The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

第1203章 【1202】80丑女逆袭29(6000+)

Chapter 1203 [1202] Eight Zero Ugly Girl Counterattack 29 (6000+)

My parents were not far away, and when the family was supposed to be reunited, it was my uncle's turn to take care of the twelfth lunar month. But in the early morning of the 29th of the twelfth lunar month, my grandfather woke up in the middle of the night, only to find that my grandma fell beside the urinal and touched her body , It turned out to be cold.

Grandma left at the age of 66. She didn't enjoy the blessings for a few days, so she just went.

Because of grandma's sudden death, grandpa also fell ill. It was time to go to the hospital to take care of grandpa, and to take care of grandma's funeral. The whole family was very busy, especially grandpa was diagnosed with diabetes when he was admitted to the hospital. The diet in the future must be Be very careful, because what is terrible about diabetes is not itself, but its complications.

This year, Wang's family was shrouded in the gloom of grandma's death. No one was in the mood to celebrate the New Year. Grandpa was almost discharged from the hospital after the funeral. He was taken directly to the uncle's house. Because grandma passed away suddenly, the whole family did not have any signs. This is different from the previous life. In the previous life, she died of esophageal cancer. In the last year, she lived in extreme pain. In this life, she left without pain, which is considered a good thing.

After grandma left, grandpa's diabetes finally aroused his own attention, and he ate strictly according to the recipe prescribed by the doctor.

Because of grandma's affairs, parents didn't return to city Z until they started school, and they didn't even have time to visit the house they rented.

The second aunt promised to match my parents with someone. In this way, I would have to change to a bigger house, so my mother had to find a house when she went back this time.

The house is getting bigger, and my father plans to turn around and take my grandfather over. As for the land at home, I have also made proper arrangements and rented it to a big farming family with many sons in the village. They promised to help them grow and harvest wheat, and the reward was the second half of the season. , and wheat from one mu of land, and the harvest from three mu of land will be stored in the grain station for them.

With this, my father will not have to rush back in the future. After all, he is not willing to let the two daughters take care of his grandfather. After all, there are too many contraindications for diabetics. He is afraid that they will not be able to remember, and he is also afraid of taking responsibility. If something goes wrong here, it will be the responsibility of a lifetime.

Parents can't afford this consequence, so no matter how difficult it is, they have to take Grandpa over, and they have also discussed that they will go for two months at a time, and two months will be considered as completing the task of the year.

Wang Ting plans to grow the vegetable field at home, because her father did not make proper arrangements, not only their family's vegetable field, but also Zhang Heng's yard and small vegetable fields. They all plan to plant them, and Wang Ting bought them in her name. , Store it in the space and eat slowly.

She wants to cherish the past few years in junior high school. After she goes to high school in the future, she may not have time to grow vegetables. At that time, she will have to buy everything, so take advantage of this opportunity to stock up on more vegetables, and there will be no harm .

Zhang Heng did not slack off during this winter vacation. Not only did he thoroughly grasp the key and difficult points in elementary school, but he also taught himself all the exam subjects in the first semester of junior high school. Although he still didn't understand many things, at least he was willing to learn. Her daily life has turned into tutoring and reviewing last semester, and previewing this semester. This time, she joined Wang Man. She tutored two by herself, and she often made her mouth dry. Fortunately, there was space for hay to use as tea to moisten her throat.

On Saturday afternoon, the three of them went back to Wang's vegetable field first. The three of them worked together and planted the land after a weekend of tossing. I bought plastic sheeting and willow branches with better elasticity to build a shed.

This week is the Wang family, and next week is the Zhang family. The Zhang family still has some land in the front and back yards, plus the small vegetable field allocated to their family. How can Wang Ting have many generations of farming experience? Unambiguously, by the way, he also sold the useless things in the Zhang family's house for scrap, and tidied up the useful ones. The front and back of the house were tidied up. It used to be messy like a beggar's den, but at least it looked like a home after tidying up.

There is no formal gate in their house, only a wooden door and a wall made of bricks. If anyone wants to enter the yard to steal food, it is very easy.

However, as far as the situation of the Zhang family is concerned, it is estimated that no one cares about it, especially Zhang Heng went to school again. When people asked him where he got the money, he just answered lightly.

"My classmate's father is willing to sponsor me, and I will repay this favor in the future."

Because the land of the Zhang family has already been used to repay the debt, no one will force him to do anything on it. As for his uncle, he no longer bothers them. Every time his uncle helps him, he will quarrel with his concubine. He didn't want to see his uncle being blamed passively, so he should cut off this relationship, right?
Zhang’s land is close, so the types of vegetables that need to be taken care of are the ones that need to be taken care of, such as beans, cucumbers, tomatoes, eggplants, peppers, etc. If you dare not look at these vegetables for two or three days, they may be full. , so the Zhang family grows faster and more densely.

The Wang family grows green vegetables, such as lettuce, Shanghai greens, lettuce, coriander, leeks, etc. She will invite at least one evening self-study home to sort out these vegetables a week, and the picked vegetable seedlings are received in the space. It planted on the mound she pulled in, and tried to see if it could grow up.

She failed to use this method in the previous life. At that time, there was still space in the space, but in this life there is no field in the space. Maybe you can take advantage of the loophole?

After all, the picked seedlings are not easy to survive outside. They are too small to produce vegetables. It would be even better if they can be planted.

Now the money in her hand is in and out, and there is still 7000 yuan left. When parents left, they gave them another 1000 yuan.

Wang Ting thought it was too much, and felt that she had money and didn't want it, but her father insisted, and said that they can rent a house now, as long as they pay attention to safety and give them more money, he believes that they can take good care of themselves. I went home several times to see that they were healthy, and I was very relieved.

So she already has savings of 8000 yuan in her hand.

On the 28th and 29th of the twelfth lunar month, Zhang Heng sold it for almost 120 yuan. He only took 20 yuan of the money, and the remaining 100 yuan was still on the shoe cabinet of their house. Finally, the money was used to buy vegetable seeds and fertilizers. , plastic sheeting.

After the start of school, the tuition and miscellaneous fees of the three of them added up in a mess, almost 500 yuan. This money was given by his father alone, so what Zhang Heng said was correct, it was indeed his father who indirectly subsidized him.

Zhang Heng eats three meals a day at school, works half-study, and lives at home to study better. The three of them help each other and form a good tacit understanding.

Externally, Zhang Heng is also called cousin (cousin). Zhang Heng doesn't like this title very much. Obviously he is the biggest, but because he stayed one level, he suddenly became Wang Ting's cousin. It's no wonder he felt happy.

But this was done to avoid some gossip, obviously nothing happened, but when they were in adolescence, their relationship was a little closer, and some people made irresponsible remarks, so they simply recognized a cousin in name.

Zhang Heng really worked hard. He studied this semester well at school during the day, and went home to review the last semester with Wang Ting at night. After repeated practice like this, the effect was astonishing. At least judging from the current monthly exam, People's scores are higher and higher every time.

When Zhang Heng first started school, his grades were at the bottom of the class, and his student number was also the last.

But after the monthly exam, the teacher can see how obvious his progress is. The teacher who didn't have much impression of him last semester can always ask him intentionally or unintentionally this semester. After class, he kindly asks him if he has No problem.

What needs to be recited in the Chinese class is supervised by the early self-study Chinese teacher, and she will recite them one by one. After the recitation, she can go to the morning self-study. Therefore, Zhang Heng has no problem with reciting and writing, but the reading comprehension and composition are poor. As long as you listen carefully to the basic questions in class and do your homework carefully after class, there will be no difference. Only reading comprehension and composition that require a lot of reading to improve efficiency will lose the most points.

Algebra and geometry have been remedial lessons, and the effect is remarkable. Now Zhang Heng can at least understand the knowledge points taught by the teacher in class, which shows that the basics are well supplemented and logical thinking can keep up. Get twice the result with half the effort.

The worst thing is English, so now Wang Ting focuses on English, teaching phonetic symbols, teaching pronunciation, I can’t learn natural spelling, words are memorized by rote, and some grammar, it’s not that you copy sentence patterns You can remember it in books, and you need to practice more, listen more, and read more. But in this era, there are very few imported original sound movies, and TV programs are not always available, so the follow-up function of the tape recorder becomes Great way to practice.

The Zhao family itself has a radio with a tape function, and their textbooks have synchronous listening and reading tapes. Every night, she leads the two of them to listen, read, and speak repeatedly, and also conducts dialogue training with common sentences that she has sorted out. I also wrote English songs, taught them to sing, and found a sense of language.

Needless to say, this method has been launched, which first aroused their strong interest, and secondly, the dialect in the English song disappeared miraculously. She taught them Mandarin, language sense, and grammar, bringing the classroom into life. Come on, the progress is particularly obvious.

In the past, my younger sister was very partial to subjects, and she scored in the [-]s every time in English. After learning this way, she broke through to [-]s for the first time in the latest exam.

And Zhang Heng is even better, and he passed the pass, which is really gratifying.

Outside of class, she also took the two of them to the bookstore, bought all the workbooks that could be found on the market, and then selected type questions for them to practice.

Prepare for physical chemistry in the second year of junior high school. Only when logical thinking can keep up can you learn science well.

In mid-March, she received a letter from the provincial capital, saying that she had found a publishing house for her and wanted her to come over and negotiate.

In mid-February, she sent out the rest of the manuscript. Now that it has been reviewed, she thinks the manuscript is good, so she made an appointment to discuss the contract.

Wang Ting specially asked for three days off, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday, a total of five days, enough time for her to visit her parents.

Once Wang Ting left, the family would be handed over to her younger sister, but she was still a little worried about leaving the two of them alone at home.

Called my sister aside alone, and told me to lock the door of my room at night, whether I was taking a shower or going to the toilet, I had to be prepared. After all, Zhang Heng is a boy, and we are girls. Even if we are familiar with each other, we must be on guard. It is always right for girls to respect and love themselves a little bit more.

Although the younger sister seemed to understand but half understood, she was obedient and took her sister's words to heart.

So Wang Ting took her identity information, and the ID card has already been obtained. It is the first-generation plastic-enclosed type with a black and white photo.

In addition to name, gender, nationality, date of birth, first line of address, date of issue, serial number is printed out, the rest is the same as filling in the blanks, after completing with a black pen, stamped with a red stamp and over plastic, it becomes the first generation ID card.

She almost forgot about this ID card. She thought that the first generation ID card was from the 95 batch. After all, it was also sealed in plastic in 95. It turned out that it was the first time she saw a handwritten ID card before all the printouts. And after July 95, holographic see-through plastic envelopes were used for anti-counterfeiting. Before 7 and after April 95, they were all handwritten ID cards. The style and size were similar to those after 84, but the technology has undergone significant changes. .

She took her younger sister to apply for this ID card, and her parents also took advantage of the fact that they went to work on the seventh day of the first lunar month, but they had to wait for a month to get it. This task had already been given to the two of them.

With an ID card, it is much more convenient to go out. Even though there is no real-name system now, it is definitely not possible to sign a contract without identity information.

They made an appointment to meet at the coffee shop downstairs of the provincial newspaper. When Wang Ting arrived, they hadn't arrived yet. When the appointed time came, she began to look around at the people around her, and finally decided on the two intellectuals by the window. Like the person I was looking for.

So she boldly went up and asked, "Hello, are these editor-in-chief Ma and editor Song?"

The two people who were also looking for someone were a little stunned when they saw the little girl who came forward to say hello: "You...are you?"

Wang Ting smiled slightly, "Hello, I am Man Ting, the author of "Widow Chunya."

The two people who were holding the coffee shook their hands at the same time, then looked at Wang Ting in disbelief, and asked with trembling lips.

"You are Wang Ting?"

Wang Ting nodded, "If it's true, I'm Wang Ting, and my pen name is Man Ting."

"Oh, my God, I always thought that Wang Ting was an adult woman. After all, your handwriting and writing style can't be a small one. You are in junior high school, right?"

Wang Ting smiled politely: "I am a sophomore in middle school this year, and I am a native of City Y. In the past two years, I have contributed to your newspaper all by myself."

Editor-in-Chief Ma still finds it hard to accept, but Wang Ting doesn't think so at all.

"You are looking at my work, so you shouldn't be questioning my age?"

"Yes, but you are too young, right? How old are you?"

"13 years old."

Editor-in-Chief Ma's mouth twitched, "As old as my daughter, who still doesn't understand anything, you can... write a book?"

Wang Ting continued to smile, "Some people are born to write, like me. I believe you have read my manuscripts over the years. Do you think I will make fun of such a serious matter? This is issued to me by the Public Security Bureau Identity information, this can’t be fake, right? Also, you’ve seen my handwriting, well, why don’t I write a paragraph for you here?”

Editor Song gently pushed the glasses frame on the bridge of the nose, "No, no, no, we are not questioning your identity, we just think you are too young."

"Only young people have the possibility to create miracles, and only young people have room for improvement. The younger I am, the more it shows that I have great potential in the future, doesn't it?"

As soon as these words came out, the two cultural workers were speechless, but out of politeness, they politely invited Wang Ting to sit down.

I also ordered French fries, Coke, and pasta for Wang Ting, which is similar to the children's set meal. This is a western restaurant. It is reasonable to say that this is no problem, but there is a children's set meal in front of the two big men, especially since she is only 13 years old. Why? It's funny to see how it feels.

"Student Wang Ting, you are only 13 years old, how did you write the role of so many soldiers? It's as if you have experienced it yourself. The writing is too depressing and too contemporary."

"Of course, because it is real, it has a strong sense of substitution. I heard it from an old man in the village."

This is true, this story was told to her by grandma, it really happened.

It's just that the ending was adapted by her. Those who died didn't die. They lived and went to Taiwan Province. The old people couldn't walk anymore, so they thought about going back to their hometown to worship their ancestors.

"This it too dramatic, and it is suspected of discrediting soldiers."

"It's not dramatic. In that era, there were too many people who were separated because of the war, but in the end, how many men remembered the original true love? The old lady guarded their love for a lifetime and never married. , what about men, there are groups of descendants, how many examples are there?"

"As for this novel, I don't mean to smear it, because I didn't mean that he had to cut off contact with this place because of the mission? It's just... Chun Ya sacrificed too much, she died from overwork, and she didn't wait until she died Come this news, so it is reasonable for their son not to forgive his father, and even refuse him to offer incense to his mother. It's more interesting, isn't it?"

Wang Ting's argument was clear and logical, and she obviously did a lot of homework, so she was able to interpret it well in the face of the two editors' speculations and doubts about the characters, and even asked that this story be regarded as a future story. It is very good material to be made into a movie or TV series, because it is too characteristic of the times.

It was also the confidence brimming with her brows that made the two editors deeply impressed, and happily signed the publishing contract with her.

Moreover, because she has proofread her manuscript many times, she is confident that if the publisher wants to change her text, she must tell her in advance.

Then they went to the publishing house and drew up an exclusive contract.

[Man Ting] This pen name is not new, at least it has been serialized, so there is no need for Wang Ting to publish the book at her own expense, but it is too risky. Together with multiple expenses such as ISBN, editing, design, and printing, the final issue is only 9.8 volume (two volumes), priced at 9800 per volume, a total of [-] yuan, plus other messy fees, the total is less than [-] yuan.

Publishing does not make money, not just one person saying that, unless it is a bestseller, they are so cautious, even harsh, it will not discourage her determination to publish, because this is the fastest way to become famous in this era.

So even though her face hurts a bit, she still wants to try which gear her level is in. Anyway, if the sales are good, they will reprint it. For the first time, she was not asked to pay for it at her own expense. She doesn't have any income. If the thousand copies are sold out and the effect will be better in the future, then the ten thousand copies will start. In this case, she will be shared with her.

Originally, they wanted to buy it out directly from her, but she did not agree, and adopted a [-]% share method, [-]% for the publishing house, and [-]% for her. (made up)

The prerequisite is to deduct all other publishing costs.

Because this publishing house is a relatively well-known large-scale publishing house in the province, and has cooperated with the provincial newspaper for many years. Her short stories were published in their "Story Club" magazine, so it is so easy to talk about cooperation this time. Otherwise, Since she doesn't have any base, there is absolutely no opportunity for this cooperation.

So who knows how much money "Widow Chunya" can make!

Maybe it can make other publishing houses lose money, which is not impossible.

Wang Ting came here in high spirits but came back disappointed. Although the contract was signed, she was under a lot of pressure in her heart. Although this era is the prosperous era of physical books, who can predict whether she is in line with the hobbies of current scholars?

She remembered what the editor asked her, "Can you write martial arts novels? Recently, martial arts novels are popular. If you can, you can give it a try. Have you read the genre in Xiangshi? Do you have any thoughts on this?" ? Or the romance class in Taiwan is also acceptable.”

Wang Ting listened to the words, and didn't exaggerate, she just said that she would try it when she went back.

In fact, this time is not without any gains. At least people have said that if the publication fails this time, I hope she can write serial stories. At least the response there is not bad. Chi, the two uncles were really conscientious, so they encouraged her to turn around, lest she would be hit too hard.

Wang Ting sent them two pieces of calligraphy. This calligraphy was on Monday, but the starting price was more than [-] yuan.

In this life, she encountered all kinds of resistance, and it was fine if she didn't advance to the competition, which also discouraged her enthusiasm. After practicing for more than half a year, it seems that her level has improved a little bit, so she took it out without any pressure. give away.

They are all cultural people, so they should like her works. Sure enough, after they opened the works, they saw the word "amazing".

"It was really given to us?" The two editors still couldn't believe it. After confirming it again and again, they were so moved that they bluntly said that this gift is precious.

Wang Ting only thought that they hadn't received a gift in this regard, so she thought her handwriting was good, and didn't think about other aspects at all.

I finished all the cooperation procedures in two days, and then said goodbye to editor-in-chief Ma and editor Song, took the bus to the train station, and walked to the market where my mother was.

(End of this chapter)

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