The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1135 [1134] Taste little lady 28 (4000+)

Chapter 1135 [1134] Taste little lady 28 (4000+)

The milk-yellow porridge bounces up when pressed lightly with a spoon. After entering the mouth, it is fragrant and smooth. The bottom of the bowl is made of mutton. The hot porridge is soaked in mutton. It tastes fragrant, mellow and delicious. Just take a bite, Shen Qing was deeply moved by this taste.

Looking back, the little boss was serving porridge to the diners, while making jokes with Lin Sen. This guy is absolutely perfect, standing there with a bowl in his hand and talking to others.

The mutton and porridge are all prepared in advance, and grandma is still busy frying fried dough sticks here. Soaking fried dough sticks in bean porridge tastes very good.

Lin Sen said that their home was delicious, and she took it for granted, because the taste was really good, and the grandparents and grandchildren were also very clean.

During the chat, I learned that my grandfather marinated mutton, my grandmother made bean porridge, and my grandson is now learning art. Originally, my grandparents didn’t have to work so hard, but the child’s parents passed away during the famine, so I can only wait for the grandson to grow up before taking on the role. , restart the cultivation.

A bowl of porridge costs two cents, and if meat is added, it costs ten cents.

This price is not cheap for ordinary people, a consumer group.

But if it tastes good, it will keep diners.

"The goats in their family are raised and slaughtered by themselves. It is the most comfortable to drink in winter. Moreover, they sell them in winter. They mainly raise sheep in spring and summer. The life of a family of three is very hard. It was only when my grandson was able to help me that I gradually got out of the pain of bereavement."

Lin Sen directly gave a tael of silver. Grandma saw it and asked for change, so he walked over with a playful smile and put his arms around her shoulders.

"Don't think I didn't see it. I want two catties of meat. How much did you pack for me? One tael of silver is not much. When I come back, I will come to your place for porridge."

"Stinky boy, I'll give you more if you give too much? Hurry up and don't leave, I have to give you change, how can I take advantage of you every time?"

"Then grandma will live a long life, so let me drink the porridge you made for a few more years? Well, we have to go, hurry up!"

"It's okay if you don't give change, how many fried dough sticks can be packed?"

"All right, all right, then pretend!"

The old lady quickly wrapped it in oiled paper, there must be more than ten roots?Lin Sen, who was watching, shook his head helplessly at her: "You!"

"Be careful on the road, remember to drink at home next time, enough mutton!"

"Alright, bring it to grandpa!"


After exchanging greetings and waving goodbye, she walked out of the crowd with fried dough sticks and mutton in her arms. Shen Qing looked at him and smiled: "Who is taking advantage?"

Lin Sen was helpless: "It must be me? My grandma was kind to me, and my grandchildren were jealous, but I secretly stuffed another tael of silver into her pocket. Don't worry, I appointed them not to suffer. I saved them, I have eaten at her house all these years, and they don’t charge money every time, which made me sneaky every time I put money in.”

"The child's parents?"

"What kind of child, similar to you, can be considered a child? It's just that he was sheltered by his parents before, so he didn't come into contact with these things in advance. His parents were beaten to death by bandits on the way to find something to eat. They were already in poor health and wanted to give to the old and the old. The child looked for something to eat, but in the end, alas, everything is fate!"

After eating enough and bringing so many delicious foods, the two simply sat on the big rock next to Xiaofeng, gnawed on the roast chicken, and waited for Yu Jingtian.

"Where are we going now? Into the city?"

Lin Sen shook his head: "The area around here has almost been plucked by our wool. We will go to the farm to change horses and go to Fucheng."

Shen Qing turned her head in surprise: "Do you still have a farm near here?"

Lin Sen showed a disgusted expression: "Who do you look down on?"

Seeing his beating expression, did Shen Qing feel that she had underestimated his ability to make money?
When her suspicious eyes met his, the latter snorted coldly.

"Put away the doubts in your heart, I earned these properties by myself, and have nothing to do with those who robbed. We steal as well as steal, and we can distinguish the difference between foreign money and self-earned money, Everyone is making a living by their own efforts, and they will not take those irrelevant money, basically grab it, and transfer it out when they get it, even if some will be suppressed due to time constraints, sooner or later they will be replaced. Send it out with equal value."

Lin Sen has a strong desire to survive!
I'm afraid she will dislike him as a bandit!
"Then you are not the landlord?"

Lin Sen thought for a while, then shook his head: "A small Zhuangzi with only ten acres is not considered a landlord. I would not buy a Zhuangzi if it wasn't for finding a stronghold. The city is not as convenient as the suburbs. I don't plan to stay here forever. at this place,"

"Your idea coincides with me. My biggest wish in this life is to taste all the delicacies in the world. Not only do I want to taste, I also want to try to do it. Farming and so on are really not my ultimate goal. "

This was the first time Lin Sen heard Shen Qing say such words, and he was a little excited for a while: "You mean, you also want to travel around the whole country?"

"It doesn't have to be the Kingdom of Jin. Isn't there the Kingdom of Song and the Kingdom of Liang? How far can you go? It's best to go from north to south, from south to west, and then from west to east. In this way, You can taste the specialties of different regions.”

Lin Sen was speechless, "I can't tell, you're still a foodie. Could it be that the world is so big, and you just stutter?"

"What's the matter with food? Food is the paramount necessity of the people, isn't it? You work so hard to live, isn't it all to fill your mouth?"

Lin Sen: "..." It made sense, but he was speechless.

In other words, he is working so hard now because of this mouth?

If you say that others are foodies, why not yourself?

"Since we have the same goal, why not go global together?"

Shen Qing shook her head when she heard this, "No, it's fine for me to go by myself, why did I bring you along? It's fine for you to go by yourself, and you don't need to take me along, I think we have different ways and don't conspire with each other, no Need to walk together."

got rejected?

Lin Sen was a little dissatisfied: "Walk by yourself, if you walk together, you can still have someone to take care of you, why can't you?"

"It's inconvenient, okay? Oh, okay, let's not mention this, let me ask you, do you have plans and goals?"

inconvenient?What's the inconvenience?
However, when he saw Shen Qing's pair of cut pupils, he suddenly realized, the so-called inconvenience between men and women?
Aha, if this is the reason, it can actually be overcome!

But looking at her appearance, it was obvious that she didn't want to discuss this issue any more. It just so happened that Yu Jingtian appeared in front of him, looking slightly embarrassed.

The corner of his lips twitched, and he stopped the topic just in time: "Oh, you said the goal and plan of the robbery?"

Shen Qing rolled her eyes at him, Lin Sen chuckled, "It must be, but you don't have to worry about it for the time being, you will know when you get to the place, the problem now is, your brothers and sisters, when you turn around, you Are you still carrying it?"

Shen Qing followed his line of sight to look forward, but saw Yu Jingtian riding a donkey, rattling towards them a little tiredly.

She didn't care about answering Lin Sen, she stood up and ran towards Yu Jingtian: "Are you okay?"

Yu Jingtian was not well, he was about to vomit after bumping all the way, when he got in front of her, he slid off the donkey's back, Shen Qing tried to pull him but couldn't, he just lay down on the dirt road, panting like a cow.

"I'm not good. This donkey is so good at running. It doesn't stop for a moment. I'm dizzy now."

Shen Qing hurriedly helped him up: "Are you hungry? Come on, here are fried dough sticks and meat, you can put the bar mat first."

Lin Sen saw Shen Qing busy back and forth in front of Yu Jingtian, and despised him in a nasty tone.

"That won't work? Didn't you go far away? No, it's not far away. If you are tired, how did you come to our cottage from your town? Also, you are a big Is it inappropriate for a man to be like a girl? Eat quickly, we have to hurry after eating, I have been waiting for you for almost two hours."

After saying that, Lin Sen led the donkey and let it eat hay, while Yu Jingtian was so stimulated by his words.

Isn't this saying that he is useless in disguise?

It's an exaggeration for him to be tired, isn't that caused by seeing Shen Qing sitting with him and feeling unbalanced in his heart?
But it's not as useless as he said, he's just a little tired, shaking badly, and even lost his appetite.

He took the fritters and ate one, but saw that the grilled chicken didn't have any desire to eat, so he waved his hand, drank some water from the water bag, and then stood up and said to Lin Sen.

"I'm fine, enough rest, we can go."

Lin Sen raised his eyebrows and glanced at him, thinking that this kid is quite energetic?
Anyway, it's not far from Zhuangzi anyway, both horses and donkeys need a proper rest, and it won't be too late to take a solid rest when they go back.

So she called Shen Qing to get on the horse quickly, and after confirming that Yu Jingtian was really fine, she followed Lin Sen on the horse.

Yu Jingtian followed behind, seeing the two of them riding the same horse, feeling extremely aggrieved in his heart, as if a cat's paw was scratching there, the more anxious he became, the more angry he became, but he couldn't do anything, because he had no money to buy a horse and didn't ride a donkey , may not even see this back.

He didn't know why he felt uncomfortable, anyway, he felt that when they were together, they were too intrusive, and he couldn't wait to pull them apart.

Lin Sen led them around from the east gate to the west gate, and after walking for more than half an hour on the dirt road, they arrived at the farm.

As he himself said, this farm is not big, with about ten acres of land, two rows of adobe houses, one row for people, and the other row seems to have some poultry and livestock, and the smell can be faintly smelled from a distance.

All the crops in Zhuangzi are winter wheat. Lin Sen said: "For unified management, after all, everyone is busy and doesn't have so much time to farm. We plant wheat in winter, and after the autumn harvest, we grow buckwheat or millet. We harvest twice a year. .”

"You still have chickens?"

"Well, pigs, cattle, sheep, chickens, ducks and geese are all raised, not for sale, but to supplement nutrition for everyone,"

"Then you also eat all the food you grow?"

"Yes, we have subsidies for our missions. We don't panic if we have money, but we are more confident if we have food in the fields."

When they arrived at Zhuangzi, an enthusiastic sister-in-law immediately came to greet them. Lin Sen asked them to rest first, and then went to the house to find someone.

The sister-in-laws were cooking, and she didn't know what to ask, but guessed it was the family members of Lin Sen's subordinates.

There are several children running and playing in the yard. Such a scene is very similar to the life of an ordinary farmer's family.

If the world is peaceful, what the common people yearn for the most should be such a life, right?

The sister-in-laws were cooking, Shen Qing hurriedly helped pick and wash the vegetables, Yu Jingtian was already leaning on the recliner and squinted his eyes because of lack of energy.

Shen Qing didn't care about him, since he was wearing a cloak anyway, so he wouldn't feel cold.

They brought fried dough sticks and mutton as a noon snack, and there was not much roast chicken left, so the children shared it.

The big iron pot is stewed with sauced bones, and two chickens and two geese have been killed. It seems that there are many people today!
They kneaded the dough swiftly, the flour was mixed with miscellaneous grains, and the steamed steamed buns were all very porcelain, which looked like a farmer's meal.

The taste of the food itself is very fresh, without adding any seasonings, it can be self-contained.

The taste of firewood rice is still the same as when I was a child. When it is stewed in a big pot, each person can fill a bowl with warm steamed buns or steamed buns. It is delicious in the world.

Drinking a bowl of rice soup or noodle soup after a meal can wipe away all the fatigue of the day.

When eating at noon, I counted a total of 26 people, including children.

Everyone sat in the yard, sitting in two rows, women and children sat together, and men sat together.

A large bowl of various stews per person, as well as pickles, chili sauce, dried vegetable soup, etc., are quite well prepared.

I thought I couldn't finish it. After all, I use a big shovel to cook in an iron pot. I didn't expect that not only I finished eating, but also wiped it all out.

This way of eating is really comparable to the time in the village. Of course, it also reflects the difficulty of these sister-in-laws.

Shen Qing ate a lot in the morning, and at noon she ate a bowl of vegetables and a cornbread. The men didn't eat fried dough sticks or mutton, and left them for women and children. Lin Sen brought them back and didn't intend to give them to these rough men. .

It is said that it is reserved for women and children, but in the end the women are not willing to give it all to the children.

What they eat is a big pot of stewed meat such as sauce bones, chicken and duck.

Cabbage and radish are the main sources of vegetables. I only dare to make a soup with dried vegetables. I don’t want to put them in stews. It can only be sprinkled in when making soup to add umami taste.

After eating, Shen Qing and Yu Jingtian were brought in front of the man, and everyone introduced themselves to each other.

"Tonight we will set off in three batches, and we will just ambush on the road according to the original plan, and we will play by ear."

"This time they used the old man's funeral to transfer the property. They thought it would be seamless. In fact, such a trick is too vulnerable for us. However, they can think of burying the property through burial, and even built a tomb specially. I don't know. Some people will think that the Qingtian master is filial, and those who know it will only find it ironic. For example, how about us, how about we bury it in the tomb? We must not be dug up in the end? Even if there is no us, there will be other tomb robbery teams, so this transfer of property The method is quite outdated!"


(End of this chapter)

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