The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1088 [1087] Heroines of the Republic of China 61 (2000+)

Chapter 1088 [1087] Heroines of the Republic of China 61 (2000+)

Gu Sheng only brought sticky bean buns and didn't want eggs, so An Yi forced him to accept it, so he had to accept it, but after he left, he found out that he had stuffed five dollars by the stove at home at some point, presumably for the children The New Year's money, this man is quite polite.

She gave An Hu the five dollars directly: "Buy what you need, and save up if you don't have anything to buy, and marry a wife in the future."

Anna smiled when she heard it, "If you want to become a mother-in-law, you may have to wait for many years. How old is Hu Zi?"

Born in 40, Huzi is 17 years old this year. Although he is officially 17 years old in winter, An Yi, who is 20 years older than him, is already 37 years old.

37 years old in the 60s with an average age of 60 to 17 years old, he is already half-buried in the soil. Exaggeration is a bit exaggerated, but it also fully explains the general environment of this era. Huzi is [-] years old. If he is not going to school, he is also ready to talk about marriage On the age of marriage.

So Anna thinks that he is still young because they are still studying. If they don't study and face the loess with their backs to the sky every day, they won't have such thoughts.

"Sister, you always say that time makes people grow old. If you don't say it, no one will think you are 37. You look like you are in your twenties at most. There is really no exaggeration."

Anna was right. Not only she, but An Qi and An Hu also felt that An Yi had a good attitude and was extremely young. Not only did she not have any wrinkles on her face, she didn't even have spots, and she was very clean. She is the effect of the mask.

If you take off that mask, you will find that the real Yi Shui is not only young, but also very beautiful. This is related to her year-round physical exercise, maintaining a good attitude, and healthy eating habits.

An's women's non-marriage doctrine has spread around here, and the surrounding discussions about their family have never stopped, and it is extremely ugly. There are even rumors that An Yi is the concubine of the original owner, and the family went to the capital to enjoy the blessings. I left her here, the two daughters must be her illegitimate daughters, blah blah...

Of course, some people think that she is ugly and not worthy of other people's family. Every time she hears this, she will hehe twice as a response.

"She doesn't get married herself. What's wrong with her two younger sisters? Why don't they let them marry? You see, her younger sisters are better than her, she must be jealous of others!"

Their family is usually too low-key, so there are not many people who know their past. Anna and An Qi were not questioned, but their evaluation was not low, and they were even stopped by someone on the way to go on a blind date. There are many such strange things. They all refused because of their studies, and in the end, it was all on An Yi's head.

Who made her look ugly? This has become one of the reasons everyone hates her.

Even at school, some students Lai pointed at her nose and called her ugly, but An Yi laughed it off.

Whether it's ugly or beautiful, maybe she didn't understand before, but after so many lives, she has already looked down on all of them, it's nothing more than a face.

If you are an empty vase, what can you have left when Meixie goes?
An Yi's popularity in school is not bad. Some people think she is ugly and don't like her, but most of the children respect her very much. Even her male colleagues are full of praise for her. This depends on her teaching ability and her own knowledge. Just like Gu Sheng who couldn't get used to her face before, isn't he able to maintain a normal mind towards her now?
After the eighth day of the first lunar month, An Yi took her two daughters on the journey again, this time, she chose the direction of Su Guo.

The two sisters and An Hu stayed at home to study in retreat, while she took her two daughters on a trip for several months.

The main reason is that Maodong is too boring, and the country of Su is the place she yearns for, especially the country of Su in this era.

The long winter in Suzhou is worse than that in Northeast China.Every year, it snows at the beginning of October, and it starts to melt after the "May 10st" festival in the second year.

If you want to go to Suzhou, you have to go to Harbin first, and then take the international express train from Harbin to Moshi. If you start from the capital, you need to spend nine days and nine nights on the train.

An Yi took advantage of the early morning light and when there were no people around, she drove the car from the country of Wa to Harbin from the small county town with difficulty. During this period, seeing that there were no people on the road, she didn't stop and drove directly to her destination.

After arriving in Harbin, she used a forged letter of introduction and a red badge to change her identity, and first boarded the train to Manzhouli. Of course, she could not buy a sleeper berth. Because she had no rights, she could only carry it on the cold hard seat for two days and nights. .

When it is too cold in the middle, I will take advantage of the time to go to the toilet, hide in the space to have a meal, exchange a cup of hot tea, and interact with the children for a while. The sisters are now accustomed to the living environment of the space that is like spring all the year round. , Sometimes she can't take care of them when she is busy, and when she gets tired after crying for a while, she falls asleep by herself.

There is no danger on the grass, and there are a lot of toys and food for them. As long as you observe their situation at any time, usually there is no problem. If there is a problem, she will find a way to enter it as soon as possible. space.

After arriving in Manzhouli, the train stopped here for an hour, and the Soviet Customs and border guards got on the train to check and check the license, and went through the entry formalities.

If she wants to take an international train, she needs a work permit, or an overseas student dispatch permit. She doesn't have any of these, so she finds a way to send someone to the platform, and then borrows a short invisibility technique to board the train and enter the space.

Because the effect of invisibility is only 1 minute, it can only be used after entering the platform, and 1 minute is enough for her to get on the bus and enter the space.

In this car, she needs to stay for seven days, which is nearly half a month in the space, so she can play with the two children in the space to her heart's content.

Of course, during this half month, she also has a job, which is to sort out her eggs.

If necessary, all of them will be sold in the country of Su. Although there is no detailed count, at least tens of thousands.

The reason why she brought the two daughters was because if the children were left home, the three would not be able to study wholeheartedly, so she chose to leave this trouble to herself.

The train was driven to the yard, the wheels of the carriages were changed, and the train staff were all replaced by Soviet people, and they also started to eat Russian food for three meals a day.

After entering the country of Su, she can see the situation outside from the space——

The people are from Su, the characters are in Russian, the streets are sparsely populated with wooden houses, and even the dogs seem to be different from those in Hua?

Such exoticism fell into An Yi's eyes, and she suddenly felt strange.

Afterwards, the train left the country and arrived at the Suzhou border station——Aoshi Station.

When crossing the border, she noticed that they were still under health quarantine, and everyone was given a shot.

The Su-style syringe has a long and thick tube and a large amount of medicine. Just seeing the needle makes her scalp feel numb. No wonder many people have backaches and leg pains after the injection, and the whole body feels uncomfortable, just like the reaction of a serious illness. .

 Afraid of being pulled into the black room again, simply two thousand and one chapters.

(End of this chapter)

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