liquid funds on the parents' side plus the winning money can make up a total of 30 yuan.

Wang Ting has 20 yuan here. The 20 yuan is the manuscript fee she earned in the past two years. When buying a house, not only the house payment, but also the deed tax, the initial installation fee for heating, etc., so after discussing with her parents, she decided to take a loan of 1500 yuan. It is also 5000 years, and the monthly repayment is [-] yuan, and the two loans add up to less than [-] yuan, which the two of them can afford.

So their family's commercial housing was finalized before the 2003 Spring Festival.

After one year of subsonic jet trainer training, Wang Ting passed the graduation examination and thesis defense with passing grades and was granted graduation.Not only obtained a bachelor's degree, but was also awarded the rank of lieutenant and appointed as a deputy company officer. After one year of high-flying training, he was awarded a bachelor's degree in military science. I am working continuously, and at this time I have completed the transformation from a pilot student to a pilot.

After graduation, because of her excellent quality in all aspects, she was successfully selected and sent to the aviation training base of the Fighter Flight Academy for fighter modification training.

Because fighter jets are the most difficult subject training, she will also be exposed to bomber and transport aircraft training in the future, and fighter jets can be piloted. These flying subjects can be regarded as the simplest air training for them.

The training period for the refitting training phase is one year (from the fall of 1 to the summer of 02). It is the connecting stage between the flight academy and the aviation unit, and it is also the transition stage from subsonic flight to supersonic flight.

Wang Ting can't remember how long she hasn't been home. Although the army life is harsh and fulfilling, she occasionally calls her mother in the middle of the night to complain because of homesickness. It is an uncontrollable emotional outburst. It will be much better.

These years, my parents are also used to her calling in the middle of the night. Although it is very impolite, the daughter's weak shoulders carry such a great responsibility and mission. They also feel distressed, so no matter how late, they all want to wait so long After a phone call, she was like a little girl to them!
Year after year passed so quickly, I almost forgot that I had entered the 17-year-old Mood for Love from the 22-year-old puberty. She was young and promising, with a strong psychological quality. She has become synonymous with Sonorous Rose here.

This year, she is the only rose, and she is still such a powerful general, even the male soldiers can't compare to her.

The key is not only professional strength, she has also become a leader in other aspects, especially in computer technology, her professional ability is not even inferior to that of an engineer, which is why the army cultivated her as the number one seed.

When assigning pilot students back then, I don’t know how many people came to snatch her. In the end, she chose the fighter jet herself, and that’s how she achieved what she is today. It's hard to survive, but Wang Ting has made great and small contributions (computer research) during the five or six years at school, and the army has even promoted her to a first-class pilot.

You must know that the promotion of the flight level needs to go through a rigorous assessment, and when it reaches a higher level of flight level standards, it can be promoted to its flight level.

The promotion of the class is based on the number of years. The class below 9 is promoted to one class every year; the class above 8 is promoted to one class every two years.

The Air Force currently establishes a four-level and fourteen-level flight hierarchy.

That is, the flight levels are divided into special class, first class, second class and third class.

According to the division of work, they are respectively called special-level, first-level, second-level, and third-level pilots (instructors), air navigators (instructors) and air mechanics (instructors).

Now Wang Ting has just been promoted to the standard of a first-level pilot, and she is still a fighter pilot. Although it was in 2003, her annual income has reached three times the average annual salary. On average, she also has 3000+ per month. The reason why There is a plus sign because they have a lot of subsidy scopes, and she doesn't have a fixed work unit, she goes wherever she needs, and travels all over the country.

We must know that in 2003, the per capita annual salary reached 12000 yuan, which is the salary standard of 1000 yuan a month.

She can earn three or four thousand yuan just after graduation, and the salary of 5000 yuan when she was high is already quite good.

In the summer of 03, Zhang Heng graduated from University and was successfully admitted to the School of Pharmacy of Tsinghua University, becoming an honorable graduate student.

The dentist has learned very well in four years, but he has also studied pharmacy in the past four years, and the graduate student has been admitted to the best graduate major, which is enough for the charm of our man during the class to be unmatched!

When Zhang Heng was 20 years old, he expressed his feelings to Man Man, and it was still in front of his parents. Wang Man did not refuse or agree. Although she knew that Zhang Heng was a good person, she only had brothers and sisters for him. love, and no other emotion.

Zhang Heng is really kind to her, and her parents are happy to see her, but Wang Man himself is not too cold, and everyone maintains a natural attitude in this matter. Zhang Heng did not force her to make any choices, but just regarded her as himself Driven by her motivation, she successfully became a pharmacist and was admitted to her school.

As for whether they can achieve a positive result, Wang Ting takes a wait-and-see attitude, and she can't do anything about the relationship, especially Wang Man is her own sister, and Zhang Heng has worked hard to help them take care of the family for so many years. To be honest, she just wants to Let them choose a compromise result instead of him repaying his favor and catering to Man Man. Man Man was moved and had to marry him.

No matter what the situation is, it belongs to the category of moral kidnapping, so she does not support it. She also told her family that they should solve this problem by themselves, and they will not get involved.

After the family van broke down, it was sold at a low price of 5000 yuan, and then I bought a minivan with higher configuration, all of which cost 6 yuan, which was the top price at the time.

Originally, my father said to buy another Santana car, but my mother thought it was useless, especially since they would go home during the winter and summer vacations, so they didn’t need it, so they didn’t buy it. They wanted to repay the loan several times, but the daughter refused to repay. Instead, they bought two small houses of 20 to [-] square meters in other places. In the words of the daughter, these houses are easy to rent and sell, and they are used for the transition. It's just right.

In the summer of 2004, after graduating from university, Wang Man was directly admitted to the postgraduate program of this school, and started her study journey again.

The biggest change for the children in the past few years is that they seldom ask them for tuition and living expenses. They are all tuition fees earned by their own ability. Sometimes I have to pay tuition fees, but the living expenses are all earned by myself, even if it is paid by the family, I don’t need it, saying that I can’t develop the problem of stretching out my hands for food, and I have to exercise myself to earn living expenses.

In the third year, there is no need for any fees. The independence of the three children can make the parents stand upright wherever they go.

(End of this chapter)

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