The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1036 [1035] Heroines of the Republic of China 9 (1100)

Chapter 1036 [1035] Heroines of the Republic of China 9 (1100)

So she managed to get on the train to Harbin.

In this era, there are no direct trains, and I don’t know how many trains have to be changed before arriving at Bingcheng.

Yi Shui lurked in the No. 7 Army for a month. After knowing everything he knew, he began to poison in stages. The first stage is those outsiders. These people are irrelevant. Only when they die, the people behind will be scared. He couldn't even think that his poison gas had leaked?

The fear in the heart and spirit is more terrible than the physical torture. Those so-called scholars are the last targets of her punishment.

This time she chose the most potent poison. From taking the medicine to the time the poison turned into blood, it took only ten hours, a whole day and a half earlier.

As for the legend of the female G in red, as for the south, the north side does not know, especially here is an experimental army, where poisonous gas leaks are common, so there are not a few people who died from accidental injuries, but why are the deaths all in the periphery? people?On the contrary, people who are close to the laboratory are all right?
Just when everyone was at a loss for a pool of blood, the second group of people died in the same way. At this moment, they realized the seriousness of the matter, and even thought that which two viruses had mutated, will lead to such dire consequences.

They wanted to find someone to do the experiment, but the virus didn't give them a chance to dissect it, so it turned into a puddle of blood.

In the extract of blood water, nothing was found.

They got scared and started to call for more expert support. However, in five days, in just five days, two-fifths of the total number of troops (200 people) died here in different regions and places. Different positions, different experimental contents, but the death method of all people is exactly the same.

They realized that something was wrong and reported the horror of the incident to their superiors. Soon, the legend of the female ghost in red came to Bacteria BD.

At first, some people dismissed it, thinking it was alarmist talk, but when the photos and the ruins in the newspapers were passed on, they were afraid, because the blood at the scene was exactly the same as theirs here.

"What's going on here? Is this man-made, or is there really such an infectious disease? We have studied for so many years, and have never seen such a brutal infectious disease. It turns into blood in a few hours, China There are such masters among the people? How is this possible?"

But it is even more nonsense to make them believe in ghosts. They would rather believe that someone in China is studying this infectious virus than believe that there are ghosts in this world.

Yi Shui's poison brought unprecedented crisis and fear to the entire 7th unit. Instead of stopping, she played psychological warfare with them.

Those jumping around the most, the most arrogant ones on weekdays, when the first fell, their hearts had already begun to break their defenses. After the second and third fell, these people were like a group of dragons without a leader. Messed up.

In the dead of night, she would use a red paintbrush on the wall of their base, and print the resentful Japanese style. These hideous scarlet letters were all the crimes they had committed. A devil's corpse fell on the side of the boiler, and the resentment here was the heaviest. When several corpses swayed in the wind, the timid ones fainted directly.

The support from above had not yet arrived, and the entire army was dead. She spent ten days crushing the people here layer by layer, leaving no one behind.

She didn't move the remaining prisoners of war, and she didn't dare to let them out, because she didn't know what kind of virus these people were carrying. After thinking twice, she sent them away with a peaceful sleep, and set fire to the experiment. chamber and prison.

Of course, before that, all the useful ones in Unit 7 have been included in the space.
 More than 3000 words became more than 1000 words.

(End of this chapter)

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