The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

第120章 【120】90年代厨娘120(1更)

Chapter 120 [120] The cook in the 90s 120 (one more)
Now it has become a habit for the two children to work in hotels during the winter and summer vacations, and Gong Mingxia also supports them in doing so, and of course will happily give them wages and help them save money.

In 2004, the restaurant business has gained a reputation in the surrounding business circles, mainly because their food is of high quality, cheap, and varied. She has changed to the fast food model like an assembly line, with one entrance , an exit, checkout at the exit, and pass by a lot of display areas during the process, all of which are like bowls of food, and the diners choose plate by plate.

The two private rooms on the upper floor are also open when there are many people. Most of them sit and eat together in the same unit, making the most possible use of the space.

By chance, she found that there were many small potatoes that no one wanted in the market, and then bought a lot of them. After researching, she came up with spicy small potatoes and sweet and sour tomato sauce small potatoes. I have gained a lot of fans and sold very well.

Based on everyone's support for their small shop, a new dish is basically invented every week. The diners feel their sincerity, and the business will naturally improve. The key is for white-collar workers who are short on time. Quick decision is the last word.

She also sent a lot of promotional business cards to everyone. If there is a request for food delivery, they will pack it here and hire a few hours of workers to deliver it, which is equivalent to the current takeaway service.

So in the spring of 04, the monthly income of her small shop reached more than 4 yuan, and it exceeded [-] yuan in April, which is a good sign.

In June, the bonus was 6 yuan, and there was still more, which made her feel like she was picking up a bargain, and she couldn't do it.

In mid-June, the two children were on vacation, and they were given 6 yuan directly to go to the capital by car. Of course, they still stayed with Xiuying.

Let's talk about Xiuying, because the book "The Concubine of the Qing Dynasty" became popular, and it just finished publishing in the first half of 04. During the serialization period alone, it earned more than 20 yuan, because the piracy was not so serious at the beginning, and the reader's support for the genuine version was high. , and she is a high-quality author with a publishing history, so the website strongly recommends her, even if it is a 23-[-] split, and finally earned [-] yuan, which frightened Meng Xiuying.

She said that she wanted to have a [-]-[-] score with Mingxia. This time Mingxia did not refuse, but for the next one, she said that only two grades would be enough, because the code words are very hard, and she just came up with an outline of ideas. Meng Xiuying saw that she insisted, so she didn't force her and agreed.

Although the publishing fees for the previous two articles did not earn much, they added up to 17. In the first half of this year, Meng Xiuying remitted a total of [-] to her, of which [-] was her repayment. Probably because of her confidence, Xiuying If she chooses to pay off the debt first, she will not be under so much pressure after paying off the debt. As long as she buys a house, she believes that she can still make money at this rate.

Indeed, although "The Concubine" is over, the recommendation is still going on, and according to the website's recommendation model, at least until her second book is on the shelves, Lao Wen will always have recommendations. As long as there are recommendations, there will be income. Then the total income will be more than the original 23.

"The Concubine of the Jiangmen" started to be uploaded in March of the next year after several months of tossing, and after it was put on the shelves in April, the results continued to rise all the way, even better than "The Concubine of the Qing Dynasty". What made them happy was that after the first book became popular, the website signed a great contract with her, that is, based on the points, she would be given 3% of the share. If she is better in the future, it may become 4% or [-]% divided into.

This is indeed good news, which means that Meng Xiuying is not far from buying a house.

(End of this chapter)

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