The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1023 [1022] Full-time mother counterattack 30 (4)

Chapter 1023 [1022] Full-time mother counterattack 30 (four thousand)
While Qi Yang was at home, Qi Qi didn't let him idle and brainwashed him.

"In the team, we mainly exercise. When we get home, our bodies can relax. Shouldn't we get our brains back?"

He just picked up his mobile phone and was about to play a game. He was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly had a bad feeling: "Mom...,"

The elongated ending sound was his uncertain pleading.

"I'll give you two days off. You can play casually in these two days. After two days, we have to pick up our studies. You should be sober. Mom can do all kinds of questions. We don't need to hire a tutor, and you don't have to go out and go to cram school." Son, it's an honor to win glory for the country, but if you get up on the culture class, you're truly superior."

In fact, Qi Qi didn't ask him how well he studied, at least he could pass the high school level, right?Fortunately, this guy's spoken English has always been quite good, but Chinese and mathematics are a bit difficult to describe, because he doesn't like to use his brain.

They are already junior high school students, and they have to learn if they don’t want to. Usually, Qi Qi assigns homework during the day and comes back to check and tutor at night. In the past half a month, she taught him a lot of learning methods. Qi Yang was quite resistant at first, but the more he listened The more I felt that what my mother said was easier to understand than what the teachers in the team said, the less I resisted it.

In fact, it is mainly because Qi Qi has taught him since he was a child, from piano to English, from calligraphy to yoga, as long as she knows it, she can do it by precept and example.

Qi Yang has long been used to this mode, and it is nothing more than that he can turn his mother into a teacher, listen carefully, and the key is to listen.

For ordinary children, as long as the parents are teachers, it is generally difficult to calm down and teach your children. Maybe you calm down, but the children do not cooperate.

In their eyes, you are mother, father, not a teacher. Without the majesty of a teacher, the effect is naturally much less satisfactory.


Over there in the office, as long as she is free, she will take the three children to clean up. Not to mention, the effect is quite good.

Because it is already very clean, just wipe off the floating dust on the surface and drag it off. Watering the flowers and plants is the most important thing.

After the children started school in September, her industrial and commercial registration address was also changed to a new office building.

Now she has more than 50 employees here. Qi Yong's Seven Princesses Student Grant Fund is a separate department. This department only has one office. Because they travel outside all the year round and receive subsidies, only office clerks are left. Finance and Qi Qi registered [Beijing July Liuguang Culture Media Company] is a system. Public welfare organizations and third-party contacts that focus on cultivating Internet celebrity anchors and bringing goods have formed a good cooperation model. Not to mention how good they are. , at least make a profit every year, especially with a super internet celebrity like her with over [-] million fans sitting in charge, the company can't fail.

She also made enough principal with Li Xingchen before, and with her own traffic, she can naturally attract more people to their company to negotiate business and seek cooperation.

Now there are about 30 to [-] office workers in the company, and the rest need to go to the front line and struggle for the word traffic.

This line of work is easy to do, and it is easy to do. For example, with her as a huge cash cow, the platform will give some face.

But it’s not easy to say, and it’s not easy to do, because there are too many anchors, big and small, and what they want to delete is the three views and the ones with no black history. This requires them to investigate and understand in depth. To put it bluntly, If you add the employees who are traveling outside, her company has at least 200 people.

The [-]-square-meter office used to be considered very large, but now, it may only be able to accommodate the office staff. In the future, if the conditions are tight, the seventh princess will be allocated separately.

Of course, she paid a high salary to hire professional people to do these tasks. As long as she can control the overall situation, she basically doesn't need to be on duty all the time.

So she spent most of her time in the law firm. Because she knew a lot, she was able to lead the case independently in just one year.

Her super logical thinking ability and language communication ability made her become the company's Internet celebrity lawyer in just one year.

But she doesn't take all the cases, because there are many people who want to use her fame to cause psychological pressure on the other party. With her, it is absolutely forbidden. She is an Internet celebrity, but the law firm's affairs are never If they didn't reveal it on the Internet, they wouldn't give them a chance to trouble her at all.

In November 2031, she was 11 years old. Although she has reached the embarrassing age of 33+, no matter how busy she is, she insists on practicing yoga. Now it has been nine years. After nine years, her temperament is getting better and better More and more enviable, bumpy, thin where it should be thin, fleshy where it should be, vest line, butterfly back, all year round, as long as you can see her figure, which one is not envious?

But I don’t know how much she has paid for a good figure. In addition to non-stop yoga and swimming, there is also a necessary diet. No matter how good the exercise is, if you don’t insist on self-discipline and diet, it will be difficult to maintain your body fat percentage, so I say , If you want to have a good figure, the first thing you think of is to keep your mouth shut, and the second is to open your legs. If you grasp these two points, you don't need to pay attention to any weight-loss drugs or equipment.

Wen Qiang has finally changed, he will occasionally come to Beijing alone to visit his son, these are all contacted by him and Qi Yang alone, and he never came to disturb her.

But every time Qi Yang would report to her that he didn't want the money, but he actually cried, scaring Qi Yang enough.

"I can't help it, he's a big man crying in front of a child of mine, I think it's too... that's what, so I took the bank card he gave, and I didn't check how much money was on it , Mom, why don't I save it and give it back to his son?"

This person, really shameless, actually thought of such a dirty way to threaten the child to take money from him, scoff~~~
"I'll take it for you. You are 13 years old, and it's time to save money for your wife. If you have the ability to save money to buy a house by yourself, you. Mom, I can give you a sigh of relief, plus your bonus and the pocket money I gave , and the money he gave you, add it up and see if you can invest in something?"

Said that the listener intended, a few days later, Qi Yang told her with some excitement.

"Mom, I actually saved 30 yuan, most of which are pocket money you gave me, what can I do with 30 yuan?"

Qi Qi asked him: "Then do you have any ideas?"

"I think it's easier for girls and children to earn money. Many girls in our training team like to drink milk tea, but this is clearly forbidden in the team. The girls outside are handed a cup. I think it's a good idea to open a milk tea shop. That’s right, even if the 30 is in the capital, I’m afraid I can’t drive anything?”

Milk tea shop?
Well, it's a very pragmatic idea. Qi Qi didn't deny him outright, but said it to him.

"Just wait, wait until I see if it is better to follow the franchise store model or create your own brand. It is feasible, but it needs planning."

After Qi Qi checked the relevant information, she felt more and more that with her current status, and with all the big and small Internet celebrities under her, it would not be impossible to create her own brand.

First of all, if she relies on self-media promotion, she has an inherent advantage. Even she who has never advertised can be the spokesperson of the chain store, but what about the operating mode?If she wanted to set up a franchise store and expand her team, with her current energy, she couldn't do it at all.

So the best way is to just open one and let my son practice, and he can't use his Olympic star fame to advertise.

So after thinking about it, Qi Qi taught him: "You write your own design plan and future marketing methods into a plan for me. If I think it's okay, let's move to reality to realize it. If you don't have the original idea If you can't do it, it proves that the time is not yet ripe, and it's okay to delay for two years. Your money, temporarily save it for financial management. Funds and the stock market are not suitable for you who are underage. Only financial management is feasible. When you rest, I will Take you to the bank."

Qi Qi hopes that the child will be self-reliant early and not rely on her too much, so even though she already has many plans in her mind for reference, Qi Yang's own considerations should still be the first priority.

Of course, there is another prerequisite for opening a milk tea shop, that is, it cannot affect his study and training, which is not allowed.

Therefore, it is not rational to say "I want to open a milk tea shop" to realize his original intention immediately, and it has to be polished by reality.

In 2032, Qi Yang tried to participate in the world-class swimming championships, but unexpectedly, he was eliminated in the preliminaries of the 400-meter freestyle.

This result shocked Qi Yang enough. Fortunately, the coach did not give up on him. He even let him participate in the 1500-meter freestyle race to encourage him. He also blames himself for losing the 400 meters, but this does not mean that he will lose in the 500 meters. He has practiced hard for so many years, and only his endurance is incomparable.

Qi Yang felt sad and blamed himself, he didn't even find anyone to confide in, he gritted his teeth and went to the battlefield.

Who would have thought that it was this 14-year-old kid who was not favored by everyone, who passed all the way and won the bronze medal.

A bronze medal in the 500-meter freestyle!
God knows how confused Qi Yang was when the coach rushed towards him, crying, laughing and kissing him, did he really win?

Although it is a bronze medal, it is very difficult for Asians to win a medal on this occasion, okay?
Even if it is a bronze medal, he is not happy.

Qi Yang, who has experienced great ups and downs, can better understand how strong a heart is for a stable mind.

Although the championship this time is also world-class, it is far less popular than the Olympic Games, especially after Qi Yang won the award, there was no publicity. Qi Qi missed him, so she could only go to the team to take a quick look.

His low-key made Qi Qi feel even more distressed, so he had no choice but to send condolences to their swimming team in a different way.

Because everyone knows that he has an Internet celebrity mother, Qi Qi didn't keep a low profile, and sent in various healthy supplements in different ways.

Not for anything else, just for these hard-trained children to make up more.

They have been away from home since they were young, and they are exhausted from training every day. Compared with children of the same age, they have worked too hard.

This year, Qi Peng's street dance was also selected into a well-known training organization in Beijing for more professional training.

The child in the family, Qi Yue, happily enjoys the various courses her mother arranged for her. She has neither the troubles of elementary school students nor the pain of being suppressed by her brothers. She smiles every day and revolves around her like a little sun.

Qi Qi has been a lawyer for many years, and has been pursued constantly. Although this face looks ordinary, but with a little makeup, plus a perfect figure and money, it naturally attracts the favor of many high-class men.Most of them are divorced, because she has three children. It is well known that it is impossible for unmarried men to find a woman like her. Even if she is rich, she will not rush to be a cheap father for others.

Regrettably, Qi Qi almost confessed that she refused one by one, leaving no room for herself. In the circle of lawyers, her ugly reputation of "Master of Extinction" was even circulated, saying that she had high vision, serious suspicion, and was a little sick. Let her behave so unkindly professionally!
What is the image of a lawyer?Isn't it all vigorous and resolute, clean and neat?

Whose lawyers have you seen go to the left and right and rely on beauty and lure?I don't have the ability, but I still think she's not a man or a woman?

Oh, she has a face!

She just had a resistance to men. As for being said to be so unbearable?

Fortunately, she has long been numb to the doubts from the outside world. How many gangsters and sunspots have to be confronted in the comment area every day. What do they say, do you think it will hurt her foundation?It's pure nonsense, my wife has money and ability, so she doesn't even bother to be with you.

Maybe your case needs to go to various negotiations, good words, and you almost sent yourself there.

Does Qi Qi need her?
There is no need to go out to solicit business at all, most of the cases are sent to her for her to choose.

This is ability, this is strength, so she doesn't need to use those vulgar methods to compete with them, you say yours, I will do mine, isolate me?You can isolate me in the company, but you have to flatter me hypocritically outside the company?

The grasshoppers who see the wind and the wind will not accept it.

Since Qi Qi is able to start a company and grow a foundation, will she put all the young people in her eyes?
The image of her female King Kong is not blown out!

The eldest son has given her face, and as long as the second son is up to date, she even has a channel to send him abroad for more professional studies. As for the youngest daughter, she doesn't need to be too good, as long as she can behave like a normal child and be happy.

Unexpectedly, she protected the children, but forgot about herself.

Because of a case, her car was tampered with, and she was not the only one in the car at the time, so she had no chance to hide in the space at all. Fortunately, there was a lake nearby, and she broke through the fence and drove in.

There were four people in the car at that time, only she could swim, and the car was equipped with a life-saving hammer. After smashing the window, she escaped first, holding her breath and pulling the man who was the co-driver out first. The car was not far from the shore of the lake. It will take a certain amount of time for everything to sink. She asked the man to support the car, shouted for help, then took a deep breath, and dived into the water again to save the remaining two colleagues...

 Queuing up to do nucleic acid this afternoon, it was a pain o(╯□╰)o
(End of this chapter)

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