The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1099 [1098] Heroines of the Republic of China 72 (5000+)

Chapter 1099 [1098] Heroines of the Republic of China 72 (5000+)

Just when Qin Zheng was thinking about how to ease the atmosphere, the phone in the office next door rang quickly through the loudspeaker, and Qin Zheng stood up abruptly: "You eat first, I'll go and have a look."

An Yi frowned, watching him leave, thinking in her heart that the phone rang at this time, is there something urgent?
Sure enough, within a few minutes, Qin Zheng ran over out of breath: "Someone in the family hospital gave birth to a child, and it was difficult to deliver, can you handle it?"

An Yi didn't expect that she would encounter such a thing on the first day she came to the division, "Your division doesn't have a health center here?"

When the two started running, An Yi asked such a question, and Qin Zheng hurriedly explained.

"Yes, she is in the hospital right now, but her current condition requires a caesarean section. After all, this is a major operation. The people in the hospital are afraid of accidents. They want me to find a reliable doctor from outside. It will be safer. But in this cold and twelfth lunar month, where can I find someone? Even if they come, they won’t know until they wait, and you just happen to be here, look...?"

The health center of the division headquarters is more about ensuring the safety of the soldiers. Things like gynecology should not be taken seriously. In this day and age, most women give birth at home, and few people are aware of the danger. Therefore, the risk of laparotomy is still quite high. They may also be able to perform surgery, but they have no idea in their hearts, right?

There is another point that Qin Zheng is not ashamed to say, but she guessed it to a certain extent.

Sure enough, when the two ran over panting, a large group of people surrounded the door of the operating room of the hospital, both men and women, all of whom were wearing military uniforms. One of them saw Qin Zheng as if he had seen a savior. Same, shout loudly.

"Mr. Qin, you are here,"

The big man is really tall, with the unique ruggedness of northern men, and the loud voice really has the effect of shaking the sky in a hospital that needs to be quiet.

"My daughter-in-law is giving birth, what do you think these elders are doing in here? Isn't it a female doctor's job to give birth?"

When the health center called Qin Zheng, they also said that it was the battalion commander who insisted on preventing the doctor from entering for rescue. Just in case.

Qin Zheng rushed forward in two steps in three steps, and kicked the man's leg. The man raised his head in bewilderment: "Teacher?"

With a 'snap', a loud slap came again, and the man panicked even more: "Teacher? What are you doing? Why are you slapping the forehead?"

Qin Zheng sternly said to the medical staff: "What are you still doing in a daze, hurry up and prepare for the operation, I will take care of this kid, An Yi, follow them in and get ready."

Then introduce them: "This is my wife, who used to be a doctor. Maybe it can help you, just as a helper."

Qin Zheng's words were more subtle, but the hospital saw that it was a female doctor, and it was the teacher's wife brought by Mr. Qin himself. No one dared to underestimate them. They hurriedly surrounded An Yi and entered the operating room, because there were still a series of procedures to be done before the operation. disinfection work.

Qin Zheng is sitting here, even if the pregnant woman's husband seems to be calling, there is a hint of hesitation in Qin Zheng's angry and indisputable eyes.

As soon as he hesitated, the medical staff immediately opened the door and went in. Qin Zheng raised his head indifferently: "Calm down?"

"Teacher...," the 1.9-meter rough man covered his face, as if he was still aggrieved.

Qin Zheng was so angry: "You bastard! Who is lying in it? When is your wife and child, and you are still separating men and women here? Did you put away your wife and child when they left together?" Feudal backwardness in your mind? Zhao Tianliang, you are already a battalion commander, why don’t you have this kind of ideological awareness?”

While speaking, the political commissar, head of the regiment and other cadres also ran over in unison, and once they heard the cause and effect, they would scold Zhao Tianliang all the time.

"Zhao Tianliang, Zhao Tianliang, you are so confused. We have a health center to give birth in this world of ice and snow, but how much hassle has been saved for you? Why did your wife come here from the countryside to raise a baby? Why is it because she likes us here? There is a health center? If you are in the countryside, from the village to the town, think about how difficult the road is? Everyone knows that you need to prepare in advance, but you are lucky. You are still here yelling at the doctor, are you still a man?"

Zhao Tianliang blushed anxiously, scratched his ears and scratched his cheeks: "That's my wife, how could I not feel sorry for her? But, look at it, the two or three people who went in were all men. My wife gave birth to a child, and there was a room full of men. What's the matter? It's not your daughter-in-law who gave birth to the co-author, you don't care, do you?"

"I've been watched all over the birth of a child. How can I leave the division in the future? How can my wife deal with it? Teacher, you go in and tell me, did my sister-in-law go in just now, can I ask my sister-in-law to perform surgery on my daughter-in-law?" ?”

After co-authoring with the big guy for so long, is it all in vain?Why is this guy so dumb?

Those sister-in-laws who came over just said everything they could say, but he still couldn't listen, and just dragged the two doctors to prevent them from entering.


When it was noisy outside, in the operating room, An Yi had already done the basic sterilization work, and also changed into surgical gowns, hats and masks and other protective measures. When checking the items, it was suddenly discovered that the pregnant woman was still a hepatitis B patient.

She looked up at the male doctor who was obviously shy about gynecological surgery even though he had changed into a surgical gown, and asked the nurses around him.

"Have the two male doctors had gynecological surgery?"

The older nurse shook her head lightly: "They are the only doctors in our hospital who can go on the operating table, but they are good at orthopedics, neck, shoulder, waist, legs, chest, and brain. , basically sent to the military hospital, here are some minor operations. There is no gynecological health center at all. You also know that there are few women, and most of the children in the family hospital choose to give birth by themselves. Like this situation, It's really rare,"

If it wasn't for their professionalism, the doctors must have turned their heads just now, right?Especially this mother is still a hepatitis B patient. Although doctors are already familiar with it, it is still somewhat taboo. During the operation, if there is a little carelessness, it will be infected.

Considering the outdated feudal thinking of the patient's family members outside and the lack of expertise of these doctors, Anyi took the initiative to go over and tell them.

"Everyone can stand in the operating room and watch for a while. If I need help, I will ask you for help. I wonder if it is feasible?"

The three male doctors looked at Anyi in surprise, "You,"

"Just call me An Yi. I have experience. Please rest assured. If I don't have confidence, I won't come in. Considering the people outside and her current situation, I suggest immediate laparotomy."

The male doctors immediately felt that they had met a savior, and they all agreed, and they came over with great enthusiasm and explained the patient's situation in detail.

The anesthetist had already given anesthesia, and the pregnant woman was covered in sweat from the torture. When she entered, she was paralyzed there with powerlessness. Seeing that it was a female doctor who came in, she seemed relieved, but when she saw three male doctors When she came in, her heart was in her throat.

"Don't worry, we only go there when we are needed. During the operation, we choose to watch."

In fact, the laparotomy did not reveal any privacy at all as she thought, and it was not a natural birth, so it was a bit of a fuss, but considering the age issue, she didn't say anything.

After taking protective measures, An Yi started the operation. Before opening the abdomen, she first looked at the basic characteristics of the pregnant woman. At this time, she used X-ray eyes, and found that the baby had a neck-wrap and was still in a breech position. No wonder it would be dystocia .

Now that the situation is critical, she can only operate first, because if the child is not rescued, there may be a risk of suffocation.

During the operation, An Yi's professionalism impressed the three male doctors who were watching. They even grasped the position of the child and the situation of the pregnant woman quite securely.

She was not in a hurry, and spoke calmly, forcefully and clearly. The operation lasted for more than two hours, and a full-term male fetus was successfully delivered.

After the rescue, the moment the child cried out, not only the people in the operating room heaved a sigh of relief, but even the people waiting anxiously outside showed pleasant smiles.

An Yi wrapped the baby and handed it to the mother: "You are great. If you give birth to a boy, let him be filial to you when he grows up. Don't worry, he is healthy."

The mother opened her mouth and said with difficulty: "Thank you."

An Yi smiled at her, "Don't be nervous, let's start sewing now."


Outside the operating room, the nurse carried the baby out for Zhao Tianliang to see, and said something neutral to him who was overjoyed.

"Don't worry, the operation was performed by Dr. An. Our male doctor didn't get close to her, but stood at a distance. Your wife knows all this. If you don't believe me, just ask your wife when the time comes. Stop making trouble. Sign everything that should be signed for us."

The nurse's tone was somewhat complaining, Zhao Tianliang was in high spirits, he wasn't angry, and he knew how to apologize, but the nurse gave him a blank look, and took the child away from him.

"The child will stay with his mother for a while, observe and observe, and sign quickly."

When An Yi came out of the operating room, it was past eleven o'clock, and Qin Zheng had been waiting outside. As soon as she came out, he handed her a coat, touched her hand, it was cold, and felt a little distressed: " Thank you for your hard work, you must be starving, let’s go, let’s go back to eat quickly.”

An Yi took a look, and there was no one outside the operating room. Qin Zheng hurriedly explained: "I have already followed the mother to the ward, that boy, I will take care of him tomorrow."

An Yi was very tired, but luckily she took a nap in the afternoon, so she wasn't particularly sleepy at the moment, but she was really hungry.

When she returned to the dormitory, she looked at the beggar's chicken in the stove, and it was miraculously cooked. She also took out the roasted sweet potatoes.

Qin Zheng was dumbfounded: "I said why it smells like meat and sweet potatoes, so there is something good hidden here!"

Anyi knocked off the mud on the outside of the beggar chicken, peeled off the outer layer of lotus leaves, revealing the golden roasted chicken, and the air was filled with a delicious smell of pepper and hemp, ah, that smell is absolutely amazing: " Doesn't it smell so good? Couldn't this be brought by you too?"

Anyi nodded, "No, I buried it in the snow and brought it here again. The meat has been marinated for a long time, so taste it quickly."

The two of them were starving for a long time, and didn't say anything else. An Yi took the big chicken leg that Qin Zheng pulled for her, took a bite, and narrowed her eyes in satisfaction.

"Life should be enjoyed like this. I welcomed the birth of a little life today. I feel very fulfilled. I should eat more."

Seeing her smiling face, Qin Zheng couldn't help but said, "It seems that you really like children!"

"Human cubs are the cutest creatures. Before the age of three, you really can't do anything. However, as you grow older, you will find more and more that being a parent is really not easy...,"

When An Yi was talking about parenting, Qin Zheng couldn't help but grabbed her hand.

"How boring is it to talk about other people's homes? Or, let's have a baby and play together?"

Anyi's mouth was full of greasy food, and when she heard Qin Zheng's words suddenly, she choked and coughed several times in a row: "What did you say?"

"I said, since you like children so much, I don't have any children. How about we have one?"

An Yi managed to swallow the food in her mouth, and stared at him: "Are you serious?"

"Of course, at our current age, it's unreasonable not to have a child, right?"

"But I'm almost at menopause, don't you think it's too late?"

"No, it's not too late. Our family is well nourished. If we take good care of it, we will definitely have a baby. It's a good thing to have a child when we grow old."

beautiful thing?I'm afraid I will be laughed at by others, right?

However, seeing what Qin Zheng said was serious, An Yi couldn't help but think that she seemed to have thought about this issue before, and now that it was brought up by others, it gave her a step down, even though her own body was very weak. OK, but there's no guarantee you'll get pregnant.

She pursed her lips and looked at Qin Zheng: "Marriage is not child's play, especially having children. Have you seriously considered it?"

Qin Zheng rubbed her hand: "I'm very sure, as long as you want, we will have a baby. And I hope that you can be transferred to Harbin, so that I can take care of you conveniently."

An Yi lowered her head and remained silent. She is already 43. There are many people who will give birth to children at this age, but in this age, they will be grandmas.

People will say that they are old and immoral.

But in their family's situation, it's really unreasonable not to have a child.

But how can a child be conceived at one time?Doesn't that mean that she will live here for a few months?
"How about I go and pick up the two girls?"

Qin Zheng thought she was worried about the child, so he hurriedly said, but he didn't expect An Yi to shake his head.

"It's okay, we agreed for a month to let them stay in the orphanage first."

What she really thought about was whether the household registration should be moved here together, and whether the market value of Harbin was worth it for her to come?

"I think I'll have to think about it,"

"What are you worried about? Are you afraid that I will treat you badly?"

"No," I'm worried that you don't know at all, it will be 63 years, and in two years, the big move will start...

But she couldn't explain these words, and Qin Zheng obviously couldn't wait any longer, he tried to wrap his arms around An Yi's shoulders, seeing her resistance, he unconsciously exerted force with his hands.

"You have always been mysterious, and you seem to be worried about something. Is it because of these that you married me? Now that you are talking about having a baby, you are hesitant again. Is it also because of those reasons that you don't want me to know?"

An Yi looked at him sideways: "Qin Zheng, you are a person worthy of entrustment, otherwise I would not follow you. But have you ever thought that maybe one day, I will be sent to clean the toilet like Gu Sheng? ?”

Qin Zheng was taken aback for a moment, and immediately thought of something: "That's what you've been worrying about all this time, is this?"

An Yi replied seriously: "Maybe, it will be worse than this. At that time, you will be implicated by me, or you will lose everything you have. Even then, you still want to have a baby with me?"

After listening to Anyi's words, Qin Zheng thought about it thoughtfully. The past two years seemed to be a bit chaotic. Did she already know something?
"You used to have a gay relationship with Gu Sheng?"

Qin Zheng asked cautiously, An Yi shook her head: "No, my relationship is more complicated, but like him, I am doing things for the country. Gu Sheng, I have never asked him, because he is sent to a certain place for everything. The toilet cleaner in Yuan County? As far as I know, he made a lot of contributions back then, isn’t it too much to treat an old comrade like this?”

Qin Zheng sighed, "No one denies his credit, but he stayed in many places in the past, and the relationship was complicated, so the investigation was impossible, and a lot of evidence was wiped out. As for whether he is one of us, in fact Two factions formed, but for the sake of safety, he had to be transferred to the remote Dingyuan County for investigation, which was said to be an investigation, but in fact it was almost like giving up.”

"You feel bad, so you transferred him back?"

Qin Zheng smiled: "Where do I have such a great ability? I found his former direct contact person, and after verifying that he is behind, don't I want to get the position and treatment he deserves?"

It turned out that Gu Sheng was reinstated because he found a witness. No wonder, she thought it was Qin Zheng's blessing!
In fact, her current household registration is still very complete. It is nothing more than that she has not really returned to her roots because of the Yi family, and has been accused by the Yi family of impersonation. If no one finds fault with this, it is not a big problem, but if someone If you find fault, things will be difficult to handle.

Just because of the unknown origin, she is not convincing enough.

Even if you are backed by a big tree now, you have to think about how to deal with it, unless... plan ahead.

An Yi thought for a while, then looked at Qin Zheng: "How about I resign and come to the family home?"

Qin Zheng was surprised: "Resign? Why do you think of resigning?"

An Yi opened her big eyes, and answered as a matter of course: "Have a baby and take care of the baby!"

Qin Zheng was choked by her directness: "Didn't you always like to be a teacher? Besides, you still have the means. Wouldn't it be a pity if you resigned?"

It's a pity, high school will be suspended for two years, and it won't make any difference if you can't get in or not. It's time to start the craze of S Shanxia X everywhere!

 Thank you reader [縼沨] for your novel coin reward!

(End of this chapter)

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