The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1057 [1056] Heroines of the Republic of China 30 (5000+)

Chapter 1057 [1056] Heroines of the Republic of China 30 (5000+)

Her sharp voice awakened An Ran who was sleeping soundly, and the cry of the child made An Yi fly into a rage.

"Tun chief, secretary, take these two people away. I don't want to see them. I won't give them children. If they don't want to, they can go to the county and sue me. I'll follow them at any time!"

After finishing speaking, An Yi went straight into the room, and slammed the door shut with a bang, not giving these people a chance to enter.

The child's mother leaned forward with red eyes, with a pitiful look on her face: "Mr. An, let me see the child, just a glance."

An Yi went into the room and picked up the child, and found a familiar smell. As soon as she felt safe, An Ran's howling turned into sobs, but her little hands were still clutching her front collar nervously, which showed that she was afraid and uneasy inside. of.

An Yi walked to the door, and said to the crack of the door: "It's not that I look down on you, you are in danger yourself, and you still have time to take care of my daughter? You have been separated for more than half a year, and I don't believe that you still have love for her." Feelings. She was not yet full moon last year, and your mother-in-law threw the child away. You can find us as long as you spend some effort, because we also inquired about the child's life experience years ago, and we don't believe you don't know. Since you also I was going to throw it away, why are you looking for it now, can you guarantee that you have no selfish intentions? You don’t care about this child, I care about it, you can go, pretend you never gave birth to her, and take good care of the child in your belly!”

It's a pity, it's a pity, you all want a son and grandson, but in the end, isn't it a girl?

If you have the ability, you even throw this away!

Being poked in the sore spot by An Yi, she wanted to explain, but her mother-in-law was cursing in Northeast dialect, speaking too fast, An Yi half understood what she heard, and finally called out Nut, the group of people had to be frightened run out.

The good mood of the day, because of these few people, disappeared completely, and she touched An Ran's long black hair irritably.

"What should I do? Tuns are next to tuns, the place is so big. If we have been living here, I am afraid that these eight wives will keep mentioning your own life experience since you were young. If you knew, I would spy on them just now. What did you do, I forgot it in a hurry. doesn't matter, this time they didn't succeed, they will come sooner or later."

Walking out of An Yi's house, Wang Hua rubbed her belly and walked thoughtfully. Her mother-in-law was still cursing and saying all kinds of unsavory words. Wang Hua's eyes flashed with disgust. But he didn't dare to show it, so he could only shout timidly.

"Mom, let's forget about it. I think Teacher An is very good to the child. Although I didn't see the child, I vaguely saw through the crack of the door that she cleaned the child very well. I live in such a big house. It’s also better than ours, why do you have to take it back!”

"You idiot, we only want her because of her good conditions, and we don't want her if her conditions are poor. For no reason, why should our children be raised by her? This woman has no vision, give us some Wouldn’t it be enough to pay for the benefits? It’ll save us taking the baby out!”

"But if you sell your child as a child bride-in-law, if someone finds out, how will I see people in the future!"

"You can pull it off. The family is almost full of food. Where will you pay for the nutrition of this baby? I will kindly find a way for you, but you are so lucky that you still rely on me. I will sue you." Ah, I don’t have any money anyway, if you think you have the ability to raise a child, then you can do it if you don’t become a bad person.”

Wang Hua gritted his back molars: "Mother, I am pregnant with the grandson of your old Qian's family. How can you ignore it? Baoqiang and I also work to earn work points. He also goes out to work as a mason in his spare time. Our days , shouldn’t be like this, you can’t just subsidize the elder brother’s family with everything, don’t you care about us?”

"Bah, you bastard, what nonsense are you talking about? Who the hell told you that your mother subsidized the boss? The boss gave birth to three grandchildren, and you gave me two losers. The first one's life is cheap After the confinement period, the second one will be sent out directly to give her a way to survive, am I not good enough for you?"

"Mother, what are you talking about, my boss was obviously smothered to death by you," Wang Hua couldn't help turning up his volume when he thought of his first child.

The old lady beat her up as soon as she went up, and Wang Hua also subconsciously made dodging movements. This movement of raising and blocking was clearly a habitual movement, which was enough to show that it was not the first time to do this.

In the end, she probably had a big belly, but the old woman just stretched out her hand and squeezed her hard, and Wang Hua burst into tears in pain.


"Shut up, so what if I smother you to death? My lord still can't get enough to eat. Howling every night, I'm getting bored to death. You should thank me. If it weren't for me, you would be here Quickly take care of your body during the confinement period?"

The old woman in front of her, not only didn't have any sense of guilt, she even stared at Wang Hua with disgust. Wang Hua endured and felt aggrieved, with tears rolling in her eyes.

When the old lady turned around, her hands had already turned white, she clenched her teeth, and touched her stomach with tears in her eyes.

"You have to live up to it, you must live up to it!"

The child seemed to have checked something, and bounced lightly. Feeling her response, Wang Hua finally felt better in his heart.

However, when she looked back at Liujiatun, her heart was complicated. After all, it was the flesh that fell from her body. Who wouldn't want her to live well?
It's better to be a baby with Teacher An, but it's better to be a child bride-in-law for others, right?What's more, the child of that family is still a fool, a fool!
But without that money, how would the child be born?The old woman not only took care of the couple's rations, but also took care of their family's money.

She really spared no effort to squeeze out the last remaining value of their family!

Obviously the old people love the old and the young, why is her man the least likable one in their house?
What's even more frightening is that after the old woman came home at night, she tried to get something out of both sides. Early the next morning, regardless of her big belly, she dragged her to Baijiawan Commune Elementary School, waiting for Teacher An on the way to school. , and this time, she not only saw her daughter, but also saw that she was really, really doing well.

Unlike the other children who are pale and skinny, her daughter is white and fat, and she is very happy sitting in the bamboo basket carried by Teacher An. With her big bright eyes and black hair, she does not even dare Imagine that the child who was so dry-stirred in confinement that he thought he couldn't live, turned out to be so rare.

She wanted to reach out to hug her, but An Yi cleverly avoided her: "Aren't you giving up? What exactly do you want?"

This time, An Yi directly used the mind-reading technique, and this reading was unbelievable. She was so angry that she wanted to turn her face on the spot, but she endured and endured, and finally managed to suppress the pressure.

The old woman's tactics changed today, instead of yelling and scolding as soon as she came up, she pulled Anyi aside and said straight to the point.

"In this way, if you give us 50 yuan, and you take the child away, we won't want it. Otherwise, if you don't give it for a day, we will wait here to prevent you from going to work."

"How much do I earn a month, and you just ask me for 50 yuan? If it weren't for me, your granddaughter would have died long ago, and it would be your turn to come here to ask for money? You have to have a bottom line, right? You don't even have a bottom line. I can’t be called a human anymore, and I won’t give you money, if you want to make trouble, you can make trouble if you want, at worst, I won’t go to work.”

An Yi sneered, and quickly moved away, entering the school. They wanted to chase after them, but Old Zheng blocked them with a broom.

Although the person blocked the outside, the person's mouth was not blocked. The children could hear the swearing in the classroom, and the influence was extremely bad.

Who doesn't know An Yi's life experience in ten miles and eight villages? Everyone knows about her adoption of a child. In fact, many people are very envious of her ability to raise the child she picked up so well. They think this child is lucky. There are many people who feel that An Yi is foolish enough to help other people raise their children, but no one would have thought that after half a year, the child who was thrown away would still have a reason to extort money and want to go back.

It's disgusting enough!
Zhang Li couldn't help scolding her mother, and the women in the small nursery class were even more angry. Originally, An Ran was the most popular among them, and she was very spiritual, as if she could understand their words. Yes, neither noisy nor fussy, or play by themselves in the crib, and when tired of lying down, they will yell for them to cuddle, hold them for a while and then put them down without crying or fussing, occasionally they like to crawl around to find children to play with, in short Didn't bother at all.

The most important thing is that Teacher An is generous. As long as she is on duty to take care of her children that day, she will secretly stuff a candy for them to take back for the children to eat.

Such a good teacher, such a kind person who loves children, how can there be people who are so ignorant of good and evil?
Several women were eager to go out and scold the street, but An Yi stopped them.

"This kind of person, the more you talk to me, the more happy you are. Thank you, but don't talk to me. I want to solve it by myself. You just need to help me take care of Xiao An'an."

After appeasing several elder sisters, An Yi went into the dormitory to prepare lessons, completely forgetting about the mother-in-law and daughter-in-law outside the door. Wang Hua squatted at the gate, and what appeared in her mind was the appearance of the girl just now. She put her little fist on the The way he gnaws in his mouth is so cute, how can he be so rare, he is chubby, his face is covered with meat, it is still white and tender, his hair is not yellow or dry at all, it is black and shiny, Teacher An Really treat her very well, what else is she not satisfied with?

The old woman was still swearing at the street, Wang Hua stood up with a dazed expression, slowed down, and walked home with her stomach in her hands, without even looking at the woman behind her.

She figured it out, the child was doing well, so she was relieved, she was sorry for her, how could she have the right to use the money from selling her to give birth to the third child?

The boss is already dead, although she didn't cause her death, but if she didn't sleep so dead at night, wouldn't she be smothered to death?

The second child was sent out, and if the third child..., she couldn't even think about it.

However, regardless of whether the child is a boy or a girl, she has to take care of her by her side. She has already let the two of them down, and she can no longer let the third child down.

Even if the old woman has to beat and scold, she has to endure it. If she won't let my daughter live, I won't let her live. The big deal is, hehe, we will die together.

The woman seemed to have been greatly stimulated today, her eyes were dull, her expression was dazed, without any aura, she walked numbly, and she didn't even notice the sizing and pointing of the people around her.

An Yi didn't notice when the old lady scolded her for leaving. After the bananas in the space were ripe, they were put in the straw and covered for a few days before they became ripe.

Before class, she brought her daughter over and fed half of it, and she ate half of it herself. Zhang Li didn't see it because she pulled the curtain.

It's not that she is stingy, the main reason is that the fruits are too expensive now, especially the fruits in the south, how can there be in the Northeast?
Even the supply and marketing cooperatives in the city can't be bought by anyone. Most of them are shipped here and distributed to the people above. Where are the common people?
She can take out ordinary food to share, but she won't give it to them who can't explain its origin.

An Ran likes to eat this kind of soft and glutinous food, and she also likes to feed her with a spoon, sometimes she can't keep up with her speed, she will hold her hand and send it to the innermost part of herself, so cute.

At noon, the two of them still went home, and she went into the space, kneaded glutinous rice flour, flour, and mashed bananas into balls, rubbed strips and patted them into cakes, and fried them to taste better, but she was afraid that the child would eat too much oil, so she Choose steamed, because glutinous rice is added, so I give her a little bit at a time, which is counted as a snack.

She was full after eating three or four meals, so she didn't cook any more, and it started to rain in the afternoon. The rain was so heavy that many children were kept at home by the rain.

The teachers took the children to do exercises and tell stories in the classroom. After school, many parents came to pick them up.

Anyi looked at the muddy road, don't go back, there are still nuts at home, especially since the rain hasn't stopped, the teacher will go home to live at night, she is single with a child, it is really unsafe, she gritted her teeth, Put on the raincoat taken out of the space, put the bamboo basket on your back, and put the child in the space, for fear that you will slip and fall and drop the child.

She came out wearing a raincoat and rubber shoes. Old Zheng didn't recognize her for a while, but when he saw that it was Anyi, he couldn't help but say.

"Oh, Teacher An, your equipment is fine!"

An Yi pulled off the hat of her raincoat, "Isn't it for taking the child out every day, do you have to think more about it? I have prepared it a long time ago. Look, it will be used today? Lao Zheng, go in quickly, don't worry about it." It's drenched, and the children are almost gone."

Lao Zheng lives in the school. On the one hand, he can see the school, and on the other hand, it is convenient for students and teachers to enter the school. His situation is special. The school and the commune can help if they can.

On the way home, many children were playing in the rain. This is the nature of rural children. Because the rain is not too heavy, there is no parent to pick it up. After playing, she will not only be wet when she returns home, but she may even become a mud monkey. There is already a picture of her mother chasing her around the village with a rolling pin in front of her. Haha~~ Isn’t this the indispensable fun of childhood?

The rain makes the air fresher. It is said that the spring rain is as moist as crisp. Today, Anyi can really experience it. The fragrance of the soil and grass plants seems to be more beautiful than the aura-rich space. , In the surrounding woods, the new green leaves that have just emerged are also brighter and cleaner under the washing of the rain.

She enjoys this kind of life very much. The soil is good, but it is too sticky and dirty. Fortunately, she is wearing black rubber shoes, which are still old. If your shoes get dirty, just rinse them off when you get home.

The inside of the shoes was very dirty and smelly, and even brushing them was useless, so after putting them in, she stuffed a layer of hay inside, and wore thick socks, trying not to touch the skin as much as possible, because the shoes were seized. Whoever wears it.

Affected by the weather, it was more than five o'clock when I returned home, more than half an hour later than the expected time.

Nut is quite smart. Although there is a gravel road in the center of her house, it is afraid of getting its fur wet, so it never greeted her at the door.

Look at its rice bowl, that's right, the leftovers are all eaten, and it walks to the porch, circling around her, but very wisely, it doesn't follow into the house.

I rewarded it by grabbing a handful of bean curd residue mixed with bran and chopped bones to make food. I didn’t give too much, about a spoonful. The nuts happily wagged their tails and ate it, “That’s right, everything Eat, don't be picky eaters, you are a good child, I can't afford to support him alone!"

Entering the space to pick up my daughter, the little girl fell asleep lying on the grass, and then saw that the pants were full of feces and urine, with black lines on her face.

What's wrong with this situation?Clean up first or let her continue to sleep?

Forget it, anyway, it's on the grass in the space, so I can't smell it for the time being, let her sleep first.

When I got out of the space, I quickly boiled a pot of water and put it in the space for preparation. Of course, the water is far away from the children, and the area where the children often move around has neither poultry nor livestock, let alone the grass on the grass. Taking it to make tea, the grassland where she makes tea is chosen in a place that is usually out of reach, without any traces of life.

After choosing from the seafood area for a long time, I finally chose a large basket of Pipi shrimp. Why is Pipi shrimp not as delicious as green shrimp? It is because it has a lot of shells, is hard, and has less meat, but it is more delicious than crayfish It is clean, she seldom steams it, and does not put any seasoning, just wash it clean, add green onion, ginger, and a little salt, put it in a large iron pot and simmer on low heat, and eat the most original taste.

Although it doesn't have a lot of meat, the taste is not bad. Anyway, she didn't plan to cook at night. There are dozens of banana pancakes for lunch, and she can be full if she pays for a few.

Pippi shrimp was ready early in the morning. Before my daughter woke up, she sat there with scissors, cut off the tail, then peeled it off from the bottom up, picked out the shrimp inside and put it on a plate, and waited for her daughter to wake up. I have to feed it.

Shrimp skins and shrimp heads are cheaper than her nuts. Anyway, she never eats shrimp heads. Later generations have heavy metal content. I don’t know if there are any now. It should be much better, but she is not without food now, and she will definitely not be able to eat shrimp. the point of the head.

Nuts don't dislike hard nuts, after all, the bones have been gnawed, and the shrimp skin and shrimp head are not too easy for it.

Pippi shrimp is good, but it takes a lot of work, and the green shrimp is not good, and you have to pick the shrimp thread, anyway, it takes a lot of trouble.

After peeling all the four or five catties of prawns, the daughter almost woke up, and hurriedly carried the plate into the space, put it in a safe place, so as not to be eaten by nuts, and then took the child to wash in vain...

(End of this chapter)

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