The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1016 [1015] Full-time mother counterattack 23 (5)

Chapter 1016 [1015] Full-time mother counterattack 23 (five thousand)
The postgraduate entrance examination is very fair and just, unlike the college entrance examination, which has regional restrictions, so even if she takes the examination by herself, she will definitely be admitted to a school that is even better than the University of Political Science and Law. But she has made a promise at the beginning, so she must do what she says.

In fact, in terms of academic qualifications, being able to rise from technical secondary school to this position is already pretty good, and she expressed her satisfaction.It is even more fortunate to be able to study and practice all the way during the postgraduate stage. After studying, I can participate in the field I am good at to earn money. Although the life is busy, it is very fulfilling. I am not an ordinary person. I may not be able to appreciate her damn satisfaction. .

During her first summer vacation, she applied for a Beijing hukou as a talented person and an entrepreneur, and transferred the hukou of her two children from her hometown to the Beijing collective hukou. Because Beijing hukou approval takes a certain amount of time, she has to wait patiently. When the child's household registration was moved here, it cost a little money there. After all, her parents were not present. She had to find someone to do it so smoothly. Otherwise, she might not have been able to move out.

Unfortunately, after a week to check, the settlement failed.

There are many reasons, for example, the social security payment period has not been reached, the work unit that has settled down does not have this qualification, and so on.

The two children are not her immediate relatives, but were directly rejected to settle in her account.

Although the collective account can be placed under her name, it may be very difficult for the official account.

Regarding this point, Li Xingchen also helped her find acquaintances to ask, and the feedback she got was that maybe she would succeed in starting a business in the future, become a real talent, and be able to settle down smoothly.

But for these two children, Li Xingchen shook his head: "It's difficult!"

It can also be seen from this that it is not easy to obtain a Beijing hukou.

Forget it, don't force it, there are times in fate, and there is no time in life, don't force it.

After researching for half a year, the income will drop, and all of them will add up to 2000 million. There is no loan for buying office buildings, so the money earned this year will be invested in my own company one after another, and more Internet celebrities will be signed, and more and more income will be generated. Now Starting with tens of millions, in addition to the income from bringing goods, half of the income comes from the income generated by these teams, so her small company with [-] to [-] teams is now developing steadily.

Although it is not as good as Xingchen and other big companies that rely on strength to win, her annual income is tens of millions (including Xingchen's dividends, income from live streaming, income from her own studio, occasional font auctions, embroidery auctions).

Now that her fans have passed the 5000 million mark, it is difficult to meet the needs of many people. Fortunately, there is room for her calligraphy before, so she will choose to auction in the live broadcast room when she encounters a good work with all her strength. These incomes add up to a lot.

After a year, not to mention 5000 million, 4000 to [-] million income is easy.

However, with a high income, she did not live a luxurious life because of this. She was already satisfied with being in the middle class in Beijing. In addition, the more she earned, the more taxes she paid.

The team in the studio never thought about developing into a big company or creating a brand of its own. Qi Qi never thought about how big and popular she would be in this life. The money invested in the company's account, in addition to the necessary expenses , She chose to set up a [Seven Princesses Scholarship Fund] on August 2028, 8, which was used to visit villages and look for good students who had good academic performance but dropped out because they could not pay the tuition fees.

[Seven Princess Education Fund] With a certificate approved by the civil affairs department, a team is specially assigned to find potential children in the countryside with the profits of the studio. In view of the children's self-esteem, the children's personal information will not be exposed. , only record the search process, and give timely feedback to make sure that your stipend is really used for student aid, rather than being taken by the child's parents.

Why don't you donate to Hope Primary School? Because many rural primary schools are now abandoned, and a large number of children are flooding into cities to study, causing a surge in urban education and teaching pressure. Therefore, donating to primary schools is a waste of time and money. It is better to find plastic talents and make one-on-one donations.

Of course, there are many white-eyed wolves. She has done charity for so many lives, but she knows who can help and who can't.

Her team, running all over the country and giving timely feedback, is to make sure that her money is helping the right people, instead of raising a group of white-eyed wolves who only know how to ask but don't know how to be grateful. In order to avoid such things from happening, she will work with They signed an agreement, and how much money they borrowed from here, they had to pay it back after graduation from college, without charging any interest, and the money they got back would go round and round to help other people.

Sure enough, upon hearing that there was such an agreement, those who really wanted to study would not have any hesitation, while those who wanted to cheat in the name of studying would be discouraged.

The people who have been screened and investigated, as expected, are all good kids who really want to study.

In addition to donating bursaries, they will also donate book corners to schools that are particularly difficult, so that more children can learn about the prosperity outside Dashan.

Sure enough, as soon as the foundation was established, she gained a lot of fans.

Many people say that the establishment of this foundation is very meaningful, and it is not a show, but a sincere charity. Fans follow the Lord, and more and more caring people join in. She will make every money Every penny will be reported for publicity.

As long as there is a disaster, her foundation will also make donations at the first time. In addition to donating in the name of the foundation, it will also be accompanied by a personal name. Every time, it will not fall behind and reflect the maximum value of Internet celebrities. out.

Because of the establishment of the foundation, her team suddenly expanded to more than 50 people.

In the past six months, Qi Yong earned about 3 to [-] yuan from his part-time job and transferred it to the old man through WeChat. His repentance is obvious.

Qi Qi saw that he was not as distracted as before, so she called him personally.

"I have seen all your changes. Now I will give you a chance to reform. My student foundation needs someone to be an undercover agent for me. I think you are very suitable, but this job It’s very hard, if you want to run all over the country, there are still bad rural dirt roads, you may not be able to drive a car, you need to climb mountains and ridges.”

Before she finished speaking, Qi Yong agreed without saying a word: "Sister, I am willing, and thank you for giving me this opportunity. Don't worry, I will do a good job. I thank you for raising the child so well." Okay, I watched all the videos my dad took for me. They are cute, clean and beautiful, and they can sing nursery rhymes and recite Tang poems. I... I don’t deserve to be their father. I made a mistake. I really regret it I'm sorry, Mom,"

Qi Yong cried, and couldn't help crying on the phone, no matter how hard-hearted she was, she couldn't hold back his prodigal son.

"Okay, let the past be over. I believe my mother doesn't want us to hold grudges. Use these meritorious deeds to make up for your sins! Don't you have a driver's license? I'll give you a call, and you can contact me directly later, just say It's an interview."

Because of work needs, their company has been recruiting local temporary public welfare workers for many years. Otherwise, people from other places are not familiar with the place, and it is easy to go the wrong way.

Let Qi Yong run with these people a few more times, and when he gets familiar with them, he will naturally integrate into it. Now there is a special person in charge of this project, and it is inconvenient for her to intervene.

As for whether Qi Yong can be favored by others, it depends on his own good luck!
The salary and so on must be discussed with him by the people under him, and she doesn't need to take care of it directly.

Qi Yong also understood what his sister's 'interview' meant, so he accepted it calmly.

If she wants to support Ah Dou, she needs him to be familiar with every part of her business, from the charitable person who has traveled thousands of miles to the little brother who brings goods in the live broadcast room. She hopes that he can do everything at his fingertips. Only in this way can he become her real right-hand man in the future.

Good soup needs to be boiled slowly to get its taste, as long as Qi Yong has the consciousness of reforming himself, she doesn't think it's too late for him to turn around.

On November 2028, 11, Qi Qi was 8 years old and took her family out for a seafood feast. Fortunately, no one was allergic to seafood.

Of course, Aunt Chen went with her. She is no different from her own family now, and she has to take it with her wherever she goes. Even her son Deng Bin has now become a frequent visitor to the family. The children used to be called brother, but later Auntie said that the seniority is messed up, so let's call him uncle!

Because Deng Bin is only a few years younger than Qi Qi, so it is appropriate to be a younger brother, so of course he called his little uncle.

It is common for Deng Bin to work overtime at Li Xingchen's place, so there are often no appointments for dinner here.

The old man didn't know her birthday, even Qi Yong didn't know it. In this regard, men rarely have thin hair like women.

Although her ID card says October 11th, in fact it is a birthday in the lunar calendar. If it is changed to the solar calendar, it will be November every time.

Everyone in my hometown likes to look at the lunar calendar, unlike our generation who like to look at the solar calendar.

Qi Yong joined the foundation in September, and after several months of working, the news that came back surprised her.

He endures hardships and stands hard work, and his communication with the villagers also demonstrates the tact he has learned over the years. Every month, she pays [-] yuan in salary (because hard work starts at [-] yuan), and he only keeps [-] yuan for living expenses. All the rest were passed on to the old man.

It is said that he has given up smoking and drinking now.

Their foundation had to deal with the village committee, and it was inevitable to go out to eat, but he really did not drink at all.

It really surprised her.

At first, the people under her command didn't know their relationship, and it was because Qi Qi asked a lot that they thought of this surname.

These few people all came out of Xingchen with her, and knew more or less about her family. Although she didn't say it clearly, they understood immediately.

"You don't need to worry about him if you guess it. Just treat him as an ordinary employee. It will take a few years for the prodigal son to turn around. I don't want you to treat him as a special group of people."

Fortunately, the young guy in charge of this area is very discerning.

"Seventh sister, don't worry, I know what to do, and I will give you feedback on his situation."

On November 11th, before the heating was started, Beijing began to snow. Everyone was very happy when it snowed. Who would have thought that the snow would get bigger and bigger. After three consecutive days of heavy snow, houses collapsed in some places in Beijing. The wire circuit is frozen, and the water supply and power supply are seriously insufficient.

On the second day of the blizzard, the traffic was actually paralyzed, the school was closed, and all units also issued comrades who were closed. People spontaneously took to the streets and began to clear the snow.

The heating was supposed to start on the 15th, so it had to be done in advance, and the young men of the company also went to various places for disaster relief.

Fire and armed police from all over the country came to support the capital.

Donations from all over the country. Qi Qi was in the disaster-stricken area. After she settled her home, she asked the company staff in other places to purchase supplies overnight. She bought four semi-trailer trucks. Water, warm quilts and cotton clothes cost her almost 300 million.

They have their own foundations, so naturally they don't need to donate the money to other places. In addition, there are many people in Li Xingchen's company who have nothing to do now, so they joined forces with the [Seven Princesses Student Fund], and the two joined forces to buy another After collecting 700 million disaster relief materials and sending them to the capital, the employees of the two companies, including those from the foundation, also all withdrew them back.

Wherever they are needed, they will send them wherever they are needed, ranging from baby warmers, hot water bottles, underwear, underwear, warm pants, warm shoes, warm socks, to large quilts and down jackets. Coming out alone to make video records is not for show, but for the purpose of having evidence to prove all of this when you are scolded in the future.

Qi Qi never expected that this winter, their two companies would spend their time helping others and themselves.

Every day with those who fight against the snow and rescue people, get up early and stay late, eat enough dry food, sleep on the floor, and keep your busy feet free of dust. Unfortunately, the factory building collapsed. In order to save others, she He pushed away the people next to him without any hassle, and he was covered by the falling snow.

At that time, the person was knocked unconscious, and she woke up again when she was shaken awake by the person next to her.

"Comrade, wake up, wake up, don't sleep!"

Qi Qi slowly opened her eyes, only feeling a pain in her head, with a 'hiss' sound, her consciousness gradually returned.

"Don't be afraid, it's okay. This is just a triangular area. I dragged you out just now. Apart from a little head injury, you also have serious abrasions on your back. You have to wear thick clothes, otherwise it will be serious. "

Qi Qi stared intently at the clothes and epaulets of the visitor: "Are you... from the fire squadron?" Hey, you're still a squadron leader!

There was snow all around the two of them, and she didn't know how much effort it took to drag her out. She didn't expect that he was looking at the topographic map of the factory area with his colleagues behind her. When the accident happened, It was also the first time to push away the people around him. At that time, Qi Qi was lying on top of him, and he dragged her down.

"It's very dangerous here, although there is a possibility of a secondary collapse."

Qi Qi moved her lower leg, and the severe pain suddenly hit, and the firefighter comrades instantly became tense.

"Your leg hurts?"

Qi Qi twisted her facial features and nodded helplessly towards him with tears in her eyes.

"It hurts, it hurts so much, shouldn't it be smashed?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I'll take a look for you first." He carefully crawled to her side, first observed from the outside, after pinching a few positions, Qi Qi screamed like a pig, and grabbed his arm I was about to bite, and finally found out that it was someone else's arm, so I couldn't take it anymore, grabbed a handful of snow and stuffed it into my mouth, forcing myself to calm down.

Seeing her forehead sweating profusely, he was also very nervous: "I'm afraid it's...a broken bone."

Qi Qi shook her head, "It's not a broken bone, but a broken joint. Don't worry, I won't die, but I'm afraid I'll have to put a steel plate on it."

She is a doctor, so how can she not know her own situation? Looking around, the terrain is very complicated. In addition to the white snow, there are also various steel structures, especially in this factory building. There are also various goods piled up. At that time, they The purpose of appearing here is to help them transfer property here. After fighting for a long time, the factory building suddenly broke during the break.

Although it was on the periphery, it would take a certain amount of time for them to dig them out.

In particular, in a snow nest, women's bodies are inherently weaker than men, and once they lose their temperature, the situation will be dangerous.

The fireman began to take off his coat, and Qi Qi frowned when he saw it.

"I'm fine, don't worry about me, put on quickly, it's so cold here, don't freeze."

But the man dragged on without saying a word, then wrapped her legs and asked.

"Are you cold? Do you want me...?"

Even though she was already shivering from the cold, Qi Qi still tried to be brave.

"I don't need it. It's okay. It's you, lean in. My position is too uncomfortable. Let me lean in."

One leg can't move, and sitting upright for a long time will be very uncomfortable. As soon as he heard her words, he leaned over.

"Hi, let's meet, my name is,"

"Princess Seven, Qi Qi, you are a big celebrity on Douyin. I know that you are enthusiastic about public welfare. We have actually met several times, but you don't remember me."

Qi Qi looked up at him in surprise, the man's face was red to the ears, and he didn't know if it was from the cold or from embarrassment.

"Then are you...?"

"Oh, I am the squadron leader of the Beijing Fire Squadron. My name is Shang He. I am 35 years old and divorced. I have a daughter who is ten years old this year."

Qi Qi raised her eyebrows: "Then you got married early enough, I am also divorced, and my son is ten years old this year. You are five years older than me!"

Shang He turned his head, his dark and imposing face showed tenderness when he mentioned his daughter.

"Fortunately, my ex-wife was not very old at the time, and we were high school classmates, but unfortunately later... Forget it, why should I mention this, it makes you laugh."

"It doesn't matter, we are also fallen people in Tianya, especially you who are soldiers. It is not easy in itself. Haven't you been home for many days?"

Shang He smiled subtly: "Aren't you too? I didn't expect that you are a woman, young, so capable. I heard that some media wanted to interview you, but you refused?"

Qi Qi couldn't help but look at his good-looking handsome face: "I can't tell, Brother Bing also likes to gossip sometimes?"

Shang He smiled even more happily: "We will also have time to rest. Check Douyin to understand the impact of this disaster. I am one of your fans and have followed you for many years...,"

(End of this chapter)

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