The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

第1212章 【1211】80丑女逆袭38(5200)

Chapter 1212 [1211] Eighty Ugly Girl Counterattack 38 (5200)

In Wang Ting's era, there is no sub-type of aircraft for recruitment. Later generations, that is, after 2015, are recruited by sub-types, because children's eyesight is getting worse and worse after the appearance of mobile phones, so if you want to do Pilots, if your eyesight is poor, even if you have undergone vision correction surgery, you can still find out, and you can't report it as a fluke.

After the indoor inspection, the outdoor observation of the psychological quality test will be carried out outdoors, mainly to test the ability factors related to flying. They are divided into different groups, vests of different colors, and numbers, and then complete their own group according to the group. observation task.


Coming out of the recruiting center, Wang Ting's doubts were completely gone. After all, the height problem had been resolved, and nothing else mattered.

With her grades, it is very easy to reach the first line. There is no problem in political examination and psychological selection. The only thing I am afraid of is physical problems. After all, she has not had a physical examination since she came here, so she can't relax for a moment!
The recruiting instructor said that in the future, admissions will be based on merit from high to low, and it will be the top among the admission batches of all colleges. Affect admission to other colleges and universities.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it has passed five levels and killed six generals. After all, it is not easy for the country to train a pilot.

"Are you going to be admitted to a military academy? Or a pilot?"

Back at school, Gu Sizhe and Sima Rui stopped her in the corridor, with a look of astonishment on her face. After all, many of the flying dreams are boys' aspirations, and few girls are so persistent and attentive.

Wang Ting has gone to recruit pilots, and she can't hide it, "Yeah, what's the matter? Do you want to choose a military academy too? A good man should serve the motherland! Isn't it?"

Sima Rui pointed to his glasses: "I can't be a pilot,"

"If you can't be a pilot, don't you still have military and police academies? If you have poor eyesight, you can take technical courses!"

Sima Rui shook his head, "I'm afraid I won't be able to pass the political trial. One of my uncles committed a crime and went in. He hasn't come out yet."

Wang Ting: "..." Looking at Gu Sizhe in a blink of an eye, "What about you?"

"Me? I don't serve as a soldier. How restrained are soldiers? I can't bear that uselessness,"

Gu Sizhe's answer really fit his character, Wang Ting gave him a contemptuous look, "Then why are you stopping me?"

"No, why can't you figure out how to become a soldier or a pilot? You said that your grades are so good that it will not be a problem to be admitted to Tsinghua University and Peking University in the future. Soldiers? Don’t you think the troops are aggrieved?”

Wang Ting was really too lazy to talk nonsense with this kind of person, so she just said to him, "It's none of your business?"

"Look, I told you not to let you say this, but you still don't believe me, have you been scolded?"

Sima Rui glanced at Gu Sizhe gloatingly, and then bumped Gu Sizhe with his arm while the students around him didn't pay attention to them.

"Hey, why do I think you care too much about others? You often try to use 'swearing' to attract people's attention. Unfortunately, I am very busy. From the first year of high school to the third year of high school, I don't even mention participating in competitions. Well, the future is the pillar of the country, you boy, tsk tsk, what do you mean?"

Gu Sizhe's eyes instantly widened because of Sima Rui's words, and then he stared at him like an idiot.

"Your sister, what nonsense are you talking about? Me? Attracting her? Are you okay? Do you see how handsome I am? Look at her again, just her, woo woo..."

Before Gu Sizhe could say the ugly words, Sima Rui went up and covered his mouth, for fear that Wang Ting would hear the obscene words.

She turned her head back and smiled awkwardly at them, then leaned close to Gu Sizhe's ear and roared angrily.

"If you don't care about it, you don't care about it. Why are you scolding? It's so loud, I'm afraid she won't hear it, right?"

Gu Sizhe whimpered twice, Sima Rui put his hand down, "Master, I think you are interested in her!"

Sima Rui suddenly felt like he was shooting himself in the foot with a rock, and he shook his head like a rattle.

"This sister can only be a brother, not a daughter-in-law. She is excellent, and we don't suffer from being mixed with excellent people, but being a daughter-in-law is not enough. We also appreciate ability, right? Who doesn't want to marry a beautiful wife? So, I With her, it's even more impossible!"

Sima Rui does not deny that Wang Ting is a very attractive girl, but it is limited to personal ability and future work ability. As for the man, hehe, he shook his head subconsciously: "It is better not to marry a daughter-in-law who goes home and becomes a wife." It’s good to be so strong, otherwise, if I don’t have enough ability to control it, I’m not throwing myself to death? Besides, the daughter-in-law is not good-looking, and the daughters and sons born are not good-looking, so... what’s the use of being good? "

If Wang Ting knew what Sima Rui was thinking, she would definitely nod her head very intuitively. After all, if she was a man, she would think the same way. There is nothing wrong with people thinking this way, but based on friendship, this kind of person is too calculating, maybe Maybe, she's not as cute as Gu Sizhe.

Don't look at Gu Sizhe's harsh words, he is usually joking and has a big heart, but he is loyal to others. On the other hand, Sima Rui may think about what benefits this person can bring to him, and then choose whether to be good or not, to help or not help.

To put it bluntly, it's too fucking realistic for a man!

As long as there are art exams and military exams in the first semester of the third year of high school, you need to prepare in advance.

The recruitment conditions are harsh, and the physical examination alone requires several times. At the beginning, the physical examination at the recruitment bureau could only be basic. Then in October, I went to the military hospital for a more detailed one. Hundreds of medical examination rules, and then there was no movement, waiting for the notification.

Because of her busy schedule, the students in the class naturally have no time to take care of her, and she won the National Olympic No.8 result, and also participated in the training team, and has many skills such as writing, calligraphy, English, etc., so she was recommended by the National People's Congress When it was delivered to her, she thought she was dreaming.

Although it is not Tsinghua and Peking University, Renmin University is also part of the 985 project. It is a pity that she wanted to go to the army to recruit students, so she had no choice but to turn it down. I don’t know how many students in the class envy her.

What was even more unbelievable was that the second recommended spot was handed over to Gu Sizhe. Only then did she know that this guy won the national No.3 result in the Olympic chemistry competition, but he actually refused to go abroad to compete , I don't know what kind of style he is smoking. Sure enough, his brain circuit can't be thought with a normal brain.

Because of this achievement, he was recommended by Peking University in advance. Gu Sizhe happily accepted it while talking about her stupidity. He is interested in this, why not go to the Chemistry Department of Peking University?A fool would not go!

Wang Ting: "..."

Sima Rui then also received double recommended places from Tongji University and Tsinghua University, and chose Tsinghua University without a doubt.

Afterwards, one after another students in the class received recommendation notices, and by the end of the semester, seven or eight of them had already been recommended.

There was nothing wrong with Wang Ting's physical examination, and she just had to wait for the next year's political investigation, and she had successfully passed the first few items.

The winter vacation of the third year of senior high school is only seven days, from the [-]th to the sixth day of the junior high school, and the rest of the time has to come to school to attend classes. The teacher doesn't care what the recommended students like to do.

Wang Ting also completely calmed down. Although she had no other tasks, she returned to the campus honestly.

Gu Sizhe and Sima Rui didn't come over for the winter vacation. They have Peking University and Tsinghua University, so they can have as much fun as they want.

After Zhang Heng's winter vacation, his parents let him come to Z city. They didn't plan to go back this year, so Zhang Heng and Wang Man calmed down and went to study.

Maybe it's because the first year of high school is much more difficult than the middle school, so neither of them is in the mood to do small business.

Honestly stay and study in the small yard of the bungalow, sharing the examination papers and examination content of their respective schools.

Of course, I didn't forget to take out all the papers she made back then for comparison. In this way, the papers of the three schools formed a sharp contrast.

Even though L No. [-] High School is the best high school in L City, there is still a certain gap between Foreign Language and No. [-] Middle School!
Fortunately, Zhang Heng has a cheat, and he cherishes this opportunity very much. He copied the papers again, did it again, picked out the questions he didn't know and made them into a wrong question book, and analyzed and practiced them over and over again.

This is the method Wang Ting taught him, and he has been doing this all the time, and the effect is naturally good. Whenever he sees such a question type, he can instantly figure out the answer steps in his mind, which means that he really knows it.

There are endless papers in the third year of high school. There are no classes during the winter vacation, and there are papers every day.

It stands to reason that the first grade shouldn't be so hard. It stands to reason that she should be admitted to one of Tsinghua University and Peking University, but why was Wang Ting recommended by the National People's Congress instead?This is a bit unreasonable, right?
Many students have doubts. Wang Ting didn't take it seriously. No matter which school they recommend her, she won't go. Since she doesn't go, why do she still think about those things?

How did Wang Ting know that it wasn't that she was not good enough, but that after the school knew of her intention to recruit, there was no recommendation for her.

Because the students who are recommended to go to university can only choose some majors, not all majors can be recommended, so if they want to get the students who want to go to the major, they will give up the recommendation and take the college entrance examination. Of course, these people are very concerned about their college entrance examination. Great grasp for kids.

Recommended students are recommended by their respective schools, but not all schools have this qualification, and as the NO1 key high school in southern Henan Province, they naturally have this qualification. Participate in the national general college admissions unified examination and directly enter the school.

Because she didn't go to Qingbei, the school talked to her several times. After all, it was about the first line and the admission rate of Qingbei. Her record is so good, why did she choose to recruit?

As for the admission to the National People's University, it was entirely because one of the teachers who led the Olympic competition was a teacher from the National People's Congress, and because she had paid attention to her, she directly sent the recommendation notice to the school. Unfortunately, she declined it.

During the New Year's Eve holiday, Wang Ting took the bus back to their current home. This was the first time their family spent the New Year in Z City. Dong Xiangyang went back on the 25th of the twelfth lunar month.

"Look, why did you come back? We thought you were on vacation in the afternoon, and we were planning to pick you up at night!"

Zhang Heng quickly took her backpack, Wang Ting rolled up her sleeves and went to the water pipe to wash her hands, explaining with a smile.

"I was able to leave yesterday afternoon, but because I had a few unfinished papers, and I wanted to wash and hang up the quilts and sheets in the dormitory, so I was delayed for a long time. No, it was just for the lunch at noon. Those who came back, our dormitory is all local, they left yesterday, if they hadn’t left, the washing machine would have to line up to use it!”

Wang Man was shocked, "Your school dormitory still has a washing machine?"

Zhang Heng also looked at her enviously: "There is only one bathroom on the first floor of our school. I remember Tingting said that their dormitory is independent."

Wang Ting thought it was nothing at first, until she remembered that it was still in the 90s, even she was stunned, yes, isn't this treatment a little too good?

"Every dormitory has it?"

Wang Ting shook her head, "I don't know, I haven't been to other people's dormitories. Except for my roommates, I seldom communicate with my classmates. Everyone usually studies, and even if they talk, they only meet in the water room. It's just a hello, so to speak, it's really... quite proud!"

Wang Ting didn't know that the school's washing machine was donated by alumni, that is to say, why the alumni who graduated before donated it to the school instead of books. It is estimated that it has something to do with the crimes he suffered in this regard when he was a student.

High school students have precious time. Instead of wasting the time of washing clothes, it is better to read a book for a while. Of course, this is the official language.

It is really hypocritical to say it in private, but if they know that washing machines are charged, it is not difficult to understand the significance of this donation, right?
The high school campus meal card is used for meals, fetching water, bathing, washing machines and other facilities, as long as you use it, you will be charged.

Wang Ting seldom uses the public washing machine, and only uses it when the bed sheets that cannot be washed are covered with a large cotton jacket. If she uses it every day, the 500 yuan has long been used up.

In the mid-90s, it was not uncommon to have such a card-swiping chip machine. The washing machine was placed in their dormitory. If it was placed in the corridor, she might not know how to use it.

Because there are too many unhygienic people, some people put underwear, shoes, and socks. This has nothing to do with boys and girls, but has to do with quality.

There is no heating in the small courtyard of the bungalow, but Dad bought a stove and ventilation pipes, which are traditional stoves for heating.

Although this is a bit dangerous, as long as you open a window in the house and pay attention to the sealing of the pipes, the problem is not big. After all, in the 90s, when there was no heating, it was always heated like this.

For this reason, Dad bought a lot of briquettes, two rooms and two stoves. After going to bed at night, put a pot of water on the stove. The temperature of the room has increased.

After the stove was turned on, it was not so cold. The three of them, mother and daughter, shared a room, and father and Zhang Heng shared a room.

When grandpa came here, he bought a bunk bed, which is just in use at this moment. Dad sleeps on the lower bunk of the bunk bed, and Zhang Heng sleeps on Dong Xiangyang's original bed.

"Is it crowded? If it is crowded, I will find a way to get you a wooden bed."

After the reunion dinner on New Year's Eve, Dad entered the room and looked at the 1.5-meter bed, feeling a little worried.

Wang Ting shook her head, "It's okay, Dad, we're next to the wall. My sister and I are foot to foot. We're skinny, so it's still warm. Isn't that how we slept in our hometown before? It's fine, don't worry about it."

The reason why they celebrate the New Year in Z City this year is because their parents haven't taken them out for a walk all these years, so they want to take this opportunity to hang around more.

Wang Ting is in her third year of high school, and the holidays are only a few days, which is very precious. They can go out to temple fairs on the first and second day of the new year.

They haven't installed a TV here yet, because if you buy a TV in this era, you need to install a closed-circuit TV (cable TV) or there are only a few channels. Parents don't buy a TV to save money. They usually listen to the radio and learn about the country. Big things on the line, rarely watch TV.

In addition, they are all junior high school students and high school students, and they don’t watch TV, so in the absence of TV, they rely on the radio to broadcast the Spring Festival Gala. After listening to it for more than half, they went back to their rooms to sleep around [-] o’clock. up.

At six or seven o'clock the next morning, I heard my father setting off firecrackers in the yard. Wang Ting and Wang Man woke up early. The sound of firecrackers never stopped all night. Will continue all day today.

There are traces of my mother offering incense in the yard. It seems that I got up a long time ago. Breakfast is boiled dumplings. This year I prepared two kinds of fillings, radish meat and celery meat. These are the traditional fillings in the north. Of course, there are also extravagant purchases of leeks. Yes, in their opinion, it would be nice to have celery meat.

I didn't even eat much for breakfast, so my mother ordered fifty in total. Five or six would be enough for Wang Ting, and so did Wang Man. My mother ate ten, and the rest was shared between my father and Zhang Heng.

After breakfast, my parents gave each of them a 50 yuan lucky money.

"We don't have any relatives to visit this year. After lunch, let's go to the temple fair. We can buy whatever we like. Ah Heng, don't be restrained. This will be your home from now on. Since you recognize us as fathers Mom, even though they are god relatives, as long as there are the two of them, there will be a share with you, regardless of who you are."

A soft sentence brought tears to Zhang Heng's eyes, "Mom and Dad, I will respect you well in the future."

Wang Ting looked at him with a smile: "Then do you have any plans, that is, where do you want to develop in the future?"

Zhang Heng said without thinking, "Of course I'm going to be admitted to the military academy. I will try my best to get into the military academy. Isn't the PLA Information Engineering College in Z City very good? Tsinghua University in the military is close to home, so it's convenient to take care of my parents." .”

Wang Ting looked at him in surprise: "Why did you enter the military academy?"

"Military schools do not need to pay tuition fees, and there are stipends for admission. If you have excellent grades, you can also be allocated. I am already one year older than you. You have already gone to military school. I think I can do the same. The money saved in this way You can send your younger sister to a good university."

Zhang Heng's idea was very simple, he just didn't want to burden his parents, he thought she was going to the military school to save money.

"Zhang Heng, you misunderstood me. I didn't go to military school to save tuition. I wanted to be a pilot. How cool is it? If you are a pilot, if you are thinking about tuition fees, you don’t have to. Even if our family doesn’t have one, I still have a lot of scholarships, I,”

(End of this chapter)

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