The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

第1179章 【1178】80丑女逆袭5(5000+)

Chapter 1179 [1178] Eight Zero Ugly Girl Counterattack 5 (5000+)

Farmers feed pigs at home and sell them to villagers, because they are from villagers, so they are cheaper, at [-] cents a catty.

If you buy it in the market, you have to improve it according to the different parts. The most expensive pork belly is [-] yuan, the cheapest is pure lean meat [-] cents, and the rest is about [-] yuan per catty. Very few people want ribs. Because everyone is greedy for meat, no one is willing to buy back a pile of bones, so it is only [-] cents a catty.

Grandpa went to buy meat, but he didn't get any fat meat. He brought back three catties of slightly lean meat, with a little thick white meat just where the skin was.

When I took three catties of meat home, my grandma cut it into small minced meat and fried it with lard. After the frying was done, put it in a large yellow enamel basin and let it set aside until it solidified. When eating, I dug out a small amount of meat One piece, there may be minced meat residue after melting, this big pot can be eaten for at least a winter, isn't it amazing?
Although the conditions are not good and difficult, it’s a bit oily, isn’t it?
At the beginning of December, she received the manuscript fee for November, a total of 12, plus the 11 yuan saved last month, her deposit has reached 180 yuan.

The average salary in 90 was still two to three hundred (in the city). Her small amount of money may be more than a month's salary in the city, but in the countryside, it may be the result of farmers working early and late to sell vegetables for two or three months.

So Wang Ting is very content.

In mid-December, the Calligraphers Association of Southern Henan Province sent her a competition notice, informing her that she had been selected for the preliminary round, and that the semi-final round would be held on February 12st, that is, the seventeenth day of the lunar month in the provincial capital. Rematch Notice.

If she can win this competition, the third prize will be 5000 yuan, the second prize will be 1 yuan, and the first prize will be a full 2 yuan.

She is very imperative to the 2 yuan. Although the money may not be visible for the time being, she doesn't want to waste time, she just wants to grow up quickly.

This year's Lunar New Year is on February 2th, so it's good that parents can come back around February 15th.

The school has decided to have a winter vacation on January 1, and start school on March 31, which is exactly a one-month holiday.

December and January are the coldest two months. The temperature drops to minus ten degrees. It is difficult to get up every morning. My sister is dragged up by her, but grandpa and grandma can do it no matter how cold it is. Get up on time and cook for them.

After several months of hard work, her younger sister's academic performance has been effectively improved. One test is better than the previous one. Both homework scores are stable above 90 points. In one class, her grades were at least twenty points higher than his.

This is where my sister is most proud.

It is also her proudest point, because her score is much higher than Wang Yuan's, and the No.1 in the class has been occupied by her this semester.

She used to be a girl with low self-esteem, but since she came here, she has low self-esteem?

How can it be!

Although she is not good-looking, she will not wrong herself. She strives to be the first in everything, and also participates in the composition competition and mathematics competition in the county. In just a few months, she has already won two No.1. The head teacher (she teaches mathematics and Chinese) doesn't like to see her, and now he will say a few more words when he sees her.

After she jumped to the fifth grade, although the head teacher was reluctant, she would come over occasionally to ask her about her current situation. When she learned that she passed the No.1 exam for the first time here, her face was full of pride and disbelief.

"Why is your enlightenment different from other people's? The rate of increase is too fast. Several of our teachers sat together to discuss, but we couldn't understand the trick. The key point is that you are still in a daze. I don’t know, it’s really luck from the gods, and I can’t use it up no matter how I use it! Study hard, if you can persist until high school, you might be a candidate for a key university!”

See, a person's appearance doesn't always affect his development, it still depends on his own strength. When you are strong, no matter how many faults and shortcomings you have, you have to ignore them.

Strength is the hard fist!
The teacher regards her big change now as enlightenment. When Wang Ting talked to her, she pretended to be stupid. Anyway, she would not die. The more she behaved ignorant, the more she could prove their strength reasoning.

In January, she received a manuscript fee of 1 yuan for December, and her deposit reached 12 yuan.

In the middle, I spent 30 yuan to refill the brush, ink, paper and inkstone, leaving 550 yuan.

Because the Chinese New Year is coming in February, so in January she wrote a lot about the new year and the new weather, plus articles summarizing the past year, covering all aspects of society. According to the previous remuneration, she can have at least two to three hundred manuscript fees , but it will not arrive until early February.

After the exam in the morning of January 1st, I had a holiday in the afternoon. I told my grandpa that my grandma would let them live there for a few days, and my grandpa agreed without hesitation.

In the afternoon, they went to grandpa's house with their schoolbags and clothes on their backs, sent their sister there, and told grandpa that grandma was not feeling well these days, and she couldn't take care of her sister, so she asked her to stay here for a few days. Come pick her up in a few days.

The younger sister knew that she was going to participate in the competition, and she had been friendly with her for a long time, because she promised to bring her delicious food when she came back. As long as she was obedient and didn't run around, the older sister would fulfill her wish, so she helped to hide it. , and promised that he would be obedient.

After the letters of introduction were no longer issued, people bought tickets directly with money without asking too much, which brought great convenience to her travel.

There are buses on the street that go directly to the county seat, the fare is [-] cents, and not many people take it because they think it is too expensive.

But there are also those who sit. As long as they can continue to operate, they will continue to drive this kind of broken minibus.

It takes more than an hour to travel from my grandfather's village to the county seat, because the stop-and-go traffic on the road is the most time-consuming, otherwise it may take less than half an hour to arrive at the bus station.

The location of their county seat is not bad. Although they are going to the provincial capital, they can choose both long-distance bus and train.

In contrast, the train is cheaper and the car is a little more expensive, because the car costs three yuan, while the train only costs one yuan to get to the provincial capital.

The car has space, but the train is crowded. Considering the safety and the price, she chose the train.

Because the car doesn't take the high speed, even if she takes a ride, she can't stand it until she arrives in the provincial capital in three or four hours. The train will arrive in an hour and a half at most.

The minibus stopped at the bus station, and she still had to walk half an hour to the train station. She didn't step on it in advance, and didn't know the train timetable. She was lucky, and just bought a chariot that would pass half an hour later. .

Wang Ting is very happy, even if the train ticket shows that there are no seats, being able to arrive early means that no time is wasted.

She has no luggage, and she is not afraid of being stolen, so it doesn't matter if it is a little crowded.

It took less than 10 minutes to enter the station, so I went to line up to check the ticket, because I had to wait on the platform in advance, and the passing cars would not stay for too long, at most 5 minutes.

As a result, while waiting for the train to arrive on the platform, a man was splashed with oligo, yellow poop, oh my god, there were so many people at that time, they all wanted to stand in front instead of behind, chasing after the train came Running after the train, she didn't know why they ran after the train, isn't it dangerous?

The buddy who was splashed all over, oh my god, she was going to cover her eyes, and she didn't know how he got into the car in the end.

Anyway, she was pushed up by the crowd.

After squeezing up, she walked to the front carriage, anyway, she couldn't stay in the few cars that stopped, because there were so many people, it was crowded.

Sure enough, the further you walked forward, the fewer people there were. Although there were still no seats, at least there was room for me in the aisle, where I could stand or squat down.

Seeing that there was no one around, she found a small mat from the space, put it down and sat there, and took another newspaper. These newspapers were sent to her by the newspaper office, and any works by her would be sent along with the remittance. Come alone.

There are no magazines to read, so I will read these newspapers repeatedly. The deeper I ponder, the more meaningful it is to her who contributed.

An hour and a half was not difficult to endure. Although many people came up in the next few stops, no one would compete with her for the seat she occupied.

I just sat all the way to the provincial capital. After getting off the car, I looked at the train station in the 90s, and I was filled with emotion. All green leather cars are considered good cars in this era, but in 2020, they have become rare. cheap car.

In this era, there are fewer cars and more people, and every train is full.

However, the green leather cars in later generations are full because of its affordable price. Anyone who is not in a hurry will choose the green leather car.

After leaving the train station, standing in the main square of the train station, looking at the big clock at 05:30 directly opposite, she seemed to have a feeling of a world away.

The people around are hurrying on their way, they carry big bags and small bags, they don't pay attention to who is around them, they just walk towards their goal blindly.

It was almost dark at 05:30, so she checked all the stop signs around the train station, and asked the driver again, and it took about an hour, because there were too many stop signs at the train station, there were all in the southeast, north, east, and west. Just wasting a lot of time?

After asking about the location, fortunately there was a direct bus with a ticket of [-] cents. After getting off the bus and walking three stops, we arrived at the designated competition venue.

There are hotels around the venue, so she won't spend that much money, and the space is not uninhabitable.

But after tossing all afternoon, I was so hungry that I went to the ramen restaurant and ate a bowl of hot and spicy ramen. I added a lot of snacks, dried noodles, vegetables, eggs to my space, and bought a small iron pot. A total of more than 30 yuan was spent on daily necessities such as bowls and chopsticks, buckets, and bath tubs.

Including the cost of this journey, there is 510 yuan left.

When her space was in the countryside, she kept firewood, and if there was no water, she went to the public toilet to pick it up. This kind of water can be used for bathing when it boils.

She asked the proprietress of the ramen restaurant to fetch the water in her mouth. She gave him ten cents for the whole thermos bottle.

The proprietress happily picked it up for her. It was still hot water. If you were thirsty next time, just drink it now. The enamel teacups were bought, which was very convenient.

After tossing around all afternoon, my body was dirty and smelly. I wanted to soak my feet and scrub them, but I saw a bathhouse nearby.

She got stuck in when people were about to get off work, and there were few people.

The bathhouses of this era are still the old-fashioned shower heads with water coming out from the feet. The water temperature is just right, and the inside is fairly clean. There are no public baths, only shower heads, and back rubbing and cupping.

She brought a plastic basket and put all the shampoo, soap, bath towel and comb for bathing into it. The bath towel is [-] cents, and the plastic basket is [-] yuan. She bought it in the supermarket before. Taking a shower in the bathhouse, I didn't expect that there was a family next to it, so I just washed it clean.

She took a bag of clean autumn clothes and long johns and underwear, and then went into the bathhouse. She didn't let anyone scrub her. She hated that the place where others lay was not clean, so she rubbed it for more than half an hour, and her whole body turned red. just came out.

As soon as I came out of the bath, my hair was frozen, straight and hard, and a pinch of ice scum fell down.

Find a place where no one is around and enter the space, put the underwear on the big rock to control the water, this will be washed in the bathroom.

The changed autumn clothes and long trousers were soaked in the basin, sprinkled with newly bought washing powder, and could be scrubbed clean after soaking.

In the space, he took off his cotton-padded clothes and trousers directly, and got under the bed in long-term clothing and long trousers.

When she came from home, she put the quilt and mattress in the space, and now she enters the space and spreads it on the grass, and she can fall asleep directly.

"Don't talk about 100 million merit points, even 200 million merit points, you have to exchange for a space. It's so convenient, it's a must for home travel."

There was no dream all night, and after taking a shower, I slept comfortably until it was daylight outside.

Washing and tidying up in the space, it was almost six o'clock in the morning, I changed my clothes, looked at the alarm clock, and felt that I seemed to be missing a watch.

The cleaners had already started to clean the road, because it was too cold and there were not many people. Everyone was wearing hats and scarves, rubbing their hands, hunched their necks and hurried past. From time to time, someone entered the breakfast shop on the roadside, or A bowl of mutton soup, hot pepper soup, or beef soup can make you feel comfortable all morning.

Wang Ting drank beef soup, soaked shredded beef patties, and took a few beef patties to take away.

After waiting until around 08:30, I took the admission ticket and entered the venue of the competition.

When the staff saw her, a girl who is less than 1.6 meters tall, they were stunned.

Repeated confirmation: "Are you here to compete? Are you sure?"

Wang Ting nodded with a smile, "I am indeed here to compete, sure."

When she walked into the venue, thousands of staff immediately asked her name, and soon, two old men from the Provincial Calligraphy Association walked towards her.

Wang Ting bowed deeply to them. Although she didn't know each other, she respected them: "Hello, teacher."

"Hey, hello, hello, you are Wang Ting? The person who submitted the article through the newspaper?"

Wang Ting scratched her head in embarrassment, "I'm causing you trouble, the main reason is that I don't know how to submit a manuscript,"

"Oh, it's okay, that's not the point, the point is, you're still a primary school student, right?"

Wang Ting replied, "I graduated from elementary school after the spring."

The two teachers exchanged glances in shock, and looked at her with admiration: "It's true that a strong young man can make a strong country!"

"Dare to ask this little classmate, where did you learn from?"

"I didn't learn from a teacher, I taught myself,"

The two of them had clearly studied her works together, and they immediately expressed their disbelief when they heard what she said.

The situation seems to have returned to the period on Monday, but she has forgotten how it behaved on Monday.

In this situation, all she could think of was making up nonsense, and because it seemed so nonsense, the two old people agreed that she was not telling the truth.

But since she dares to come to participate in the live competition, it means that she is genuine.

There are a total of five examination rooms at the competition site, which are allocated according to different calligraphy.

Chinese traditional calligraphy is divided into five categories, namely seal script, official script, running script, cursive script and regular script.

Among them, seal script is divided into big seal script and small seal script, and cursive script is divided into Zhangcao, Jincao and Kuangcao.

But no matter how it is classified, it is still a category.

Wang Ting wrote regular script, not because she was not interested in other things, but because regular script was more suitable for her current student status.

You say that a primary school student writes cursive script, is it plausible?
Official script is also possible, but it is not practical.

For modern primary school students, regular script is more suitable.

Therefore, she entered the regular script competition as a matter of course. There were thirty people in total. Looking around, except for a tall boy who looked like a junior high school student, the others were all older than them, and there was even an old man with gray hair.

The competition is very simple, that is, the examiner writes the questions silently, and the most commonly used ones are classical Chinese.

Only with the same test questions, can we tell who has a high level and who has a low level.

The smell of ink was very strong at the writing site, and it was so quiet that I could hear my own heartbeat.

Take your time, write calmly, and don't be too hasty to stain the paper, because there is only one paper, and if you dirty it, you will definitely lose the paper points.

Nine and ten minutes passed by every minute and every second.

Wang Ting finished writing smoothly and handed in the paper according to the rules.

Afterwards, the judge teacher asked her to know more about it, but her answer was as nonsense as usual.

She couldn't get the desired result from the question here, and asked if she wanted to be a teacher, but she refused on the pretext of a long journey. No matter how she looked at it, she felt that there was a mysterious and unpredictable master behind her.

Wang Ting didn't explain too much, anyway, she came to participate in the competition, not to choose a master.

Moreover, her future interest is to develop calligraphy and painting, but it is only an interest, and has not been set as a future development goal for the time being.

She has practiced calligraphy all her life, so she can't put the cart before the horse, as long as it can be the icing on the cake.

Although there are many masters of traditional Chinese painting at the scene, she has no contacts or background, so it is difficult for her to be accepted as an exception. This is only the first time participating in the competition, so it is not appropriate to rush. Wait until she participates a few more times and becomes familiar with her. For my own purpose, maybe someone can look up to her?

Based on this idea, Wang Ting left after the competition. This is a rematch, and there will be finals next. If she is selected, the organizer will contact her through contact information.

So Wang Ting left without any psychological burden.

The provincial capital is located in the Central Plains, and there is the largest clothing wholesale market near the railway station. People who are able to make clothes in the countryside sell them wholesale from here. There is also a small commodity city, where there are thousands of kinds of goods available. for selection.

After finally coming to the provincial capital, she couldn't just go back like this. She now has 510 yuan in her hand, so it's calculated as [-] yuan, and she can also wholesale back a lot of things that she can sell!
(End of this chapter)

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