The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1170 [1169] Abandoned women should be self-improvement 8 (4000+)

Chapter 1170 [1169] Abandoned women should be self-improvement 8 (4000+)

Zhang Li firmly believed Wen Aimin's words, because after spending a few days here, her mother was indeed a traditional and self-disciplined woman. She would not spend a dime of money that shouldn't be spent. It is saved.

She didn't show too much interest. In her opinion, in today's day, there is food, drink and housing, and she usually spends money to have a mother. She doesn't have to worry about it for the time being. She will think about earning money after the child is weaned There is no rush.

Although it is located in a rural area, the home uses liquefied petroleum gas, electric water heaters, and flush toilets. Occasionally, I want to eat ground pot chicken. There are also large iron pots that can be used, floor tiles, and Wi-Fi, which should be available in modern cities. Here Both.

They even eat healthier than in cities.

Eggs, duck eggs, vegetables, fruits, oil, and meat are self-sufficient, and they will never go out to buy them. On such a day, she has been here for two days, and she is already fascinated by them, let alone creating such an environment. mother.

"Today I plan to go out and buy you a ewe, and I will milk the goat for you in the future. The one diagonally opposite the door will not cook sooner or later, and only drink goat milk. The two of them were not in good health before, but now they are doing well. I am free. Let's take them out to graze the sheep, how much grass is there, how is it?"

As soon as goat milk was mentioned, Zhang Li frowned: "Goat milk is rotten, I don't want to drink it, can't I buy ready-made milk? Why do you have to drink milk that you squeezed yourself? It's unhygienic?"

"It's unrealistic to buy cows. The cost is too high and you can't finish it. Goat milk is very good. Isn't there ostrich milk now? Even if you don't think about yourself, you have to think about the child in your belly. Outside Doesn’t the milk have a lot of additives? Since you live in the countryside and have this condition, try it?”

Zhang Li really doesn't like this kind of argument, everything is unhealthy, all kinds of additives, living in such a world, it is impossible to completely avoid it.

But she also knew that she was doing it for her own good, so she had no choice but to nod in agreement. After Zhang Li agreed, Wen Aimin went out to inquire.

As a result, the neighbor diagonally across the door heard about it, and patted his thigh and said.

"Oh, what else are you raising? If you want to drink it, just squeeze it over. We simply can't finish it."

How could Wen Aimin be ashamed, to buy a ewe now would cost 1000 to [-] yuan at least. It would be more convenient to buy it by yourself.

But what they said is not a foreign language, because when there is a lot of milk, the old couple can’t finish drinking it early and late. They find empty plastic bottles everywhere to clean and clean the milk and give it away. Although there is no child in their family to study with her, But I also respect her very much, and I asked her before, but she also felt bad, so she didn't ask for it.

Now I heard that I want to find a ewe for my daughter, and the milk delivery will start the next day. I thought it would be particularly fishy, ​​but it turns out that a bottle is about a catty. After adding sugar and boiling, pour it into a bowl, Zhang Li sips After taking a sip, the frown was relaxed.

"Hey, it doesn't seem to have any strange smell!"

Seeing her daughter accepting it, Wen Aimin was relieved, but she insisted on giving the money. The neighbor had no choice but to charge a symbolic 100 yuan, [-] yuan a month, unlimited, and you can drink whenever you want.

It is equivalent to fixed milk, other places cannot guarantee that water will not be mixed, anyway, the opposite door will definitely not harm them, so it is such a happy decision.

Zhang Li only planned to drink it in the morning and not at night. Wen Aimin cooked her an egg, half a piece of corn, and a bowl of milk in the morning.

Occasionally, she also bakes vegetable cakes. She usually does not cook vegetables in the morning. They are all the pickles that were pickled before, and she can eat a few bites casually.

At noon, she will prepare a big meal. Basically, Zhang Li likes it. Iron pot stew is a food that is often made, because it is easy to cook in one pot, and it is close to the sea. Seafood can be bought in the town, and there is a chicken farm in the village. In the duck farm, it is very convenient to eat chicken, duck, including quail and pigeons. With a variety of local fresh vegetables, the appetite of the mother and daughter is immediately stimulated.

When Wen Aimin made it by herself, it was difficult to control the amount. Now that the girl is here, although there will be some left over for the two of them, their family's dumplings will also help to collect the bottom, so there is almost no waste.

After only cooking two meals, Zhang Li found that Wen Aimin's cooking skills were really different from before.

There is an oven at home, and she will make pizza, pasta, and fried chicken for her. Anyway, as long as she names the names, she can’t make them, unless pregnant women don’t let them eat more crabs. Buying is buying, but once You can only eat one, and you are not allowed to eat more.

They had dinner at five o'clock on Friday night, and she was still wondering why it was so early. As the students entered the house politely one by one, she remembered what her mother said before, taking the children to learn English. She was shocked at the time. I was stunned, I thought it was a joke, but I didn't expect it to be true?
After the class started, she sat quietly at the door of the living room and listened, and then she was startled by Wen Aimin's textbook-style standard pronunciation.

Her classes are not as boring and boring as the school teachers. Instead, they are interesting. Each class has an original language movie, and she looks for grammar and words from the movie. This new method is unheard of by her, not only for children. She listened carefully and listened very attentively. Occasionally, her mother would turn her head to ask her questions. Zhang Li happened to get the answers right several times, which made her very excited.

Originally, she listened as a bystander, but after getting encouragement from her mother, she gradually moved to the sofa in the living room and watched it with everyone. Later, she thought of something, and even ran back to the room to take out paper and pen to record, because every At the end of each class, there will be a PPT summary made by Wen Aimin, which is also the focus of this class and very important.

When the students left, Zhang Li questioned her: "When did you learn English so well? How can you teach others? And your pronunciation is the same as in our listening test, no, You seem to be more standard and nice than what they say!"

Wen Aimin smiled slightly, and asked without answering: "Do you want to learn?"

Zhang Li shook her head unconfidently, "I have been out of class for many years, how can I learn it well?"

Wen Aimin pointed to herself, "What about me, how many years have I been out of class? But have you watched the movie just now, I can translate it directly, so Li Li, if you don't try it, how will you know where your limit is? You I’m still young, if I don’t use it for studying, what are I using it for? Didn’t Guo Degang say that? We can have no education, but we can’t have culture. Culture and education don’t conflict. There are so many books in this room. Let’s read and learn together, no okay?"

Zhang Li still found it unbelievable, but she didn't refuse strongly, and Wen Aimin didn't force her anymore, but she knew that there was a kind of charm called subtlety, maybe she didn't want to learn it, but the environment would eventually affect her.

For example, when she is practicing yoga in her yoga clothes at night, she will curiously ask about the effects of various movements.

Or when she took out the brush, ink, and spread the rice paper to practice calligraphy, Zhang Li was watching from the side, and she was stunned when she saw the words written by her mother, probably never thinking about it. A person can change so much in two years.

She wanted to ask more questions, but Wen Aimin only had one answer, "I've gone through the trials of life and death, so what are these?"

After that, apart from taking care of Zhang Li in daily work, Wen Aimin was reading and studying. When she needed to take a camera to shoot videos, she would act as a photographer. When she knew the number of fans of her mother on various social platforms, and she was still writing part-time. At that time, the whole person was not well, and even felt that this was not her mother, because Wen Aimin only went to junior high school, how could she have changed so much in just two years?
But the mother is still the same mother, and has experienced the torment of double cancer. No one knows how far a serious illness will push people.

After all, she has never experienced it.

Even if she only used a few words to expose it, just thinking of her lying in the hospital alone made her heart ache.

Thinking of those two years, because she didn't reply to text messages or WeChat, Zhang Li felt ashamed of her because she blurted out ugly words.

Seeing her suddenly so good now, she even wondered if it was because she couldn't sleep day and night and forced herself to study?
Zhang Li didn't directly express her intention to follow along, but when she helped Wen Aimin shoot, she would learn a lot of shooting techniques, and when editing videos, she could also listen to Wen Aimin's talk about the state and life she wanted to express scene, and then taught her how to watch the clips by herself. The mother and daughter each have a computer, and then compare and discuss the finished products.

Wen Aimin watched her edit, nodded, and patted her on the shoulder in agreement.

"It's not bad. You have your own ideas. In this way, I don't care what you shoot, just watch the edits yourself. You can also open your own account. We will not mix them in the future. After all, everyone has different ideas. You can try to record Life, this is a good display platform. You are a little girl, yoga, and the audio novel I am practicing are all good display platforms, it depends on how far you can do it.”

"If you can persist in these things, even if you don't go out to work in the future, you will still have income."

Wen Aimin briefly told her about the development trend of short videos in the future, and told her.

"My position is farmers and agricultural products. You are still young, so you don't need to. You can find what young people like. When your child is born, if you are interested in yoga, you can go for a qualification certificate and go to a yoga studio in the city to substitute for a class." , You can also read audio novels at home, of course, this is just my personal suggestion, the key depends on whether you like these.”

When Zhang Li was reading a romance novel, she casually asked, "How many years have you been reading the novel?"

Zhang Li looked a little embarrassed, "It seems that I have been reading it since elementary school. It has been many years. At first it was Jinyong Qiongyao, and later it was Taiwanese. We are relatively late in contact with romance novels in the mainland. I read everything. I don’t pick anything. An old bookworm."

"Then..., have you tried to write it yourself?"

Zhang Li's expression suddenly became awkward, "How is this possible? I can't even write a composition, how can I write it?"

"Then when you read the novel, did you derive your own thoughts, or some scenes you manipulated, the kind you imagined?"

Zhang Li nodded sharply, "Yes, why not, sometimes I dream that I become a character in a novel."

Wen Aimin persuasively said, "How about this, you record the recording you imagined, and then send it to me, so I can listen to it."

"Why are you listening to this?" Wen Aimin's lips twitched: "Just record it and let you tell me. You may not be able to tell. I have a recording pen in my room. You take it away and record it, and then bring it back to let me know." I listen, then you sit down, I'll help you, write the outline together, we can practice slowly."

Zhang Li understood now, "You want to teach me how to write novels? Mom, are you kidding me?"

"It may not be successful, but I hope you can try it. Look at me, haven't you written it?"

The content of Wen Aimin's official account had been sent to Zhang Li for a long time. After reading it, she felt nothing but admiration besides admiration.

Really, she would never have been able to write such an article herself.

Wen Aimin casually opened a novel website, clicked on a novel, and then began to comment on a novel.

"What you said is really quite reasonable. However, do you have any misunderstandings about me? I may not even be able to write about others like this,"

"I want to see your ability in imagination, plot structure, etc. First, let's see if you have any ability in this area. Since I have read novels for so many years, it is impossible for you to have no ability at all. Let me see, you Orient yourself, many things are discovered through experimentation, aren’t you?”

Then gesture to yourself with your chin, indicating that you are the best example.

Although Zhang Li felt that this mother was a little whimsical, but... her own success was the best example of persuading her, so she couldn't refuse at all.

In the evening, I really took the recording pen and returned to the room. As for whether I can speak it out, I don't know.

In fact, what Wen Aimin wants to observe is not only this aspect, she also wants to see if this girl has eloquence. This novel, imagined, spoken, and written, is basically three paths. If it can be merged into one path , then this person is the legendary genius.

As long as there is a road, it is not suitable for this bowl of rice, or for that dinner. The legendary all roads lead to Rome, which is what it means.

The task given to Zhang Li by Wen Aimin is not difficult, it's just a matter of saying what she thinks, as long as she can say it, then this matter will be interesting.

The daughter is still young, and she may not know what she wants. She participates in her life and study in this way, leading her to find various ways out. If there is a way to go, then she will not starve to death in the future , It is not in vain for her hard work in cultivation.

After all, it is not easy to become an Internet celebrity. She has to observe her more and see what kind of talent she has.

(End of this chapter)

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