The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1114 [1113] Taste little lady 7 (5000+)

Chapter 1114 [1113] Taste little lady 7 (5000+)

There was suspicion and scrutiny in the boy's eyes. His dark and deep eyes were hidden behind his long hair. Although he looked messy, he was not like other children. Because he hadn't washed his hair for a long time, it was like clods. When you get up, how elegant is it?
Damn it, she actually felt that there were too many individual differences between this beggar and other beggars?

"What kind of meat?" The young man was also a dead-headed man, as if Shen Qing would not give up if he didn't give the answer.

Seeing this, Shen Qing snorted from the tip of his nose: "Wolf meat, how about it? Don't you want to eat it? Then give it back to me."

When Shen Qing was about to pull the piece of meat, he put his hands behind his back and looked at her with displeasure.

"Since it's been sent out, how can there be any reason to go back? But, you are a woman, where did you get the wolf meat?"

Shen Qing said frankly: "I didn't steal it, and I didn't rob it. Where did you say it came from? Well, I've brought the meat. There's still something to do. Let's go first."

"Wait a minute, you deliver food and meat at the same time, we really can't figure it out, what do you want to do?"

Shen Qing turned around, and said disapprovingly: "Just treat me as a good person and good deed. I've been quite busy recently, and when I'm done with these few days, I'll come over and discuss with you in detail about your future development direction."

Anyway, no matter how you go this way, you just can't go in the direction of crooked ways, otherwise how many of these children will grow up to become talents?

Even if you don't go to school, you can at least read and know basic arithmetic.

Shen Qing already has a bold idea in his heart, but the time is not yet ripe, when the time is ripe, these children may really be able to help.

For the next few days, Shen Qing was busy in the space morning and evening. Before, he only planted white radishes. In the past two days, he planted three kinds of white radishes, carrots and cabbage together. After three days, he earned two taels of silver and used the weights needed for daily life. , large and small crocks (pickled vegetables for making sauce), cotton quilts, stone mortars, wooden basins, rolling pins, etc., are all supplemented, and I also used tools such as axes and saws to make a small bed for myself.

There are woods in the woods, and she has a carpentry background, so it is not difficult to make a splicing bed.

With beds, bedding, clothes, kitchen utensils, and food, her little life can be regarded as living.

Because the vegetables are delicious, almost all those who wait for her every morning are repeat customers.

With her continuous efforts, the space has also been upgraded from the first level to the second level, and you can grow wheat, rice, and corn, which is really gratifying.

Since there were only four fields, she stopped selling vegetables after she was promoted to the second level.

There are thousands of catties of wolf meat in the space, how can it be wasted like this?

Wolf meat is not good to eat alone, so it is mixed with pork suet, pork, green onion, ginger, ground pepper, pepper, pepper and other spices. Suet makes crispy and delicious puff pastry.

To make the patty even more crispy, she deep-fries it in a small amount of oil in a stone pan, not over-frying, but just the bottom, and then bakes it in her adobe oven , The thousand-layer meat patties that come out in this way are more crispy than those fried in oil, and they will not look greasy.

Wolf meat is more firewood, so she added relatively fat diced pork, plus the neutralization of various seasonings, the feeling of biting in the mouth is surprisingly good, the meat is full, full, and rich Elasticity, not only can't taste the combination of wolf meat and pork, but also can't tell how much pork and wolf meat are added in it.

Of course, there are more than one meat pie sellers in the city, but she is the only one who cuts into pieces like hers for everyone to taste, and when you break them open, you can see full pieces of meat. I think there is a special offer, an event, ten cents and three, just for one day.

Anyone who has tasted it will buy three. She makes a hundred a day, and they are sold out before noon. Since today is only a special price, the final sale is about 340 yuan. When there are more wolf meat and less pork, she can’t. When it comes to losing money, it can only be said that ten pennies and three can earn one or two pennies.

The response was good on the first day, but on the second day she returned to the original price and became five cents a piece. Not only did the size not change, but the meat also did not decrease. It was also a hundred pieces, and they were sold out earlier than that day.

Meatloaf must be expensive, after all, it is made of fine flour, and so much meat and oil are put in, it feels like selling five cents is a small profit but quick turnover.

100 five cents is five hundred cents. Of these five hundred cents, the cost is at most more than 200 cents. Compared with yesterday, I have made a lot of money.

Previous repeat customers asked her for vegetables, and she would plant them according to everyone's reservations. For example, if she could plant eight crops a day, she would plant two crops of vegetables, and the rest would be planted as food.

The flour she used to sell was definitely not grown in the space, but sold from the grain store. In her opinion, it would be too extravagant to use the flour of the space for five cents a cake.

Therefore, the food in the space is sold two, leaving one, and slowly accumulating.

100 cakes earn [-] Wen, which is hard money, because she has to toss around the stove for at least six or seven hours.

This is not counting going outside to collect firewood, kneading dough, and frying suet.

Because there is currently no suitable vegetable for her to fry in vegetable oil, she has been buying suet.

After ten days passed, regardless of the cost, selling vegetables and pancakes allowed her to make money from nothing, and she had already saved six to two to seven hundred wen.

In an era when one tael of silver was enough for ordinary people to live for more than half a year, six taels or seven hundred Wen was already a very good income.

In the past ten days, she sent them blood tofu twice and wolf meat three times.

Ten days later, the two old people had passed away, and several children buried them in the woods. Although the fallen leaves did not return to their roots, they were at least safe in the ground.

Tuberculosis is a contagious disease. She was afraid that the children would be infected, so she bought Chinese medicine twice for them, but they still had mild symptoms.

Although it's not serious, it can't be ignored. I gave the prescription to the young man and asked him to take a few more doses when he has time.

She has six, two, or seven hundred wen left in her deposit, and it is also because she donated at least four hundred wen to these children.

After the old man passed away, there were 13 children left behind, including four girls and nine boys.

The girls are relatively young, two at the age of two or three, and two at the age of five or six.

The oldest boy was about the same age as her. After asking, I found out that the boy was actually one year older than her, but was he too short? She was half a head taller than him?
Could it be that in ancient times, girls developed earlier than boys?

She thought it was a younger brother!

"You came here today, is there any way to let everyone live a normal life?"

Shen Qing was noncommittal: "Well, now that the weather is getting warmer, I think, everyone, rely on flexible hands, go to build a house for your own living outside the city, it is a house that belongs to you alone, and then build a house in front of the house. Planting vegetables later will ensure that we will not be frozen in winter, and we will still have vegetables and food to eat?"

The young man immediately frowned and objected: "We are all without father and mother. We have no household registration, not to mention that we can't get land, and even building a house needs to be approved by the government. You take it for granted. Difficult to achieve."

"Then..., in the mountains, or in the woods?" Shen Qing's second-best words made the young man sneer again: "What are you kidding? Living in the woods, what do we depend on for food and lodging? We have to climb mountains and mountains to get in and out Okay, okay, we appreciate your kindness, but your idea is a bit unrealistic and not suitable for us. Look at the thirteen of us, there are four under six years old, six years old and under ten There are five of them, and only four of them are over 15 years old and under 14 years old, including myself, who is only [-] years old. You want us to rely on ourselves, what can we do on our own? We have come here all these years, It’s not that if you tell us to get rid of that problem, we can get rid of it.”

Shen Qing was somewhat unable to understand: "So, you don't even want to try, you just want to rely on opportunism to gain income? Then let me ask you, now that there are so many people, you can steal it, but what about winter? How do you plan to steal in winter? Break into the house? "

The young man's face changed drastically, and he looked at Shen Qing with eyes filled with darkness: "That's our business, it has nothing to do with you."

Shen Qing was angry: "Can you act like a man, there is obviously a way to return to the right way, why don't you want to try?"

"With so many of us, except for those under the age of six who can't work temporarily, can those over the age of six be able to work? It doesn't matter if you don't study in the future, but you have to have the ability to survive! As for me, I can do a lot Delicious, I want everyone to follow me to learn cooking, but look at this place, is it a place where you can learn? Moreover, before learning to cook, your hair, clothes, and body must undergo a serious transformation. This is the entrance If none of you can guarantee cleanliness, then who will come to buy our things?"

"Yes, living on the mountain may not be convenient, but it can better exercise the children. Running up and down the mountain every day is also a good physical training. I also have some self-defense skills, which can be taught to you. One year, I will stay here for at most one year. At this time next year, I will move to the next place. During this year, I will teach you how to make some simple ingredients, and then we will work together to sell them in the city. The money saved will be used for our future travel expenses."

"My dream is to eat all over the Kingdom of Jin, and to learn other people's delicacies while traveling. Now in this city, I only see Camellia Mahua. There should be a lot of delicacies hidden. I hope you can help me find them out. Then let's humbly ask for advice and communicate. At this time next year, if you are willing to come with me, I welcome it. If you don't, just rely on what I have taught you. Isn’t the money you earn with your own hands more real and more comfortable than what you get by plundering others?”

Of course, there is one more thing she didn't say. During the process of learning, they can organize a village chef to cater for weddings and weddings. They can also actively participate in any culinary competitions, because this is the best way to build a reputation. .

The cooks for the village banquet are all well-known in the local area. Because of word-of-mouth, the business will be very good.

Of the fourteen of them, girls can serve dishes and wash vegetables when they grow up, and boys can take charge of cooking. There are eight cuisines for hot and cold dishes. Everyone learns the same, and they work together.
Of course, she has to keep the best dishes in her own hands, because these children's dispositions cannot be controlled. Isn't it common to betray their teachers?

Cough, she seems to be thinking a little too far.

After listening to her analysis, the boy fell into silence. After a long time, he said quietly: "We don't know how to build a house! We don't have the money either."

"I don't need any money, I can build a house," Primitive society has survived, what is this age?

Moreover, she also planned that if the houses can be made into one, then they can be made into one. If she leaves here in the future, she can secretly transfer to the space. When she goes to a place alone, these houses will be able to as her temporary residence.

With so many people, it is not difficult to build a mud house, but it is rare to erect the beams. If it is really impossible, then find a few hours of labor to come over, get it up and seal the roof, and the job will be over?How much can this cost?

It would be great if it was in the yurt period, you can be stationed everywhere, and you can move it freely at any time. Isn’t that because you don’t have the tools, materials and environment?

"Boss, it sounds pretty good. In fact, our academic ability is also quite good. What happened last time has already cast a psychological shadow on us."

This girl is right, relying on no one is worse than relying on oneself, giving them such a good opportunity to learn, why refuse?

Wouldn't it be nice to have your own home?
Do you have to hide in this ruined temple?

The more I thought about it, the more my brothers and sisters felt that Shen Qing's words were reasonable, and they looked at the boy one after another.

The young man seemed to feel everyone's eagerness to try, but he still didn't understand why this woman wanted to help them for no reason?
"Just think of me as looking for a helper for yourself. After all, cooking is not something that one or two people can do."

The young man refused to let go: "If you have real skills, even if you are alone, you can still stand out. There is no lead so much burden!"

"Drag? No, I don't think it's a drag. Ever since I entered this ruined temple and saw these children, big and small, I've had this idea spontaneously. They shouldn't sleep in the open and hungry. After a meal, everyone has lost their support, why can't they unite and twist into one rope?"

"Your reason is not enough to convince me, but I agree with your proposal, but I have to find a good place first. In fact, I think that instead of wasting time on the road every day, it is better to rent a room in the city. Of course, renting a house requires money. If you don’t have this condition, forget it. It stands to reason that although this dilapidated temple is dilapidated, it will leak when it is windy and rainy, but it can be repaired and people can live there. There are so many weeds in this yard. Apart from cleanliness, can we focus on anything else?"

Shen Qing was thoughtful, and thought for a while as he got off work, then raised his head and looked at the children opposite him: "Then what about you? What do you think?"

"Should I find an open space in the mountains to build a house, or rent a house in the city? Or, just renovate this place?"

The boy who was about the size of a teenager shook his head when he heard this: "No, there are other gangs of beggars coming to occupy this dilapidated temple every three days. If we fix it, they may stay here and not leave. Now the reason We live here because we don’t choose a place, but those beggars choose a place. The place is broken, and it’s raining and dripping, so they go to other places. As long as we fix it, I’m afraid they won’t live long. .”

"It's dangerous in the mountains. These little ones can't go out with us every day. What if we encounter poisonous snakes and beasts? I still think it's safer to live in the city, so that it's convenient for us to go out and in, so this Sister, can you just live in the city? Renting a house requires money, but as long as you are willing to teach us and we are willing to learn, we will definitely pay you back the money in the future."


The children chattered and discussed, and finally went from the ruined temple to the mountains, and then returned to the city to rent a house.

Shen Qing thought it over and over again, and felt that it was not impossible, after all, she might only live there for a year, so there was really no need to build another house.

It turned out that the idea was simple, just to build an all-in-one wooden house, live there temporarily, and when she finishes living in it, wouldn't it be over if she moved away?

Now it seems that renting a house is the first choice.


"I'm not very familiar with the environment in the city. Let's leave it to you to find a house. Go around and find out if you can find a suitable and cheap house. We have a lot of people, so we have to do whatever we want." Enough for these people to live in, if it doesn’t work, just rent a yard, money, let’s make money if we don’t have it, the key is to need an independent environment.”

Once Shen Qing said the request in this way, everyone understood.

"I don't know your name yet? Let's introduce each other?"

The boy stood in front of Shen Qing, and raised his eyebrows at her.

"My name is Yu Jingtian. I am 14 years old. I was born in the first half of the year. I have studied for two years. At present, I have nothing but leadership skills."

"That's not true, my elder brother Sedum is really good, he can dig traps, catch rabbits and climb trees, and even help us fight, he's really good at fighting!"

"Yes, yes, Brother Jingtian is the most powerful. If anyone of us has been wronged, he can help us get back. Those old beggars only know how to use brute force, unlike Brother Jingtian, who will tell us what wisdom is." Take, my elder brother Sedum is the smartest."

The young man's hair was disheveled, facing his supporters, he just twitched the corners of his mouth speechlessly.

Shen Qing chuckled, this person is quite modest!
"My name is Shen Qing, Shen from the complaint, Qing from the sunny day, 14 years old, born in the second half of the year, we are the same age, we have also studied, and learned to cook from our family since we were young. So, I guess the hope is very slim.”

The surname Shen is a bit sensitive, so I don't want to use it in the future. Since the surnames have been changed, let's change the name together, so as not to cause trouble for myself in the future.

After the introduction of the two main ones, the rest of the children followed suit...

(End of this chapter)

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