The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1096 [1095] Heroines of the Republic of China 69 (4000+)

Chapter 1096 [1095] Heroines of the Republic of China 69 (4000+)

I received a letter from Huzi in September and was assigned to Urumqi, where I will start a two-year conscript. As for whether I can be transferred to a non-commissioned officer, it depends on his performance.

However, An Yi still has confidence in An Hu. First of all, he has good physical fitness. Secondly, he reached the level of junior high school education in the late 50s. In terms of these two aspects, it is appropriate to transfer to a non-commissioned officer in the future.

It seems that it is difficult to come back during the Chinese New Year this year. Those who serve in the army do not have the holidays to return. They need to take time off. They have annual leave, but they need to make time off according to the actual situation, so An Yi does not expect him to come back during the Chinese New Year.

And Anna and An Qi also have the normal winter vacation time with Inland, so they will have to wait until after the middle of January.

An Hu was not at home, An Yi sent the two children to the orphanage early after school, and then went home to pick vegetables, tidy up the vegetable garden, and bring some to the orphanage when she left. She couldn't finish these vegetables by herself , The vegetables in the pickle space in winter can be used casually, so it is better to give them to those who need them.

The two daughters had a great time playing in the orphanage, and when she picked them up in the evening, the two of them still couldn't think of leaving.

Because there is only one year difference in age and similar looks, many people think they are twins, but they always feel that the two little padded jackets of An Yi don't look like her. Some."

For those who don't know the reason, she is too lazy to explain so much, and often uses this reason to prevaricate. In her opinion, so what if these two children have a real father?Might as well be dead!
On weekends, Anyi will put her child in the orphanage, and go into the mountains and forests to collect firewood by herself. It is very convenient if you have space, and you don’t need to waste energy. You can collect a lot of small firewood in a day. This kind of firewood is generally used for cooking, burning Water, like the big firewood used for kang-burning, is of good quality and burn-resistant. You can’t pick it up, and you have to spend money to buy it. This belongs to each forest farm. They are responsible for planting and felling, and naturally they are also sold part of the profit.

An Yi didn't buy big logs, because there was coal in the space, and she could use coal to burn the kang.

After all, it's just the three of them, if they used to live in the space directly, now that the daughters are older, they have to be more scruples and can only burn the kang for real.

Time flies, and it's November again. Every winter, many elderly people can't survive, either because of hunger or because of the cold.

It's okay in the south, but it's really hard to live in the north.

I can't just leave the supplies in my own space dry. An Yi entrusted her two daughters to the orphanage to take care of them, and she, like last year, drove where she could drive and drove where she couldn't. This would save money. Lose time and toss, but also continue to create value in the space, serve multiple purposes.

According to the map of the motherland, she went west and north from the chicken head, because this is the most barren place.

Holding the camera, she stopped and walked all the way, always using the identity of a reporter, because in this way she can get to the topic more directly and understand some real conditions of the poor and lower-middle peasants.

According to the list provided by each production team, survey during the day, deliver food at night, and consume space reserves bit by bit.

From November, December, to New Year's Day in 11, it took two and a half months to go through the three eastern provinces.

As the Spring Festival approached, she didn't stay any longer and started to return. After the Spring Festival, she should be able to come out for another month.

In this way, An Yi took advantage of winter vacations, working days, weekends, and holidays to travel all over the north in four years from the winter of 58 to the winter of 62. The reason why she did not choose the south is because of the weather. , the winter in the south is not very cold, people will not freeze to death, and the products are relatively rich, especially in the coastal areas, as long as you are not lazy, few people will starve to death.

And most of the famines this time were in the northern region, so Anyi targeted the north as well, not only sending food, but also sending old bedding and clothes. There are too many, as long as it can keep warm and eat enough, who cares where the fabric is obtained?

Of course, she didn't write a single word about her rescue, because if she wrote it, no one might know her, so she simply didn't say anything.

As long as you don't starve to death or freeze to death, that's your merit.

In the summer of 62, Anna successfully graduated and was assigned to the experimental high school in D city. After passing the examination, she became an official high school Chinese teacher.

This year, An Yi was 42 years old and Anna was 35 years old.

Although he is a bit old, his academic qualifications and abilities have been recognized. Although he is still in the internship period, he only has one year to become a full-time employee next year. It does not take three years to become a full-time employee like in a factory.

Anna officially joined the job in September, with a monthly salary of 9 yuan, plus 18 catties of food supplements for urban household registration, and some colorful tickets.

Since 1960, food stamps have been officially implemented, and the cash is [-], which can be said to be very mature.

Due to the continuous selection of excellent teachers, Anye has now implemented the tenth grade salary standard, with a monthly salary of 78 yuan. Their black province belongs to the sixth category of the country. The tenth grade salary standard that Anye has reached is the category of teachers in colleges and universities, because I teach well, and I have submitted articles to provincial and city newspapers. The admission rate of the students I have trained is very high, so in the past few years, the salary has also made a qualitative leap.

Anna has just joined the job, and her salary will rise sooner or later, but the first year is a bit sad, and it will be much better later on.

She has a dormitory for singles at the school, and usually eats and lives at the school, and feels that she rarely goes home, but she often writes letters to Anyi.

An Qi's medical university is a five-year school, and there will be another year next year. After graduation, the school will manage the assignment. If it is expected, it should be a hospital in D City.

The level of the county seat is too low. After all, she is a college student, and she performed well in school. An Yi once visited the school leaders with good wine, so Anna was not assigned to the county seat, but went to D city. This is also a gift from An Yi. Their last gift.

After serving as a conscript in Urumqi for two years, An Hu was converted to a non-commissioned officer because of his good performance, and now he has returned to serve in Heilongjiang Province.

When it was inconvenient for him to come back, Anyi would bring her two younger sisters to visit him during the winter vacation.

9-year-old An Ran is already in the third grade of primary school, and An Ning is in the second grade. Both of them go to No. [-] Primary School in the county seat.

Qin Zheng went to school to find her once in 60 years, and now he is the commander of a certain military region in Heilongjiang Province. Because of his relationship, Gu Sheng also went to Heilongjiang Province, but she didn't ask where exactly.

When Qin Zheng came here this time, besides bringing many good things to Anyi, he also asked her if she was interested in marrying him.

"Now that you are a teacher, you won't be able to find a wife? This joke is not fun at all."

Qin Zheng looked at her fixedly: "I lack a daughter-in-law, and you lack a husband. Aren't we a perfect match?"

Anyi shook her head, "I'm sorry, I don't lack a husband, and I don't think we are a perfect match. You are a high-ranking official, and I am an ordinary person. I dare not take advantage of this. You don't have to be polite to me. You owe me, and I don't care." If you mention it, then I will not trouble you for the rest of my life, and I will not embarrass you when I really find you, so you can rest assured that you will be your official."

Qin Zheng was afraid that she would not understand what he meant, so he said again: "Because of my first marriage, I was not keen on marrying a wife and having children, but with my current status, I am not suitable for being single. Since anyone is married, why not, The two of us get together?"

Compared with the people introduced to him by his sister-in-law in the army, he still thinks An Yi is more pleasing to the eye.

"Gu Sheng also thinks you are the most suitable." An Yi couldn't help but laugh: "You are in Hei Province, and I am in Dingyuan County, is that okay?"

Qin Zheng raised his eyebrows: "Isn't this just what you and I mean? I have a clean background and will not cause you trouble in the future. You have been protected by me. Whether it is you, your child, or even your sister, you will have a bright future. Sijin, this is a good thing that kills multiple birds with one stone. As for married life, I won't force you, "

"I'm older than you...five years? And ugly, are you sure?"

In this transaction, she is taking advantage of herself no matter what, what is this plan?

"In my eyes, there is no difference between beauty and ugliness. All I need is a wife's name."

An Yi thought about it seriously, Qin Zheng saw that she didn't refuse immediately, and said immediately.

"I have to go to a meeting in the city. If you think about it, write to me, and then I will report to my superiors. We will be able to get the certificate by the end of the year."

To be honest, An Yi has always felt that there are big loopholes in her life experience, and it is hard to say whether something will happen in the future.

Qin Zheng, after experiencing betrayal, has a weaker view of human nature than her. If you want to find someone to be your umbrella, this person is undoubtedly the most suitable person. Moreover, he is 42 years old, five years older than him Years old, this is her taking advantage!
According to Qin Zheng's rank, the current salary should reach 241, and there are subsidies calculated according to the military age, which account for 20% of the salary in 25-25 years, and there are messy expenses, this guy can reach 300 a month at least. Yuan money, in this era, not only is it a high salary, but also occupies a high position!

An Yi hesitated and thought for three days, and finally agreed to his proposal.

At the end of the 60s, she didn't know what method he used. Anyway, he passed the political review. At the end of the year, she took her two daughters and one son to the military region to participate in a simple ceremony. The two younger sisters also became witnesses. Even Gu Sheng, whom he hadn't seen for many years, came over to join in the fun.

Gu Sheng is currently serving as a political commissar of a certain military region in Shen City. Although his rank is not as good as Qin Zheng's, it is only one level lower.

He was probably the only idiot at the scene who thought they were a good match, right?

She got married and received a certificate, but because of her job, Qin Zheng didn't apply for a house and still lived in a single dormitory.

On the day of the two's wedding, many people pointed out that she was old and ugly, and she was not good enough for Mr. Qin because she was old and ugly. She must have taken her power and money.

An Yi really doesn't deny this point, but she confiscated Qin Zheng's money, which was said to be in her hands.

After getting married, An Hu returned to her army, and An Yi took her two daughters and sister back to City D.

Anna and An Qi were concerned about An Yi's sudden marriage and not living together, even the marriage seemed so perfunctory, some doubted whether she was doing it for them.

Anyi's answer was: "What are you thinking, you work hard, An Qi goes to school hard, Qin Zheng and I get married, we just get what we need, and we don't delay anyone. He is still Mr. Qin, and I am still me. Teacher An, I will probably only meet once during Chinese New Year in the future, and everything else remains the same.”

"Then why are you still married?"

Regarding this question, An Yi also asked Qin Zheng: "My background is very complicated, so you are not afraid that I will hurt you in the future?"

Qin Zheng looked at her calmly: "Then you should marry me more?"

An Yi took a deep breath, "Are you stupid? I said, I might implicate you, do you know the consequences? Or your business for these years will be ruined, don't you worry?"

"If it weren't for you, I would have died a long time ago. How could I have today? Your kindness will never be repaid in this life. We are a family after we get married. I have one thing to say. As for whether we will start all over again, it doesn't matter. Anyway, I In the past 35 years, I have lived enough!" An Yi was 60 in 40 years, and he was 35.

It was because of his words that An Yi broke her defenses and decided to marry him. In An Yi's view, even if it wasn't for herself, it was for the children, right?
In this way, she married Qin Zheng. During the Spring Festival of 61, she took her family to Harbin to reunite with him, but left in a hurry after only eating one meal, because she didn’t know how to live at night, so she just had a meal meal.

Ever since she got married, An Yi has regarded Qin Zheng as a member of the family, knitting sweaters, making cotton clothes, underwear, shoes and socks, and sending Qin Zheng a copy of all kinds of delicious food, and she will make it for him. The meat sauce, pickles, snacks, bacon and fish are very popular in the military family courtyard.

When asked why he didn't transfer An Yi's work to Harbin, Qin Zheng always smiled and said, it's almost time.

He also asked An Yi sincerely, if you want to transfer your family's household registration, so that the children can receive a better education, and our husband and wife will not gossip again.

Anyi kept saying that she was thinking about it.

After two years passed, she started to suffer from headaches, and she always felt as if she had dug a hole for herself and fell into it.

It's agreed not to disturb each other, why do those people in the Military Family Academy like to make irresponsible remarks?

If she doesn't reunite with him, they will say that his marriage is useless and useless. Why don't they say useless when he eats her food?It's really maddening.

Every time she went to the military region to participate in activities and faced greetings from all directions, she felt her head hurt badly.

At first, I thought that I had found a backer for myself, and it was normal for husband and wife to live in two places, but who would have thought that even Qin Zheng, a hard-hearted person, would be annoyed by nagging, so he wrote to her many times asking for help: "How about, You come to stay for a while? To relieve the height of the spit stars splashing?"

(End of this chapter)

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