The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1086 [1085] Heroines of the Republic of China 59 (4000+)

Chapter 1086 [1085] Heroines of the Republic of China 59 (4000+)

For a moment, An Yi thought that she had been exposed, but when she read his words carefully, she found that he was actually protecting herself in disguise.

With his ability and contributions, he should have seen many doctors, including some authoritative institutions, but she, an ordinary teacher in the county, has done what others can't do. What would he think of her?

If he really continued to be his soldier with such peace of mind, then whoever treated him didn't mean that if he didn't say anything and kept silent, he could live in peace.

Although the chaos in the past few years is not obvious, people in the system may feel it more deeply. There should be many patients like him around him, so what does he say?
Having said that, her peaceful life will be disrupted. If not, what will his comrades think of him?

Unexpectedly, this man still has such a careful side. He must have thought a lot since he was sober, right?
An Yi really wanted to say: "Don't worry about me," but she couldn't say the words when she got to her mouth, because she didn't want her peaceful life to be broken.

Using golden fingers and supernatural powers to cure diseases, one or two is okay, if you really have to line up, sooner or later there will be exposure, at that time, how she will be treated, she can't even think about it, so this Friendship, she answered, thanking him with the most sincere words: "Thank you."

Qin Zheng said calmly: "You don't need to thank me. Strictly speaking, you saved my life. I owe you more than that."

Anyi also looked indifferent: "I don't lack money or anything. Since you don't continue to fight on the front line, then treat it as you owe me a favor? When you become prosperous in the future, you can help me if you can."

Both of them are smart people, and they let the other party breathe a sigh of relief when they spread the word out, but Gu Sheng on the side was a little unhappy.

He stared at An Yi: "No, what do you mean, why don't you ask him for money? Let me tell you, this guy earns a lot of money, and he can definitely afford it,"

Anyi interrupted with a smile: "Because he changes his job to another place, he will have certain rights in his hands, and he can help me when necessary. If you have this ability, I will return your gold bars to you? "

Seeing An Yi's calculating little expression, Gu Sheng really felt that it was too ugly, but he didn't particularly hate it. He wondered if he was sick?

"You look down on me, a working people?"

What happened to him sweeping the toilet and sweeping the street?Isn't it still that there are so many little girls and daughter-in-laws peeking at him every day?

"Who dares to look down on you, but your class is on, who will take care of your buddy? In his situation, at least he has to stay with me for half a month. My son is not at home every day. I also have a class here." superior."

"Oh, don't worry, I've already asked for leave, and I'll take care of him during this time, it's just..., is he really well?"

Although he introduced them to each other, Gu Sheng still felt a little unreal, until An Yi showed them the shrapnel and bullets that were taken out, and the two of them were in admiration in the same way, which made her feel a sense of accomplishment.

"Some words are tacit, only this time, don't make an example next time, don't cause me such trouble again, I'm just a teacher now."

Qin Zheng slightly nodded at her, his cold voice was a little hoarse, but full of sincerity.

"Thank you, otherwise my life would really hang on my belt at any time."

An Yi waved her hand: "I am also willing to help you because I admire you all. Gu Sheng, you will not sweep the streets forever, and now you should just keep a low profile,"

Although she still doesn't know whether Gu Sheng fell to this point because of Z's needs, or because of his own willingness, or because he was framed and tortured, no matter what his willingness is, it can't erase the contributions he has made. .

When Anyi went out, Qin Zheng looked at Gu Sheng with rare sharp eyes.

"She lives very transparently and seems to hide a lot of secrets in her body. How did you know each other?"

After Gu Sheng finished talking about the process of the two getting acquainted, Qin Zheng thought about that sentence: "Tell me, she knows what you used to do?"

Gu Sheng nodded: "I know, I even said clearly where I have been active. Although not all of them, it also shocked me. Sometimes I doubt whether I have ever been my own person?"

Gu Sheng's words made Qin Zheng fall into deep thought, and after a while, he said with that slightly pale face.

"Her good medical skills can't fool anyone. I can wake up in such a bad situation, which is enough to show how superb the medical skills are. Presumably, the experience of the war years is no less than that of you and me. Moreover, I always feel that such a face , shouldn’t have such beautiful eyes, she, it’s not simple, the so-called heroes don’t ask where they come from, you are the same as me, and she is the same, so let’s do it, she won’t tell, we won’t ask.”

"Are you really going to take this kind of love? I think it's more cost-effective to give money. What if you can't do what she asks you to do in the future?"

Qin Zheng smiled lightly, and his expression was distorted after pulling the wound: "You underestimate her too much, she is not so superficial, you see that she is spending money on food and clothing, like a person who is short of money? Really short of money, will Raising so many children who have nothing to do with her? All she wants is a comfortable life."

Regarding this point, Gu Sheng was deeply convinced: "Well, it's true, I had the operation before, but I ate a lot of good food, her family seems... There is no shortage of food!"

"It's not that there is no shortage of food. It can only be said that this woman's business ability is not bad. The monthly income of being a teacher is enough to support the family. Everyone in their family is in the countryside, so they should also have food subsidies."


An Yi didn't know that after she left, she was analyzed by two men.

Considering that Gu Sheng would stay here in the future, An Yi gave him a key to the gate.

"The kitchen has rice, noodles, oil and vegetables. You can cook whatever you want. You don't have to worry about it too much. I will write down his dietary standards for you separately. From today to tomorrow, don't eat."

The first night was a critical period. With Gu Sheng watching Qin Zheng all the time, she could sleep soundly.

It's a bit of a pity to spend the weekend like this.

Before An Hu got dark, Anna packed his things for him and asked him to go back early, so that he didn't have to get up so early the next day.

The An's family started to go to class at four or five o'clock on Monday morning. An Yi had morning and evening self-study every Monday and Wednesday, so when Gu Sheng got up, there was no one in the An's family. Four puppies squeezed out next to him, and they had seen Gu Sheng before, so they were not afraid of him, and they were still running around in the yard.

He leaned against the door and watched the smoke still rising from the chimney. The mother dog and her sons were playing around by gnawing, and suddenly felt a sense of tranquility.

Qin Zheng lay on the couch and looked at him: "It's time for you to start a family!"

Gu Sheng wanted to say something, but suddenly he didn't know where to start, so he could only sigh: "What about you?"

He hasn't married yet because he is very hesitant about his future, but what about Qin Zheng?At any rate, he was married and had children. Although he didn't have much affection for them, the wages of those years were sent home on time. Where did I think of...

"They have become your past tense, you have to look forward after all,"

Qin Zheng smiled wryly at the corner of his mouth: "People like me who have today but not necessarily tomorrow should not have a family. Besides, now I want nothing but to live well."

Then the two of them simultaneously thought of An Yi's attitude towards life, not getting married, adopting a child, and being busy every day, it seems that it is not bad?

"Nowadays, there are not many women who are as open-minded as her!"

"She has an independent outlook on life, is self-reliant, does not depend on men, and can support so many people by herself. A woman like her doesn't need men at all, and her thinking is quite avant-garde. At least in these years, I have seen all kinds of people. Among the lecherous women, even our teammates, the wise and calm snipers, may not be able to be as open-minded as her."

Qin Zheng already admires her very much now, except for her mysterious medical skills, and her attitude towards life, which few women can achieve.

There is a sick person at home, and Anyi needs to come back in a hurry to prepare medicine for Qin Zheng at noon. For the first three days, she needs an IV drip, one in the morning, one in the middle of the evening, and one in the evening. Maintain the basic needs of the body.

When An Yi came back from get off work, sometimes she would carry a piece of fish, buy a rib, or get some duck eggs, and then serve them with sweet potato noodles, corn noodles, rich and strong noodles, and leftover broken rice to supplement everyone's nutrition, which indirectly improved Qin's health. Zheng's food standard.

Her understanding made Qin Zheng and his brothers take this kindness to heart silently.

Half a month later, An Yi checked Qin Zheng's recovery. With her combination of Chinese and Western medicine, external application and oral administration, his condition has stabilized.

"You still need to rest, don't leave in a hurry, it's just a month's dose of medicine I prescribed for you, as long as you survive this month, you'll be fine."

After saying that he didn't want any money, when Qin Zheng left, he still secretly left 100 yuan under the pillow, in addition to a cloth ticket and a special wine ticket.

An Yi only saw it when she was making the bed, and she didn't refuse, and it was not rude to come and go. He had it in his hand, so it didn't matter if she continued.

Qin Zheng came out of An's house and stayed with Gu Sheng for half a month before leaving. As for where he was going, Gu Sheng didn't ask, and Qin Zheng didn't say anything. Naturally, An Yi didn't pay much attention, anyway, everyone knew it. The future of this man is not going to be bad.

In mid-June, An Hu had successfully completed the elementary school knowledge points. In order not to waste time, An Yi used her relationship to help him find a position as an auditor in No. 6 Middle School, and asked him to follow the study first, and wait until November to participate After the entrance examination, students will enter the first or second year of junior high school according to their level.

An Hu cherishes this opportunity very much. Although this class sounds a bit strenuous, his only advantage is that he is practical enough to write down what he does not know, and then ask his aunts when he gets home. Repeat this for two months, and when he arrives In September, An Hu was able to keep up with the progress of the first year of junior high school.

It is a wise choice for An Hu to return to the city at this time.

It's also fortunate that An Hu has finished learning the content of the primary school, otherwise he would have to worry about the problem of eating.

... This environment is inexplicably irritating. When An Yi doesn't want to go, she asks Anna to take An Hu and the others back, while she stays at home and does some small work.

September to November is the critical period for the autumn harvest, and it is also the time when the school's learning tasks are at the end. After all, from the end of March to the beginning of November, the eight months of study time are continuous and relatively exhausting, but who makes the students here Is the winter cycle too long?

The vegetables of An Yi's family are growing well this year, and they can be irrigated with Lingquan water every week. Not to mention the thick ones, the vegetables are also growing one after another, and it seems that they can never be eaten. They go back every weekend, and under the leadership of Anyi, the saved amount is dried and pickled, which is the best way to preserve it.

Vegetables are well taken care of, and there are many knots, so they will naturally enjoy themselves in winter.

Usually tomatoes are made into sauce, wet peppers are made into chopped pepper sauce, dry ones are made into chili noodles, beans, cucumbers, eggplants and potatoes are dried in the sun to make dried vegetables, and they can also be pickled directly with salt.

They used to do it directly in the country houses, but since the focus shifted to the county town, they brought all of these back to their home in the county town. Apart from what they brought back, An Yi also moved a lot out of the space.

After all, it's not normal for fresh vegetables to appear in the twelfth lunar month of winter, and she didn't dare to take the risk, so she simply made more while the vegetables were drying.

In addition to vegetables, there are also activity reserves such as salted fish, smoked fish, bacon, bacon and sausage.

Their family is living a prosperous life, but other people's lives don't know which ones are happy and which ones are sad.

As for the female teacher in the same office as her, because she didn't have enough to eat all day long, the child she gave birth hadn't survived confinement. She didn't know about it, but if she knew, she wouldn't just watch the child go away like this.

It was only later that I learned that although the couple are dual-career workers, they can still earn 80 to [-] yuan a month, but the family burden is not so heavy. The old people in the countryside, brothers and sisters have become their burdens. In the end, I was stunned that my life was not as good as human beings. No wonder her colleagues suffered from postpartum depression and their spirits have always been abnormal. This is all forced by life.

Even though she came to work after the full moon, the quality of her teaching continued to decline, and she was corrected several times by the students. Gradually, she lost confidence. The school saw her like this, and she was not expelled because of her hard work for many years. He just called her husband over, explained the situation, and asked him to take her home. After all, the heart disease still needs to be treated with heart medicine. If things go on like this, something will happen sooner or later, so it's better to plan early.

Unexpectedly, after her husband brought the man home, he beat the teacher. The children knew about this, and they all ran to their house to help the teacher. They also offered their own food to the teacher. The teacher was suffering from depression Those who were tortured became weak, and then abused by their in-laws, their bodies were so emaciated that they could be blown down by a gust of wind, and the children were so young that they couldn't hold on in the end, and both adults and children were hospitalized.

When he was hospitalized and the test results came out, both the woman and the child were suffering from severe malnutrition. If the loss was not stopped in time, it might affect the child's height and IQ in the future. Only then did the man realize that he was wrong...

(End of this chapter)

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