The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1034 [1033] Heroines of the Republic of China 7 (4)

Chapter 1034 [1033] Heroines of the Republic of China 7 (four thousand)
Her movements are only a little more charming and enchanting, but she doesn't dare to show her tea art, piano skills, Japanese and many other skills.

Famous female spies such as Yunzi Nanzo and Naruko Mitsui in history, they used sex to obtain information, and they may have created inestimable value, but you let her seduce?She felt that it was no small challenge to graduate successfully.

Although they didn't touch her at the base, it was inevitable that there would be physical contact with her when she was training in charms, and the insult she had never endured. She never thought that one day she would really sacrifice herself to that place. One step, she didn't want to sell her body unless it was absolutely necessary.

So when facing the greasy and dirty old man in front of her, what she thought in her mind was not how to obtain information, but to kill him, and kill all the people in this battalion without any future troubles, because their sins are serious, Not even the body is worthy of remaining in my land of China.

No matter how disgusting this old man was, he couldn't be the first to die. If he died, she wouldn't be able to control the strength of this battalion in her own hands.

So this night, she played with him, controlled his mind with sorcery, and let him take her to visit the entire military factory. The exact timing of the three meals.

When the two of them were in the room, they didn't actually do anything, they just ordered him to do push-ups. As for her, she made some noises in cooperation from time to time.

At two or three o'clock in the morning, she figured out a way to get out of the room. Taking advantage of the space and the previous observations, she went to poison their water resources on the first night. The amount of poison was controlled within 48 hours Suddenly, in order to ensure that these people died at an equal time, she also touched the kitchen and sprayed the food they had prepared in advance and the food that they expected to eat the next day. But extremely strong.

Military factories are not far from comfort stations and prisons, but fortunately food and water are separated.

There are also women in the military factory, but most of them are Japanese women and some beautiful women like her who do not hesitate to seduce in order to survive. There are not ten people in total. Fortunately, there are no children, but... even if there is, she should also No mercy, you bastards don't even let the children in our womb go, why should she let their heirs go?

The next day, Yi Shui took control of Chief Sakata and ordered all the Chinese people to be transferred to the comfort station. By the way, he also ordered a big lunch at noon, and invited the leaders of the comfort station and prison to come and enjoy it.

During the day, she was like a butterfly, toasting these ghosts back and forth. Of course, she herself drank a lot, but because she had taken the antidote beforehand, the damage to her from these poisons was minimal, and it cannot be said that there was no harm at all. , but in order to crush these people to death in the arsenal, she also worked hard.

There are many vehicles coming and going in and out of the arsenal every day, and the communication methods with the outside world, such as telephones and telegrams, are also in a busy stage, so she can't cut them off all at once. She can only come one, poison one, come one pair, poison one pair.

Sakata, who is under her control, is not completely incapable of thinking, but only when she is involved, he will be slow. In other respects, as long as he is not under her control, he can still think independently, so this does not affect his ability to handle official duties independently during the day ability.

On the second night, Yishui poisoned the drinking water again, and then took a good rest to recharge her batteries.

This night, most people had no physiological reaction, except for those with particularly poor physical fitness.

The next day, the weather was so bad that it started to rain.

While eating breakfast, I knew that many people in the military camp had stomach problems last night. They all thought it was food poisoning or something, and they were still checking the kitchen thoroughly in the morning.

However, before lunch, a large area of ​​people began to have high fever, vomiting and diarrhea. In order to perform realistically, she did not take antidote and drank water in the morning, and she had the same reaction as them. These people began to seek help from the hospital, because There were too many people, and many of them were so dehydrated that they couldn't even go to the hospital.

But the outskirts of the city are still [-] to [-] kilometers away from the magic city, so they can come here so soon.

When the same news came from the nearby comfort station and prison, these people realized that they might have been plotted against.

It's a pity, a pity, it's too late, as long as a little bit of her poison is applied, it will cause the whole body's organs to die bit by bit, it's just a matter of time, even if you only drink water, at most one or two One month or half a year's life, but if you eat several meals in a row, you will definitely die suddenly within 48 hours.

Now the whole factory basically has no ability to resist. Her speed must be fast, otherwise it will be too late when the reinforcements arrive.

So, she controlled this Sakata, and followed him to the warehouse, grain depot, ammunition depot and many other places. She entered the warehouse with Sakata. After entering, she waved her hand, and basically all the shelves she touched were empty. Yes, Sakata's eyes were dull at this time, and it was as if he hadn't seen it.

After collecting the warehouse, the goods will not be able to walk anymore. There is no other way. Give him some antidote first and let him accompany him for the whole journey. Otherwise, it will be too late to act when the devil reinforcements arrive.

By the evening, many people had died in the barracks, and they would have died without her doing anything, and she basically collected everything except for the things that were exposed on the surface.

After dark, she started throwing bombs to play, and went to the devil's dormitory, gun tower, factory, and those weapons-making machines were taken to the space by her, leaving them only the ruins of the house.

Mrs. Sakata has no time to care about it. From front to back, from left to right, she holds the little devil's bayonet and stabs those who are not dead. If they die, they have to search their money. Anyway, she is not afraid of being arrested, and she has plenty of time. At this time, the devil stared at her like a ghost, with despair and disbelief on his face.

Her expression is like Yan Luo who is asking for his life, killing people is like chopping bamboo, every cut is accurate, without blinking eyes.

People die when they die, and they don't even let go of their money. After all, I learned this trick from them.

At seven or eight o'clock in the evening, the entire factory was dead, and the crowded places were blown up with bombs. She received space for the vehicles in the yard. The entire military factory was as silent as death, when the roar of cars came from afar With a sound, the corner of Yi Shui's lips curled up, turned around and went up to the gun tower, opened the machine gun and started to shoot, throwing bombs out from time to time, those reinforcements couldn't get close for a while, I don't know, I thought a regiment of troops sneaked inside. ?

As everyone knows, all the troops of the entire battalion have been killed.

And the reason why there is no movement from the comfort station and the prison is probably because the death warrants of these poisoned people have come to them, right?
This poison starts to corrode from the inside out, and eventually the whole body can turn into blood. Who has seen such a miserable death?
In order to develop these poisons, she spent a whole year saving food and money, but fortunately, she was rewarded for her hard work. Looking at the dazzling array of storage space, she expressed her satisfaction.

The devil couldn't attack head-on. As time went by, she also found that her attack range was limited, so she began to circle around. At this time, she had stopped attacking and quietly disappeared into the night. Prison, after all, there is no impulse to save people, because the devil sent a company of troops to support this time, even if she rescues people, two legs can't run with four legs and machine guns, the best way is to lurk Come down and bide your time.

So she didn't go far, grabbed the gun of one of the soldiers who came out to pee, entered the space the moment he turned around, waited for the opportunity in the space, and finally hid in the prison post.

After a few days of high-intensity mental activities and slight signs of poisoning, after calming down, I started to adjust my physical state.

And the outside world was blown up because of her operation, because no one could understand why so many vehicles, supplies, machines, weapons and ammunition disappeared overnight, even the entire In the factory, apart from the clothes, they didn't even find a dead body. If it wasn't for the ruins at the scene, they would have thought that nothing had happened!
The corpse disappeared because it turned into blood, and then melted into the ruins of the bombing, wouldn't there be only tattered clothes left?

The military factory couldn't figure it out, and couldn't find out through the investigation. When they arrived at the comfort station and the prison, everyone was silent when they saw the scene where nothing but clothes had turned into blood.

Yi Shui didn't need to look to see why they were silent, probably because they were afraid!
After this incident, Yi Shui herself was not exposed, because everyone who saw her died, and no one can guarantee that she will not drink or eat for a few days, even if she is dying, she will not reveal these miraculous phenomena. Think of her as a woman, even if you think of her, who will explain the mysteriously disappeared materials?
Afterwards, the strength of the comfort station and the prison was strengthened again, but these people were nothing to her at all. It was just that her medicine was in an emergency, and it would take some time to produce it.

During this period, she hid in the devil's outpost, resting, planting medicine and making medicines, and inquiring about news at the same time.

Because the devil's outpost also has a telephone, they also discuss something from time to time, so it can be said that they are listening to all directions here.

Perhaps because of the long nights and dreams, they plan to clear out a group of serious criminals in the prison. After these serious criminals have experienced severe torture, their bodies have been severely damaged. Even if they are rescued, they have little hope of survival. Besides, there are traitors , it was precisely because of the traitor that she was not allowed to act directly.

If she uses poison, she will definitely harm her own people. Even if she finds a way to tell her own people not to drink water and eat, will the traitor report it?No one knows, so this risk can't be taken. She can only use the method of stalking and poisoning in a small area. For example, if she is in the outpost now, she should first follow the people in the outpost to poison.

She didn't make medicines all at once, and when she made some, she released some. Only when the people who were poisoned reacted at different times could they cause panic in the entire prison.

She just needed this kind of atmosphere, so after thinking it over clearly, she became bolder.

It doesn't matter even if she is bumped into by someone, the person will disappear in the next second, and they will only think that they are dazzled.

In order to create a terrifying atmosphere, she purposely found a red kimono, let her hair loose, and drew her own face, sticking out a red tongue. She looked especially terrifying. Shuttle back and forth, even if she ran into someone head-on, she didn't hide first, but the other person screamed in fright. After a second, the person disappeared, which further confirmed the rumors that the prison was haunted.

Because things in the arsenal are too evil, special personnel will take care of the water and food in their prison during this time, in case someone takes the opportunity to poison them.

But they never expected that this female ghost can disappear at any time, appear at any time, and even drag any moving things to move and shift positions. You think you can guard against it, but in fact you have already been caught.

If it wasn't for the time it takes to make poison, she would be able to poison as many people as possible.

Soon, a second wave of soldiers who vomited, had diarrhea, and struggled with distorted facial features appeared in the prison. Seeing the reactions of these people, they recalled the nightmare they had had a few days ago, and everyone panicked, because it meant another Someone was about to die. Hundreds of people in the entire arsenal died overnight, and the cause could not be found out. I thought the disaster was over, but now the second wave of people fell ill, and these Japanese soldiers in the prison panicked.

They desperately send telegrams and phone calls to find support, but when others support you, they don't know what to say, because under such an iron wall, there are still people coming in to poison, and they are targeted poisoning, unlike military factories Over there, all the staff were poisoned, and it was clear that they were poisoned, but none of the Chinese people were poisoned. What should I do in this situation?Do not eat or drink?

Within 48 hours, the second wave of devils turned into blood again under their own eyes.

Before I can catch my breath, some people showed signs of diarrhea. After these signs appeared, this wave of people cried in fright. Some people peed their pants on the spot, and the end was miserable. The fear of the countdown to life is as terrifying as dripping water while blindfolded. Because the state of death is so miserable, some people choose to commit seppuku without waiting for themselves to die, or unable to survive.

As a result, they discovered to their horror that even if you commit suicide, your body will turn into blood.

On a night where ghosts were crying and wolves were howling, the female ghost in red yelled eeriely in Japanese in the dark night.

"Killing my compatriots, humiliating my women, robbing me of food, you bastards who are not as good as animals, now is your retribution, hahaha..., retribution is coming, you just wait to pick it up, don't even try to run away , Those who offend China, kill, kill, kill! Jie Jie Jie..."

In order to make her voice more penetrating, she found a loudspeaker from the devil's supplies and yelled loudly, and quickly disappeared after shouting here. By the time they reacted and started searching for the sound, she had already moved to the next direction. In short, this voice is not only true, but also confirms what they did. All Japanese soldiers who have done bad things and understand it will start to have nightmares every night...

(End of this chapter)

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