The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1116 [1115] Taste little lady 9 (4000+)

Chapter 1116 [1115] Taste little lady 9 (4000+)

Although there is a rule that plants in the space cannot be planted outside, I have never heard that plants outside the space cannot be planted. Is it too wasteful to have so much grass?
In the past two days, the uncles and brothers in the Escort took turns to persuade him to join the Escort, saying that it would be a pity not to take the Escort with such good skills, and even told her how much money she could get by walking the Escort to tempt her. she.

Shen Qing just giggled, honest and straightforward, and didn't make any response, the reaction was the kind that made people feel bad-tempered.

A few days later, when she finally arrived in Fucheng, Shen Qing hurriedly asked the bodyguard who was walking the bodyguard.

"Brother, when shall we go back? Make an appointment so that I can come directly."

"After unloading the goods and staying overnight, if we return with another batch of goods, it will be tomorrow afternoon no matter what, so you can come after noon!"

"Okay, big brother, I'll go first!"

This time, I had to pay [-] cents, but the escort didn't accept a penny, and he didn't accept it. He also said that he would give him a reward after going back, so that the people who did good deeds couldn't be chilled, saying She is even embarrassed, but since this is what others mean, then she can't refuse, haha~
When she came to the largest fur shop in Fucheng, she didn't pick up anything for the first time, but inquired about the price first.

There are also many ways in this fur, such as the most obvious distinction between raw and cooked, or is it the whole skin?
If you are not an expert and do not process the fur according to the animal's texture mechanism, the resulting skin is likely to be damaged, and the price will be greatly reduced.

Obviously, what she wants to sell is raw fur. Since she has worked so hard to come here, she never thought about cooking the fur before selling it, which is troublesome.

She first showed a piece of adult wolf skin for others to see. There are still two cubs in the space that have not been killed. They are too small. She is considering whether to find a chance to release them or raise them, but given her current living conditions The environment, there is no place to raise it, so it is simply fixed in the space all the time, leaving it in the void.

"It's okay. Your wolf skin is complete enough. You are still an expert. The peeling is perfect. In this way, since you are an expert, I won't lie to you. We don't weigh it by the catty. Just like this Zhang Langpi, I'll give you five taels of silver to buy it, okay?"

In Russia and other places, a wolf skin can be sold for 5000 to [-] yuan depending on its appearance. Wolves are protected animals, and hunting is prohibited in our country, so the price is hard to say.

But according to the ancient consumption standards, if someone could give her five taels of silver for a piece of wolf fur, it already showed that the wolf's appearance was not bad, and she could accept this price.

Not hypocritical, without haggling, I borrowed their family's cart, and in a short while, fourteen wolf skins were shipped over.

The boss was stunned by this amount. After careful inspection, the price ranged from three to eight taels. They are all real people. They didn’t ask for a random price because she gave too much. At least they can seriously look at the appearance and give the price. .

The last fifteen wolf skins were sold for a total of 88 taels of silver, and the money was happily collected, regardless of the boss's words: "If you have a good product, remember to send it to me!" and quickly disappeared around the corner.

88 taels!
This is the largest sum of money she has earned in ancient times.

Since she was leaving tomorrow afternoon, she felt that there was no time to waste, so she began to stroll along the street, taking a look at the prices in Fucheng along the way.

Put the radish, cabbage, and garlic that I saved into the back basket, and inquire about them while selling them.

When I arrived in Fucheng, I didn't dare to ask for the price of this vegetable, because no matter how expensive it was, no one would want it, so it was still two cents a catty.

No surprise, there are still many people who dislike expensive items, but after seeing the appearance, there are many people who pay for them.

Before dark, she sold thirteen radishes and five catties of garlic, and she kept the garlic shoots and garlic for herself.

The growth process of garlic in the space is the same as that of the outside world. The system will remind her that the garlic sprouts are mature, and she can pick them according to her own needs.

If you want garlic heads, you have to take out the garlic sprouts, and then harvest the garlic heads below after a certain period of time, but if you choose to eat garlic sprouts directly, there will be no garlic heads.

Thirteen radishes weighed 45 catties, and sold for [-] yuan per catty.

A catty of garlic costs five cents, and it is still red garlic, with a big fur still fresh, and five catties sells for 25 cents.

She didn't take out the cabbage, mainly because it was too heavy to carry, and if you sell it, it's all about the price, and it's not easy to meet a solid one, so the other two are more convenient to carry.

88 taels of silver, plus the previous six or seven taels of silver to Yu Jingtian and five taels, there is still one tael or seven hundred taels left. I got 156 taels from those robbers, and I got 115 taels from selling vegetables. Now I have 89 taels 971 Wenqian in cash, just a little short of 90 taels of silver.

She went to have a look at the cotton, and found that the price was very expensive. It cost ten yuan a catty, and it was the worst kind. If it was better, it would cost twelve or fifteen yuan a catty.

The prices in the towns below are more expensive, because the round-trip freight is also included. The worst kind is fifteen yuan a catty, but here it only costs ten yuan.

If you want to say that the cotton is poor, the difference is that the color is not white enough, even if it is a little yellow. They are all with seeds. After you go home, you have to take out the cotton seeds inside for processing, such as plucking cotton!
She looked carefully at the cotton worth ten cents a catty, and found that there was not too much mildew. Considering the existing conditions, she could only choose to buy this kind of cotton.

No matter what happens in winter, two people need a quilt, and the mattress and quilt for two people need to use at least fifteen catties.

She must have [-] catties for herself, and [-] catties for the four girls. It won't be so cold for two girls to sleep in. If possible, they can burn the kang, which is almost enough.

There are nine boys, 15 catties per bed for two, 60 catties for eight, and [-] catties for the remaining one like her.

In this way, the total sum is... 130 catties, plus the cotton coat, she asked for a whole number, two hundred catties, two taels of silver.

She asked the staff to load the cotton for her, and sent it to an alley in Fucheng, and then transferred it to her own space when there was no one around.

In order to protect her own safety, she did not choose to buy these cottons in one house, but went back and forth to several houses, and it was not very conspicuous to buy [-] catties in one house.

After buying cotton, it was getting late. She originally wanted to find a roadside stall and just eat a bowl of noodles, but she found an old couple with gray hair on the side of the road selling offal pots, and the business seemed to be very good. , even though it was late, the four tables were full of people.

Curiosity drove her to go and have a look.

The old couple set up a pot in the open air. The pot was cooked with some cheap pigs. The earthen pot was not covered. When the soup boiled and the meat rotted and the aroma burst out, they all stopped and turned their heads. She was caught by this The aroma of the soup is what attracts you.

She noticed that everyone was sitting around the pot, using the pot table as the table, eating pancakes, pork rolls, and old soup. It seemed quite tasty?
The soup simmering in the pot was gurgling, and she couldn't help it anymore: "Grandpa, bring me a bowl of soup and a cake."

The brown broth, sprinkled with chopped green onions, was served on the table, and there was chili oil on the table, so you can add what you want.

The old lady was rolling out the dough, and the thin pancakes were baked on both sides in a flat-bottomed iron pan, and they were picked up with a rolling pin until they bloomed.

When the old man received the pancakes, he pointed to the various pig offal and pickles on the table and asked, "What do you eat? Choose yourself."

There are many varieties of pickles, such as carrots, white radishes, green radishes, cabbage, mustard greens, wild vegetables, bean sprouts, etc., as well as stewed soft and rotten sliced ​​pork head meat, pig large intestine, pork liver and lungs, etc. You can choose what you want to match. Each price is different.

Looking at it in this way, the memory is pulled back. Is this the legendary Chaotianguo, which is fat but not greasy, soup is light but not cloudy, and it is eaten with pancakes?

She remembered that what she used to eat was not pickled vegetables, but fresh vegetables, but seeing this season, pickled vegetables might be the only choice.

On this table, only the bean sprouts are fresh, which is really not easy.

This pancake is divided into one penny, two pennies and three pennies. Three pennies is the best match, it contains the most meat, and one penny is the cheapest. It is vegan and has no meat. The ratio of meat and vegetables is relatively harmonious. The soup only costs one penny, because it is Broth, so it is a relatively cheap ratio.

She was very happy to be able to see traditional snacks in another world, and she might not be able to eat the pancakes in the future, so she had to ask for twenty three renminbi.

"Grandma, I'll wait while I eat, don't worry, bake slowly."

Twenty three Wen is 60 Wen, which is enough for her to eat slowly on the road.

One bite, the soft rotten meat and crispy pickles are chewed, and the salty and delicious taste spreads between the lips and teeth, delicious!

The meat of this steamed bun roll is similar to that of Luoyang, except that there is no meat in the rolls in Luoyang, and they are all vegetarian dishes, such as bean sprouts, potato shreds, kelp, etc., and they are served with flour noodles, Tofu soup with wild vegetables, two kinds of snacks have their own characteristics.

After chewing it dry, take a sip of the soup that doesn't feel greasy, but very light, and instantly feels that the stomach is satisfied.

It's delicious!

After she finished eating the cake and drinking the soup, the old man gave her another spoonful: "Drink more, it will warm your stomach, and it will be cold at night."

The night in spring was really cold, even though she was full, she still finished the second bowl of soup, and it was time to wait for grandma's pancakes.

In the end, grandma made 22 for her and insisted on giving her two, "Take it away, I'll give it to you, there's no one left, I've run out of noodles, I'll give you all the meat and vegetables."

How many cakes the old man cooks and how many vegetables are used every day, in fact, there is a fixed number, and it happened that she came to collect the bottom, and she saw that they rejected several guests in the middle.

This was the old man's wish, but she still felt that she couldn't take advantage of others, because the portion was too big, the meat and vegetables were so stuffed that they almost couldn't be rolled.

"If you didn't have a pot, I would have wanted you to take the last soup with you."

Shen Qing's eyes lit up, pot?
He hurriedly used his bamboo basket to conjure up a clay pot: "Grandma, I have pots, so why don't you sell them all to me?"

She specified that she couldn't take advantage of it, so in the end, she gave 61 Wen to [-] Wen.

All of a sudden, she cleaned up the bottom of the old man's stall. She was happy, and the old couple were also happy, because they could finally go home.

"It's so dark, how do you go back? How about I take you back?"

"No, no, you can go quickly, the young man is right to come today, just in time for your newly bought pot, that's great."

Shen Qing's earthenware pot was indeed newly bought and hadn't been used yet, so the water for washing the pot was borrowed from the old man. God knows how shocked the two old people were when she took out the pot, haha! ~
This earthenware pot is still a large size. Not only did I pack the soup, I even chopped up the big bones and put it in it. With this pot of soup, she won’t have to buy food for the next three or four days. She is really smart. Yes, haha!

The old man carefully wrapped the pancakes for her with a basket cloth, and told her to eat them as soon as possible when she got home, so as not to soak them and make them taste bad.

She bowed and thanked her, and after disappearing into the dark night with the bamboo basket and the pot on her back, she entered the space logically.

Take out the pancakes from the bamboo basket and spread them out on the big rocks. As I said before, as long as she doesn't push them, these foods can maintain their original taste.

She separated the pancakes one by one to prevent them from sticking together, so that it was convenient to eat, and they were still warm when they were brought in, and they were still warm when she ate them later.

The soup was also placed on the stone together with the pot.

At this point, her money was left with 87 taels and 901 cash.

After sleeping in the space, I got up again to plant vegetables until dawn, and then I went to the morning market with two cabbages in a bamboo basket on my back.

In ancient times, rural people began to rush into the city before dawn, waiting to set up stalls. The morning market in Fucheng was placed outside the city, which could save a lot of stall fees and city entry fees. When they first entered the city, they followed the car of the escort Come in, they pay regularly so there is no extra recharge.

This time she was fine when she went out of the city. When she returned to the city, she had to pay a penny for entering the city. This was the standard set by larger cities to charge for city maintenance.

In ancient times, I heard the noise outside, and when I left the city, be good, the people selling fish, eggs, meat, and vegetables lined up neatly.

It can be seen that there are special personnel maintaining order here.

People in the city can't buy food inside, so they must go out to buy food, which creates income for the city invisibly, so the local government encourages the common people to set up stalls outside, and it's okay to find a few people to maintain order, and the stall fee is also cheap. Acceptance, it can be seen that the local parent officials are not bad.

Carrying two stalks of cabbage on her back was quite heavy. She found a place where no one was around and just squatted down when a woman saw her: "Little brother, do you sell this cabbage?"

Shen Qing deliberately said in a rough voice: "Eldest sister, two cents a catty, you try it, this cabbage is always delicious."

As she said that, she broke off a piece of cabbage leaf and handed it over. The woman gave him a sideways look, but didn't answer: "Is it dirty? Just tear it off and give it to me to eat?"

(End of this chapter)

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