The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1055 [1054] Heroines of the Republic of China 28 (5000+)

Chapter 1055 [1054] Heroines of the Republic of China 28 (5000+)

Although this woman has a big mouth and is wrong, she can't beat her to death like this. She said she wanted ten yuan in front of her mother-in-law, but she actually wanted to teach them a lesson. If you don't like people, don't blame them. She is not polite to them, you say people are already crazy, and they are all like that, who will give her ten dollars?
Don't look at her yelling fiercely, in fact, from the very beginning, she never thought that the ten yuan would get into her hands.

Now that her natal family has taken her away, as long as she doesn't come to harass her in the future, what does it matter if she gives ten yuan or not?
"Xiao An, you are really kind. If that's the case, how about finding some people in the village to clean up the kitchen for you?"

"Tun chief, don't bother the big guys. I'll just eat at school at noon from now on. Let's talk about when everyone in the shed is free. It's busy farming now, so don't worry."

In fact, it doesn’t matter if it’s covered or not. Soon these pots, pans and pans will be taken away, and no one’s house will have metal anymore. What’s Fei doing with that?

She simply dismantled the stove, and put all the things inside into the space, so she can cook in the space. As for building the shed, when sisters Qiuxia come back from vacation, the three of them will do it by themselves. People in the village, she doesn't want to Get in touch.

When I got home and saw the dark and messy home, I felt depressed, but I still sighed, took out the stove resignedly, washed it with clean water, and put it away in the space. After tidying up, it was almost dark.

She poured the bone slag collected in the space to Nut, touched its head, and praised it: "Good looking Nut, you are really amazing!"

To be lazy and save trouble at night, she took out a flower crab, a few prawns, mixed with wakame, and cooked a small pot of seafood porridge. The mother and daughter ate very happily.

Crabs are cold, so I didn’t dare to put more, so I put one in. The children’s dishes are mainly shrimp and wakame. At the age of seven or eight months, it’s not a problem to eat some crab roe, and it’s not like eating every day. .

Fortunately, the child is in good health and has no symptoms of allergies to anything. After eating, the mother and daughter took nuts and went out for a stroll.

Because the sky is so dark that you can’t see your fingers, even if there are stars, it won’t be of much use. The main reason is that there are no lights everywhere in this era. In order to save money on oil lamps, every family will choose to finish their meals before dark, so She only dared to stroll around the door, not far away.

It’s almost eight o’clock in the evening after eating, so I can’t go to bed too early, so I took my daughter into the space to play for a while, and watched her fall asleep on the grass after playing tired, so she had time to do her own things , Today she planted taro in the space, and planned to use these to make something delicious.

The whole body of taro is full of treasures. Look at the taro seedlings on the top, scrape off the outer skin, cut into cubes, and put them in jars to marinate.

After doing all this, she was also very tired, and her hands also had dark brown marks due to the labor. She washed them with hot water and plant ash for a long time before washing them off.

After washing, soak it in aloe vera juice. These aloe vera juices were specially squeezed out after she planted them in the space. She saved a small jar. When her hands were dry, she put them in and took them out quickly, and then rubbed them together to let her hands absorb them. , This kind is more useful than applying any cosmetics. After moisturizing, the hands are smooth and translucent.

Maybe it's because she protects her skin very well, even if she works every day, she doesn't have particularly obvious scabs and roughness.

After finishing all this, I fetched some water, boiled some hot water, took a hot bath in the big wooden barrel, and then lay down and slept in the space with my daughter in my arms.

When there are no outsiders at home, you can sleep in the space, and never sleep outside. After all, there is plenty of spiritual energy here, which is good for the body.

In the space, she wove a meadow with straw and laid a mattress on it. When the temperature was over 20 degrees, she could sleep comfortably with a thin quilt.

I slept until I woke up naturally, it was still dark outside, and I didn't know what time it was.

The taro seedlings marinated before going to bed have been dehydrated. She fished them out and washed them in clean water, then put them into clean water-permeable cloth bags, pressed them with big stones, and put them outside to continue dehydrating. The water is almost gone, sprinkle the big grains of salt, mix well, put these vegetables into the jar, and seal it for half a month.

As for the taro below, she usually beats it into a pulp, and uses the powder below to make delicious food after sedimentation. The dregs that are filtered out can be directly steamed in a pot, or fed to chickens and ducks, anyway, it will not be wasted.

An Yi does this kind of food reserve every day. The most important thing in her family is salt, and she makes it herself. By the time the salt is used up, she will be in her late [-]s.

After all, the amount of salt a person consumes every day is limited.

She also kept the salt water used to soak other pickles after pickling and washing vegetables, and she was not willing to throw it away. After all, after recycling, animals in the space can also use it. Animals, like people, cannot do without salt. However, their sources of salt intake are different from those of humans.

For breakfast, taro porridge is made, and the powder is the most important thing. She didn't even eat eggs. The little guy drank a pot of milk in the middle of the night last night and ate some taro mash in the morning. He didn't look very hungry, so he didn't Forced her to eat, but put the taro porridge at just the right temperature into the space, and waited until the guy was hungry at school before feeding him.

After that, I used chopped crab shells mixed with taro slag to cook for their nuts. There was also bran in it, which was quite sticky.

"These must be eaten, and no picky eaters are allowed. If I find that you are wasting food, you will be hungry. I will definitely not leave you food tomorrow. If you don't believe me, try it!"

Dogs are a very picky eater. They usually gnaw a lot of bones. They may not pay attention to them. It is inevitable that they will develop such a bad habit. She will usually have a good meal, and the next few meals will be let It is difficult to swallow. If it does not eat, it will be hungry. It will never be used to it. If it is spoiled and the food deteriorates, it is also its own responsibility.

Of course, in order to lure it to eat, I also took special care to put spiritual spring water in it. Animals like this kind of water very much, and there is a high probability that they can still finish eating it.

Afterwards, An Yi took the child to school, but halfway through the journey, she felt a little uncomfortable under her body and fell down. She frowned when she counted the days.

Looking around, thanks to the many forests in the northeast, I drilled into the forest, entered the space, put the child on the bed, found a hidden place, and replaced it with soft toilet paper. I got it, and of course there are sanitary napkins, but she usually only uses them when the quantity is large, and pads with toilet paper if the quantity is small.

In the past few years, she has come here like this. In terms of comfort, it is definitely not as good as later generations, but it is worse than when using plant ash. In the first few years, she used plant ash, the kind that sews plant ash into long cloth strips. Although she is all disposable, she always feels that it is dirty, but it is actually a psychological effect. After all, women have come here for thousands of years. Unless they are very rich, they will use cotton.

In the next few years, life will become more and more difficult. Unless you are married and have children, it will be difficult for ordinary people to buy cotton.

Even if her space could be planted, she didn't think about wasting it.

Take care of your personal hygiene, and then sneak out of the woods. There are already students on the road, and when they see her, they will enthusiastically shout: "Teacher An."

An Yi entered the school together with the students. In this day and age, the school didn't have so many things to do, and they all went to focus on production. How the teacher teaches is the teacher's business, and there are not so many meetings. As long as it is not your own class, as long as Staying at school, basically the school will not interfere with what they are doing.

Anyway, at the end of each semester, there is a unified examination for the entire county. If a student does not pass the exam, it is the responsibility of the teacher, and the school will integrate it based on the results.

Those who are suitable will stay, and those who are not will be eliminated.

So it looks like there is no pressure on the surface. In fact, only those who cheat and cheat will think that being a teacher is easy.

Anyi doesn't care about others, just take care of her own. Of course, if other teachers come to learn from her, she will not be stingy to teach them.

Anyway, her own abilities cannot be taken away by others, so what's the point of telling them some methods?

After going to school for about three days, it was Saturday. After class at noon, each class held a meeting in the afternoon to help the children finish their homework, and it was announced that the week would be over.

After a few days of study and life, the children have already adapted to it. After cleaning, they happily ran home.

"Mr. Zhang, why haven't you come back yet?"

Anyi rolled up the bedding and put it into a cabinet nailed to the wall to prevent mice from crawling on it.

Seeing Zhang Li and the child playing on the kang, I couldn't help asking.

But she heard her sigh, with a hint of complaint in her tone.

"What are you doing when you go back? I can't finish the work, I can't finish listening to the nagging, I'll be here to clean up for a while, you go back first!"

Zhang Li's husband has many brothers and sisters, and the family has not yet been separated. He is biased and his life is not comfortable.

She usually shows her envy for her, not only in terms of living freedom, but also in terms of food, she also sees the gap between herself and An Yi.

So I always said something that embarrassed An Yi intentionally or unintentionally. Fortunately, the curtain was drawn at that time, otherwise I don't know what it means to be jealous?

However, Zhang Li's life is indeed very miserable. Her face is yellow, and she walks weakly. She usually eats dried sweet potato bran skin. Almost, it fell apart as soon as it was touched. It was enough to see that there was no food in it. It was all bran and vegetables. She had eaten this kind of food before, and it was very unpalatable, and it was especially hard to swallow. , Swallowed alive.

"How can you have milk like this? Does your mother-in-law not care about it? See how thin the child is."

"The child can still eat enough here. The teacher feeds him rice paste, so he can't eat enough at home. My milk is almost gone now. A bowl of rice soup that can be seen in the morning and evening is specially reserved for me. If not I don't have a family anymore, so why are they bullying me like this?"

Seeing Zhang Li like this, how could Anyi not feel overwhelmed?She lives in a dormitory, she eats sweet and spicy food, and others eat bran and swallowed vegetables. Although this is not caused by her, it is still somewhat embarrassing, but she dare not take out expensive things, such as pickles, black corn buns, and dried sweet potatoes. Will still share it.

The black corn buns she makes are coarse grains. Even if they are coarse grains, they are better than the so-called fine grains at home, because her coarse grains are of various types. Although they taste coarse, they are not mixed with other messy things. They are all skinned grains. The ones that were fused together were ground by herself on the millstone at Qiuxia's house, and she carried it with a ox when it couldn't be dragged. For this reason, she deliberately put the millstone into the space, and took it out after use, and so on.

The delicious taste may be because these grains come from space, so even if they are thicker, the taste is a good thing that is hard to find on the ground.

And the dried sweet potatoes she made are not raw dried sweet potatoes. The so-called raw sweet potatoes are sweet potatoes that have just been pulled out of the ground, and they suddenly become dried sweet potatoes in the field. They are returned with soil and dried directly. The starch on the surface turns black. There was an obvious earthy and musty smell, but hers was steamed and then dried, and it tasted soft and glutinous. This is the best dried sweet potato that Zhang Li has ever eaten in her life.

Can make people cry, you can imagine how sad the scene is.

After getting along for two or three days, Zhang Li gave her the feeling that she was a resentful woman who lamented the injustice of her fate from time to time. If she hadn't had this job, she would have doubted whether she would suffer from depression. There is endless work to do, endless insults to listen to, she has talked to herself more than once.

"Why do women want to get married? They can't live by themselves? Why do everyone say they want to get married when they are old? Why?"

"I clearly see that you are living a good life alone, why did they instill such thoughts in me? I regret it, I really regret it..."

At this time, An Yi chose to remain silent. In today's situation, she had no choice but to think again and again, leaving behind a handful of fried soybeans.

Stir-fried soybeans are considered a precious thing in this era. No matter what, she is a breastfeeding woman, so she can't just sit idly by.

She can get this job, her family supports her, and she can earn wages, so fools don't agree, but they don't plan to let her bring the child here, because she has to pay four yuan a semester, and she has to pay for her salary. four dollars?But for the sake of her children, Zhang Li forced them to submit on the grounds that they would not go to work without their children.

Speaking of wages, they belong to elementary school teachers. She is considered a public one, but she has to calculate from the minimum wage, which is the eleventh grade. According to the value of one set of currency, 1 yuan = two sets of one yuan, her monthly salary The salary is about 25 yuan, and Zhang Li is not even considered a temporary worker, because she will have to go through a series of assessments before she can become a private teacher. Her salary is about 12 yuan, but she pays the school every month 4 yuan, even if the child can't finish eating, she can be subsidized to her, but the money earned is really not much.

Fortunately, there are also food subsidies in schools, but in rural areas, half work points (five points) are counted as food subsidies.

It is not easy to find a public teacher in a rural school, but this public school is not directly assigned to An Yi, but requires An Yi to take the exam. As long as her grades are not too bad, she will be given this place. This year's exam The time is during the summer vacation. Before she is admitted to the establishment, her salary should be similar to that of Zhang Li, or everyone should be the same.

Because the other two male teachers did not take the exam, the system is divided into elementary, intermediate and advanced, and naturally there are educational requirements, but she should be glad that this era is relatively chaotic, many students are halfway through their studies, and they don't even have a diploma. Therefore, everything is much better based on strength.

She didn't even think about becoming a blockbuster, she just needs to start the exam from the lowest level, otherwise, wouldn't it attract people's attention if she got into the advanced level right away?
And stay safe in elementary school.

That's the main thing.

The wages of primary school teachers are not as good as those of teachers in secondary schools, and those of secondary majors are not as good as those of higher education, but they are worse than those of technical schools and teaching assistants.

The division of these salaries is very detailed. With An Yi's current salary standard, it is really high at the bottom.

The highest person can reach 26 years old in a month, and the lowest is around [-]. What about her?There is no shadow yet!
But in the current form, it is better to keep a low profile. After ten years of turmoil, she will be an elementary school teacher. Is it too much?

Don't overdo it, be safe, be safe!
When leaving school, An Yi also grabbed a handful of fried soybeans for Lao Zheng, and under Lao Zheng's grateful eyes, she walked briskly home with her daughter on her back.

In the Northeast in May, spring is warm and flowers are blooming, and the breath of spring is everywhere. Even the air is filled with the breath of green grass and green plants sprouting, which is very comfortable.

In the past two days, she has cleaned up the traces of the burning in the yard, and the ash from the burned plants is still soaking in the water, waiting to make some soap later.

I didn't stay idle when I got home, so I went to Qiuxia's front yard and backyard with a hoe to weed and water.

After the weather warmed up, the hopes that had been planted grew up day by day. Weeds were pulled, the soil was loosened, watered, and the feces in the space were scattered into the ground. These are tidied up.

Maybe it's because she took good care of it. All the plants are black and green, and they all look strong. I think this year will be a good harvest year.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she fetched a bucket of water to clean herself up, Qiuxia and Caihua opened the door and came in. They were also very happy to see her, and they shouted enthusiastically: "Sister An, Great, you are here, and it saves us from looking for you!"

"Yeah, why are you two back?"

"It's not been two weeks, the school has two days off, but we both studied at school for half a day, and we only headed home in the afternoon, otherwise we wouldn't be here now."

When they came back this time, they brought a change of clothes. An Yi thought that she had nothing at home and all the food was with her, so she simply said.

"Let's go, come to my house, I'll make delicious food for you, and let's talk about what we've gained in the past two weeks."

Qiuxia's school is a key junior high school, closed, with a two-day holiday for half a month, and usually classes are held normally, so they don't know that she has entered elementary school.

 All the shielded chapters have been released, regardless of too many deletions, just take a look at the meaning.

(End of this chapter)

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