The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1004 [1003] Full-time mother counterattack 11 (5)

Chapter 1004 [1003] Full-time mother counterattack 11 (five thousand)

No, I can't say what it feels like, but I feel a little uncomfortable, especially when so many people say that she is getting better and more confident after the divorce, his inner dissatisfaction almost explodes at the critical point.

Was he not good enough for her?He provided food and drink for her for four years, and he was responsible for the food and clothing. Why was it so unfeeling in the end?
Can you still go to university?And it's not an ordinary university, which makes him very upset.

He looked at her and paid attention to her just to understand her current situation better. Only by understanding her can he understand his son's situation.

If you want to say that you have no affection for your son, that is a lie.

He misses him, but their father and son want to see each other in the future, which is harder than going to heaven. He thought he could find some clues about his son from Qi Qi's video, but it turned out not. Voice, she took good care of him, the child was very happy, the mother and child laughed constantly together, she paid great attention to protecting the privacy of the child, for this, he was very grateful to her.

Thinking of how she delivered food, acted as a babysitter, and broadcasted live broadcasts to support her son for more than a year, he might have disdained her at first, but now seeing her getting better and better, he was inexplicably disappointed.

She should have come to beg him, and should have returned the child to the Wen family, instead of pushing it further and further away like now, which was completely contrary to his plan.

He thought that he would be able to get his son back without spending a penny, but now it seems that he is just dreaming.

This woman is kind!
In November, Beijing was windy, sandy, smoggy, and cold, so the child suffered a lot. The takeaway stopped, and he changed to calligraphy and embroidery. He bought drawing paper for the child, taught him graffiti, and taught him English. When she practiced yoga, this kid also I will practice together, but her shooting angle is to draw the curtains and shoot against the light. The effect of this angle is that people's faces cannot be seen clearly.

So during the live broadcast, the little guy can also be in the mirror. He seems to enjoy the "play and play" exercise with his mother. When his mother is doing it, she will occasionally look back at him and give him advice. If you encounter parent-child yoga, you must be active In terms of cooperation, it took only a short month to cooperate from the initial panic and chaos to the later calm and proficient.

Qi Qi's videos are often popular, because the quality of her shots is particularly good, and the small videos are very valuable for learning and collection. If the like rate is high, the traffic will come.

At the end of November, due to several popular videos, the number of fans directly exceeded 11. More and more merchants privately messaged her about bringing goods, and many of them even corresponded to her live classes, such as yoga clothes, yoga equipment, pens, inks, papers, inkstones, etc. All kinds of kitchen supplies, needles and threads for embroidery, etc., of course, there are many other types that are directed at her traffic.

Qi Qi said bluntly to fans and merchants that after reaching 100 million fans, she will start to bring goods. During this period, she will try these products and recommend them to everyone. Fans believe her, so she will naturally give fans Responsible, and even promised, ten loyal fans will be randomly selected every month to give her calligraphy works for free.

Of course, the types of goods she brings are mainly seasonings used in the kitchen, small appliances, kitchen utensils, some fast food, and peripherals related to calligraphy, embroidery, and yoga. After all, she does not have access to other aspects of her life, so she will not consider them for now Bring goods.

Although the takeaway has stopped, if a programmer calls her and there is an order, she will answer it, but she will not accept any order like before, just the order starting at more than 2000 yuan.

The day when the heating was turned on happened to be in mid-November. Because of the heating, the mother and son slept very comfortably that night, but the urgent call woke her up from her dream. The caller ID was an unfamiliar call from Beijing. Considering Harassing calls would not be made in the middle of the night, she subconsciously pressed the answer button.

"Qi Qi? Hello, I'm Xiao Li from Xingchen Film and Television Production Company, do you remember me?"

Qi Qi asked with an ambiguous hoarse voice: "It's so late, is there something urgent?"

"Thank you for answering the call. Now our company's network security has encountered some troubles. We are also in a hurry to go to the doctor. We can't find the right person for a while. Recently, we have two orders that you made. Your technology is very strong, I don’t know if you can do network security maintenance? There are traitors in our company and we have been hacked. We are worried that all data will be lost after a long time. Can you come here now?”

Qi Qi frowned, "How much?"

Xiao Li was taken aback: "Huh?"

"Is your boss here? Let him answer the phone."

Xiao Li immediately handed over the phone to another person, who spoke bluntly.

"Hello, I'm Li Xingchen, the person in charge of Xingchen Film and Television Production. If you have any requests, just ask them?"

"I have a little understanding of your company's situation. Now I'm afraid it's not about the cyber crisis, but about the serial maintenance of your database and database. Has the traitor been found out?"

"It has been found out."

"Very well, then you should know that all the projects he will contact in the future must be put on emergency records, otherwise your loss is not just talk."

"You can make a price, as long as the loss can be minimized, I can accept it."


An hour later, Qi Qi appeared on the 28th floor of an office building, riding an electric scooter with her tightly-packed son.

As soon as she got there, all the sloppy men who worked overtime seemed to have seen a savior. This appearance made Qi Qi feel miraculous.

"I think you have placed too high hopes on me? I haven't watched it yet, but I'm not sure I can fix everything."

"Seventh sister, you can come here to show that you have this confidence. Besides, we have dealt with each other a few times. With your fingering skills, adaptability, and some professional abilities that even we admire, go to Being a delivery man is too worthless, come here, give us the child, we will take it for you, please hurry up and help our boss, he is almost dying of worry."

This is a young company. A young man in his early thirties led a group of 20-year-old hairy kids just starting out. It was not easy, but it was not worthy of her pity, because every fall on the road of life , all mean walking more steadily and standing straighter in the future.

The reason why she came here is because the atmosphere of this team is relatively good. In 2022, how fast is the development of computer intelligence?
Relatively speaking, the competition is huge. Their team is mainly engaged in the post-production of film and television. To be honest, this is a good choice, because today's film and television requires a lot of special effects, which requires computer graphics, Multimedia and artificial intelligence, computer network, and software engineering all intersect, and they need to learn professional reserves such as computer imaging, [-]D animation, and network image communication. On the other hand, it is a strong player.

Li Xingchen graduated from the Yao class of Tsinghua University. He also studied abroad for a few years. After getting a graduate certificate, he returned to China to start a business. Just for this, this kid deserves help.

He majored in computer graphics and multimedia related majors in university. He is a professional in this area. Most of the people in his company are graduates from Tsinghua University. They are young people who pursue aspirations. I am in a positive stage, I have not experienced any setbacks and blows, I am too young, and I am too arrogant.

It’s true that computer talents who graduated from institutions of higher learning have their own pride, but they lack social support. If someone doesn’t stand up to guide them during the critical period, it’s easy to be overwhelmed, and the end will be hasty. After all, what this society lacks is not your talents. Academic diploma, but social experience, professional experience.

A lot of words were not clear on the phone. At the beginning, she saw that the boys in this company were in a good state of mind, so she learned more about them, and they were very qualified. The things they entrusted to her were always consistent. Unlike some companies, If it's done well, it's best to be short of catty and short. If there is one, there will be no second. She is not a fool and can be slaughtered.

Because Xingchen is honest enough, the internal atmosphere of the company is good, from top to bottom, they are all men, there is not even a shadow of a woman, so naturally there is not so much scheming, the relationship between people is simple, and the ability to work will naturally improve.

This is the first time she saw Li Xingchen. He doesn't look like a programmer. He wears gold-rimmed glasses and a comfortable tracksuit. He is clean and fresh. He is very different from the sloppy programmers outside. Although he is not very handsome, But the good-looking one is 29 years old this year, four years older than her.

"Seventh sister, you are here, shall we start now?"

She is obviously older than her, and still calls her elder sister. It seems that she took advantage of this first.

She wasn't afraid that he would treat her badly, so she didn't say much. The two of them sat facing each other, repairing the broken system before talking.

Wen Han didn't wake her up, she just wrapped him in the takeaway box and hugged him up, and she didn't wake up now, she was relieved when she saw they put him on the folding bed in the warm office and covered him with a quilt.

In a company like theirs, it is normal to work overtime. Sometimes it is common for a company to live and board for a project, so folding beds, cushions, and quilts are all ready-made reserves. The office has no smell of smoke, and there are transparent French windows. Everyone She can see the situation of the child, and if the child is guaranteed, she will devote herself to her work with all her heart.

Unexpectedly, it was so busy that the child woke up at six or seven o'clock the next day. When he saw the unfamiliar environment, he cried nervously. At that time, Qi Qi was in a critical period, so he yelled at Li Xingchen who was standing next to him: "How about you?" What are you doing in a daze, quickly pick up the child and see if he wants to pee!"

At the age of 29, Li Xingchen has never been in a relationship, so he was yelled at by Qi Qi, so he hurriedly opened the door and went to the office. Several young men were frantically comforting the little guy. He walked over and hurriedly pointed to the outside and said to Wen Han.

"Xiaohan, right? Don't cry, look, my mother is there. Yesterday, my uncle's company had an accident, so I asked my mother to come to help. Look, so many brothers are here to accompany you. You are hungry. Still want to pee? Mom can't get away now, which one of us do you like, just point to one and let him go to the bathroom with you, okay?"

Wen Han can also be regarded as a child who has seen the world, because he contacts many people and the environment changes frequently, so his adaptability is much stronger than ordinary children.

Moreover, his ability to read people's eyes is super strong. Following their eyes and looking at the office over there, his mother was indeed sitting busy at the computer desk. He looked up at Li Xingchen: "I want my mother,"

Seeing his mother and touching her are two different things, he has to see it.

"It's not easy? Go, I'll take you to find your mother."

After Wen Han was carried to Qi Qi's side, Qi Qi took the time to look down at him and then patted his head.

"My dear son, mom is busy earning tuition fees for you now. We may have to stay here for a few days. What do you want to eat and play? Ask your uncle or brothers to fix it for you. Don't be polite to them, wait. After Mom is done with this, I will give you a good hug."

Wen Han understood now, what they said was the truth, if his mother didn't get busy, he wouldn't be able to go to school, so he politely looked up at Li Xingchen.

"Uncle, I have to pee. If you are busy, let my brothers accompany me. I also want to eat steamed stuffed buns and drink soy milk,"

"Okay, Anyuan, come on, you accompany the little guy to the toilet, and then you see what he wants to eat, go buy it, and buy everyone's breakfast by the way, it's right to go for a walk, and you've been stiff all night, who would you like?" Go out, go around, and then break into groups, leaving three people to deal with the overtime here at any time."

After Li Xingchen made arrangements, An Yuan took Wenhan out, Qi Qi kept her eyes on the computer screen, and tapped her fingers on the keyboard quickly.

Li Xingchen has also been watching here for a long time, and he has long been impressed by Qi Qi's ability. He has asked twice: "Which school did you graduate from?"

Qi Qi smiled mysteriously: "I'm only a freshman this year, a freshman in Chinese politics and law!"

"You clearly know that I'm asking about your current professional ability."

Qi Qi laughed and said, "Well, it's a wild way."

"No, you are not Ye Luzi, you have a taste of Tsinghua University, but not exactly like it, maybe you have experience studying abroad."

Qi Qi looked up at Li Xingchen in surprise, thinking that he was born in Yao Ban, and he was a cow.

She was born on Monday, but she is a teacher in the computer department of Tsinghua University. She teaches the two subjects she is best at now. She can say some things, which have been deeply rooted in her bones, and she can't forget them even if she wants to. Although she was not selected Entered the Yao class, but her partner in that life was also from the Yao class, and her ability was much higher than that of Li Xingchen. The husband and wife are both computer majors, and her ability cannot stagnate It was not without reason that Li Xingchen became more suspicious the more he looked at Qi Qi.

Qi Qi obviously didn't want to say anything, so she could only change the subject in a timely manner.

"The technology investment you mentioned, and you will give me back [-]% of the shares, is it serious?"

"Of course, a manly man, keep your promise. Don't worry, Seventh Sister, I won't cheat you."

Qi Qi is not worried about this, what she is worried about is that if she does not get the shares, the company may close down early.

After all, these days, they are all shopping malls under the control of capital, and those who graduated from prestigious schools can at most do better than some small companies.

But in the long run, it's really hard to say whether there will be any future.

"You don't know anything about my past now, but you dare to mention [-]%? Wouldn't that be too hasty?"

"Seventh sister thinks that she is not worthy of owning the [-]% of the shares?"

Qi Qi chuckled, "You don't need to provoke me, I want to say that I'm a student and a mother now, I'm afraid I don't have much time to stay in the company,"

"You don't need to stay, you just need to show up during the critical period, and the daily maintenance will give you a few handy assistants,"

Qi Qi laughed again: "I can see it, you think I'll train you a few more talents in this area, don't you?"

Li Xingchen was not at all embarrassed by being seen through: "Isn't that what learning is like? Or does Seventh Sister think that the apprentices of the church will starve to death of the master?"

Qi Qi rolled her eyes at him, seeing that although he was not handsome, but there was no calculation in his eyes, only sincerity, she subconsciously sighed.

"Okay, for the sake of your sincerity, I will sign this contract with you, but don't think about empty-handed wolves, if I can't get a salary that matches my working hours by the end of the year, I won't do it!"

"That's a must. Thank you, Seventh Sister, for your trust. Don't worry. I'll find another day for you to meet another shareholder of our company. He's mainly in charge of operations, and I'm in charge of professionalism. If Seventh Sister joins, we can let us You can rest assured that you will hand over the position to your partners, and you don’t need to worry about this and that, and we still worry about not being able to get the order in the future?"

Qi Qi has been busy at Xingchen for three days, and the school asked for a day off. It should be just after a weekend. On the night of the third day, she re-enforced the entire system of the company, and the database was also repaired and encrypted. The security of the entire company The system has been perfected.

At seven o'clock in the evening, when she took Wenhan and followed Li Xingchen into the private room of the hotel, the moment she pushed open the door, the man standing in front of the window was wearing a decent shirt, turned around leisurely and relaxed, his eyes met , Qi Qi's eyes widened suddenly: "Mr. Qi? Why are you here?"

The other party was no less surprised than Qi Qi, and looked suspiciously at Li Xingchen behind him, and when he was sure that he was right, he was also shocked.

It turned out that the man waiting in the private room was none other than Qi Heng who had a double-sided relationship with Qi Qi. She still remembered that his son was named Qi Huan.

Without waiting for the man to answer, she hurriedly asked, "I don't know how your father-in-law is doing?"

Qi Heng didn't expect that the woman Li Xingchen was full of praise for would be the single mother who saved his father-in-law.

"Hello, Miss Qi, I didn't expect that we would meet again. My father-in-law just passed away last month."

Qi Qi's breath stagnates, "Go...?"

Qi Heng's eyes darkened: "The old man has reached the point where the oil is exhausted and the lights are dying. After returning home, his health has deteriorated. He can't eat independently. He relies on cooked nutrition injections and liquid food to barely survive. After all, he didn't survive this winter. However, thank you very much In the initial treatment, I never thought that the Seventh Sister whom Xingchen was full of praise for would be you, that's amazing."

As soon as the conversation changed, Qi Heng couldn't help being curious: "Since you have this ability, why are you running to deliver food?"

(End of this chapter)

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