The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1109 [1108] Taste little lady 2 (3000+)

Chapter 1109 [1108] Taste little lady 2 (3000+)

When she was actually on the road, she realized that she was not going south, but northeast, so she asked the people next to her in a low voice.

"Where are we going?"

The tribe next to him looked at him as if he was nervous, his dry lips were cracked, and he didn't know how long he hadn't drank water, and his face was covered with chapped marks from the wind and sand.

"Where else can I go? Ninggu Pagoda!"

"Ning Guta?" The corners of Shen Qing's mouth twitched, this name is really, very familiar, even the superficial era uses this, how famous is it?
However, in this way, wouldn't he go to the boundary of the Great Northeast again?

I don't know if the Northeast here is the same place as the Northeast where she lived in her last life.

Also, her identity as a man disguised as a woman is very tricky, if it is really impossible, she can escape by feigning death.

Fortunately, she has no tattoos on her face, and she is a daughter, so she can still survive here with a different identity.

After all, she has to eat, drink, and scatter along the way. She is a daughter, so how can she pee standing up?Isn't that embarrassing her?

I don't know, it turns out that when the leg sinks and the blister on the foot is rubbed, it will be so painful, it is more uncomfortable than wearing ill-fitting shoes to go shopping.

Every time I take a step, I feel like I am hurting myself. Whoever walks a step slower will lead the other three people to twists and turns. Weak enough.

Judging from the fact that her mother raised her as a boy, this is a feudal society that favors sons over daughters, Shen Qing is now worried about whether to use the body of a man or a daughter to live in the future.

The road is thorny and uneven. The prisoners being escorted not only have to walk the mountain road, but also cross the mountains and mountains. These government servants only carry simple bags. Every time they arrive at a post station, they will exchange some food and water. Enough for their own food, these prisoners only carry dry food on their backs, and there is no water. If they pass by a stream along the way, they can drink enough.

After only walking for an hour, Shen Qing felt that these legs and feet were not his own.

She misses the water radishes grown in the space a little bit, good guy, if I eat one, it will quench my thirst, my mouth is dry, as long as I open my mouth, it feels like my throat is blocked, this feeling, It's so frustrating.

The "snap" of the whip was accompanied by painful groans. When I turned my head to look, it was an old man who couldn't support himself and was tilted. When he fell, the other three people also fell to the ground. If you don't fall to the ground, your neck will suffocate from the force of the fall.

When they were lying on the ground in a mess, the yamen servants went up and whipped each of them, and yelled at the old man loudly.

"Stop pretending to be dead, stand up now!"

However, no matter how he whipped the whip, the people on the ground remained motionless, and there was no sound when they kicked. Looking in the direction, he shook his head slightly.

Shen Qing looked at the old man with his mouth open and his eyes tightly closed, and suddenly felt sad.

The old man was untied, and two yamen servants carried him into the forest, and walked out within a quarter of an hour. It seemed that he just found a random place to throw it away, after all, they didn't carry anything like a shovel on them.

Looking at the other clansmen, it seemed that they had long been numb to all this, and there was no expression on their faces, and they even breathed a sigh of relief because they could rest.

The old man looked like he was only five or sixty years old. It stands to reason that this age should be the time to take care of his life, but he didn't know...

Shen Qing was vague about the Shen family, because she lived with her father who was kicked out of the house since she was a child, they rented in a small courtyard, and had to rely on themselves for everything, so how could she know the Shen family?Even the two who were tied in the same shackles with her were the sons of the uncle and the others, but they were not indifferent to each other?

She observed that when she went to the bathroom on the road, she only untied her hand, and the four of them peed and shit together. If only one of them did it, the other three squatted to accompany him.

I don't know how the original owner tolerated it before she came. Could it be that she didn't drink water or eat as much as possible because she didn't go to the toilet?Which led to her death?

When the old man was carried away just now, only the shackles around his neck were removed, but the shackles and shackles on his hands were still there. These two things restrict their actions, and they are also highly indicative. Anyone who sees them will be sent to the official, unless they hide in the mountains and cannot come out.

Finally, from dawn to dusk, they found a forest and sat down, besieged the city in a circle, lit a bonfire in the middle, and seven or eight yamen guards guarded the surroundings, with hard cornbread that could hardly be chewed in their hands, and no water. , Dry to eat.

Shen Qing bit it in small mouthfuls, because his mouth was dry and he couldn't melt it. Every time he swallowed, he felt his throat was stabbed and hurt.

This is really not a place for people to stay.

Shen Qing pursed her lips, thinking that she couldn't waste it like this anymore.

A quarter of an hour later, Shen Qing quarreled with the little brother next to him because he robbed her of corn bread.

The commotion here soon alarmed the yamen servant. The yamen servant came over and kicked Shen Qing on the back. Stuck and out of breath, Shen Qing wanted to reach out his hand to cover his throat in pain, but there was a shackle in the middle, and his limbs were still unable to move due to the restriction. After a while, he stopped struggling and fell to the ground It doesn't move anymore.

The yamen servant who kicked people was slapped in the face by the yamen servant behind him.

"Useless thing, why are you kicking her? Why don't you hurry up and see if you are still alive? Two people die a day, is it reasonable?"

"And you, you don't have corn bread yourself? Why are you robbing her?"

"No, I didn't rob her. She lost it. I just picked it up for her. She said that I robbed her cornbread. I am wronged!"

Well, it is really unfair.

After Shen Qing confirmed that she was not breathing, the shackles around her neck were removed, and then two yamen servants carried her and threw her into the forest.

"Bury her, we are here at night, it is easy to attract wild animals."

The yamen servant had no choice but to put her on the ground, and then started digging with the saber on his back. While digging, the two of them suddenly felt that something was wrong. In the darkness, there seemed to be a few green eyes sticking out their tongues 'haha' .looked over at them.

The two of them froze at the same time, and this was not the first time they encountered such a situation on the way to escort. They immediately knew that they had encountered a pack of wolves.

Grabbing the knife in his hand, he jumped out of the pit, without looking at Shen Qing who was lying on the ground pretending to be dead, and shouted at the crowd behind him.

"Light the torch quickly, surround the city with fire, wolves, wolves are coming,"

The two yamen servants staggered and ran towards the crowd, shouting as they ran, not even noticing that the key chain on their bodies was lost due to falling to the ground.

They don't even pay attention to the person who was randomly thrown on the ground by them, who disappeared with the key at some point...

They really met a pack of wolves, and these wolves even ran to the place where she was lying just now to sniff back and forth. Shen Qing, who watched everything from the space, counted the number of these wolves, and there were as many as ten or so, four or five of them. Just ran towards the crowd, and the rest were old and small.

Shen Qing took the key and quickly untied the shackles on his body. After regaining his ease, he rolled his eyes, suddenly came out from the space, touched one of them with his hand, and said silently: "Take it!"

The wolf was brought into the space by her, and because it was a living creature, it was fixed and unable to move.

After discovering that the space has this function, she quickly moved back and forth between the space and the outside world, bringing all the six wolves that were alone into the space.

But the wolves chasing them were all adult wolves, there were seven or eight of them. Considering that it was inconvenient for these people to run while wearing shackles, Shen Qing simply followed them and helped When they ran away, they took these wolves one by one into their own space.

Without the threat of wolves, they didn't let go of their hearts. Who knows if these wolves spread out and planned to surround them?
They huddled together like wounded quails. Even the yamen servants with knives did not protect the prisoners. Instead, four or five people were bitten by wolves, and they were all old, weak, sick and disabled. She followed behind, afraid that these people would lose at least five or six lives.

Shen Qing glanced at the torches thrown by them along the way, thinking that if they didn't deal with it in time, it might cause a fire.

So they didn't care about the injured people anymore, but went back the same way they came, extinguished all the fires, and found a place to hide.

After entering the space, without daggers and knives at hand, she couldn't deal with these wolves.

Half dead from exhaustion, she pulled out a radish from the four fields (still level four) in the space, wiped it with her sleeve, and stuffed it into her mouth.

She was so thirsty that she had no time to taste the joy of regaining her freedom. She stared at the radish in her hand with the same goal and gnawed it. When the juice of the radish was chewed and flowed down her throat and into her stomach, that The sweet and slightly spicy radish seems to be the most delicious food in the world.

A big radish weighs about two catties. The baby’s arms are so long and thick as the mouth of a bowl. It really quenches thirst. Cause indigestion. In the end, I still didn't finish my mouth.

The place where they threw her was not too close to the distance they ran out now. After she concluded that they would not find it, she just lay down on the grass in the space and fell asleep, because the host hadn't slept so happily for a long time. I fell asleep.

 one more chapter later

(End of this chapter)

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