The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1069 [1068] Heroines of the Republic of China 42 (6000+)

Chapter 1069 [1068] Heroines of the Republic of China 42 (6000+)

If you count it seriously, the probability of having the same name and surname is not zero.

It's just... "Your mother is also named Cai Wenfang? Isn't this too much of a coincidence?"

At the beginning, Cai Wenfang was indeed registered in the mother's column, and An Yi had nothing to say.

"This..., it's really a coincidence, but I really don't know them, and they don't know me, so we can't forcefully tie our two families together, right?"

Cai Wenfang fled to the mountains in Sichuan Province because of the war, and it was fate. Didn't Yishui was sold there?
Going around, her family actually passed by, and even lived there for many years.

After Little Japan surrendered, it's not that they never thought about coming back, but money, food, and time were all big problems that plagued them for such a long journey.

So after a delay, they had already known the news of Yi Dacheng's death from the local government in the early years.

It's just that I can't make it through for a while, so it has been delayed for so many years. In this era, information is not developed. Of course, there is no record of Anyi's confession. I don't know. Sweeping the tomb, he would not know from the management office that Yi Dacheng also has a daughter who recognizes his relatives.

At that time, Cai Wenfang was excited, thinking that her daughter Yi Shui was found, but how could she know that the girl in front of her was not their Yi Shui at all!

"Who the hell are you, and why do you want to recognize my family as your father? What do you really care about? Do you want to be a martyr and fight for things? I heard that you used this identity to let someone build a house for you? Where is the house? Take us to see it quickly, or you can return the house to us, otherwise, I will never finish this matter with you. "

An Yi was also speechless. If it wasn't for the fact that this family looked like blood-sucking worms, she wouldn't dare to admit it. But now it's her who has become the person who took advantage of the name. Fortunately, the comrades in the military run Stand up and explain.

"You have misunderstood. The girl did not ask for that house on her own initiative, nor did she rely on her status as a martyr. We built it. Think about it carefully. With so many martyrs, who did we build the house for? The reason why we helped this girl settle down , because she has made a huge and outstanding contribution to the government. As for the contribution, I don’t need to tell you. You just need to know that this house doesn’t take any advantage of Yi Dacheng. Besides, her father is also called Yi Dacheng, are you sure you are not the same person? What if..."

Cai Wenfang pointed at An Yi's face and said with a sarcastic smile: "Comrade, if there is no such event, look at her face, where there is a little bit of my family's inheritance, it is absolutely impossible to be my Yi family, we don't care what she does. What contribution, she should not live in such a big house by herself, there are two solutions now, first, help us settle here, the Northeast is our home, our family is tossing What is the purpose of coming back? Isn’t it falling back to the roots? Second, she can’t be my Dacheng’s daughter for so many years in vain, she can either vacate the house for us, or give us money and food, be a Dacheng’s daughter, be filial to us, and give us old age.”

Cai Wenfang's words directly stunned Anyi. She never expected that the gentle and virtuous mother in the memory of the original owner would be destroyed by time and reality like this.

Indeed, due to emotion and reason, she, the tasker, should serve Cai Wenfang to the end of her life. It’s fine if she didn’t find it before, but now that she has found it, shouldn’t she provide for others?

However, is this for her to provide for the elderly alone?This is clearly to support her family.

She doesn't want to do such dirty things, even if points are deducted for the task, she doesn't want to do it, she would rather adopt a few more children than being entangled with the best family.

Anyway, the child is well-raised and knows how to be grateful. These people are just here to take advantage of it.

As Cai Wenfang's biological daughter, she didn't care about anything, and it seemed that she couldn't justify it. After much deliberation, An Yi made a decision.

"Since Aunt Cai said so, I have nothing to say. After all, it is true that I misidentified relatives, but my household registration is still in that house. How about it, give me half a month. After May Day, you guys Let the comrades from the Yongjun Office accompany me to inspect the house, how about it? During this period of time, I should move, I should transfer my account, and I will transfer it out, do you think it will work?"

The comrades in the Supporting Army Office did not expect An Yi to be able to do this, and immediately admired her. However, before he could speak, Cai Wenfang said it again.

"Comrade, since you call me auntie, there is no need to deal with this matter so badly. You can get your household registration as soon as you want, and I can recognize you as my goddaughter. In this way, you are still Dacheng's daughter. Then You can also live in the house, but you will have to pay us pensions in the future, not much for a month, just [-]."

"Mom, it's new currency now, five yuan,"

"Ah, yes, five yuan a month and ten catties of grain will do."

Anyi laughed and said: "That's unnecessary, I don't need to change my registered residence, although this house is mine, but since it's in your family's name, it's inappropriate not to give you a thank you fee, let's talk about your family. It's not easy to make a trip, let alone embarrass the comrades who support the army, right? So I gave up the house, but I hope comrades will write this matter clearly when writing the official letter. Because I misidentified my father, took his name, and didn't want to be criticized, so I agreed to give them the house."

"Yes, yes, comrade, don't worry, we will definitely help you solve this matter in place, and you won't have any psychological burden. We will issue the official documents now. They are for your production team, right?"

An Yi nodded, "I want to change my registered residence when I go back, so I hope to write as detailed as possible. I didn't expect things to turn out like this. I'm sorry to cause you trouble."

Compared with the polite and considerate An Yi, Cai Wenfang's family's actions are a bit embarrassing, so the comrades in the Supporting Military Office are of course more partial to An Yi.

When the group of old people who received An Yi's information and arranged to build her a house knew about it, they told everyone not to deal with the Cai family's mess.

But since An Yi had agreed, they didn't want these people to make trouble here, so they simply helped An Yi go through the formalities.

Seeing that An Yi was leaving, Cai Wenfang wanted to follow, and said that there was no need to bother, but An Yi rode on the bike and left as if hiding from the plague.

Just kidding, there are so many things in her house, so they can't be cleaned up or moved?
She gave her the house because she was the mother of the original owner, but nothing else.

It's a pity that the grain and vegetables she just planted are gone, forget it, and she will be filial to the original owner.

After An Yi rode back to Liujiatun, she immediately went to the captain, told the situation, and took the official letter from the Yongjun Office to prove that what she said was true.

"And this thing, then, do you really want to move?"

Anyi nodded, "Move, I'll just move to Anna and An Qi's house. Anyway, we are in the same household registration book now, but we have to go to transfer the address again later."

Hey, although it is troublesome, this process must go!

The An's house was built very high back then, and the stability of the house was good, especially the high walls and safety. Compared with the dilapidated house that An... Qiuxia and Caihua lived in, it was simply incomparable, "Are you willing?"

An Yi smiled wryly: "You have to pay a price for using someone else's identity for nothing, even though they helped me settle down because of my contribution to the country, it has nothing to do with my father being a martyr , but that family came from Sichuan Province, and they haven’t settled down yet. I even paid for the guest house. I thought it’s not suitable for me to live in that big house by myself, so just give it to me. Bar."

Anyi's dedication really touched the production team leader.

"Okay, then go home and tidy up. When you say you're moving, I'll call a few male members to help you. It's so close anyway, so it doesn't take much trouble."

"You don't have to worry about the household registration. After all, your household registration is still with our team. After you move out, I will give you a certificate, and you can transfer your household registration to the Liu family later."

"There is also the subsidy given by the martyr family, which is unnecessary for us. Fortunately, it has not been paid, otherwise I have to pay it back to others. Although my father is also called Yi Dacheng, he is also a martyr, but since he has not been found yet, I I don’t dare to take advantage of this. Let’s pretend that I don’t have the right, or you can give it to them directly, so as not to argue in the future.”

The production team leader hesitated to speak, but An Yi smiled indifferently: "I'm fine,"

After returning home, An Yi checked inside and out, and put all the things that were put into the space into the space, and those left outside can be seen by others.

Three days later, on the weekend, the two sisters also came back and talked about the matter. Although they were aggrieved for her, they didn't say anything. They helped Anyi and the enthusiastic neighbors in the village to move An's house out. Including bedding and so on.

"It's a pity that you put so much effort into painting and decorating the house. Can't you remove such a good gate?"

Hearing An Qi's complaint, An Yi smiled and said, "Okay, why bother about those things? We have to continue to transfer the account on Monday, and transfer all the accounts to you, just as you are still worried that the house will not be able to live for a long time. , it will collapse, it’s all right now, we’ve moved in, before this winter, we’ll find time to repair it, paint it, and that’s enough, and the courtyard wall, although low, can hold up even with those glass slags , Also, our house has a well, and the place is no smaller than that."

"Then we grow so many vegetables and food, aren't we also blind?"

Anna was also a little distressed, and An Yi sighed: "It's no use talking so much now, so let it be."

After moving, starting from Monday, An Yi went to the police station when she had time, and went to the police station for three days in a row before completing the formalities of their house.

The comrades at the police station also asked: "What's going on, look at these few people in your family, moving back and forth, is it fun?"

An Yi had no choice but to tell the ins and outs. When the people at the police station heard this, they stopped talking nonsense and simply went through the procedures for An Yi.

After she left, their colleagues exchanged with each other and said: "This lesbian is quite kind."

"If she is not kind, will she adopt two daughters? In the future, if she wants to have two more, let's not ask anything, and we will do everything for her."

They were also responsible for the transfer procedures of An Yi's adopted children. They came and went. Except for the two children, the people in An Yi's family have never seen each other. The two who changed their names are also poor people. nah!
When Anye's household registration procedures are completed, it will be almost the end of the month. When Cai Wenfang and others come to Liujiatun accompanied by comrades from the Yongjun Office, they nod in satisfaction when they see the big house where Anye used to live, and then the Yongjun Office Comrades explained it to the common people who watched the fun, and then went through the transfer procedures with the captain of Liujiatun. After all, it is a family of martyrs, so we can't ignore it!
Therefore, since May 5, Cai Wenfang's family has completely settled in Liujiatun. When they knew that An Yi's house was nearby, they had the idea of ​​visiting, but they couldn't find anyone after several visits.

It was the neighbor next door who came out and said, "Teacher An is teaching in the county town and the village primary school. She is not at home during the day. If you want to find her, you have to wait until night."

It's getting dark at night, who still walks the streets?

So when they saw An Yi again, it was already another weekend. Seeing that she brought two children, they asked a question in disbelief.

"You have children already? Didn't you say you live alone?"

"I lived alone a few years ago, no problem. May I ask what else you can do with me?"

Cai Wenfang chuckled, looking very kind.

"Well, we are also here to thank you for making such a clean and big house available for us."

What she said was a bit hypocritical, An Yi shook her head lightly.

"You're welcome, as long as you live in that house and don't come looking for my business."

Cai Wenfang's daughter-in-law frowned when she heard this.

"What do you mean by that? What do you mean by looking for you? For no reason, why should I ask you for something? Is this what one of your teachers said?"

An Yi chuckled, "Then what are you guys doing here today? Didn't you agree that the bridge will return to the bridge in the future?"

"We live in the same village, and our two families are not acquainted with each other. We kindly came to visit you. Why is it wrong?"

The corners of An Yi's lips raised slightly: "That's not necessary. In fact, I don't think there is any need for us to get in touch. Instead, you should get in touch with people in the village. After all, spring plowing has started, and it's time for you to come. Join the production team to earn work points."

"I heard what Teacher An meant, because he was afraid that we would pick you up and not let go?"

Anyi glanced at Cai Wenfang, "It's a little bit, after all, I've already taken out the house where I live and live, and I really don't think there's anything in me that is worth walking around with you, I like to open the skylight and talk bluntly , I don’t like beating around the bush. I have already refused to recognize you as godfathers before. Today, you come. I heard from my neighbors and asked me several times. I don’t think it’s like a visit. So, what do you mean?"

Cai Wenfang smiled dryly: "Since Mrs. An said so, then we are not impolite. You see, our family of more than 20 people can't live here. You and your mother will live here. Otherwise, I will let my niece , The little granddaughter came to live with you? There is also a care for each other, right?"

An Yi's face darkened, and she directly refused: "No, my family is not our mother and three, and there are two younger sisters in the county town, we go home on weekends, we only have this little land, even I am dependent on others, why do you come to live here? Besides, if you don’t have enough housing, you can ask the captain to solve it. Isn’t there a few empty houses in the village? You can ask the captain, and the captain will definitely help you solve it, why do you have to come to me?”

An Yi's direct refusal made Cai Wenfang feel very embarrassed: "Isn't this just knowing you?"

"I don't know you guys. If it weren't for my father's name, Yi Dacheng, our two families might not even have such an intersection. I don't give you a house because I'm wrong, or because I'm guilty. I just want to give you a house." I feel guilty because I misidentified the tomb of the martyrs back then, so I gave up my house to you. You can also go to the village to inquire about it, our family doesn’t have much contact with the village.”

"No, Mr. An, you are wrong. Just because your father is also named Yi Dacheng, we should also be in contact, right? Also, my grandchildren, grandnieces and grandnieces are also at school age, you see,"

"I still say the same thing, go to the secretary and the production team leader if you have something to do, they will help you solve all the problems, I am only in charge of teaching, not in charge of admission matters, so it is useless for you to find me, understand? "

Anyi looked at the two children by herself and had to deal with them. She was obviously a little impatient, especially when the child cried, she lost all patience.

"Sorry, it's getting late, I'm going to put the child to sleep, you... please?"

"You are really impolite, you don't look like a teacher at all,"

"Then I beg you not to come here in the future. People like me are not qualified to teach your children. Please don't come to me in the future. I don't owe you anything, and I don't want to have anything to do with you! "

The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law blushed when they were stimulated by An Yi's words, but An Yi didn't care about this and pushed them out the door.

"My child is crying, I'm sorry today, and I'll be sorry in the future, so we don't need to contact, there is no need!"

With a bang, the door was closed, and Anyi went straight to the house without stopping. The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law were very embarrassed by her directness. Just at this time, the neighbors heard the movement and came out. The eyes of the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law turned red, and they started each other's performances.

"We have no other intentions, just to visit Teacher An, but she seems to be angry, is she blaming us for taking her house?"

"She gave up the house on her own initiative. What does it have to do with us? Since she doesn't want to, why did she give it up? Is it because of a guilty conscience? Is she pretending to be a martyr?"


The mother-in-law and daughter-in-law talked to each other. At first, everyone was curious, why did they give up the house even though they were so well-behaved.

As a result, when the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law said this, the good-natured people immediately surrounded her, and you scolded Anyi with every word.

"She is like that. She usually ignores everyone. She is very proud. I don't know why she is so proud. With her broken shoes, who cares to look at her? What is ugly? If it weren't for the writing Well done, she got admitted to a public teacher again, can she become a teacher?"

"That's right. I usually don't move around in the village very much. I walk alone. The gate is closed every day. I don't know what it means to be at home. I don't come out to communicate with us. I don't like this or that. I don't see you. Such a lonely person."

"But don't tell me, they raised the two children very well, and they don't know what their family eats every day. They can feed the children so fat and cute, even I couldn't help but go forward and hug them."


An Yi was breastfeeding the two children in the house, and they stood at the gate talking about her, can she hear?

But so what?You open your mouth, others have dozens of mouths, it's no wonder you can stop it!
She didn't want to have anything to do with the Yi family, so her tone was very blunt and straightforward today. In her opinion, the house had already been given up. They stayed in the guest house for ten days, and it cost her more than 20 yuan for ten days. She was very happy.

Cai Wenfang didn't miss her daughter as she imagined, or she had long forgotten that she still had a girl.

Their attitude made her directly make the decision for the original owner, gave them a house, gave them a place to live, even if she gave her a pension, don't talk about the rest, it's unnecessary.

The Liu family’s old house has been unoccupied all year round. Back then, the sisters moved in hastily and only tidied up one room. Now she lives in another room with her children. The smell is very strong, some parts of the walls are falling off, and it feels very insecure to live in.

An Yi wanted to find an opportunity to repair it, so she took her child to live in the space.

If it wasn't for the difficult adjustment of the courses, the village primary school had the first two classes, and she really didn't want to live in the village.

But she didn't want to go against her original intention. At the beginning, she agreed to live here, so she couldn't disrupt all her plans because of the Yi family's arrival, right?
Liu’s, no, it should be called An’s now. The An’s yard and backyard grow corn, sweet potatoes, peanuts and potatoes, but no vegetables. The vegetables are all at her house. Now there is no place to grow them in the yard, and she has no plans Anyway, she has no shortage, so she can do whatever she wants. If the sisters come back and have no food, let them go to the village to exchange some, so that they can make do with it this year.

The Liu family also has a cellar, which is not small. This should be a standard feature of this place. Without a cellar to store ingredients, it will definitely freeze in winter.

She lifted all the pickle jars out of the space and placed them in the cellar. When eating, she went down and dug a little. When they were green and yellow, everyone lived on pickles. She needed porridge for breakfast and dinner, so she couldn’t do without pickles. If it can be simple, it should be simple. Now moving to the village, you should be more cautious than when you were at the end of the village.

(End of this chapter)

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