The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1032 [1031] Heroines of the Republic of China 5 (4)

Chapter 1032 [1031] Heroines of the Republic of China 5 (four thousand)
Which of the women who can be sent here is not charming and beautiful?Wa country is best at cultivating female spies. Originally, she thought that women were only a minority, but only when she came here did she realize that women in spy schools have heavier tasks.

There are at least [-] women in one drama with three women, and women in the school of thousands of people can actually account for [-]%, which shows the obscenity of the Japanese government.

She thought that she would live in a dormitory next, and she would do three-point and one-line activities like going to school, but she found that all the key children were in independent rooms, and even food was much better than living in a dormitory. People who know Chinese and grew up in China seem to be like sweet pastries.

Sometimes she would have the illusion that she should be trained to be a successful female spy like Yoshiko Kawashima and Yunzi Nanzo.

On the day she was sent there, she underwent a comprehensive medical examination. No marks or tattoos were allowed on the spy's body, so she had to be checked clearly.

She didn't have a chance to lie down on the couch until it was dark. That's right, here, like the Japanese country, they sleep underground. In addition, she guessed that she would have to take the Japanese country's etiquette and tea art courses, and even walk. She was a little skeptical when someone came to teach her, whether she wanted to put her in the country of Hua or the country of Wa?

But if she can learn more things, she definitely doesn't care, so knowing yourself and your enemy is invincible, since you have given me the opportunity to learn, I will definitely not miss it.

Because of running back and forth, she didn't dream until dawn that night.

"Hello, Ms. Ito, the academy will arrange some basic physical fitness and reaction tests for you today, please follow me."

The teachers at the base seemed to be quite polite, and they waited at the door of her dormitory early in the morning. As soon as she came out, she reported the itinerary for today.

"I don't need to take classes with them?"

Yi Shui glanced at the male and female students who were running in the distance. They were all wearing uniforms and doing the most basic physical training.

"Miss Ito, it's like this. You just came to the base, and I'm afraid you haven't adapted to the environment here, so you need seven days to adapt. During this period, the college will arrange some testing courses for you, and then arrange according to your own conditions. Correspondingly, carry out targeted training.”

"Then how long will I study here?"

"Miss Ito, don't worry. Learning is a boring process. Since you are here, you should calm down and don't need to ask about the time."

"What if I have to know an approximate time?"

Now it is the summer of [-], and you will be out of China in four or five years. I am afraid that I will go back to the border of Japan with you before I have time to contribute to our country.

The middle-aged woman in kimono looked up at her specifically for this, and then lowered her head in response.

"The longest is three to five years, and the shortest is two years."

Unexpectedly, this woman could speak the Chinese language. She couldn't help asking, "Have you ever studied Chinese?"

The woman looked around, "Everyone here has to learn."

Yi Shui choked, thinking about it, since he is a spy, he can't speak Chinese or Chinese language, so why should he be a spy?

The school is located in the deep mountains and old forests, with a large area, similar to the place where she served in the military in Long Gang's first life. All the training items can be known at a glance. In addition, there are several other buildings here. The five or six-story building, judging from the people wearing uniforms coming in and out, is already a place for cultivating theoretical knowledge.

The older people here are all serving as service personnel, but she always feels that the people who come to monitor her here follow her wherever she goes.

There are no people in the cafeteria anymore. Those who are training outside have already eaten, and those who come here in twos and threes occasionally are accompanied by a middle-aged man or woman. Observation period.

Breakfast is rice, main dish, side dish, pickles, soup, a typical Japanese breakfast, the main dish is grilled fish, side dish natto, pickles are more cucumbers, carrots, cabbage, etc. can be used as pickles, The final dashi soup is usually hot miso soup, which suits her taste.It not only warms the stomach but also improves appetite.Usually the ingredients in miso soup will be tofu, scallions and a little seafood.

She doesn't like the taste of natto very much, but when someone next to you is staring at your reaction, no matter how much you don't like it, you have to pretend to like it and get used to it.

In later generations, natto was enough to scare off many adventurous challengers, and while it may look or smell scary to many foreigners, its nutritional value is high.

Beans are rich in protein, and natto in particular is known for its amazing effects on the digestive system.

It might be a bit overwhelming at first try, but you might get used to it later.

Well, she used self-comforting and hypnotic methods to pour natto into the rice bowl, stir it, and then swallowed it expressionlessly.

"Don't you think it smells weird?"

Sure enough, the woman named Saheko next to her looked at her expression and sent out soul torture.

"Fortunately, my father taught my mother to make natto, and I often ate it when I was a child. Now I haven't eaten it for many years, and I still miss it!"

Maybe it was because her expression was too real, the other party nodded and didn't say anything, but stared at her the whole time after eating, and then made a comment.

The so-called comment refers to some rules and etiquette on the Japanese-style dining table. She didn't say that she hadn't noticed that this restaurant imitated the Chinese-style sitting restaurant, not a kneeling restaurant, and asked why.

"In the future, you will always have to integrate into the Huaxia circle, and you have to adapt to their way of life in advance, but our way of life is the most primitive, and you must engrave it in your bones and never forget it. It seems that this point, you have not If we can do it, more systematic training will be needed next.”

In this way, because some of the most basic etiquette failed to pass, her physical fitness test was suspended, and three days were dedicated to popularizing the traditional culture and rules of the Japanese country for her, but she was so aggrieved that she couldn't sit and eat properly. okay?Do you have to kneel?Still let her wear a kimono and step on clogs?

The only saving grace is that the food here is good. In addition to three meals a day, there is also supper at night. If there is not enough food, you can add it yourself. Except for breakfast, the other three meals are in the form of a buffet. For this reason, she secretly transferred a lot of food to the space Keep it in reserve, anyway, it’s not like someone is staring at her every time she eats. Her eating place was different from other people’s a month ago, and she has a chance to transfer. After all, there is no monitoring in this era, and what she wants to do is just in the blink of an eye. thing.

The main reason for saving supplies for myself with such good intentions is that I have been hungry. I know that the environment I will face when I return to China is lack of food and clothing. Even if it is not for myself, it is right to save more rations for others.

She knew that this month should be the happiest month since she came here. Every day, she only needs to learn Japanese cultural etiquette, train posture, and make-up and disguise. Because she needs to wear kimono and clogs for training, physical training is temporarily suspended. prohibit.

One month later, she began to test her own conditional ability in many aspects such as physical fitness, reaction memory, IQ, etc., and then arranged courses for her according to the test results. She has to learn all skills, including Russian and English.

The last two languages ​​are selective learning, which should be learned according to one's own ability.

Because she is considered to be a relatively outstanding student, most of the subjects are taught in a one-to-six way, and the teaching progress of the small class is completely different from that of the large class.

The control of guns and ammunition here is also very strict. Originally, she wanted to move a little into the space, but found that they registered very carefully and detailedly. There was almost no chance, but it didn't mean there was no chance.

The longer she stays here, the more flustered she will be, because many people are too good. If such talents really escape to the mainland, what kind of sacrifices will be brought to us, she simply dare not think about it , Therefore, while studying, I am constantly planning in my mind how to wipe out all the people here.

The prerequisite is that it was her fault that she was not discovered by the other party.

Now the level of Lingtian has passed level [-], and only after reaching level [-] can she plant medicinal materials. She has to wait, wait for the opportunity, and wait until she can plant these medicinal materials in the virtual world, and then according to the characteristics of different medicinal materials, she can make herbal medicines. The way to eliminate all these people.

The reason why agents are called agents is because their talents can be maximized with a little training, such as memory, reaction, acuity, etc. If you don't even have the most basic danger awareness ability, then you Not eligible for small class training.

The women trained in the big class are often sent to vocal music venues such as Japanese pirates’ theaters for collective intelligence training. The women who come out of the small class are not only beautiful and intelligent, but also far ahead in reaction and other subjects. Even men who have been specially trained can't subdue them. They are going to send sharp knives to our country. Such a woman makes her feel flustered when she looks at them, let alone seduce men who are thinking from the lower body. She is sure, As long as these women go out, there is no information that cannot be obtained.

She thought that if she fell into this place, her body would definitely be insulted. To her surprise, these people are still polite since they came here, but she has always been on guard. She didn't know that Japanese people would respect them so much. It's possible to hold them back, or physically torture them before leaving, so she must be quick, and quickly produce a drug that can subdue them.

Because of her current status, it is very easy to poison her. If she walks out of here and wants to deal with them, it will be a little difficult.

The time of entry is different, the ability is different, and the time of graduation is naturally different, so if you can be faster, you can avoid many dangers in advance.

There is no need to worry about eating and drinking here, the plants grown in the space can be sold at any time, and the accumulated experience points and gold coins can be used as upgrade fees.

One year after she entered the base, she successfully upgraded to level [-] and started the road of planting medicinal materials, and the system also launched a synthesis factory. Synthetic pills are enough. These pills have poisons, health products, and even antidotes. It's all terrible. The prerequisite is that you have enough gold coins.

Fortunately, the poultry team in her space is developing rapidly, and all kinds of eggs can be sold for [-] to [-] gold coins every day, which greatly shortens her time.

Since the second year, she has devoted all her efforts to developing the breeding industry and traditional Chinese medicine industry, and the number of pills she dispensed is gradually increasing. Because there are a thousand people here, she must synthesize at least a thousand chronic poisons. , she will feed them to those who are about to graduate first, and then one after another, by the time she is about to graduate two years later, thousands of pills have been given out. The buffer period of these pills is half a year, that is to say After half a year, they will all die for no apparent reason.

In the past two years, she has sneaked into the weapon and ammunition depot more than once, secretly transferring guns and ammunition plus canned milk powder. No matter how tight the seal is, she has a way to enter. The space can be brought in with the help of some items, and then rolled out with these items. Come out, like marbles.

The warehouse must be checked regularly. Because of dereliction of duty, I don’t know how many people have been replaced, but the new replacements will still lose items. No matter how strict their management is, the smart Yi Shui can find a way to sneak in. Before leaving, she even Absolutely, just steal the base's material warehouse. Anyway, it won't be long before everyone here will die, and these things will not be needed.

Is it safe to get on the plane?

Twenty or ten minutes before the plane was about to land, she slowly threw two grenades, and then under the horrified eyes of these people, she disappeared into the cabin. With a loud bang, the plane exploded in mid-air, It fell directly into the deep sea, and there was no way to find it.

A total of twelve people on board the plane, including the flight crew and some resident elites, were killed.

Of course, she also fell into the sea with them, but she had room to breathe, so she had to make sure that all those people were dead before she could leave.

After this incident, Shizuka Ito, wouldn't it be a logical sacrifice?

She floated in the sea for a month, mainly to salvage some seafood on the bottom of the sea. She didn't dare to let herself be rescued by fishermen, because after the plane bombed, the Japanese came here to salvage. Who knows if they are lurking nearby? , so in order not to be controlled by the other party for the rest of her life, she needs to find a new way of living.

So, she spent the day breathing in the sea to fish for seafood, and went upstream to the land at night. It took a month before she entered the port near the magic capital.

There are cosmetics, clothes, and even wigs in her space, but she subtly puts herself into the image of a porter.

It's a pity that when I arrived at the gate of the port, I found out that someone was checking her identity information here. She didn't have any documents now, so she had to apply for a document in advance to get in.

(End of this chapter)

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