The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

第1215章 【1214】80丑女逆袭41(5200)

Chapter 1215 [1214] Eighty Ugly Girl Counterattack 41 (5200)

The first month is parachute training, and then another round of physical examinations begins.

After the [-]th, physical fitness, swimming, and professional knowledge will be arranged one after another. Because these people are top students who have passed five tests and cut six generals, the School of Aeronautics and Aviation has relaxed the assessment time for them. If half a year passes, After another assessment, if he fails to pass, he will be unqualified and will be sent to other suitable military schools or majors.

Before formally learning to fly, pilots have to go through a series of rigorous training, and parachute is the most important training subject.

Flight theory courses, physical training, mental health counseling, memory training, simulation cabin training and other intensive and multi-faceted training subjects have made Wang Ting's study and life more and more fulfilling, and even because of physical fatigue, she has no time to write for a long time. own novel.

Here, they learn about teamwork and unity, change their own personality deficiencies, and make up for their psychological and physical shortcomings. After all, not everyone is suitable for boarding the plane, especially during the actual flight. Various actions, under this operation, the shortcomings of the students are undoubtedly revealed.

Fear, overwhelm, airsickness and many other states have also caused more and more people to have self-doubt about their chosen career.

However, Wang Ting's performance surprised all the instructors, because since she was admitted to the hospital, she has rarely made mistakes in the past six months. She has been among the best in training and learning in various subjects. Can have a photographic memory, seems to be a born king.

Although she doesn't look good, she has proved with her strength how much determination and perseverance she has in choosing this major.

At the end of this semester, half of the 60 students were eliminated. When the school resumed, only 30 students remained. This is the cruel and harsh screening principle for pilots.

Their vacation is only 30 days. After [-] days, they have to go back to school for the next stage of screening. The remaining [-] people will still be screened out at the end of the semester. The sophomore is the starting point for formal pilot training. In the freshman stage, the knockout system is based on basic training and flight test training.

Looking back on this semester, the only thing that allowed Wang Ting to relax physically and mentally was probably their airline meals.

No wonder they all said that the food for pilots is good, it is really good, not everyone can eat a nutritious meal without heavy samples for a month.

Returning home during the Chinese New Year, Wang Ting finally felt relieved when she saw that her parents' branded sportswear store had officially opened during the National Day, and the business was booming during the Chinese New Year.

Parents are low-key people. They never revealed to people in their hometown what they do in the province. Even when they open a sports brand store, they only say that they are working for others. The girl writes a book and earns so much money. If you say How many people will be jealous of them if they go out?So instead of saying anything, they played the role of wage earners in a low-key manner.

Only the aunt's family knew that because of the short distance, they couldn't hide it, and when they went to sign the contract and do the decoration, the sister and brother-in-law helped a lot.

Therefore, as long as there are clothes in the store that they like, their mother will give them away for free, but the elder sister, elder sister and wife will take advantage of this?
They still gave the purchase price very honestly, this is self-cultivation and vision, in their opinion, it is already very good to be able to get the purchase price.

Mom and Dad's store is big enough, so they hired six fresh graduates to sell goods, she manages the accounts, and Dad patrols the store, each performing their own duties.

My sister's grades this semester are still excellent, ranking high. Even Zhang Heng has improved a lot. She was still in the top 200 before, but this time she suddenly advanced to the top 150.

"Keep it that way, it's great!"

Although she failed to guess the question, she felt that if she really wanted to finish the types of questions she had summed up, she would be able to pass [-].

Parents' shop does not have a holiday during the Chinese New Year. Whoever works overtime can get three times the salary compensation. The six shop assistants basically didn't think about it, and they all agreed.

Because there are so many people celebrating the New Year, Zhang Heng also helped to settle the accounts at the platform. She and her sister also joined the ranks of sellers. , and also brought a lot of special products, so even if they don't have much time to buy new year's goods, they have a very prosperous year this year.

Parents were very happy and said to her, "Your vision is really good. Since the opening of the National Day, the monthly income has increased from [-] at the beginning to [-] to [-] this month, and it is even increasing. If you can continue to be so good , Girl, our principal will be earned back soon."

"How much did you invest?"

"A total of 25 yuan, the money you gave, and your dad and I saved, we both went all out, and all the goods were laid out."

"Then what's the net profit for a month now?"

"After deducting the rent, tax, staff salary, water and electricity and other messy expenses, isn't it a promotion when it just opened in October? The profit is 30%, which is almost 6000 yuan. In November, it was more than 3 yuan, and it made almost 2 yuan. This month is amazing, [-] to [-] yuan, which is really much better than getting a dead salary at work."

As for the purchase price of the product, it is also different. T-shirts, sweaters, pants, shoes, thin and thick models, each type has a different purchase price. Mom set the total profit at 30%, which she thinks is about the same. It is only natural that business is good this month, and it may be easier for a while after the next year.

The distribution of goods must be recycled, and the distribution will not be in place if it is not recycled. Parents dare to go all out because of their trust in her.

"And the camera you gave me has also come in handy. When we go to Shanghai to choose and see the goods, we will use the camera to keep the bottom."

Parents rushed to open the business on the National Day of the National Day. It seems that after she left, they were in full swing to negotiate and decorate. It is really amazing to open in such a short period of time.

"No, half of the decoration is done first, and many people's promotional items have been purchased. We will sell the interior decoration and sell it outside. The formal decoration is completed, and it will be almost November."

Selling promotional items outside can sell for 2 yuan, which is really hard work.

When her parents started their careers, she was sincerely happy for them. Although opening a store is very difficult, they know how to hire people, which is very good.

She once said that she was determined not to invite her family to come over as a salesperson, and they kept it in their hearts.

"Don't worry, I'll just say that I'm the manager of this store, and I will never admit that I'm the boss. As long as your aunt and family don't tell me, no one will talk too much. Even your second aunt, I've kept it a secret until now. .”

Because there is no holiday during the Spring Festival, parents basically stay in the store except for taking time to go home for a meal next year.

Wang Ting's vacation is very short, she will report on the tenth day of the lunar new year, and she will return on the eighth day of the eighth day.

It is because of the lack of time that she has stricter requirements on Wang Man and Zhang Heng.

"Zhang Heng has mastered a lot of vocabulary in the past six months, and his reading comprehension is doing well now, at least he doesn't need to rely on guessing to do the questions. English will be widely used in our work in the future, which is very important, like we were eliminated this semester. , there are those who are abandoned because of poor theoretical courses, in this case, even if he passes other subjects and fails to improve his professional knowledge, he still will not show mercy."

"Sister, didn't you pass the third year of high school? The admission rate is so low, why are you still poor in theory?"

"Very few of them were selected from the army and had not experienced the transformation of high school. It was too difficult for them to learn those advanced flight theories, so they were eventually returned to the original army. In fact, not only pilots, but even special forces members The requirements are getting higher and higher, and the culture class will reveal its importance more and more in the future.”

"In the past, the requirements for being a soldier were not so high. After graduating from junior high school and high school, political examination, and physical fitness, you can be selected. But most of these are conscripts. If you change your volunteers, or start from a military academy, the salary is not what these low-level arms can achieve. , knowledge is power, you two, work hard!"

The relationship between Wang Ting and Wang Man and Zhang Heng is both a teacher and a friend. They are willing to listen to her words, and it saves them a lot of detours.

Although their parents don't have so much time to accompany them and take care of them, they have grown up to now thanks to Wang Ting's help. For this sister, Wang Man and Zhang Heng are equally grateful, and their strict self-demand is also Because of her encouragement, we can grow up to this day without slack.

She has always been the direction and goal they are working hard for.

Only when the parents' money is stable can their family's economy be stabilized. Only when the economy is stable can they choose the major they want to study without any worries.

Taking advantage of the time at home, Wang Ting finally wrote the beginning of her novel, and listed the outline of the beginning, so that the road ahead will be easier.

Wang Man and Zhang Heng were very curious about Wang Ting's studies, "Sister, do you also have four years of university? What do you study?"

"Well, it's also four years, mainly for basic education and training and flight professional learning."

"What is your basic education and training?"

"It's cultural classes, military theory, political theory, physical training, etc., which last for one year and eight months. We may learn many and varied things, involving many aspects. There are more than 30 classes!"

"for example?"

"For example, advanced mathematics, physics, and English in cultural classes, as well as theoretical mechanics, electrical engineering, and electronic countermeasure technology."

"What about military theory?"

"Includes courses such as Introduction to Military Basics, Aviation Psychology, and Parachute Rescue."

When it came to skydiving, Wang Man looked excited: "Tell me, sister, were you afraid when you skydived for the first time? I heard that some coaches kicked you down, is it true?"

Wang Ting nodded, "Yes, some people need others to force them, some people are born with fear of heights, and they can overcome it on their own, and some people can't overcome it in a lifetime, then they are destined to be eliminated. Our parachute is still a key subject. After all, if there is an emergency, parachute survival is equivalent to the protective umbrella of a pilot. I was also nervous for the first time. down."

Wang Ting's words made the two of them breathless, and they raised their eyes in disbelief. Under her smiling eyes, they nodded affirmatively.

"I really didn't lie to you. I was the first to jump down. I felt dead at first, and I rushed down with my eyes closed. I slowly opened my eyes, really, man, it’s so beautiful, I want to practice parachuting every day, the feeling of having a panoramic view of the scenery is amazing!”

"Then sister, has your physical training passed the test? Compared with a group of male students, will you put in more effort?"

Wang Ting couldn't help but sigh when she thought of physical training: "Physical training includes aviation sports theory, gymnastics, track and field, boxing, gymnastics with special equipment and other courses. If you pass the test, you can only run the distance by walking. What should you do? You can only practice. Others run 3000 kilometers, but I only run 60 kilometers, 30 kilometers. If my feet are blistered, I have to persevere. Your sister and I have the spirit of not admitting defeat. But it has affected a lot of people. Now, you see, I have successfully passed the assessment of the first semester and successfully promoted. [-] people will be eliminated and [-] people will be eliminated. There will be another round. In the end, we will only keep ten people! If ten people If it’s not good enough, then reduce it to eight or even less, it’s not an exaggeration to say that it’s one in a million.”

When Wang Ting spoke, her face was filled with excitement and yearning, and Wang Man was envious of the appeal from the heart.

"Sister, what you said is that I want to fly too. Zhang Heng, do you want to fly a plane too?"

Zhang Heng nodded empathetically, "The charm of the blue sky and white clouds is indeed irresistible, Tingting, maybe the two of us can give it a try."

Wang Ting raised her eyebrows: "Are you... sure?"

Wang Man gritted his teeth and nodded, "Sister, I'm sure, you can do it, I'm your sister, I can't lose, how about we go to the sky to be sisters?"

Wang Ting looked at Zhang Heng, Zhang Heng smiled slightly: "Maybe, I can choose Lu Hang?"

The sudden decision made by the two brought tears to Wang Ting's eyes, "Okay, they are both good boys, so I will just wait for your good news?"

"Then, how long does it take for professional flight training?"

"It takes almost two years and four months, mainly for aviation theory study and flight technology training. For example, aviation theory courses mainly include aerodynamics, flight mechanics, air navigation, aerial shooting, aviation meteorology, professional English, etc., Therefore, you must learn physics and English well, as well as geography. We pilots should always look at the coordinates. We often use geography knowledge and so on. You must study hard. Remember to strengthen physical exercise, protect your eyes, and do these things , it’s basically a sure thing.”

After the political trial, Wang Ting has already helped Wang Man find the way, and Wang Man is even better than her. She is only 15 years old this year. As long as she has excellent grades and passes the medical examination, the army will not miss such a top talent.

"When we are proficient in flying technology and have the ability to fly independently under simple weather conditions during the day, complex weather during the day and simple weather conditions at night, we will be able to graduate. After graduation, we will obtain a bachelor's degree. Of course, if you If they are good enough, they will be awarded a bachelor's degree in military science, appointed as a deputy company flight officer, awarded the rank of lieutenant in the Air Force, and those who are outstanding can be appointed as a full-time company flight officer. The most important thing is that in the army, there are too many outstanding talents. It was handed over by each family, and we female flyers are even rarer, so you don’t have to worry about getting married?"

Wang Ting's desire to fight side by side with Wang Man has become more and more urgent after her sister's decision. Besides, she is right. Finding a colleague in the Air Force can definitely make up for the lack of a rare occupation like a soldier at home. Pity.

"Then sister... have you met someone you like?"

When Wang Man said this, an unnatural blush appeared on Zhang Heng's face. Zhang Heng looked at her face, and there was more tension in his eyes that he didn't notice.

Wang Ting glanced at Zhang Heng's reaction, and couldn't help but ask him in turn.

"Are you sure you want to choose Lu Hang? The three of us have lived together for so many years. Why do you want to abandon us when you go to Lu Hang alone?"

Zhang Heng's face turned red in disbelief, "I, didn't I just say that casually?"

"Just say it casually, and we will take it seriously. How about it? Do you want to fly together?"

Zhang Heng hesitated, "Then parents..."

"Can the three of us transfer? They are still young now, so it's okay to take over by then?"

As soon as these words came out, Zhang Heng didn't hesitate any more, he gritted his teeth and beat the table: "Fly!"

The corner of Wang Ting's lips curled up, "Then you have to work hard! I'll wait for you at the airline."

A person's life is very short. In the past, she might have thought that it was enough to have her alone in the family. Letting them stay in a safe position, the parents had something to think about, but after six months of tempering, she saw it. Their family didn't have a throne to inherit, they lived an ordinary life and died a great death, and being able to sacrifice their lives for the motherland would not be in vain for her decades of hard work.

Moreover, their flying age is very short, and they will be grounded at the age of 45 at most, or even earlier. Therefore, in their most youthful and beautiful stage, should they work hard for their dreams?

Wang Ting got on the return train in the early morning of the eighth day of the eighth day. She is now a military student, and she can easily buy a sleeper. Because she has enough time, she didn’t take the plane, and her parents didn’t have time to see her off. Zhang Heng and Wang Man sent her to the station. I bought a platform ticket and watched her get on the train before leaving.

Seeing their backs walking hand in hand, Wang Ting's lips curled up: "If my sister can get together with Zhang Heng, maybe it's a good choice!"

She has already seen that Zhang Heng likes A-man, but A-man is still young, and it is not known whether he will have such thoughts in the future.

Wang Ting bought the upper berth, because she got on the train in the early morning, so she planned to go up to sleep after getting on the train. The middle berth and the lower berth were already occupied. She glanced casually, and the person directly below her opened his eyes. , Wang Ting was taken aback?
I thought I was dazzled, until the man woke up and sat up suddenly.

"I, K, am I not dreaming? Wang Ting?"

Talking is the quintessence of the country, who is this person if not Gu Sizhe?
"Why are you here?"

Wang Ting also found it unbelievable, but she remembered that Gu Sizhe came from L City, so she quickly climbed to the upper bunk and lowered her voice to look at Gu Sizhe on the lower bunk.

"Of course I went to the Northeast to play. School hasn't started yet. I'm too bored at home, so I want to go to my relative's house. What are you?"

"Oh, I'm starting school, report on the tenth day!" Gu Sizhe rolled his eyes and suddenly thought of something, "That's right, your school is in City C."

Then he asked excitedly: "Can I visit your school? Have you touched the plane? Is it fun? Is it exciting? Is it fun?"

Wang Ting noticed that the neighbor had turned over and glared at him: "Let's talk about it tomorrow morning, sleep! Don't affect others."

 It's New Year's Eve, the last day of the Year of the Ox. I wish you all the best in the Year of the Tiger, with all your wishes come true, good health, and happy family!

(End of this chapter)

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