The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

第1201章 【1200】80丑女逆袭27(5000+)

Chapter 1201 [1200] Eight Zero Ugly Girl Counterattack 27 (5000+)

Zhang Heng's eyes were red, and he was full of grievances and had nowhere to release. He thought that the principal would deal with him as well, but he didn't expect that he would care about him instead, which made him very flattered and surprised.

"Principal, you..., you don't punish me? I just moved my hand."

"If you don't do anything, it makes me look down on you, and it also proves that Wang Ting misunderstood the person. People can be cowardly, but if they continue to be cowardly, they will be helpless. If you dare not fight back today, let alone me Even Wang Ting will give up on you directly!"

"Because you like that are not worthy of the help of us people. Now you see, it's not difficult to resist, right? Evil people should be tortured by evil people, but people can't stay in their own shell and stay out of it for a lifetime, Zhang Heng. Zhang Heng, thank Wang Ting very much, she is the noble person you hit!"

Zhang Heng lowered his head and stretched out his hand. His eyes were full of denial and doubts about himself, but there was also a trace of happiness.

It turned out that the result of the resistance was not as terrible as I imagined.

It turned out that he couldn't beat them either.

It turned out that what he endured before was all the horror he took for granted. What he saw today, only when he is strong can he not let others slaughter him.

Classmate Wang Ting... It seems that you are really the noble person I, Zhang Heng, is destined to be. The principal is right, he should learn from the two sisters.

In the past, he was too fearful and cautious. From now on, he will never give anyone a chance to bully him again.

Yes, learning to resist is not that difficult.

Since not resisting is beaten, and resisting is also beaten, it must be more enjoyable to choose the latter!

Wang Ting only found out about Class One and Nine after the end of the third period. Looking at Zhang Heng's swollen face, she sighed.

"Have you taken any medicine?"

Zhang Heng looked at her naively and nodded, "It's on, the school doctor applied the red medicine and asked me to go home and apply a hot compress, pay attention to rest,"

"You should go home. It will scare people like this."

Zhang Heng shook his head, "When I went back to my class, the boys all came to support me, saying that I should be like this. Those people are old and bad, and they often stop them from stealing money. Wang Ting, I never knew that resistance was so happy before. Grandpa and My dad has taught me since I was a child not to cause trouble, not to cause trouble to others, saying that our family is poor and people around look down on me. Don't act aggressively...,"

Considering the situation of their family, it is not difficult to guess the thoughts of his family members by being able to say this. The daughter-in-law ran away, and he was paralyzed, and he had to rely on his father to serve him. Zhang Heng's father may have even lower self-esteem than Zhang Heng. .

Fortunately, this child is not considered hopeless, today is just the first step on his growth path.

"We have to be careful after school tonight."

Zhang Heng was surprised: "You mean Sima Jie wants to take revenge on us?"

"Just be prepared. People like this who have been bad since childhood have a strong desire for revenge. Don't be afraid. Now that we have the beginning, we have to be prepared,"

She really didn't pay attention to a bully like Sima Jie. As long as he dared to come, she would teach him how to behave.

"I'm going to help in the kitchen at noon. You don't have to worry about my three meals a day. The principal said that as long as I work, you can feed me."

Wang Ting was very relieved: "It's fine like this, you can earn your own living, don't be ashamed, just study hard in the classroom, don't be like before, remember?"

Zhang Heng scratched his head in embarrassment, "I also found out that my previous self was really ignorant. The principal told me a lot today, and I also thought a lot. You are right, boys should not stick to this In a small county, I have to study hard before I can go outside to see it."

Seeing that he didn't seem to be coping with it, Wang Ting was also relieved. After school, she waited for her sister to go home together. After eating the simple fried noodles with shredded pork, she hurried to school. Seeing that Zhang Heng had already sat down and was reading with a book, he was very surprised.

Call him out, "What did you eat for lunch? What kind of work do you do?"

"It is to wash the pots and pans in the kitchen, wipe the tables, chairs and benches, clean the floor, and eat leftovers after drying. There are all kinds of dishes mixed together. There are leftover rice and noodles. You can serve them as you like without any restrictions. , I'm full."

"Are you tired?" Zhang Heng shook his head, "I'm not tired at all, they are very kind to me, so you don't have to worry about it."

"Then you learn the lessons, do you know it?" Zhang Heng blushed a little embarrassedly: "I don't quite understand, but I marked them all out, some asked the classmates, some asked the teacher, and some, I I’m going to go home and ask you guys.”

Wang Ting is very pleased to see such a change in him.

"Then it's settled, you stay at my house from Monday to Friday, you go back to your house on Saturday to have a look, and come back to make up lessons on Sunday, is it okay?"

How dare Zhang Heng say 'no' without knowing good or bad?I was immediately grateful and promised that I would study hard.

Wang Ting then threw him a test paper: "This is a question for the primary school stage. You do it and let me see where your foundation is lacking. I will make up for you in a targeted manner. You should listen to this semester's class first. Mark the parts that you don’t understand, take your time, don’t be in a hurry, the basics can’t be mastered at once, you have lost so much before, you have to find time to make up for it.”

The boarding students in this era, after eating at five or six in the afternoon, will still be hungry even in the evening when they study by themselves, the school will prepare some thin noodles for them, let’s put them on the table, a cook will do at this time, there is no need for Zhang Heng Going to help again, and Zhang Heng didn't plan to eat at school, so after school, he went back to the community opposite the school with sisters Wang Ting and Wang Man.

Junior high school students don’t need to carry schoolbags to and from school. All the learning materials are placed on the desks and in the pockets of the desks. Sometimes they don’t even need to bring schoolbags. So when it comes to leaving get out of class, it’s called leaving cleanly and hygienically. I tidy up before leaving school in the afternoon, and there is no cleaning after school in the evening self-study. You only need to wipe the blackboard. Sometimes the teacher will give lectures in the evening self-study.

When Zhang Heng came back, he was still holding the homework and textbooks for the day. The school had already distributed his workbooks and homework books. The tuition and miscellaneous fees of [-] yuan for one semester were almost enough for this semester, so the principal directly No, the fee will start in the next semester.

And this semester, the principal asked him to do it first, check for gaps and make up for omissions, and leave it for him to decide.

As soon as the three of them left the school, they saw Sima Jie hiding in the corner. Wang Ting knew that hiding was not an option, so she dragged them over.

What happened during the day left Zhang Heng with lingering fears, but he didn't want to hide behind the two girls, so he pulled Wang Man behind him to protect him. As for Wang Ting, he always felt that the girls didn't have the ability to move forward. temperament.

The result was really like this, the three of them took the initiative to go there, Sima Jie was about to strike when he came up, but Wang Ting grabbed the finger he pointed at, and then pulled it hard, screaming like a pig, shocked Zhang Heng was dumbfounded. What was so stupid was that Sima Jie thought it was a coincidence and waved his other hand to slap him, but instead he was slapped by Wang Ting.

When all the boys were stunned, she kicked Sima Jie casually in front of Wang Ting, and then she casually glanced at the few people beside her.

"Stand behind me and block your sight, or else your boss will lose your lord."

When a few people reacted, didn't they see the students who were studying by themselves next night looking over here?

At this time, it was the peak time for the end of get out of class, and the students of the four grades had to go out. There were a lot of people, and they were standing in the corner of the school gate, so it was difficult to be ignored.

Wang Ting tidied up Sima Jie obediently, "You, who are you? Have you practiced?"

Wang Ting glanced at him coldly, "Do you have an opinion?"

"No, I don't have an opinion, how dare I have an opinion? Okay, you are amazing, I won't touch you guys in the future, okay?"

"You'd better do what you say, otherwise I'll hit you every time I see you. There are so many people here today, I will save face for you, and there will be another time,"

"No, big sister, there will be no next time, I was wrong, I was really wrong, I want to know that you are so powerful, I will definitely not do anything to him?"

"Is it just him? There are also students from No. [-] Middle School. As long as I see it, you just feel pain this time, and it's possible for me to break your finger next time!"

Sima Jie covered his hands with lingering fear, and wiped his nose pitifully: "I know, I don't dare, I really don't dare!"

Wang Ting snorted coldly, let go of him, and strode forward, Zhang Heng followed behind, without looking at Sima Jie who was half kneeling on the ground.

Wang Man gave Sima Jie a sideways look with no expression on his face, and hurried after him.

As soon as the people left, Sima Jie was half-kneeling on the ground with an embarrassed expression on his face. His friend called him cautiously.

"Are you okay? That Wang Ting, she,"

"Don't mention her in front of me in the future. It's okay that this girl is ugly. I didn't expect her to be very skilled. People from No. [-] Middle School, don't provoke her in the future. Who knows where this girl will come out to find me?" Thing, she is really capable, she has definitely practiced it, I didn’t expect that at such a young age, and this ability, I used to underestimate her, no wonder this Zhang Heng will treat her like a horse..."

The other boys who were expelled were still a little bit unconvinced, especially the more they heard, the more they felt that the big brother was a coward.

Sima Jie looked at their faces and didn't remind them. He just stood up and left?
Others don't know how strong Wang Ting's hand is, but he has experienced it personally. When she stared at him, the moment of coldness and domineering was something he had never seen before when he grew up. , although he watched a lot of movies and thought he had learned the essence, but now it seems, hehe, it's just a drop in the bucket.

On the other side, Wang Ting was squeezed into the middle by Wang Man and Zhang Heng who worshiped together, and on the way home, they were even talking about it.

"Want to learn?" Zhang Heng nodded his head, "I want to, it looks amazing, how did you do it?"

"If you want to learn, you should first practice endurance. Get up early and do exercises, and do plank at night. First, improve your respective physical fitness. This is not something you can learn if you want to learn it. You must have a solid physical fitness. Row."

After returning home, Wang Ting directly rushed Zhang Heng to take a bath, which made Zhang Heng very dissatisfied.

"Is it that dirty? I just washed it yesterday!"

"Look at your black neck like an axle, and the dirt behind your ears. Wash it, when will it be cleaned? If you don't wash it for a day, wash it every day. After washing it, I will come out and give you a lecture!"

In the evening, she didn't cook any more. She took out the dumplings made earlier and cooked two plates. She and her sister ate one plate, and Zhang Heng ate one plate by himself.

After eating, Wang Man went into his room to practice calligraphy. Ever since Zhang Heng came, Wang Ting and Wang Man moved their habits into their room.

The two papers given to him during the day today covered all the knowledge points of Chinese and arithmetic in elementary school, but Zhang Heng did it in a mess, he couldn't understand the words and phrases, and he was so-so in pinyin, let alone math calculations. Looking at the embarrassed goods opposite with his forehead, he was a little speechless.

"So, you've been dawdling since elementary school?"

Why did Zhang Heng have the nerve to say that?
"Forget it, I can see it too. You really didn't care about it at all. In this way, I will teach from the first grade, and I will go to bed at 11 o'clock every day. Come back and study with me for an hour."

Wang Ting really convinced herself that she had caused such trouble, but she would not lose her time.

"I'll count all these for you, ten yuan per class hour, and you will pay me back together with the tuition fee. The rent and food expenses will not be counted for you, but the winter and summer vacations still have to be counted. Who made you eat so much? "

Zhang Heng looked at her in surprise: "How long is a class?"

"One hour!"

"You charge ten yuan an hour? Isn't that too dark?"

Wang Ting snorted coldly, "Who told you not to study when you should study, and now you have to start over from scratch? This is all your wasted time! I can spare time to make up for you, it is already my kindness, you Now study at school during the day, and follow me at home at night. If you know it, we will pass it quickly. If you don’t, we will spend more time making up for it. Fortunately, you are only a freshman in junior high school, so there is still room for redemption. Come on, stop talking nonsense , I'll take out the elementary school textbooks first, let's start tonight!"

Zhang Heng wanted to cry, but Wang Ting didn't like him: "I'll draw an attendance sheet in a while, and you sign and draw a deposit every day, and settle the accounts every month, including interest."

Facing Zhang Heng's unbelievable eyes, she didn't bother to respond. After all, if there is no return for the effort, it would be better not to learn from the beginning.

Fortunately, this guy really knew his shame and was brave, and he didn't give up directly because of the problems in front of him. If he really gave up, she wouldn't talk to him.

How shameful is it for Zhang Heng to start learning from the first grade?
Fortunately, the knowledge points in the first and second grades are simple, and it took only one hour to pass it. Wang Ting found out his problems while teaching.

After 11 o'clock, she put him to bed, and she took the teaching materials and notes into her own space to give him practice questions.

If you do all these questions correctly the next day, then go on, if there are mistakes, then continue to consolidate, and so on.

After a week, Zhang Heng saw Wang Ting's strength, and was also touched by her dedication. Because of this, he urged him to persevere. Although he listened to the class during the day, he was still a little bit tired. Uncertainty, such as English, geometry, algebra, and classical Chinese are boring and difficult to understand, which makes him want to sleep. This is not yet physical chemistry. If there is, he will find it more difficult.

Fortunately, Wang Ting told him as much as possible to listen to the school's lessons, it doesn't matter if you don't understand, just make up slowly, and you will always catch up. Their goal is to complete the knowledge points of elementary school before the winter vacation, learn it, and then learn the elementary school knowledge during the winter vacation. As soon as the content of the previous semester, strive to catch up with the teacher's progress at the beginning of the next semester.

It's getting colder every day. Zhang Heng has Zhao's old clothes, but he doesn't feel cold. Although they are a bit soiled, they are much better than his old clothes. How can he dislike them?

The clothes are fine, but the shoes can't be found, so when Wang Ting rushed to the meeting, she bought him shoes.

She specially kept an account for him, and recorded how much he spent on a certain day, and asked him to sign and draw a deposit. This will be all money in the future!
What's worse is that she calculates the interest according to the bank's price. Even though Zhang Heng doesn't understand anything and doesn't know what the annual interest rate is, he knows that he is undoubtedly owed more and more now. The so-called barefoot is not afraid of wearing shoes. Anyway, if you owe one yuan, you owe it, and if you owe 100 yuan, then you owe it, and let’s talk about whether you can pay it back in the future!
Because Wang Ting charges for everything, it undoubtedly gave Zhang Heng an illusion that he was burdened with a fart. The illusion of debt made him energize every minute and every second, even if he was exhausted after evening self-study, But Wang Ting had to take a bath if she asked to take a bath, and had to do homework if she asked to do homework. He couldn't bear the consequences of being disobedient, and he couldn't send it down.

And since she picked him up that day, his own time every week is only one night after school on Saturday afternoon, because Wang Ting and Wang Man will run to find him early on Sunday morning. He ran in the morning, and then ran back to the courtyard to start a day of study.

Now he has no time for himself, and the time he was slack before is now coming back with revenge.

If I knew this earlier, why didn't I study hard at the beginning?The more I thought about it, the more stupid I felt, and I wished I could slap myself twice.

Whenever the schedule is full and there is no free time, the time will fly by, and it will enter December in a blink of an eye. On the day of the Laba Festival, Wang Ting specially bought the ingredients for eight-treasure porridge, and stewed one on the stove with a small fire. The eight-treasure porridge in the afternoon tastes just right when I get home in the afternoon.

The school also cooked eight-treasure porridge, so there was no worry that Zhang Heng would not be able to eat it. The unfinished porridge was put in the space by Wang Ting and continued to eat at night.

In the third monthly exam in November, even though time was spent on Zhang Heng, the two sisters maintained their first place in their grades again.

Whenever he saw this, Zhang Heng had to admire them for coming. Of course, he also stimulated himself to study hard and study hard. Even if he could not reach the height of the two of them, at least his grades were passing instead of being at the bottom, otherwise he would be in vain. It's been a month of hard work.

It took one week to learn the content of the first and second grades, two weeks for the third grade, and one week for the fourth grade. It seems that I have to study for another ten days and a half months to finish, and the face is getting more and more difficult. I finally understand why people let me learn from the beginning. The difference is so bad that even he himself feels ashamed.

(End of this chapter)

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