The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1065 [1064] Heroines of the Republic of China 38 (4000+)

Chapter 1065 [1064] Heroines of the Republic of China 38 (4000+)

I originally planned to go back to the county to stay for a few days, but it seems that I have to wait until the heavy snow melts, at least I can go. If this is the case, it will be March in the Gregorian calendar.

Forget it, in the past two months, I will first help you with the knowledge points of the second grade of junior high school to see how well you have mastered it, and then take the test paper for the second grade stage that you got from the school earlier, if both of you can pass it , I will pick the key points to attack, and try to let them skip the level successfully.

After An Yi came back to live, the two sisters went back to live in their own house in a very sensible way. It was still the same as last year. They studied here during the day and went home to sleep at night. After all, the house itself has not been lived in for many years, and it is under such heavy snow pressure. . On the roof, if it is not cleaned quickly, it will affect the quality of the house.

The food she prepared for them before she left was inspected, and she only ate more coarse grains, and there were very few fine grains, which presumably were for the children. These two sisters knew how to be grateful, which made her feel that her efforts were not in vain .

At the same time, she also found two hundred catties of mixed grain substitutes in the cellar, which were filled with corn stalks, rice stalks, sweet potato stalks, and peanut stalks, which were dried and ground, and then added with bran and bean dregs after oil extraction. The resulting mixture, such things, were fed to pigs after the 70s, but now they are taken out for human consumption?
When the two sisters came over the next day, she asked and found out that it was the 'food' brought to her from the village, saying it was her food subsidy.

Looking at these so-called 'food', Anyi couldn't laugh or cry.

"Can this be counted as food? If you eat this, you won't be able to perforate your stomach? Do you have any?"

The two sisters nodded: "Our household registration is here, of course we also have it, which is similar to yours. This is the basic ration provided by the state. We didn't work, so there was no part of the subsidy for work points, but there was no food for us. It is true. I can't justify it,"

An Yi stared, "It's not just unreasonable, it simply doesn't treat us as human beings. Although I have a salary, I don't have an urban hukou, I have a rural hukou, and even if I don't work with a rural hukou, then everyone There should be less than a catty of food supplements every day, how much is it for women?!"

"Eight taels, these eight taels are food supplements. After a year, there should be 290 catties of grain, but what we got..."

An Yi stretched out her hand to grab a handful, and was taken aback by the fibrous tissue inside. To be honest, can this stuff be digested in the stomach?
She wanted to cry but had no tears: "This thing is really coarse food, coarse food is fine, how do you usually eat it?"

Qiuxia and Caihua are very familiar with this kind of food, and they always have such a meal every day.

"Grab a handful of these, chop them into some vegetable leaves, add some cornmeal, sweet potato noodles, etc. that can make these things into balls, make steamed buns, and steam them in a pot, but you have to eat them while they are hot. If they are dry, you may not be able to bite them. It’s impossible to eat it, unless you add a lot of fine grains, and it’s very bitter, you can’t tell what the taste is, and your stomach will feel a little bloated after eating, so it’s not very comfortable.”

Anyi sighed, "I've seen it in the city too, it seems that our stomachs have to bear a lot in order to survive!"

For example, this generation of food, she would dislike it, but Qiuxia and the others, because they didn't work, couldn't even allocate this kind of food.

If it weren't for the fact that her family had planted some in the private plot and she had supplemented it, it was unknown whether the two sisters could survive this winter.

"Oh, by the way, there are still 300 catties of sweet potatoes, which we have already buried in the sand, in that corner."

Two hundred catties of food substitutes and three hundred catties of sweet potatoes sounded like a lot, but these were not real food, she frowned.

"No way, just fool around like this. The head of the village is not authentic. He promised me half a centimeter at the beginning. Half a centimeter plus these basic rations, no matter what, you should give me three or four hundred catties of grain? This is the minimum standard. We in the Northeast But when will the main food producing areas be reduced to the point where these food substitutes are the staple food?"

After this year, she didn't get a grain of grain, so her production team leader could justify it?

In this era, in general, each person can share 360 ​​catties of basic food, which is equivalent to one catty a day. Even if they are women, it should be 288 catties per day. This is as long as you have a registered permanent residence here. It is necessary to provide food in place.

As for the part of the work points, more work, more pay, less work, less pay, she didn't expect extravagantly at the beginning, but the head of the village promised her that she would be counted as half a centimeter, so where is the food for this part?Even if she does not pay according to work points, but pays half of the basic ration, then she can get at least 432 catties of grain a year. See clearly, this is grain, real grain, not food substitutes, nor sweet potatoes.

That night, An Yi went to the head of the village with wine and pastries wrapped in oil paper. Oh, now he is the captain of their production team in Liujiatun.

Of course, An Yi couldn't just mention the food when she came up, she just said, "Captain Liu, isn't it the Chinese New Year soon? Let me wish you an early New Year."

On the [-]th day of the twelfth lunar month, there are still three days before the new year. After the new year, every household is busy, but their food has not been settled yet. Can this be justified?

"Hey, Xiaoan, you're back, I was thinking, if you don't come back, the food will be at my house for the New Year!"

Seeing what she was carrying in her hand, the couple smiled happily and went out to greet her in person.

Hey, this captain wants to wait for her to come to her door and get some benefits before giving food?

Anyi sneered, what a traitor!
She didn't come back, so it's okay not to give her food, but what about Qiuxia and Caihua, they are at home, why not give them?

Could it be that in their eyes, these two girls are not considered individuals?Don't they deserve equal treatment?

The more he thought about it, the angrier he became, but he didn't show it on his face, and asked with a smile.

"I saw sweet potatoes and food substitutes at home, so... how much food can we share?"

"Oh, in addition to your basic ration, there is half a centimeter, which adds up to less than [-] catties, and the less than [-] catties are replaced by food substitutes and sweet potatoes. One catty of grain can be exchanged for five catties of sweet potatoes or substitutes. Food, so I sent you five hundred catties, and the remaining four hundred catties include corn, wheat, rice, buckwheat, and soybeans, which add up to four hundred catties."

"There is also your Anran family. Anran's five taels a day, 180 catties of grain a year, the child is young, and can't eat food substitutes, so it will be counted as grain. Besides, you voluntarily handed over two acres of land, so you should be given what you deserve. benefits, so this year your family's fine grain is... 580 catties, let's round it up to 600!"

An Yi raised her eyebrows, she had forgotten that she had her own little guy.

This calculation seems reliable, but it is said to be [-] catties, but it is actually shelled, without peeling or threshing. If it is cleaned grain, you have to subtract another [-] to [-] catties, and you will get around [-] catties This is equivalent to a little more than a catty of food for the mother and daughter a day. It is impossible to eat enough, at least not to starve to death.

In this regard, she nodded her head, and after thanking her, she asked about the two sisters: "It's a good deal for the two of them, 88 catties were exchanged for 440 catties of sweet potatoes and food substitutes, and the remaining [-] catties of grain are also the same as yours. Same, evenly distributed, when you come to pull it, just put it in the warehouse!"

An Yi was very satisfied with getting the answer she wanted.

"Then shall we go to fetch food at nine o'clock tomorrow morning?"

"Sure, I'll let the accountant follow me to weigh you."

She didn't pay attention to how much extra food she would get by half a centimeter, but since people said that she would count it as five hundred catties, there was no need to worry too much about it.

Five hundred catties is five hundred catties, even if it is five hundred catties with shells, it is better than nothing, right?
Everyone has to ask for substitute food, this has nothing to do with the captain.

The food was returned to the cellar of her family at [-]:[-] the next morning, and the sisters also brought it over. I always felt that it was not safe to put it there.

The food for the three people adds up to 1000 catties, and the food substitute sweet potato is less than 1780 catties. This is the ration of the four of them for next year.

"That's right, this year's Chinese New Year will be a full one, but, weren't you two at home when the food was distributed? Why did you only share some sweet potatoes and food substitutes? Could it be that the captain waited for me on purpose?"

Caihua curled her lips: "It must be for the good things in your hand, and you deliberately got stuck here. At that time, the two of us asked, and they directly said that our family is not equal, and we will count together when we come back."

Anyi smiled and said: "That's not good? Listen, people have connected the four of us into one family. That's enough, let's be content. Anyway, if you don't work every month, you still have [-] catties of food. It's divided into age groups, but it's about the same in terms of equivalent, we are unprocessed food, and others have processed it."

A newborn baby is three catties (fine grain) per month, and increases by two catties every year, with a cap of 21 catties. In junior high school, the school will issue a certificate, and then it will increase to 25 catties in the street, and in high school, it will be 31 catties, which is one catty more than a township cadre. , Thinking of this, Anyi hurriedly said.

"I forgot about the refreshments. Didn't you two get into junior high school? It stands to reason that the food should be increased to a catty for you. Do you have a certificate?"

Caihua and Qiuxia nodded quickly, "It's open, and the captain also said that this year's ones can't be counted. When the year is over, we'll count them by a catty."

Anyi nodded, "That's pretty much the same, and I'm to blame. If you don't understand the policy, people won't take the initiative to bring it up. If you don't ask, you won't meddle in this business!"

Think about it carefully, "You two work hard to get into high school, and you will be assigned a job after you get into high school. You will be regular employees of the country and eat commercial food. This is better than junior high school and technical secondary school. Now the food distribution is in place. These few days Let's start cleaning the house, prepare for the New Year, and start reviewing after the New Year. I will definitely send you to high school. If you have the ability to go to college, the grievances we have suffered all these years will not be in vain. Remember, No matter what time it is, no one can be relied on except yourself! Therefore, you have to rely on your own ability to earn your future!"

The three women worked very quickly, and it took them two days to clean the houses of the two families.

Xiaonian made dumplings stuffed with oil residue and radish. The flour was freshly ground, and the dried wheat was washed and dried on the kang. Then it was directly added to the millstone and ground together with the skin, so that the steamed buns were black. The finished dumpling skin is also black, which looks ugly, but it tastes very good with a strong wheat flavor.

Their production team planted corn, wheat, rice and other miscellaneous grains, so more or less wheat and rice were distributed, but only [-] catties of each kind, corn accounted for [-] catties, and the rest It is miscellaneous grains, this is her distribution ratio, and the distribution of the sisters is also based on their rations.

She took out the fat for refining lard from the space, and carried it on her back when she came back, so that she could live a fat year.

In the age when there was no oil and water, cooking with lard was very good because it could replenish people's physical strength and nutrients they needed.

Including the sausages and bacon left over from before, this year should be considered a good one, because I don’t know whether the production team will kill pigs or not, and whether there will be a share for the common people. go out and buy.

Their family still feeds chickens. She really can't eat those food substitutes, but the two sisters don't dislike them. They say that this kind of food was the least shared at home. How is it like now, where you can eat whatever you want?Before I changed it, I didn't even dare to think about it.

"Have they come to see you?"

"Why not? It's just that these sweet potatoes and food substitutes came here. It's because the captain didn't give us food. Otherwise, it's not sure whether we can keep it. It's because there are nuts at home. Otherwise, we might not even eat the sweet potatoes. Can't keep it."

No wonder both of them sent their food to the cellar of her house. It seemed that they took a fancy to her nuts and the high wall.

Speaking of their family members, the sisters wanted to cry: "I've never seen anything like this before. They look like bandits. They don't even have a word of soft words. They are full of food when they talk, and they are asked to give them old age. I even pay for them." If they can’t support them, why give them old age? It should be paid back. They have long since paid off when they were cattle and horses. We can’t argue with each other. They just stand at the door and scold, but they don’t dare to knock on the door. Sometimes it’s hard to hear, so they let The nuts go out and bite them until they scare them away."

As soon as the words were finished, there was another knock on the door outside, as well as cursing and obscenities, Qiu Xia laughed at herself: "Look, here we go again."

"I'm afraid she knows that we have received the food and came to ask for food! Women only get [-] taels a day, which is our food for the next year. How can she open her mouth to export it? She also asks us for wages, bah, let's go Where will they be paid?"

An Yi said in embarrassment: "You forgot, I said you went out to work!"

The production team in this period has not yet formalized. After the formalization, members are not allowed to go out to work to earn money, so this reason can still be used as an excuse. Of course, the team knew that the two of them went to school, but they did not disclose it to the public. , It is not difficult to understand why they asked the sisters for money.

Qiuxia seems to have just remembered: "I forgot about this, so what should I do, really give them money?"

Caihua curled her lips, "I want to give it to you, but I have no money and no food. I owe a lot to Sister An, but you still want to owe more. With this food, at least we can owe less."

(End of this chapter)

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