The heroine of Kuai Chuan Zhi's family only farms

Chapter 1002 [1001] Full-time mother counterattack 9 (4)

Chapter 1002 [1001] Full-time mother counterattack 9 (four thousand)
At the age of 25, she became the oldest eldest sister in their major, and her score of 666 was No.1 in their department.

At the welcome meeting, she was also praised by the principal in public, and she was invited to the rostrum.

Although she is not a freshman representative, the road to counterattack is extremely difficult, especially since she came from technical secondary school. The principal wants the children to understand the reality of this society. The main reason for inviting her is to let her Tell me about your struggle history.

Qi Qi readily agreed, walked up to the podium openly, and briefly stated the huge difference between her pre-divorce and post-divorce.

[Last year, everyone probably didn't have time to watch videos. I was actually the protagonist of one of the social news.My husband and I were married for four years and separated for three years. He was doing business in other places, and I was taking care of the children and the elderly at home. Within three years, I filed divorce proceedings against me twice.I didn't agree at first, but later he sued to the court, and I agreed, the only condition is to take the child away. 】

[I majored in computerized accounting in technical secondary school. At that time, I was stupid. I didn't cherish the opportunity to go to school. I wasted my youth for nothing. The jobs I found were all at the lowest level. The salary was not high, and I had to watch all the world.After three years of marriage and children, I have almost become a useless person isolated from the world. The divorce completely brought me back to reality, because he did not pay child support, nor honor the court's compensation, forcing me to deliver food. Give people a babysitter. 】

[My employer and his wife have a great influence on me. The host is a well-known local business lawyer, and the hostess is the head nurse. They both think that I am still young and should not compromise on reality. They encourage me to improve my Education, originally I thought about taking the adult college entrance examination, taking correspondence courses, first getting a junior college, and taking an accountant exam. Later, I found that I didn't like this profession at all, and the best way to change my destiny was to go to a full-time school University, undergraduate study, postgraduate entrance examination, and civil servant examination in the future, like the hero, become a winner in life. 】

[So I started to work and study while taking care of my children. At the shortest time, I only slept for two or three hours a day, because on the one hand was responsibility, and on the other hand was hope for the future. As long as I study well and get grades, my children In order to live a good life.It's not easy to get the current achievements after one year in hell. I want to say, brothers and sisters, you are more than seven years younger than me. The outside world is too realistic. Studying hard and working hard for the postgraduate entrance examination are the biggest plans for your life. Before that, don't waste every minute and every second on campus, because you will only find out when you leave the campus, what an achievement it should be if you plan this period of time! 】


Because of this speech, the whole grade group got to know Qi Qi. Everyone kindly called her Miss Sister, and they would also warmly tell her that if something happened and they couldn't take care of the children, they could help them.

Qi Qi is very grateful to them, and after a week of school, she started to return to her old job of delivering food with her children.

She will run for more than an hour after eating at noon, and the school has exempted her from the social practice class in the afternoon based on her situation, because it is the best social practice for her to deliver food every day, so that she can Free up more time to take care of the children and work hard for the lives of the mother and wife.

In addition to delivering food, she will also pay more attention to some professional computer companies. It is definitely not possible to directly find personnel, that is, when others are busy, you should pay more attention to them. Download your own business card.

[If you need help in the future, you can find me. This is my business card. I am a single mother. I need to do some part-time work to support my children. I can’t work full-time. If you encounter difficulties at work, you can call me and ask me, as long as I will , will definitely help, of course, if there is a part-time job for me, I will be very grateful. 】

The boys looked at her in surprise. It's not that there are no female programmers, but it's rare to run takeaways like her.

【Are you a programmer too? 】

Qi Qi nodded [Yes, I have to use this method because of the child. It is best if everyone is willing to help. If you don’t want to, it’s okay. If you have any problems at work, you can add my WeChat. I will, and I will definitely help, okay Yes, remember the five-star praise! 】

Because space and time can give her a lot of time, in addition to relying on handing out business cards to find part-time jobs for herself, she also practices yoga hard in space, and is always ready to go to the yoga studio to substitute for classes. She is so tired every day, so she needs to find someone who can exercise With her own body and a part-time job that can make her earn money, a yoga teacher is the best choice.

She doesn't have time for research, but every yoga studio has trial classes. If they feel that they teach well, they will naturally contact them. If they are not good, then it is right to exercise.

Wait until the summer vacation, and then find a place for closed training, get a qualification certificate, and become a professional yoga teacher.

Of course, before that, her body shape must be perfected, otherwise, she would not be qualified to be a teacher just because of her figure.

After her video account posted the admission notice of China University of Political Science and Law, the number of fans has exceeded 20.

But there are still many people who don't believe what she said, and Qi Qi didn't say anything deliberately, but sometimes when shooting videos, she would occasionally take pictures of the campus scenery, as long as she is an alumni, you can recognize what she said. imaginary.

She didn't lie, she slapped those who looked down on her, and completed a real counterattack.

Although her cooking is not as varied as before, she has more life breath. She cooks breakfast for her children every morning, sends them to school, goes to school by herself, picks up her children from school, completes orders, learns yoga through videos, and even passes Delivering food all over the street, I found an embroidery workshop, paid a deposit, and started from the simplest embroidery. Only in this way can they see her level from the details. Only when her level is recognized can she receive higher quality orders. .

In order to increase the number of fans of the video account, when practicing yoga, she will also give feedback in the form of live broadcast. In this way, through fans' messages, she can monitor and see which postures she did not do well, and ignore which mocked her. Stay sincere and make progress gradually.

Because she does not practice yoga for a day or two. Although this body deity has never been in contact with it, it can be improved through practice and learning. With one more skill in hand, it can always become a way out in the future.

There is also embroidery. Many people are unfamiliar with this industry. After she gets those small embroidery pictures, she will start a video to broadcast live. During the live broadcast, she will also introduce some knowledge points and precautions about embroidery.

Her video account will update what she has learned and done every day, 24 hours, except for sleeping time, the arrangement is full, and it has become the spiritual comfort and envy of many full-time mothers.

She also has weaknesses and deficiencies, but she will watch everyone's feedback through live broadcast, and use a mirror to reflect the places that she can't see. If more people watch it, the quality will naturally improve.

In doing so, as expected, the speed of fan growth will increase at once.

By the end of September, her video account had exceeded 9 people.

On the National Day of October, she took her son on a poor tour of Beijing, made videos for everyone, wrote strategies, made small videos and posted them on the platform.

At this time, the number of times she showed her face was obviously more than before. Occasionally, she would be on camera, and she would also wear makeup. Although she was not congenitally qualified, she looked more natural after makeup. The Internet celebrity I saw [full-time mother Qi Qi's counterattack] is a bit unrealistic for ordinary people.

Because the college entrance examination alone has strangled everyone's lifeline.

Not to mention taking classes, cooking, yoga, food delivery, and embroidery together, is it possible?Who has so much time?Too fake?

During the [-] holiday, she also came out to act as a tour guide, took her children on a tour of Beijing, and like a local tour guide, introduced some delicacies hidden in the alleys, and occasionally uttered pure Beijing accent, which made more and more people people, questioning her identity.

For such a topic, Qi Qi never responds, she only uses her own efforts to improve the conditions of herself and her son, as for what others say, how to see, how to evaluate, she has no right to interfere, those who understand understand themselves, don't Knowing people, even if you explain it, people won't change you, so why bother to practice yourself?
There are many people who come to her for consultation in the field of computer science, but there are very few people who ask her for part-time jobs, and I can't say that there are no, only very few. On the contrary, there are many people who want to get benefits from her for free consultation.

Qi Qi knows that programmers are not easy, and she will definitely help when she can. If she is busy, she will reply when she is free.

Sometimes she even makes some strategy video explanations on the video account to address these problems. Gradually, there will be more answers to these questions in her profile. As for others asking her, didn’t you go to college? ?How can you program?You must be fake, right?She still didn't bother to explain, after all, what I posted on this video is what I want you to see, what I don't want you to see, you can only rely on guessing, and then use your understanding to deny me, you have denied me, I Still care if you say I'm hypocritical or false?

In September, she earned 9 yuan from food delivery, 800 yuan from the video account, and only made two orders on the part-time program, earning 2500 yuan. In this way, she earned 1000 yuan in her first month in Beijing. The income of RMB is really good.

It cost 27000 to pay the rent before, and 12000 for the kindergarten, which is [-].

15 li and [-] for financial management can only be withdrawn after three years. This year is the second year. This is the last way out and cannot be withdrawn.

The [-] li has already spent [-], and there is [-] left. She simply took the [-] to the bank for financial management. Now that she has come to Beijing, she has to start from scratch.

So the 6300 yuan in the first month, plus the remaining one or two yuan in the hand, will be the living expenses of the mother and child after the next salary arrives.

The embroidery done in September, after November, I paid her about 9 yuan. This is still a small order. I didn’t expect the manual cost to be so high. Thinking about it, the manual work is all about eyesight, far from being able to do it in batches with machines. As a result, the order price for a handkerchief is 6000 yuan, and it may be sold for 1000 yuan.

Because of the great collection value and the variety of her techniques, the embroidery shop began to improve the quality of the samples after realizing that it might have encountered a master by accident. Naturally, the manual fee was several hundred yuan per piece, which increased. When it reaches more than a thousand yuan, of course, it takes more time.

But one order can earn one or two thousand, and three orders are received in a month. This month, they just do nothing, and the mother and son don't have to worry about food and drink.

Embroidery is divided into Bian embroidery, Suzhou embroidery, Shu embroidery, Yue embroidery, Hunan embroidery and other types. There are twenty or thirty kinds of embroidery stitches alone. She is not proficient in all of them, but she knows more than ordinary embroiderers. few.

She usually embroiders in the space, the space is full of spiritual energy, it will not hurt the eyes, and it can also absorb the spiritual energy of the space.

When the child is alive and kicking, she must not dare to take space, but if it falls asleep, Liang Tian will not refuse, after all, her original intention is just to let the child absorb more air that is beneficial to his body.

Resting in the space will greatly increase the duration of sleep, because the space not only has good air, but also allows people to completely relax, so as to achieve the purpose of real rest.

With a child, she really doesn't have to worry about anything except studying at school. She leaves after class every day and never stays. A podcaster with 30 fans, sometimes when others question her, there are enthusiastic classmates who reply below.

【Qi Qi is really from our school, and she is really delivering food. She is very busy. She delivers at noon, picks up the children in the afternoon and continues to deliver. If there is no class in the afternoon, she is not at school either, and she may have gone home. But according to observation, she is an extremely simple person, and she is not the hypocritical liar you said at all. 】

[That is, why did they lie to you, let you talk about her like that?Did she lie to you for money, just because she worked a little harder than normal people, and she will suffer criticism and doubts from all sides?She embroidered and practiced yoga in the live broadcast. They are all real and not fake. 】

[Yes, that's the reason.You are watching other people’s struggles in the video, and the struggles experienced by others, can the effect be the same?Anyway, in our opinion, Ms. Qi Qi is not only hardworking, she is simply a strong woman in our minds.Every time she speaks in class, she can open up different angles and ask tricky questions. The teacher said that she is a natural debater. It is very wise to choose this line of work. We also look forward to her future. achievement! 】

At the same time, in my hometown, because Qi Qi is gradually confident in the growth of fans on the video account, she began to show her face slowly. Although the number of times is not very high, it is enough to let everyone know what the legendary [Seventh Princess] looks like It's like that.

(End of this chapter)

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