The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1127 [1126] Taste little lady 20 (4000+)

Chapter 1127 [1126] Taste little lady 20 (4000+)

Shen Qing felt very embarrassed that so many gossips could be spread just by taking a female celebrity class.

On the contrary, when I was in class with male students, I didn't have so many troubles. If I needed guidance, it was she and Yu Jingtian and the others who would conduct one-on-one drills, never looking for others. If those students asked to fight him, Yu Jingtian would also stand up Save him.

If Yu Jingtian was not around, there would still be their family members to help, no matter how bad it was, there would be Lin Sen.

Therefore, when teaching with male students, the atmosphere is much less troublesome than gossiping women.

Naturally, Shen Qing couldn't teach them in vain. Everyone who came to study and attend classes had to pay her.

There is a fee of [-] Wen for a class hour, but for those who sign up to study, Zhaizi can pay [-] Wen, and the rest will be borne by themselves.

After listening to a class, Shen Qing expressed her request. At that time, some people quit and raised their own doubts.

"How can we have so much money? If you want to teach, you can teach. How can you collect money? We won't learn if we collect money."

Shen Qing felt speechless: "No, I spend a lot of time with you every day. If I learn for free, how will my family of ten or so people eat? Besides, you can earn back quickly after learning it. Will you still need your money after learning, for no reason, who wants to waste time here for free?"

Even though it was said in the village that they would bear ten cents, everyone still felt that it was expensive. Even if she gave in and told them that they could return the money after earning it, many people still chose to give up.

She didn't bother to persuade them, after all, there would be no pies in the sky, and her painstaking efforts to teach them would definitely make them feel that they were worth the money.

If they don't think it's worth it, then don't learn it, and no one is forcing them anyway.

So, after one class, no one came.

Shen Qing is not embarrassed, if you don't come to learn, I will teach our family at the worst.

No one took these technical courses, and they didn't even attend the arithmetic and literacy courses that the village took on their own initiative.

"It's a protest against my charging behavior," Shen Qing complained to Lin Sen with a smile.

"Don't worry about them, as many as there are, if they don't learn, when the time comes, I will choose from the children in your family."

In order to take the lead, Lin Sen simply showed up at the door of Shen Qing's house on time every day, and followed their children to learn how to read, count, and martial arts. Then he calmed down and taught his four girls how to embroider, spin, and Not affected in the slightest by others dropping out of school.

There were several graphites in the village. Shen Qing soaked the beans she bought, ground them into soy milk, and brought them home. Not only did she make tofu nao, she also made tofu, and the filtered bean dregs made bean dregs cakes for the children.

This is the first time Lin Sen has eaten tofu in the village. What kind of tofu brain is there? The white and tender taste is really good, especially when it is topped with chili oil, it is simply too delicious. No wonder she has such confidence, open tofu square.

"Just relying on your skills, not to mention the tofu workshop, even if you don't leave this village, you can sell them all. If they don't come to learn, it's really a big loss."

However, Shen Qing is not so optimistic: "Making tofu is not a good job. It is tiring and earns little. It is difficult for ordinary people to persevere. If it is not a simple tofu shop and some tofu snacks are added, maybe the business will still be good." Not bad."

For example, make cold dishes of dried tofu, tofu skin, and yuba, sell tofu brain, or bean curd, wild vegetable tofu soup, etc. No matter what snacks you make, as long as you put your heart into it, you can definitely make money. Let's forget it early.

Lin Sen really thinks this business is good, even if it is a small business, it can add up to a lot, right?
"Why don't we pay more in the village?"

"I see, you are used to them, you can count on you for everything, didn't you find out? This is what they were waiting for, if you paid for everything this time, believe it or not? Next time they will come to you again, they will get used to it, If you feel a little unsatisfactory, you will think that you are sorry for them. This problem will be a big hidden danger in the future. When you regret it, you have to get used to it. Just get used to it. Anyway, I won’t starve to death even if I don’t charge them. They? Hehe, just Not necessarily!"

Shen Qing not only charges for classes, but also charges for seeing a doctor. When she first came here, if anyone had a headache, she watched it for free, and then prescribed prescriptions. If she had medicine here, she would send it for free. Later, she found out People don't want prescriptions anymore, and they directly ask her for medicine, which makes her sick. Since then, she has stopped being that bad person.

If you don't know how to be grateful, no matter how much you help, people will not appreciate you, and even take it for granted.

Compared with before, the villains brought out by Yu Jingtian are different. These are the little spirits who have seen the world's cruelty. They go out to beg every day, and they have practiced their good ability to observe words and expressions. Everyone is very winking and caring. After discovering that she is capable, they will imitate and learn from her every move.

She could see the desire in their hearts to become a talent, because they had suffered so much and didn't want to live by looking at other people's faces, so they became better at being human.

She didn't dislike what they did, because they didn't dislike her. On the contrary, because of their diligence, she liked them even more and was willing to teach them.

They are very enthusiastic about embroidery, spinning, reading and calligraphy, practicing martial arts, carpentry, and even weaving bamboo baskets. As long as she does something, they will watch it, memorize it attentively, and ask questions when they don’t understand. They don’t know anything, and up to now, the girls have been able to make decent meals, and the boys can tinker with some gadgets, making a wooden bowl today, chopsticks tomorrow, and weaving a big bamboo basket for her the day after tomorrow.

People who work hard, no matter what they study, have that patience. If you can’t do well today, it doesn’t matter. I will be more serious next time, and I can always do it well.

The people in the village didn't buy Shen Qing's certificate, and went to Lin Sen to complain. Lin Sen replied yes.

"I will definitely open a store in the county seat, and I'm already looking for it. Whoever learns it first will be the first to go to the platform to be a clerk. The clerk who goes first will definitely have an advantage in the future. Needless to say, I will open groceries first. Since it is a grocery store, it will definitely sell everything that is messy. The baskets you weave and the small pieces of carpentry you make can be sold in the past. If you sell them for money, you can get the benefits. You will find that the tuition you spent back then is not a loss at all.”

"I may be going on a long trip recently to find a way to buy goods in surrounding places. If you study hard during this period, there is still time. If you don't learn well, don't blame me for finding someone outside. You won't take advantage of it at all. When you arrive, you will know how wrong you are.”

Lin Sen has been reflecting on himself a lot these days, and feels more and more that Shen Qing is simply his savior.

These people have delayed many of his opportunities these years, and now that the opportunity is in front of him, he naturally wants to bring these people out, so that he can have the opportunity to travel around the world.

Lin Sen's words sounded the alarm for those who knew him well. After realizing that he was not joking, but intending to do it for real, the smart ones would go to Shen Qing to inquire about the news. Several people signed up immediately.

They learn arithmetic and literacy first, because if they want to be clerks, they must be able to read and write, and they must also be able to calculate accounts. If they can't understand the accounts, how can they be clerks?

In addition to these, Shen Qing also added an abacus class. In ancient times, it was all based on abacus, and abacus was one of the skills that must be learned.

Literacy cannot be learned overnight, Lin Sen told Shen Qing not to worry, this shop is not so easy to find, even if it is found, it still needs to be renovated, the transfer of ownership is messy, let her refer to the time later in the year, and arrange courses for them, Try to bring out a few after the year and get a job first.

There are still seven or eight months before the end of the year, and seven or eight months are still enough.

When all the smart ghosts went to Shen Qing's class, the others couldn't bear it anymore, especially when they asked how these people were doing and whether it was worth the price, the other party just laughed and said something.

"I think it's worth it. If you don't learn it, I say it's not worth it, so you don't learn it? Besides, didn't you all take a class at the beginning? Did you gain anything from that class?"

In the first class, Shen Qing taught them to write their own names. Not to mention, after one class, they not only learned their own names, but also recognized the names of other people in the village. Adults accepted it. The ability must be stronger than that of children. Being able to recognize so many words in one class naturally shows that he is well taught.

Although I have never had the opportunity to try the feeling of writing on paper with a brush, the teacher is also smart and made a sand table for them, and asked everyone to practice on the sand table with firewood sticks. After all, pens, inks, paper and inkstones are not so expensive. Before you can afford to buy them, sand tables are more practical.

In the literacy class, only her own children were there, and then a dozen or so smart people who were well-known at Lin Sen's place were added to the class, and a large class of twenty or so people was teaching. In the end, she was stuck with thirty people. , you have to start from the second class.

In the past, maybe it was based on age, but now it is not based on age, but in the order of arrival. The progress of a class cannot be delayed because of people who come later.

This person likes to follow the trend, for fear that he will be at a disadvantage. When more and more people come to participate, in addition to the literacy class with the largest number of people, people from the martial arts and archery side also join in one after another. But everyone is the same, I wrote an IOU with her, and I will return it when I have money.

With the IOUs drawn and signed by them in person, she was not afraid of their repudiation, so she started targeted training without discrimination.

Shen Qing has classes in the morning, middle and afternoon classes, and the class is held in a thatched hut at the foot of the mountain. There is a big hut in the hut, which used to be a place for meetings, but now it just happens to be used.

During her busy period, the children in their family have made rapid progress, and now they can be the group leader to help her supervise the work. Whoever writes something wrong will ask her to come over to give pointers, which is more efficient than when she is alone. Much taller.

In addition, the four younger sisters cook well. Although they are not very old, the four children cooperate with each other, at least they can make delicious rice porridge, and steamed vegetable nests that are not bad in appearance. I don't know how to cook or chop vegetables, but at least I can put Shen Qing's pickled radish on the table.

The chickens, ducks and geese at home are also growing up day by day under their careful free-range feeding.

There are no weeds in the rice fields, and when I walk to look into the water, I can clearly see the fish swimming in the water.

As soon as the water level in the paddy field drops, the children will step on the water truck to transport the water to the six acres of land. The hard work they put in is naturally immeasurable.

When the ducklings can't get out of the rice fields, they will be allowed to play in the stream first to get used to it, and they can be put in the rice fields in July/August.

The rice fields are growing pretty well now, a piece of green, and people like people when they look at them. With the sound of frogs croaking one after another at night, it seems to be back to childhood.

In the summer night, everyone has no other hobbies. The children will go to the forest to touch and climb forks, and the adults will sit in the wind with cattail fans and chat with them. Such days are pleasant and beautiful.

When there are many mosquitoes at night, I will fumigate the house with wormwood in advance, and when I go to bed, there will be no more mosquitoes.

The temperature in the cave room is not high, and their family has also woven straw mats, so it doesn't feel too hot when lying on the kang.

Under her influence, the girls developed the habit of washing their hands every day and brushing their teeth with willow sticks dipped in salt in the morning and evening.

The hair that was cut for them has also grown back, and after three days of grooming and washing, each of them is now white and beautiful by her.

Two twisted braids and a red headband, even without other decorations, are very eye-catching.

Not to mention, the four girls in their family are all of good foundation, after only a few months of careful cultivation, they are already fair.

The oldest is seven years old this year, and the youngest is three years old. They are very sensible. When they are in class, they obediently attend classes. When they are free, they take the initiative to take the poultry to forage in the woods. When they come back, each of them has a basket full of wild vegetables.

After washing these wild vegetables, dry them in the sun, and then store them in a cool place, so that you can have one more food choice in winter.

As the weather gets hotter, the vegetables in the field grow more and more vigorously. Beans, eggplants, cucumbers, and peppers are lush and lush, which is rare to see.

It's a pity that I didn't see leeks. It stands to reason that spring is a good time to eat leeks, but she didn't find any leeks in this village, and she didn't find any varieties such as onions, persimmons, carrots, coriander, chrysanthemum chrysanthemums, and taro. It doesn't exist.

The more I feel that I can't see these things, the more I want to go out and look for them. But now she is tied up again and has no free time. She can only go to and from class step by step like a teacher every day. If there is something missing, just write a note to the special purchaser. Let them help you buy it back.

I rarely see Lin Sen these days, and I don't know what this guy is up to. In the days without him, the big guys are actually quite cooperative. It seems that they have already figured out a way to survive.

(End of this chapter)

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