The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1091 [1090] Heroines of the Republic of China 64 (5000+)

Chapter 1091 [1090] Heroines of the Republic of China 64 (5000+)

Time flew by in a busy way. After the spring of [-], Anyi began to brew soy sauce and vinegar using the ancient method. She had done these in the beast world, so it was not difficult, although the memory is gone. , but some skills are still preserved to this day. Basically, when you see these raw materials, you know how to do it.

In addition to soy sauce and vinegar, there are also soy sauce and watermelon sauce. Watermelon is naturally made with melons grown in the space. In addition to watermelon, a lot of melon seeds, peanuts, peppers, etc. are also made for supplementary ingredients. If this sauce is When it is done, it will be a god sauce for dinner, especially delicious.

Regardless of whether it is soy sauce, vinegar or sauce, the beans must first be soaked and fermented. This process will take a month, and then it will be processed step by step until they are fully ripe and edible, at least until autumn.

It is precisely because the time is too long and the production process is cumbersome, so she usually makes one or two years at a time and eats slowly.

This production is a big project, and the children will help out after school, and learn from her. In their own words, it is their own ability to learn.

After the beginning of spring, they chose two weekends to go home and use the land in front of and behind the house to grow vegetables and food.

People in the village had never thought that An Yi was so capable, let alone that Anna and An Qi actually went to school in the city, and had already graduated from high school.

Now I don't know how many people are envious and jealous behind their backs, and some even think about throwing their daughters to Anyi to raise them. Among them, Liu Fugui's desire is the strongest.

Over the years, although Anyi did not directly destroy his marriage, it indirectly prevented him from having children. Seeing his three daughters getting bigger and bigger, and he couldn't have a son, wouldn't his daughter be the only one? Became his only hope?

But he was jealous of Anyi's way of raising the picked children, so he had thought more than once, how good it would be if his three daughters were also raised by her?
It's a pity that although he had this idea, he didn't dare to tell Anyi, but if he didn't say it, it didn't mean that his old lady who always loved to be a monster didn't say it.

So when the old lady of the Liu family brought her three ill-bred granddaughters to An's house, and wanted to win a little sympathy from An Yi, Anyi saw through her thoughts at a glance.

Although she sympathizes with these three girls, as they grow older, they have been brainwashed by the Liu family, and their three views have also been distorted. When eating and playing, grabbing when you go up, and crying when you don’t give it, the only bit of sympathy is exhausted.

An Yi didn't welcome them, and didn't want to talk to them, so she turned around and entered the room out of sight and out of mind. Seeing this, Anna stayed to deal with the old woman, and was told away by the outspoken An Qi after a while.

Now Anna and An Qi can stand up straight in the village. People used to gossip about them wherever they went. As they grow older and the years pass by, they have become indifferent to many things. As long as they don't care anymore, they can say whatever they want, plus their experience in school, let them understand that life has hope, and there are still many things to do in life, and it doesn't have to be hanged on a tree .

Whenever they passed by their natal family, or wandered in the village, they were told that they had no conscience, and they didn’t know how to go back to their own house when they came back, the two of them laughed it off, even if they met their natal family head-on, they could turn a blind eye 's gone.

Their kindness to their family was repaid in the years after they returned from the comfort station.

Without An Yi, they would not have been reborn, so when they were reborn, they only had An Yi's kindness in their eyes, and no love from others.

The village is the place where they grew up, but looking at it now, they already have a feeling of returning to their mother's home.

Yes, it is the natal family, and only married women have natal families, but their rebirth is no different from that of women marrying.

Anna is already 30 years old. At her age in the village, she may become a grandmother in a few years, and her own mother can't disturb her anymore. Every time she sees her, her lips tremble and she stands up tremblingly. I wanted to talk to her, but she ignored it.

I heard that she is not doing well now, and her sisters-in-law are very disgusted with her. Both of them went back to their mother's house on the New Year's Eve, leaving the old couple sitting alone at the door, looking forward to something, but unfortunately, everything I can't go back to the past.

The same thing happened to Angie's natal family, but Angie did the same thing as Anna.

The leaves are turning yellow little by little, so why isn't the human heart getting colder and harder little by little?

The so-called cause will reap the same fruit. The more books An Qi and Anna read and the more gossip they have seen, the more they can keep their heads clear.

An Yi is quite satisfied with the performance of the two of them. She is afraid of the kind of indecisive and disconnected people. But if one of the two of them helps them with her own things, she will not be able to treat them like she is now. .

As for An Hu, it's even more pitiful. She hasn't seen her father all these years. Even if the stepmother's natal family lives in Dingyuan County, they may not be able to recognize her according to An Hu's changes over the years.

Because An Hu has grown a lot in the past two years. At the age of 17, he is already over 1.8 meters. His appearance has also undergone qualitative changes due to puberty, and his voice has undergone qualitative changes. Even a mustache has emerged, and he speaks in a rough voice. He is angry, it is really difficult to recognize people who are not close relatives, let alone the stepmother's natal family, the number of times I have seen him is very small, with different names and surnames, and I will not think about it when I see him.

An Ran and An Ning followed her since they were young. His mother died, and his father heard that he had remarried and gave birth to a son to his heart's content. Hehe, how could he have given birth to a son?
An Yi had already sterilized their own father, and it was impossible for him to give birth to a cub in his life, so only God knows whose son this son is.

Perhaps, this is the biggest revenge for him, now he doesn't know, what about in the future, will he not know in the future?Never know?
How can it be?

Therefore, sooner or later, he will know that he has raised a son for others, and for this son, he will abandon his own child.

Retribution, not less, but a matter of time.

As a woman in this era, it is actually quite pitiful, but compared to the peaceful era, women in the war years are even more pitiful.

An Yi can grow cotton because of the space, so she uses cotton to make menstrual belt every month, and ignites it with a fire when it is used up. When the quantity is small, she uses toilet paper of a slightly better quality. A lot of soft and clean toilet paper is enough for her daily needs.

Compared with her, An Qi and Anna saved a lot, and they always used the toilet paper she bought. In their opinion, this is already very good, and it is better than the menstrual belt made of plant ash, wrapping the cloth strips of plant ash, or repeating Washing and reusing, the two of them suffered a lot when they were at their natal family in the country.

It was only after coming to An Yi that they enjoyed the convenience of toilet paper. As for cotton, they didn't even dare to think about it. Of course, An Yi didn't plan to use this for them. She also felt that it was a waste. Toilet paper was enough for them. daily needs.

The conditions for An Ran and An Ning in the future will only get better and better under her creation, so when they grow up, they may be able to buy sanitary napkins here.

After finishing the work and returning to the county town, Anyi split the ox head in half, cleaned it up, stewed half of it, added various sauces, the ox head stewed for two hours was very soft, picked out the tender one and gave it to the two daughters , and the rest they used her perilla leaves, lettuce leaves, and cabbage leaves to roll up, dipped in garlic paste and chili sauce, stuffed them into their mouths, oh, it was so refreshing to eat!

"Isn't it very comfortable to eat like this when you're gluttonous?"

Seeing everyone eating with oily mouths and satisfied faces, Anyi also felt extremely happy, especially for a young man like An Hu, who was just growing up, and An Yi gave him half of it. , was said by the aunt and aunt.

"Eat, eat tall and strong to protect our family."

"Yeah, Huzi, it's not that we insist on putting pressure on you, who made you the only man in our family!"

"We are women, so we eat less. You are a man and you should eat more."

An Yi also greeted him in advance, "Not everyone can be a soldier, you need a physical examination, and you need to choose good physical fitness. Since our family has this condition so that you can keep up with nutrition, you don't have to be polite here. We are all a family Humans, it seems that they are divided in such a way, do you treat us as your own family?"

"Mother An, I'm sorry. I was wrong. I won't be like this in the future. You're right. We are all a family and we shouldn't see outsiders like this."

"That's right! Let's eat. Although our family's conditions are not bad, we can't eat meat every day, especially your mental work is quite hard."

Although An Hu is not a very smart child, he at least works hard and knows how to work hard. For such a child, even if the future is not very good, it will not be too bad. What An Yi wants is for the child to grow up safely. Big, other requirements are really not high.

Since the bread of Su country was available, the meals that An Hu prepared for school became much simpler.

In order to keep a low profile, she told An Hu to hide from people when eating, because she prepared bread for him with a strong sense of satiety. Inside the bread, he put steak and vegetables marinated with black pepper, and ate it at noon and night every day. One, drink some hot water, or go to the cafeteria to have some soup, and you will be very satisfied.

The taste was improved by An Yi, which is suitable for the stomachs of Chinese people. In addition to the bread with meat, he also asked him to bring a small jar of pickles, so that it would be more delicious to eat.

At the beginning, everything was fine, but after a long time, he always ate with his eyes closed, and the good-natured people saw him, thinking that he ate something shameful.

The schools in the county town also have a sense of comparison. The relationship between An Hu and Anyi has not been exposed, so no one knows that he is Anyi's son.

He is not the oldest in the class, but his honest and honest image is considered easy to be bullied by some boys.

After eating a few times by himself, he was followed. An Hu noticed this and let them follow him without taking it seriously.

There are a few girls in the class who eat vegetable dumplings every day, the kind of black vegetable dumplings that fall apart when touched, and are made of bran and miscellaneous grains. In this way, it is not easy to be able to go to school, who cares what to eat?
But there are a few people who think that their family conditions are good, make jokes about this and that all day long, don’t think about where the problem is when they don’t study well, and stare at others every day, it seems that as long as they can learn from these people with excellent academic performance It is an honor to find something that is not as good as yourself.

Therefore, after An Hu noticed this, they caught them easily. When they saw the seafood black steamed bread made of cuttlefish ink and seafood meat in his lunch box and kneaded it into white flour, they thought he was eating The thing was shameful, and when I grabbed it, I wanted to put it in my mouth, trying to taste this dark, fishy-smelling cornbread, so that I could say something that would make him feel ashamed, but An Hu grabbed his lunch box with a displeased expression on his face look up.

"This is the ration my mother made for me. Why do you grab it? Eat your own."

He was about to leave, but his classmate was irritated by his tone, and laughed sarcastically on the spot.

"A smelly cornbread that is as black as coal balls, who would want to eat it? Let me tell you, I am willing to eat it, it is for your face, if you don't give me face, do you think that what you have is shameful?"

An Hu hugged the lunch box tightly, looked indifferently at the other party's ugly face, and said indifferently.

"As long as it's made by my mother, no matter what it looks like, I think it's delicious, and there's nothing shameful about it, as long as it's enough to eat. Zhang Cong, school is a place for learning, not for comparison. Several girls in the class were taunted and cried by you, and the teacher also warned you, why do you still refuse to change after repeated admonition? What is the meaning of not eating by yourself every day, just staring at other people's jobs? Could it be that you. Mom didn't give you Ready to eat, you want to grab a meal, but you are not ashamed to ask, and you want to grab it directly?"

"What nonsense are you talking about, I will be rare for the food in your mouth? You don't even look at what you eat. I don't want it to be fishy and smelly. What my mother prepared for me today is white flour steamed buns. Fried eggs are so delicious, I will be rare for the black stuff in your hand? Bah! See if I don’t clean you up!”

Zhang Cong's family is a bit powerful in the county. His father seems to be the director of the slaughterhouse, and his mother is the toll collector at the purchasing station. From Zhang Cong's chubby figure, it can be seen that the family conditions are good. The pocket money and snacks were brought to the school, so he was followed by several younger brothers who were trying to grab some food and drink.

As long as he loosens his fingers, why can't he eat some steamed bun crumbs, chicken cake crumbs?
The whole class knows that his family is well-off, well-clothed, and well-fed, and his parents look at people with their nostrils upturned. He himself has never looked down on those poor classmates, including his teachers. If his face is pale, he will also look down on him.

An Hu came up by skipping grades. I heard that he went to school late, but he skipped grades all the way from elementary school, which made Fatty Zhang very upset. He tried many times to find opportunities to get rid of his spirit, but he never found an opportunity. The main reason is that An Hu is better than him He is tall and doesn't look thin, so he has never dared to do anything.

I thought that today must be a good opportunity, but how could I have imagined that even though he saw An Hu, he still had a calm face, not nervous about being caught by him, nor did he show inferiority and lack of self-confidence because of his sarcasm. His usual performance after bullying was too different, so he was very satisfied.

But he just pushed and shoved An Hu, but was blocked by An Hu with one hand, and pushed back hard, one of them didn't stop, and lay on the ground sprawled.

Fatty Zhang has been domineering in County No. [-] Middle School for two or three years, and no one has ever treated him like this. He was stunned for a moment, and looked at An Hu in disbelief.

"How dare you push me?"

An Hu didn't expect the fat man to be so useless, so she immediately frowned at him.

"You were the one who pushed me first, and you were the one who started looking for trouble when you came up. You can't blame me if you didn't stand firm and fell down."

Fatty Zhang's followers were all around him, so he jumped out and pointed at An Hu and said, "Obviously you pushed Zhang Cong first."

"Yes, it's you, you pushed Zhang Cong, you pushed people down, and you still want to renege on the debt?"

"Zhang Cong, don't be afraid, let's go to the teacher and ask the teacher to come and judge."

Zhang Cong knew that the school teachers didn't like him, because he often bullied his classmates and sought out teachers frequently, which caused many teachers to be very laissez-faire to him.

As long as there is no noise in class, he can do whatever he wants. In this situation, he hasn't thought about finding a teacher yet, but his companion has already run out to find the teacher. Seeing this, An Hu is not in a hurry, and goes straight to find a teacher. He sat down, opened the lunch box, and ate one bite at a time. This was the lunch his mother made for him, and he couldn't waste it.

So, when Fatty Zhang sat on the ground and watched An Hu's delicious food dryly with his followers, he swallowed subconsciously.

The teacher was also eating in the cafeteria at this time, and when he saw Fatty Zhang's servant running over to complain to her, he felt very irritable.

But it didn't show on his face, and he said something to the follower.

"An Hu has been eating on the playground for the past two days. I saw it. He went to the playground to eat. Why did he fight with Zhang Cong? You straighten out the ins and outs before telling me."

Teachers like Zhang Cong don’t dare to take care of Zhang Cong, and they can’t take care of him, but An Hu is an honest child, willing to learn, and was introduced by Teacher An Yi’an. Relationship.

An Hu never caused troubles at school, respected teachers, united with classmates, if there is anything she can't do, she would go to the teacher's office to ask the teacher. That Zhang Cong pushed down?
Zhang Cong enjoys laughing at his classmates. He has appeared in the class not once or twice. Now when the classmates see him, they dare not eat in front of him, for fear that he will say something mocking and sarcasm. It is really unlucky to be seen by him when you go to the playground to eat.

So the teacher continued to eat his meal without raising his head. He was afraid that he would not be able to swallow because of anger, so he simply asked this person to explain the ins and outs of the meal first, to hear what the problem was, and it would not be too late to go.

(End of this chapter)

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