The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

第1185章 【1184】80丑女逆袭11(5000+)

Chapter 1185 [1184] Eight Zero Ugly Girl Counterattack 11 (5000+)

Southern Henan Province is a province with a large college entrance examination. The quality of teaching and management are very strict. When entering junior high school, you have to enter the school at 8:[-] in the morning. After running for half an hour, you will start self-study in the morning. Classes are equivalent to one and a half hours of morning reading time.

Four classes in the morning, one hour for lunch at noon, enter the classroom for class at 1 o'clock, the same four classes, eat and clean after school at five o'clock, and three hours of evening self-study time from six o'clock to nine o'clock, the whole day is full of arrangements , there is no spare time at all.

As early as the summer vacation, Wang Ting had turned through the textbooks for the first grade of junior high school from front to back, and was basically familiar with the syllabus and the content she had learned.

Now you just need to complete the daily tasks step by step.

In the spare time, I went to the library in the county to get a borrowing card, and after completing the school tasks every day, I entered the reading state.

Entering the space to write novels during the break time, it can be said that the 24-hour schedule is full, which completely conforms to the life rules of junior high school students nowadays.

Although she wasn't with her younger sister, she had assigned a lot of tasks to her before she left. She didn't know if she could complete them with self-discipline. She just waited to go back on Saturday afternoon to verify the results of a week of independence.

She went to see the school meals. Although there is a restaurant, the meals made are really...not satisfactory.

The morning dishes, potatoes, cabbage, bean sprouts, cucumbers, are all cold dishes, with steamed buns and clear soup with little water.

She loses her appetite just by looking at it. Although there is a place that sells white water eggs, she still chooses to enter the space to cook for herself.

Fry an egg, distill a steamed bun, spread some chili sauce, squeeze the steamed bun, eat it deliciously, and boil a bowl of milk. This milk is bought in buckets from the dairy farm. A big bucket is enough for her to drink for more than a month. There is also goat's milk, but she dislikes mutton, so she doesn't want it. The big bucket of milk costs ten yuan, which is relatively affordable.

Now is the time to grow your body, and you must maintain a balanced nutrition. I am 11 years old and have not yet had my period. If it is normal, it will be the past two years.

She had plenty of time in the space at noon, and she could eat at least several meals with a pot of braised pork. The rice stewed in the casserole was fragrant and charred, with crispy rice, which was always delicious.

The meal in the evening is quite green. You can steam a vegetable with wild vegetables, or wrap a steamed bun with purslane, and eat it with the sauce, which is delicious and enjoyable.

She doesn't like to eat garlic on weekdays, for fear of tainting others. She doesn't look good at first, but if she has a bad taste, it will be really troublesome.

County No. [-] Middle School is better than Township Middle School in that it has better teaching facilities, richer after-school life, a library where you can borrow books, and a decent restaurant. Unlike Township Middle School, which only has a kitchen, you can eat anywhere outside. Squat down and eat.

The teachers in the township middle school all use their hometown dialect. Although there are more teachers in the county No. [-] middle school who speak their hometown dialect, there are also Mandarin speakers, especially the English teachers. They are still very good. Although they are young, their pronunciation is standard and they are pretty. .

At the beginning of school, I started to learn ABCD English letters. I just called her name once, and I didn’t even take the exam. I directly put the name of the class representative on her. The Chinese teacher, that is, the head teacher, was amazing after her first homework. It's no good, but it's a pity that I didn't start early as an English teacher, and I asked her if she would like to take on a second job.

The class representative needs to lead everyone to read in the morning, and to dictate during the evening self-study. The task is actually quite important, and it is more interesting than the class leader. If there is no personality, then this opportunity is hard to come by, so she readily agreed.

She is fluent in Mandarin and writes beautifully. When leading everyone to read early, she can clearly convey the teacher's requirements and strictly demand students.

There are 35 people in a class, 15 are boys, and only [-] are girls. They are all odd numbers. She interacts with everyone except when she is studying. She has no friends in and out of class. The main reason is that she does not live on campus. , so it is difficult to make friends.

She is not tall, and she is considered short among girls, so she sits in the first three rows, with boys on the left and girls on the right, and she sits in the middle.

When she needed her help, she responded to every request, and she didn't talk much at ordinary times. If her stationery was not so beautiful, she would always attract girls to ask her, and she might be so silent that grass grew on her head.

"The stationery store opened by my parents, I can bring you whatever you want."

In this way, under her stationery advertisements that change every day, almost every day, classmates come to ask her to bring stationery, and occasionally girls from other classes come to ask the price. It seems that she has wholesaled so many practical products. Strong stationery.

Compared with the small store in front of the school, or the stationery store in other places in the county, her profit is about 8 cents per piece. If the price is based on the appearance, it will increase to 3 cents per piece. She has no pressure on rent, so it will be more expensive than ordinary stationery. Shop cheap at least 5-[-] gross profit.

These students are not stupid, they will definitely inquire or inquire about similar products, and when they ask about the price, they will come out, and after comparing, they will come to her to buy.

Although she didn't specifically peddle, she still earns around ten yuan a week, and sometimes it can reach 20 yuan.

At first it was her class, and then girls from other classes would come to her, and she was called to the girls' dormitory to look at samples.

Later, even the teacher knew that she was selling small stationery, but it didn't delay her study, so no one cared about her.

She gave a red ballpoint pen, red ink, and some small red flower stamps to the teacher of language and mathematics (geometry algebra) and English fourth subject.

After the teachers accepted it, they praised her for being thoughtful, but after being known by some classmates, it became a rumor.

Because it is a key class, they used to be the top students in various primary schools, and their learning attitudes are all proven, but the students' morality is somewhat uneven. I often hear the girls who live on campus arrange some ignorant things with each other in private. Guys, this is all normal.

There are many contradictions in the group living environment. After all, each other's living environment is different, the problems they face, and the way to deal with things are also completely different.

She didn't want to live in school because she didn't want to be troubled by these interpersonal problems too early.

She has already made up her mind that she will not live on campus if she can live in the future, and rent a house if she can afford it. As long as her younger sister can keep up with her, she will rent a house. If she can't keep up, she will still live in space.

In addition to learning competitions, County No. [-] Middle School occasionally holds some painting and talent competitions. These competitions can not only increase the class collective points, but also provide physical rewards such as canteen monthly cards and stationery.

She took part in the calligraphy competition for the canteen monthly card set for the first prize, and got No.1 as a matter of course.

As a result, the Chinese teacher also reported her to the composition competition, and she accidentally won the first prize again.

In the singing competition, she once again made it out of the circle with an English song and won the first prize.

The three first prizes were brought back to the class, and the class points increased by 1 points. These points are the key to the final evaluation. No. 1000 will be rewarded with [-] yuan class fee. No wonder the class teacher is so excited, together with the classmates They also seem to like her a lot.

In fact, she never thought about being in the limelight, especially this singing competition, it was all because the first two won the prize, and no one reported for the latter one. The first English song "Yesterday Reappears" won the award.

It was only at this time that she realized that her voice was a bit unique, an unexpected gain.

She got three consecutive months of free special treatment in the school cafeteria, 10/11/12 three months, free of charge, just need to show up at the chef, remember her, she will not refuse anything she wants to eat in the future reason.

According to the standard of meal expenses in this era, you can eat well for two yuan a day, 15 yuan for a week, 60 yuan for a month, and almost 200 yuan for three months.

Of course, she was on the lowest gear. If she ate only meat dishes with pride, then after these three months, she would have to pay 300 yuan no matter what.

She was very happy to be able to save 300 yuan.

Although the food in the school cafeteria is not very satisfying, isn't it a fool's behavior not to take advantage of it?
But it will start after the [-]th. In this era, there are only three days off for National Day.

The first thing she did when she came home on the weekend of the first week was to collect firewood. There were woods on the river beach, and they finished school at three o'clock in the afternoon. When she took the bus back to the street and walked home, it was almost five o'clock.

First go to my grandparents to report to let them know that I am back, then pick up my sister from school, and ask her about the results of this week's studies on the way. After knowing that she has done all the papers she left, she nodded very satisfied.

Then he dragged her to collect firewood together, and secretly rewarded her with chicken cakes.

There are a lot of firewood in the grove on the river beach, but it is a bit far away, and it takes a few miles to walk, but the two of them walked there while talking.

Squatting there without moving, she can pick up a small bundle. She throws the thin ones into the space while picking them up, and picks up the big ones that are easy to bundle up at home. In less than an hour, the firewood for the two of them is too heavy. I brought it, bundled it up, carried it on my shoulders, and went home.

But in just this one hour, the firewood in the space was piled up in super large piles, and some of them were even dragged into the space with dry trees. Bought a handy axe.

Not only did she pick up firewood, but she also wanted the dry leaves, which were a fuel aid, and were essential when lighting firewood.

If there are plastic bags or something in the woods, they will be collected. These are also very practical, and they can light the firewood as quickly as possible after they are lit.

When the two walked home, it was almost 7 o'clock, so I quickly cleaned up and cooked, and asked her what she ate this week, whether it was steamed vegetable soup or noodles, "It's better when you are at home, sister, at least you don't have to eat so soft. Yes, although grandma is also working hard, but I really can't get used to it."

So at night, I fried shredded potatoes, shredded green onions, served cold vermicelli, steamed steamed buns, and let my sister eat cabbage buns.

I rolled noodles for my grandparents alone, scrambled leek eggs, and served vermicelli for them to eat.

She bought the vermicelli at the vegetable market in the county seat, and it is not expensive and can serve food.

The water-baked buns are more wheat-flavored than those baked on an iron griddle, and slightly sweet. The taste is very unique. Although it is not as fragrant as the baked pancakes, it is still delicious, especially when it is smeared with chili sauce and homemade Sweet noodle sauce, that's even better.

"Sister, I must be admitted to County No. [-] Middle School." If I fail to pass the exam, there will not be so many delicious foods.

She is still young, but Wang Ting is also distressed to force her to follow her, but who makes studying is the best way out!
After eating, I soaked the dirty clothes of the two people in a big basin, washed them out overnight, and hung them outside, fearing that if I quit tomorrow, I wouldn't be able to take them with me when I left in the afternoon.

The school uniform was ordered last week, a set of more than 80, spring and autumn sportswear, and she has already paid for it.

There is no unified school uniform in the village primary school, because the conditions of most families have to be considered, and there is no school uniform in the township, the nature is the same.

However, County No. [-] Middle School, as the key point of the county, often holds activities, so it is necessary to uniformly customize school uniforms.

"The corners of your mouth are rotten. Didn't you drink water well? Hurry up and soak some yellow flower seedlings (dandelions) to get rid of the fire, drink more water, and the fire will go down. Otherwise, if you have a sore throat, you will catch a cold. In autumn, the weather will be dry." The air is dry, and the water cannot be broken."

"By the way, sister, my second aunt went to see me at school on Wednesday. She gave me ten yuan pocket money and bought us new clothes."

As he spoke, he pulled them out of the closet. There were two sets of clothes, one for each person, autumn sportswear, one set of black and orange, and one set of black and white.

The size is just right, and the quality feels good, but I don't know if it was bought by my second aunt or my mother.

My younger sister took the black and orange outfit, so she chose the black and white one, but it's still a bit hot to wear at this time, so I think it will be just right after November.

After my sister went to bed at night, she corrected the questions she wrote overnight.

I had breakfast on Sunday. For breakfast, she steamed the double-skin milk for her sister. Because there was no plastic wrap, the steamed one didn’t look very good, and it didn’t taste very smooth, but fortunately, the nutrition was the same.

It's hard to explain the source of milk, so I only let my sister eat it, the egg custard stewed for grandparents.

After breakfast, I called my sister into the room to explain the wrong questions, and I finished two trays of steamed pumpkin stuffed buns for lunch.

After lunch, she started to pack the clean clothes and filled the water bucket in the space, and then walked on the road under the reluctant eyes of her sister, waiting for the car to go to the county, and she had to get on at six o'clock in the evening Evening self-study.

When she lives in the space, she doesn't leave the campus.

I made a toilet in the space, and there was no one on the playground, and there was no one in the bathroom, so she poured the farmyard manure in the bucket into the toilet.

In order to make it easier for her to go to the toilet, she also made a special stool, which is very convenient for sitting on the toilet.

When I was in school, I felt that school life was the most boring, but I realized after working that this kind of life is the most nostalgic.

Every day besides eating and drinking is studying, and there is no need to worry about anything, how good is it?

[-]'s childhood was happy, but when he grows up, he will face the huge pressure of the old and the young, which he never imagined when he was a student, so if he studies hard at this time, he will definitely suffer less in the future.

So until the end of September, Eleven countries stipulated three days off, but they only had two days off. You can spend your weekends normally, and you have to come to class on Monday. My sister is a primary school student, so I have three days off.

Parents were not at home, and the two of them didn't have much fun. Except for collecting firewood by the river and digging some wild vegetables, they basically stayed at home.

She borrowed a storybook suitable for her younger sister. Apart from doing homework and doing problems, she just sat with the book in her arms and watched it. She was not even interested in TV.

I don’t know if this counts as an interest in reading that has been cultivated since childhood?
All education, if it is based on good learning attitudes and methods, then learning everything will be twice the result with half the effort.

What I am most afraid of is that when you say go east, some children choose to go west. In this case, excessive distraction will only make the parent-child relationship bad. It is better to let the natural development take its course.

Learning depends on one's own, and relying on parents' urging, one can only see short-term benefits, but in the long run, it is impossible to judge.

The two-day holiday passed quickly. At home, she fried vegetables filled with chives and vermicelli for her younger sister, and wrapped some sugar cakes for her, which was enough for her to eat for two days. She also brought some herself, and went to school rush.

After eleven she ate in the school cafeteria.

For breakfast, an egg, a stack of potato shreds/bean sprouts/cucumber, a bowl of thin soup, plus a fried dough stick or flower roll oil roll.

If she feels thirsty in the middle, she will go to the space to heat a bowl of milk to drink.

In schools in the north, in 91, there was very little rice, mostly pasta.

The noodle ingredients made in the cafeteria are quite complete, such as vegetables, meat, eggs, tofu, and various flavors.

There are relatively few stir-fried dishes, usually only five or six dishes, two kinds of meat dishes, and the rest are vegetarian dishes.

For noodles, it is two spoons and cannot be ordered.

When eating rice, one meat and one vegetable are poured directly on the rice with soup and juice, commonly known as rice bowl.

Dinner is similar to breakfast, sometimes it will be noodles in soup, or steamed vegetable soup, you can choose freely.

In August and September, she broke a lot of tender corn in the space. If one day she gets tired of school meals, she can steam two corns in the space to eat. Her favorite corn is yellow corn. Fruit corn is the most unpalatable of all the corn she eats, not one of them, fortunately, it is not available in this era.

There are also black corn and sticky corn. If they are planted together with ordinary corn, they may still be black in the first year, and black, yellow and white in the second year. Is this a string planting?

The second serialized novel has been in its third month, and at the end of October, the payment of manuscript fees began again.

The last novel was published on several platforms, and now her deposit has reached 2000+520*3=3560.

In the past few months, I spent about 60 for living expenses, 80 for school uniforms, more than 50 more than the estimated tuition fees, plus 3300 for the library card deposit, weekly transportation expenses, and the remaining savings are about 3380, but I also earn money selling stationery. A lot of money, together, [-] yuan.

She went to the department store and walked around. The 24 bicycles can be bought for about 120 yuan. If you have a bicycle to go to and from school, you don’t need to take the bus anymore. push home.

 Happy New Year's Day, the first day of 2022. I hope that in the new year, everyone will be safe and healthy. I also hope that the epidemic will pass as soon as possible and our normal living environment will be restored.

(End of this chapter)

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