The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

第1205章 【1204】80丑女逆袭31(5000)

Chapter 1205 [1204] Eighty Ugly Girl Counterattack 31 (5000)

Once the title of the rural land is confirmed, it is rarely moved. As far as their local situation is concerned, it will not be moved for at least ten years. Therefore, even if Zhang Heng's family is left alone, the three acres of land will continue to be maintained. No one in the village is forced to move. It is already very humane for children to ask for debts owed by their parents.

Zhang Heng has the impetus to make progress, making money and flourishing, and feels that his life has reached its peak.

Three junior high school students are on summer vacation, and their daily life is actually more tiring than others who go to work. When other students are still sleeping soundly, they have already gone to the field to pick vegetables, and the morning dew wets their clothes. The dirt from the plants stained the body, and the sweat soaked the clothes. No one complained, and no one felt that it was hard work, because this is life.

Get up at four o'clock and arrive at the rural field at five o'clock. There are almost no people on the road, but if you go to the field, you will find that many farmers have already worked hard with hoes. It is hot in summer, and everyone will use the morning to come Work, and sleep at home when the sun is the most poisonous.

Because most people only buy vegetables when they get up in the morning, they must sell vegetables before they go out.

Working for an hour at five o'clock, the three of them worked together, and the vegetables were basically loaded into the car. When there were not many people planted and many people, they could arrive at the vegetable market on time after seven o'clock, and Zhang Heng was left to sell vegetables alone. When the two returned home, they still washed and steamed their faces.

Every night, Wang Ting makes the noodles, puts them in the space to moisturize, and when she comes back from the outside the next day, she washes the noodles step by step, uses fresh noodle juice, and steams the gluten.

In order to make the noodles, I also bought a small stove, one for steaming noodles and one for steaming gluten. In the middle, I quickly prepared the secret sauce.

The two of them were sweating profusely from their work, and after each tossing, they had to go to the bathroom to take a shower before going downstairs, otherwise they would stink.

In a hurry, the three of them were so busy that they were out of breath, and Zhang Heng rushed home as soon as the vegetables were sold out.

Sometimes, in order to sell more, Wang Ting took advantage of the night time to make more in the space. Anyway, she hadn't checked the daily quantity, so she could at least make forty or fifty more dough with the help of the space.

Although making cold noodle is monotonous, but fortunately, it has a surprising taste. She can also make rice noodle, but it needs to grind rice milk. Their kitchen does not have that much room for display, but cold noodle has time, so it will be poured.

A big portion for one yuan can basically fill you up.

Sesame paste, garlic, peanuts, bean sprouts, etc. all require cost, while cucumber and gluten are self-produced and sold.

In the scorching hot summer, even if the electric fan is turned on, the wind blowing out is still hot. The sisters have suffered a lot. For this reason, they have to use the refrigerator to freeze ice water every day. The hard ice water is frozen and placed on the electric fan. Blowing in front, anyway, the wind blowing out like this is cool.

Ice water costs ten yuan for a large cloth bag, 100 small bags. After melting, you can drink it directly as sugar water. The ice water in this era does not have so many additives, it is the most primitive sugar water, so it is so cheap.

Whenever I finish work and drink ice water, I feel comfortable and refreshed.

When it was 10:30, my sister and Zhang Heng searched for a place with a lot of people to sell it. For this reason, they made a special table and placed it in the corner below the first floor. Put the operating table on the tricycle, put ingredients, bowls and chopsticks, and clean water under it, and you can sell it directly.

In this era, there are already plastic bags. This is Liangpi, which is not exposed to heat. In order to avoid washing, they are all wrapped in plastic bags. The food eaten on the spot is eaten directly with a bowl. There are no tables, chairs and benches. Take away, a set of plastic cloth, Just pack the sauce.

Two people are selling it, and one person makes it at home, and takes it away when it's ready. By one o'clock in the afternoon, about 150 pieces of Liangpi are sold out.

When the two of them come back, her meals will be ready. They will definitely not eat Liangpi, they sell it every day, and seeing it is enough.

Two people during the summer vacation, regardless of the bad weather, as long as there are 45 days of hard work, the flour is obtained from the flour mill, and at the price of one yuan, they can make at least [-] cents, a profit of [-] cents , three people share equally, and one person gets a profit of [-] cents.

When there are more than one day, there are 180, when there are few, there are 100, and there are dozens of them. On average, 120-150 yuan.

In addition to selling vegetables, they sold almost 8000 yuan this summer.

It just so happened that I had to pay the rent this year, and the rent rose to 1000 yuan in the second year. I had to pay management fees, water and electricity bills, and briquettes. These expenses were almost [-] yuan.

Of the 7000 yuan, 3000 yuan was used as a cost, and the remaining 4000 yuan was divided among the three of them.

"Tingting, I can't take this money. Take it and pay my tuition in the future. I'm afraid I'll lose it if I take it."

The younger sister also doesn't want it. In her opinion, what belongs to her elder sister belongs to her, and what belongs to her is also her elder sister's. There is nothing wrong with keeping the two sisters' money together.

The seven thousand plus the eight thousand she had saved before made a total of 5000 yuan, and those odds and ends were not counted, and there were hundreds of dollars in total, which had to be used as daily income.

At the same time, the 2 yuan she saved earlier also expired in July. For this reason, she made a special trip to Z City to withdraw the money. The principal plus interest reached 7 yuan in one and a half years.

The money plus the 37268 yuan is 37000 yuan. Because it is not yet known when the money for her publication will come back, she has only saved the money for half a year, 8.82. The interest for half a year is 1%. By January, the expected income There are 3263 yuan, and then we can round up an integer of [-].

The change in my hand is almost 500 yuan, which is the balance after deducting all the rent, utilities, and management fees.

After entering autumn, there are not as many dishes as in summer, and selling them for two days on weekends is enough for their living expenses for a week.

Even if there is no publishing money, the money alone is enough for them to buy a house of [-] square meters in Z City.

In Wang Ting's heart, Zhang Heng has long been regarded as a member of the Wang family. Her future goal is to go to Z City to study high school and buy a house in 95. Now that her family has settled down in City Z, she plans to let her parents open a small supermarket, and she doesn't want them to work for her second aunt anymore.

Parents are in good health, which is better than earning more money. Although there is no son in their family, Zhang Heng is a good child. He can be recognized as a godson by his parents. Even if he can't keep up with her and Wang Man in the future, stay behind In City Z, I can also help take care of one or two at home.

This is not moral kidnapping, this is repayment, because without her, Zhang Heng is just a little beggar, so she has reason to ask him to help take care of his parents.

Grandpa lived in Z City for two months. At the end of July, he took advantage of the delivery truck at home and came back. Later, his second uncle delivered it to Uncle Fifth's house in person. Parents don't have to worry about Grandpa anymore.

In the middle, she and her younger sister went back to look at it. Grandpa looked very good, and he lived in City Z very well. He also planted vegetables in the yard and raised chickens. If it weren't for the rotation of several sons, I really want to live there. If he doesn't come back, it's obvious that his parents treat him well, otherwise he wouldn't be too happy to leave!
After school started, Zhang Heng was obviously more confident than before. He was promoted to the sixth class of the second year of junior high school, and he was no longer the bottom of the ninth class.

Wang Ting, on the other hand, skipped a grade and went to the fourth year of junior high school because she wanted to go to City Z earlier. Now that Wang Man and Zhang Heng are taking care of each other, she can safely enter the best high school in City Z.

Wang Ting took the grade-skipping exam after school started. Before the exam, she consulted with Wang Man and Zhang Heng.

This was the first time Zhang Heng knew about skipping a grade other than repeating a grade, and what he didn't expect was that Wang Ting succeeded in one attempt.

The scary thing is that even if you skip a grade, you still get into the key class.

Although her student number was the last one, it was still added in, but in the first monthly exam, she was sure to occupy the No. 3 grade.

In the second monthly exam, he directly dominated the rankings. This wave of manipulation directly stunned the principal and all the teachers and students.

Some teachers even asserted, "Cultivate well, this is the seedling of Tsinghua University and Peking University!"

In November 1993, Wang Ting participated in the provincial physics competition. After the rematch of the preliminary competition, in January 11, she won the first silver medal in this competition in Y City. Before her, let alone a silver medal, she even had a bronze medal. None, even many contestants were eliminated in the preliminary round.

The silver medal scholarship of 3000 yuan in this physics competition was won by Wang Ting again, and she even booked the National Physics Competition for Middle School Students in April next year.

The principal of the No. [-] Middle School almost lost his smile with his happy eyes, and he often went to the Principal of No. [-] Middle School to make a fuss, saying that he had given him a good seed from Qingbei for nothing.

The principal of the No. [-] middle school was so angry that every time he went to the Education Bureau for a meeting, he felt a puff of anger in his chest, unable to get up or down, it was extremely uncomfortable.

The good news continued. At the end of January, the publishing house gave her a bank card of 1 yuan, which was regarded as the share of the first publication.

Five thousand yuan seems to be a little more than she expected, and her second novel has also been sent to the publishing house, and the book number is being calibrated for approval.

The name of the second book is "Years Are Like Songs". The heroine Wen Ruge is an authentic BJ girl. She has three sons and two daughters in her family, but she sent the frail and sickly girl to Beidahuang to become an educated youth. God help, she couldn't get through it at all.

Even so, they still suffered a lot. In order to compete for the heroine, several female educated youths staged all kinds of plots and calculations with jealousy, especially when they learned that they could participate in the college entrance examination and win places. The bottom line, but because there is no quota, he missed the hope of returning to the city.

The male protagonist and the female supporting role were admitted to the university together, and the female protagonist finally married the local hardworking and capable male supporting role after failing to get a recommended place for three consecutive years.

The husband and wife worked hard to get rich. Life was hard in the early stage and prosperous in the later stage. She did not give up her studies because she did not have the opportunity to go to university. She always insisted on self-study and paid attention to policies. A group of people.

This novel is divided into two volumes, with a total of 50 words. The writing is even more exciting than the first one. It covers family, love, career, and various tests of human nature. It can be said to be a leader in realistic novels.

After reading the first draft, the publishing house was very satisfied, and even ordered [-] prints in one issue, which shocked her greatly.

After the 95000 yuan arrived in the account, the previously deposited money also arrived in the account, plus the withdrawn deposit of [-] yuan, the bonus of [-] yuan, and the money saved over the past six months, a total of [-] yuan was deposited.

After getting the money, Wang Ting didn't rush to buy a house, because the houses in Z City hadn't been built yet, so she didn't rush to buy them. She had to wait until the real estate market started to rise in 10.98 before choosing a good real estate. All of them were deposited in the bank, with a one-year interest rate of 1995%, due in January 1, with an interest rate of 10431 yuan.After [-], the house is much easier to buy.

During the winter vacation of 1994, although she did not participate in selling Spring Festival couplets, her younger sister and Zhang Heng went out early and returned late every day to sell Spring Festival couplets.

Because these Spring Festival couplets were written when she was practicing calligraphy, it didn't delay her time to prepare for the competition in January.

This year, they earned more than 300 yuan just by selling Spring Festival couplets. As prices began to rise, even the price of Spring Festival couplets also soared.

The income was twice what it was last year. Apart from these increases, food and drink, including wages, also increased.

In 1992, the total annual salary was 2711 yuan. In 93, it was 3236 yuan. In 94, it increased to 4538 yuan. The average monthly salary was nearly [-] yuan.

The salary of parents has also risen to [-] yuan a month. The so-called average salary is the average salary of the top of the pyramid and the bottom of the pyramid, so this [-] yuan can only be regarded as the bottom salary.

My parents work part-time for my second aunt, but they have a lot of work every day, and there is no rest day. It is open all year round, and 500 yuan a month can only be regarded as quite satisfactory, but it cannot be said to be high.

She also heard that her parents' salary had risen from [-] a month to [-] today, so the savings of the two of them was at least [-] to [-].

During the Spring Festival in 94, Zhang Heng spent the Spring Festival together at their home. As they get along longer, they are now like brothers and sisters.

This was the first time my parents saw Zhang Heng. This year they only spent the Spring Festival in their hometown from New Year's Eve to the second day of junior high school, and they went to the rented house on the third day of junior high school.

Also in this Spring Festival, Zhang Heng recognized his parents as godfathers and godmothers, and became Wang Ting and Wang Man's righteous brothers.

In the last study of the fourth year of junior high school, although she only won a bronze medal in the national physics competition, she won the gold medal in the national English competition. In one semester, she won two national competition medals. The bonus was 1 yuan, not counting the olive branch offered by Z City Foreign Language Middle School, it was simply a year of domination.

Subsequently, Wang Ting was admitted to the Foreign Language Middle School in Z City with the excellent score of No.1 in the provincial entrance examination in the province. She was also exempted from tuition fees and living expenses for three years. You just need to bring her to report.

When they heard the good news, their parents were in disbelief. They once suspected that they had hallucinations. They didn't believe that all this was true until the admission notice was mailed home. What followed was pride and emotion.

What I am proud of is my daughter's fighting spirit, and what I am moved is that they can still achieve such excellent results in a state of stocking, which is amazing.

Wang Man is equally competitive. After her sister skipped a grade and entered the fourth grade of junior high school, her grades in the second grade of junior high school have always been ranked first.

He even tutored Zhang Heng, a salted fish who entered the third class in just two years.

Self-disciplined students, no matter what state they are in, they can clearly set their own tasks. Zhang Heng is such a person. He works in the cafeteria without delaying his studies. He even heard that he works part-time during winter and summer vacations to earn money, and sells Spring Festival couplets in winter. , Selling Liangpi in the summer, meeting classmates who took the initiative to say hello, and even gave them away for free, I don't think it's a shameful thing at all.

Therefore, it does not seem surprising that an excellent person brings out two equally excellent people. It can only be said that the environment is too important.

This summer vacation was Wang Ting's last summer vacation to accompany them. The three of them worked together to create greater glories. In one summer, selling vegetables and cold noodle made a total income of 1 yuan.

The 2 yuan, together with the [-] yuan scholarship, will be deposited in the bank for half a year.

Her new book "The Years Are Like a Song" was officially released in 1994. It sold [-] copies in one summer vacation. After five months of release, the total sales volume has exceeded [-]. He is a well-known modern writer.

The background of the third "Nanny" was moved to the 90s, when she went to the city to work as a babysitter, with lighthearted humor and various tests of human nature as highlights, she even moved the arson case of the nanny in Hangzhou into this novel, It tells the story of four nannies in total. They are classmates, from the same village, or the same age, but because they entered the city and entered different families, their lives have undergone earth-shaking changes.

This novel is relatively short, only 25 words, and it can be done in one book.

It took only three months to complete the creation, and the manuscript was delivered at the end of August. The next step was the procedure of the publishing house, and she put all her experience into packing her luggage in City Z.

In the third year, the rent rose to 1000 yuan. My parents gave this money to 1000 yuan in total, and the remaining 2000 yuan was used as living expenses for the two of them. I thought you and she were going to study in Z city. I was somewhat worried, so I gave [-] yuan in one lump sum, which is tuition fees and rent, and living expenses can be earned by selling vegetables.

They have also saved some pocket money in the past few years. It is precisely because they know that everyone has a few hundred dollars in emergency, so they dare to save all the money.

Although the foreign language exempts her board and lodging fees, she still doesn't plan to live on campus, but to live in a space. When her younger sister passes the exam one day, they should also be able to buy a house.

The news of Wang Ting's admission to Z City Foreign Language has spread to the ears of all relatives in the family. In contrast, her cousin who graduated in the same year as her but failed to enter high school seemed much more lonely.

My cousin went to a technical secondary health school for three years. If she can be assigned to a hospital after graduation, that would be a good choice.

The sisters of the second aunt's family went to high school in L City. She skipped a grade, but she helped her parents win a lot of face. After all, they only gave birth to two daughters, but they survived in the strange eyes of others. many years.

(End of this chapter)

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