The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1053 [1052] Heroines of the Republic of China 26 (5000)

Chapter 1053 [1052] Heroines of the Republic of China 26 (5000)

An Yi did not answer her question directly, but looked at the other parents.

"Whoever agrees with me leaving this post, please raise your hand. More than half of them will leave me. After all, I have to consider other children. If the parents of other children don't care about my past, then I will stay. As for those who don't like me , you can be transferred from our Baijiawan Commune, because I was invited by the principal, Secretary Liu Jiatun and the head of the village, and you are not the only one who has the final say, are you right?"

What An Yi said was very sincere, at least she respected other parents, unlike that parent who directly rejected the teacher and made decisions for all of them.

If you don't compare it, you can't tell it. If you compare it, some people will be dissatisfied.

"What's wrong with my teacher? Does she want to have such a past? Who wants to do this? Is it like those gossiping women in the village, let her die?"

It was not easy for the victimized women to return to their hometown, but people everywhere abused them, accused them, and even said it.

"I shouldn't have come back in the first place. Why did I come back? To embarrass the family, and I can't hold my head up. Wouldn't it be fine to die outside?"

Because such vicious words are not without S.

Parents who can send their children to school are more or less knowledgeable. Seeing An Yi face it so generously and calmly, she feels even more innocent.

Moreover, where are the secrets in the countryside?
It's not a lie that An Yi rescued the two victimized girls and adopted the girls. The children are in the school's nursery class!
"You just don't want Teacher An to teach you away, so what are you doing with all that nonsense? Who are you going to use for the rest of the time? Is the abandoned girl adopted by Teacher An from your natal village? What face do you have here? Don’t you talk about Teacher An? In this day and age, my own children can’t get enough to eat. She can adopt the abandoned little girl, which means that Teacher An is very caring. Such a kind person, why do you have the nerve to use such vicious words? Let's talk about others?"

"That's right, you just leave if you don't want to go. Who stopped you? Why should we decide on Mr. An's stay? Mr. An is knowledgeable and has taught literacy classes. What he said is interesting. If you don't go to Greece, you Just go, make room, we still think the classroom is spacious! Who else is dissatisfied with her? Propose it as soon as possible, and take the child away with her!"


If one person speaks for her, there will be a second person and a third person. Evil does not overwhelm righteousness. There are often more kind people than sinister people. Some people don’t agree, don’t talk, don’t follow suit, but it doesn’t mean they agree with that woman’s words , so when she asked who else was willing to replace her, no one raised their hands.

In the end, only that parent was invited out by Teacher Song. In Teacher Song's view, such a parent who is good at sowing discord must never cooperate.

People naturally don't want to leave, but Teacher Song is a man after all, so he dragged them away. After watching them leave, An Yi continued to hold the parent-teacher meeting as if nothing had happened, until Teacher Song came back, leaving the podium behind. To Teacher Song, she walked out politely.

The parent was in the director's office, and Teacher Song told her to go straight there. When she walked to the door, she was still screaming in a piercing voice.

"Why let us go home? Am I wrong? That An Yi's dirty teaching of children will lead to bad children, and I'm doing it for the good of everyone. Besides, don't you know how much she has?" Proud, in their village, there is a lot of swearing and swearing, and she is a teacher, too disgusting! I didn’t want to fight with her just now, I think she is dirty!"

An Yi took a deep breath, then let it out lightly, then raised a professional smile, knocked on the door and walked in, yelling at the woman.

"You don't know how old you are, do you? I suggest you go home and look in the mirror. If you don't have a mirror, go to the river to see how dark your neck is, how smelly you are, and the smell of your mouth. How different, after appreciating it, come and see me again, where am I dirty? No matter how dirty I am, I am still cleaner than you. What kind of onion are you? You still call me dirty? Feel proud of me, I am amazing, no It’s easy to bully, so you want to find a teacher that you can bully, don’t you?”

Before her blushing face could speak, Anyi continued with a sneer.

"It just so happens that I am also willing to teach your child, director. I will not accept this student. If I accept it, I will leave and deal with this family. Watch it. If there are endless troubles and troubles, I except In class, I still have to take care of my housework and take care of the children. I don’t have that much time to waste. This is my position. If there is nothing else, I will go back to the dormitory, and I will go to see my children in a while!"

Before the poor director could say a word, Anyi ended the scene neatly. What else could he say?
I had no choice but to nod: "Hey, okay, you go quickly, the principal's side should be leaving soon."

As soon as Anyi left, the director waved his hand in disgust before the parent's ugly face of smugness spread out.

"Let's go. Our position is the same as that of Teacher An. Teacher An is a good teacher, a good mother, and a qualified member of the club. What you said has already constituted an insult to her personality. If she goes to Tell you, every warning is accurate, so I advise you to be cautious in your words and deeds, otherwise you will not only lose money, but may also squat on the fence. If you don’t believe me, try it? Let’s go, take the child away, and see if the Red Star Brigade will accept it. you!"

After the director finished speaking, he didn't even look at the woman, opened the door and left, even though the woman was crying and howling behind her, she was humiliated and unmoved.

Later, Lao Zheng brought the child to look for her, persuaded the mother and son to go out together, and closed the school gate. The child cried and the woman cried.

"Who are these people? Mr. Ren'an is already very unfortunate. You are still pouring salt on the wound. You are still a woman. Why are you more vicious than us men?"


The mother and son shouted loudly, causing many students to look around curiously, and they were all pulled over by their parents for education.

"The mother of your classmate insulted the teacher. This child was rejected by the school before he started school, so you must respect the teacher at school, study hard, be serious and obedient, and be reasonable in everything, and you can't be a naughty, you know? "

The children listened to their ears, nodded in agreement, and assured their parents that they must respect the teacher and study hard.

Then the parents had nothing to do, Lao Zheng opened the gate to watch the parents leave, the mother and son squatted at the school gate with frustration on their faces, the woman's face was full of tears, and the child rolled on the ground, sweating and It was tears, and it turned into a cat face, looking very embarrassed.

The woman didn't realize the seriousness of the matter until this moment. She didn't dare to go home, fearing that she wouldn't be able to explain. She wanted to see Teacher An again, but Lao Zheng refused.

"You talk without thinking? You say that without even thinking about it. What do you think? There were so many women who had accidents back then, and countless children and elderly people died. It is extremely difficult for us to survive. It's not easy, which village in our Northeast has not been raided several times? How many houses are still empty in the village? It's only been a few days, and you forget everything? "

"You should hate the Japanese. Why are you angry with the innocent teacher An? They were also weak women and big girls. The People's Liberation Army finally rescued them. Why do you force them to death again? What?"

The more Lao Zheng talked, the more excited he became, tears fell as he spoke, "My daughter-in-law was tortured to death, my son was picked up by a bayonet...I haven't come out of the shadows all these years, and my spine is also injured. I can't do heavy work. The village took care of me and found me this job. I cherish the life I have now. I don't understand why there are wolf-hearted people like you? You are not a woman. You don't know that the pain is right. For them, is it for a lifetime? Look at that injured woman who married someone? Even if there is, it is because she met a good person..."

The more Lao Zheng talked, the more sad and sad he became, and finally he closed the door and spoke through the door.

"You go, I won't let you in today, even if you ask again, it's useless, people's hearts are fleshy, you can say such vicious words, it shows that you are not a kind person, then your child I will also be affected by you, saying that business cannot be done and righteousness exists, you have created all your back roads, and crying can cancel everything? Dreaming!"


Only those who have been hurt by Japan can empathize with it, and Lao Zheng is like this.

Perhaps the woman in front of her was lucky that no one in her family died under those executioners, so she was able to say the ugly words so easily.

Lao Zheng didn't want to listen to her so-called explanation. He only knew that Teacher An and the others were innocent and victims, and that was enough.

There is never a shortage of righteous people in this world. Maybe An Yi, who Lao Zheng did, doesn't know, but every Chinese should keep this history in mind.

After reporting in the morning, the children will go home, and it will be fine to come over in the afternoon and do a general cleaning.

Considering that the two female teachers had children with them, the male teacher volunteered.

"Don't come in the afternoon, just leave it to the two of us."

An Yi was very grateful, asked how many children they had, and prepared four candies for each child.

"Just a little bit, thank you two teachers for your help, this is a gift from me and Teacher Zhang to the children, I hope you don't mind."

It is not easy for children in this day and age to be able to eat a piece of candy. Teacher An and Teacher Zhang each prepared two candies as a thank you, which is really rare.

The male teacher was naturally grateful, and Zhang Li was equally grateful. She never expected that An Yi would be so careful that she would even take care of her share.

Teacher Zhang has three children, including two daughters. Anyi also left six candies for Teacher Zhang.

"Take it. My classmate sent it to me. My kids are still young, so it's easy to melt in summer. Take it back and give it to the kids."

Teacher Zhang looked embarrassed: "Mr. An, why are you so embarrassed?"

"What's the matter with embarrassment, we are colleagues in the future, shouldn't we take care of each other? Take it, let's go home, maybe we can sleep in the afternoon!"

The corner of Zhang Li's mouth twitched bitterly, she nodded silently, the two of them greeted Lao Zheng together, and parted ways after leaving the school gate.

Zhang Li looked back at An Yi's cheerful footsteps, and the way she teased her daughter from time to time, which really made her envious.

She is not as lucky as An Yi, she can take a nap with the child in her arms, and she still has to take care of the child, and there are endless housework at home.

No, no, you shouldn't say that about Teacher An. Teacher An's life is not good. Who knows if her smile hides a more difficult life?

How could An Yi think that behind this colorful day, there are so many complicated people's hearts. She only cares about whether her baby is full and sleeping well.

As long as I see her healing smile, I feel strength all over my body.

Just when she was thinking about going home to make something to eat at noon, a woman with disheveled hair suddenly ran out of the woods on the side of the road, knelt down in front of her, and took a closer look, wasn't it Zhang Zhaodi?That is, the woman who insulted her at school.

"Mr. An, I was wrong, I was wrong, Mr. An, please, let my child go to school. My man beat me up and called me an eighth wife. Now everyone in the village is watching my jokes. Even the children are complaining about me, Mr. An, I beg you to forgive me, I will never dare to speak of you again, really, never again."

An Yi changed direction without looking sideways, and used a little black magic to make herself walk faster, so that this woman couldn't catch up with her at all. She cried and kneeled not because she realized her mistake, Instead, she felt that she was misunderstood by her family, scolded, beaten, and pointed out by people in the village. She couldn't stand such gossip, so she came back and admitted her mistake.

Such a person is not worthy of forgiveness at all, so she walked away quickly without even looking at it, no matter how hard the woman chased her, she couldn't catch up.

When I returned to the village with the child in my arms, it was already past meal time, and everyone was resting at home, waiting for work in the afternoon, so there were not many people on the road.

After she got home, she went straight to the door and couldn't get out behind closed doors.

Because her mood was affected today, Anyi decided to cook a big meal for herself, and put the child into the space after putting the child to sleep, worrying that the movement outside would affect her.

Then I went into the space and caught a duck, slaughtered and removed the fur cleanly, then smeared honey and various seasonings to marinate, put a broken vat in the yard, put charcoal fire in it, hung the duck in it to bake, covered it and cleaned it. Wait.

At this time, I will liven the noodles again to make water-baked buns. Because the dough is not small, she also washed shallots, shredded cucumbers and other ingredients.

The sweet noodle sauce was originally made by herself, and I added some Northeastern miso sauce. When this side was ready, the ingredients over there were almost baked. In the middle, she changed the noodles until the charcoal was burned out, and the big fat duck was ready. Take it out, oops, that fragrant smell is simply amazing.

After that, slice the duck and put the duck rack in the space, and save it to make vermicelli soup for my daughter.

Spread the sauce on the dough and put the roast duck in her mouth, oh, the taste, so beautiful that her eyes narrowed.

After eating and drinking enough, cook another vegetable soup to get rid of the greasy feeling, go to the reclining chair in the yard, and can't help but sigh.

"It's a beautiful day, if you don't have to go to work, it will be even better!"

What's wrong with not having a man, what's wrong with being unable to get married, my wife's life is better than any of you.

Talking big all day long and arranging people in the background, don't you feel that your life is not satisfactory and envy me, a celibate?

Hmph, I have food and money, I can spend it however I want, what does it matter to you people?

What a day!
Every time the girl slept in the space longer than usual, so she took a nap with An Yi until their house was smashed.

Hearing the movement, hey, that woman really persevered, she actually found their home?This is really...

It's none of her business?

Just close the door of the house and enter the space, whatever you want, she can't break in anyway, right?
The child wakes up to feed milk, wash diapers, take her to the field to collect vegetables and fruits, feed poultry and livestock, and even rides on a big goose, giggling happily.

The space is very full now, at least in her range of activities, there are all kinds of material reserves, most of them are Japanese goods, before the nuclear radiation, she went shopping and scanned a lot of goods, if she didn't scan, these Still have to be reduced to ruins?In addition to those people, if they can't survive, naturally they can't be held accountable.

There are many large objects that are useless to her life, she donated them, such as machines, cars, etc., and kept some food for use, so even if she does nothing in this life, she will not be hungry .

Will she affect her quality of life for some insignificant people?
The woman outside the door saw that the door could not be opened, so she began to cry and kidnap morality. She was so annoyed that she opened the dog hole at home and told Nut to go out.

"Don't bite people, just scare them away."

Then she heard the distressed sound of a woman being chased by a dog. She clapped her hands, snorted coldly, and carried her daughter back to the house.

Half an hour later, Nut came back and flicked his tail as if asking for credit: "Hey, I'll give you the bones when I cook duck cage soup tonight."

With a whimper, Nut flicked his tail excitedly and wandered around the yard.

In the evening, I steamed a pot of shrimp and egg custard for my daughter, and the stewed duck rack underneath was too full for lunch, so I didn’t want to eat it at night. Wrist egg custard, keep a bowl, and save the rest, so that you don't have to steam it when you eat it next time, this is her long-standing habit.

I like to do more of everything, and then put it in the space to eat slowly.

The duck rack was taken out and given to the nuts that had been waiting for a long time. After serving the girl to eat, she ate an egg and nuts for dinner.

She would come into the space when it was dark in their house, and she had never lit an oil lamp. The main reason is that the oil lamps of this era are the same if they are lit or not lit. When going to the bathroom at night, it is dark and you can’t see at all. Fortunately, there is a flashlight , These are all for batteries, and she got back a lot of batteries.

It's a pity that the generator is too noisy, otherwise she really wants to connect electricity to her home. As for the radio, it is produced by R, and can be installed with batteries, but it is written in Japanese, so she rarely uses it and rarely listens to it. , because there is nothing she wants to care about yet.

 One of the two blocked chapters has been unlocked, and there is one chapter left.

  This month is over. It's been an uneasy two months. Schools have started everywhere. There will be two weeks of online classes in Zhengzhou, and then the school will start one after another. I wish you all the best, safety and health.

(End of this chapter)

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