Punch: From third-rate anchor to top chef

Chapter 38 39. Making soup dumplings 2 (for collection)

Chapter 38 39. Making soup dumplings 2 (for collection)

Sharp kitchen knives flew, and all the ingredients were processed one by one.

Pour cold water into the pot, remove the hair from the pigskin, remove the nails from the chicken feet, and break the keel in half after washing off the blood. After pouring the three kinds of meat into the pot, turn on the fire. Once the water boils, the blood foam in the meat And the dirty stuff is all out.

Use a sieve to remove the blood foam, continue to boil over high heat until there is no blood foam at all, pick up the pigskin, keel, and chicken feet and put them aside for later use.

At this time, the crucian carp was also washed and put on the table.

Li Xiao opened the iron pot, heated it up on high heat, waited for the iron pot to smoke, poured in peanut oil, and then immediately put in the drained crucian carp.

Fry the crucian carp until golden on both sides, then reduce the heat until the water of the whole crucian carp is completely absorbed.

Take out the crucian carp, chop it with a kitchen knife, pour the crucian carp into the pressure cooker and press for 10 minutes, press out the pure white broth, and separate the residue with gauze.

Put the pigskin on the cutting board, and remove the excess flesh with one knife. All Li Xiao needs is the top pigskin, no pork or lard.

Seeing Li Xiao's saber technique, Yang Deshun was stunned, his eyes blanked, where did he seem to have seen such a saber technique?

Wait, Yang Deshun's eyes became surprised. Although he was very old and his memory became poor, those days were too important in his life.

It's not time that can be erased at all. This saber technique is the one that my teacher showed me, and it falls to the ground with one blow.

It means that one knife cuts from the beginning to the end, and there is no need for a second knife.

The knife is not sharp enough, the material is not well understood, and if there is any lack of any point, it will not be able to hit the ground.

Yang Deshun believed a little now, Li Xiao's words, although his words were too bizarre, but the knife fell to the ground one after another.

He had already begun to believe most of Li Xiao's outrageous words.

The pigskin is made into thin strips of the same thickness. Add the chicken feet, pigskin strips, keel, crucian carp broth, ginger slices, fragrant leaves, star anise, and peppercorns into the pressure cooker for 20 minutes.

The skin and flesh on the chicken feet almost melted into the broth, the pork skin changed from crunchy to soft, the bone marrow in the keel completely flowed out, and the original milky white broth had also turned pale gold.

Remove the pig skin, chicken feet, keel, and other residues, leaving only the steaming light golden broth.

Yang Deshun was watching intently, but a low voice asked in his ear
"Grandpa, what are you looking at? So engrossed?"

The old man looked up and saw that it was his granddaughter, so he walked out of the memory, the old man looked a little excited

"Xiaoxue, it's the legendary soup dumpling filled with white soup! I've heard it from my teacher before. It's a dumpling filled with soup that even my teacher doesn't know how to do, it's filled with soup dumpling in white soup!"

"Soup dumplings filled with white soup?" The girl called Xiaoxue had never even heard of this name.

The old man's expression was a little inexplicable, "I also heard my master say a few times, saying that he had seen his master do it a few times.

But at that time, he was still young, and he was not a close disciple of the master. At that time, everyone valued the craftsmanship very much, so the master, an old man, was not qualified to learn the skill of filling soup dumplings with white soup.

I just heard from my master, and I wondered at the beginning why crucian carp was used to cook white soup, so it was so unexpected.” The old man was a little emotional, and he didn’t know it was because he saw the lost white soup. Soup dumplings, or because I saw the craftsmanship that my master didn't know.

The steaming soup, Li Xiao did not wait for the broth to cool down, but added half a spoonful of Shaoxing rice wine to the broth, and poured it into a flat, square iron plate.

Put it directly into the refrigerator, although this will make the refrigerator easy to break, but once or twice, the problem is not very big, after all, the time is relatively tight.

Hot soup cools faster than cold soup, put it in the refrigerator for 30 minutes, take it out, put it in fresh for 20 minutes, and you can get the white soup skin frozen.

Pig skin, jelly from chicken claws, bone marrow from pig bones, and bone glue from fish bones, four ingredients with heavy gelatin, are enough to make the white soup turn into skin jelly after being refrigerated.

Li Xiao picked up the kitchen knife and cut the cleaned pork into small pieces. Pork is of course the best pork belly. The ratio of lean meat to fat meat is seven to three, seven points of lean meat, three points of fat meat, chopped, ginger Chop into puree and add to meat stuffing.

Add a tablespoon of light soy sauce, a teaspoon of oyster sauce, a gram of five-spice powder, a gram of chicken bouillon, and a gram of salt, and stir clockwise evenly.

Wrap in plastic wrap and store in the refrigerator for later use.

The skin of soup dumplings is dead skin, that is, the skin that does not need to be fermented, and some people call it dead noodles.

The purpose is to add a small amount of water to the high-gluten flour, and Li Xiao rubs his hands together to make the temperature of his palms high enough.

Kneading the noodles is also very particular. The noodles need to be kneaded and woken up repeatedly. It is similar to the kneading process of making noodles, but it should be softer.
It is what many old people often say "soft dumplings, hard noodles".

And the last time you wake up the noodles, you need to apply a few drops of oil to wake them up, so that the tissue of the dough will become stronger and will not be damaged so easily, and the noodles can be rolled very thin.

Roll out the dough, take out the round dough, and sprinkle a very fine layer of flour on the dough to prevent the dough from sticking.

Open the refrigerator, the white soup skin jelly has turned into jelly.

When you touch it with your fingers, it feels like a Q bomb.

The meat stuffing was also brought out.

Seeing this, the cute girl called Xiaoxue, who is constantly being heard by her ears and eyes every day, also realized that this person who is carrying a live broadcast device to do live broadcasts is actually a real master.

Although she is not good at cooking, she has lived here and knows a lot about the kitchen.

For example, when every chef goes to a new kitchen, there will be a long or short adaptation period. Therefore, for each new chef to apply for a job, Grandpa will give three to five days of adaptation period.

Just like a racing driver will only drive his own familiar car to the race,

Just like a top surgeon will be accompanied by several surgical nurses who cooperate with him tacitly,
A chef can only show his full strength in a kitchen he is familiar with. They need to understand the structure of different kitchens, the size of kitchen utensils, the firepower of the stove, and the different condiments.

However, Li Xiao did not.

He was in a strange kitchen, using strange kitchen utensils and ingredients.

But there was not even a trace of stagnation in his movements, as if he had been working in this kitchen for many years, making soup dumplings here day after day, as if he had integrated into this kitchen.

Xiaoxue looked a little dazed, and she finally understood that what Li Xiao said just now seemed simple, casual, and joking.

"Don't worry, I'm very confident that I can beat him."

What the hell does that mean.

Although he hadn't tasted it yet, Jiang Yingxue somehow had confidence in this guy.

 Most of the cooking techniques in this book are affordable, if you want to try, you can try it, there will be surprises.

  In addition, don't keep books, you can put forward your opinions, I will read both good and bad, as long as it is not swearing, I can reply as much as I can.

  If there is a problem that can be corrected, it will be corrected, and if it cannot be corrected, it will be said.

  Thank you, brothers and sisters.

(End of this chapter)

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