Chapter 366 367

Identify the swordfish in front of you.Not after protecting animals.

Li Xiao sent the young lady away in embarrassment, and apologized to the old man sincerely.

After all, it is a bit outrageous that someone kindly invites me to eat such an expensive thing, and I still have doubts on my face.

But the old man is not a small-minded person, he waved his hand and said indifferently:
"Okay, okay, I know that the information on the Internet is strictly controlled now, and the old man will not harm you, don't worry."

"Hurry up and pick up your chopsticks. This saury won't taste good when it's cold. You have to eat this hot one."

"it is good!"

The shape of the knifefish in front of him looks like a streamlined knife, which is also the origin of his name.

The body of the knifefish is very slender and not very large.

Li Xiao's saury in front of him is already considered the best among them. Its body is only as thick as two fingers, and its length is only slightly longer than the palm of your hand.

In order to eat this fish, it is specially equipped with special sharp chopsticks.

After all, the bones of this Yangtze saury are too thin.

The meat of Yangtze saury is very tender, and a piece of fish can be picked up with a light pick with pointed chopsticks.

Visible to the naked eye, there are seven or eight fish bones exposed from a small piece of fish meat.

It deserves to be called the river fish with the most bones, but Li Xiao didn't pick out the bones.

Instead, he threw the whole piece of fish into his mouth. Instead of chewing, he closed his mouth and sucked carefully.

Slowly sucking the tender fish meat into his mouth, Li Xiao's pupils shrank slightly.

Sweet, too sweet.

Although this Yangtze saury, because it was slaughtered in advance, the sweetness is slightly reduced.

But even so, the taste buds on Li Xiao's tongue were all moving.

It's not that he has never eaten fresh sea fish, but the umami taste of this pre-killed Yangtze saury is even more delicious than those freshly caught from the sea.

After all, even if sea fish is fresh, because it has been living in sea water, it will have its own fishy smell.

Although it is very weak, it can still be eaten.

But the Yangtze saury in front of me has no fishy smell, it's all fresh and sweet.

After all, the water quality in most of the Yangtze River Basin can reach Grade A, and in some places the water quality can reach Grade A.

If you know the water source of Transcendent A Grade, you can drink it directly.

Therefore, it goes without saying how good the fish raised in such a pure water source are.

In order to maintain the freshness and sweetness of the Yangtze saury, the chef did not modify it much.

A small half slice of shredded tangerine peel and a few thin grains of salt are the seasonings for this dish.

Even the ginger and spring onions commonly used in steamed fish are not used, for fear that the strong flavor of ginger and spring onions will spoil the freshness and sweetness of the Yangtze saury.

The fish has very light tangerine peel, and Huadiao?
Li Xiao frowned slightly, the smell of Huadiao was very weak, but it did exist.

He was a little puzzled, he didn't even put ginger and scallions, why did he put flower carvings?

However, this flower carving did not destroy the fresh and sweet taste of the fish. How did it do it?

It's like, the smell of Huadiao only floats on the surface of the fish skin and has nothing to do with the fish.


Thinking of this, Li Xiao finally figured out why.

Huadiao is not added to the fish, nor is it marinated before steaming.

It is the flower carving that the chef adds to the water when he is steaming the fish.

When the water boils, the aroma of Hua Diao's wine will cover every inch of the Yangtze saury along with the dense water vapor.

Then there is only fragrance but no smell of wine, and the fragrance of wine is looming, which will not affect the diners' feeling when tasting fried saury.

After swallowing all the fish meat, Li Xiao spit out a handful of very thin fish bones from his mouth.

"Delicious, this Yangtze saury really lives up to its reputation!"

"The fresh and sweet taste is extremely strong, and the meat is so tender that it melts in your mouth."

"And the method seems to be simple steaming, but the chef steams the fish with fresh water added with Huadiao, so that the whole fish is full of a faint aroma of wine."

"And the chef has a good grasp of the heat. Many people think that the bigger the steamed fish, the better the heat."

"Because many times the outside is cooked, the inside is still raw, and when the inside is cooked, the outside will be old."

"However, when steaming fish, it is actually difficult to control the heat when it is too small."

"Because it is too small and the meat is too thin, if you are not careful, it may be over-steamed."

"It's wonderful, but there are a lot of fish bones. For those who don't usually eat fish, it is recommended to practice it before eating."

"Okay, I'll finish eating the fish first, otherwise it won't be good if it gets cold and wasted."

in the live room.

"I'll go, I checked, and there are only 87 places in the country where you can eat this Yangtze saury?"

"Good guy, these scarce things appear in this valley?"

"Rare is more strange, good things like to hide."

"Didn't you listen to Miss Sister's explanation just now? There are very few of these things, not every day."

"The Yangtze saury can't live without its own water source. It can only live for a day or two at most when it is transported to different regions by air."

"3800 yuan for 100g, what the hell price."

"It's okay, it's a rare species after all."

"The unit price of the tea that the anchor drank in the store just now is much more expensive than this, why is no one surprised?"

A small Yangtze saury, although it was covered with fishbone, was quickly cleaned up.

Possibly to wait for guests, can wholeheartedly tackle saury.

So the third dish was delivered after a while.

The young lady opened the door and entered, and introduced:

"Stir-fried shredded chicken with black truffle and shredded matsutake, please use it slowly."

Originally matsutake and matsutake shreds were milky white, it would look very monotonous, but after adding black truffle.

The atmosphere of the whole dish came up, like a sprinkling of fallen leaves in a white snow field.

Many people think that black truffles are black, but they are not.

After removing the skin, a good black truffle will appear black and brown.

The better the black truffle, the more brown it will be.

It's just that the quality of most black truffles is really average, so black truffles can only be ground into powder for use.

The mixture of brown and black makes people subconsciously think that black truffles are black.

The quality of the black truffle in front of me is quite high, although it is also cut into pieces.

But it can be clearly seen that the proportion of brown is larger, and the special fragrance of black truffle comes to my face when I get close to it.

Stuff chicken shreds, matsutake shreds, and black matsutake on the surface into your mouth.

Just now the aroma of black truffle became more intense, followed by the burnt aroma of shredded chicken.

The boiled chicken breasts are shredded by hand and fried in a pan with butter until light yellow.

Then add the matsutake that is also shredded, and the matsutake has a lot of water.

Therefore, once the matsutake is heated, it will precipitate water, but the water will be immediately absorbed by the shredded chicken.

When the matsutake is also fried into a light yellow color, you can sprinkle with chopped black matsutake.

The taste of black matsutake is very volatile, and heating will release its flavor more fully, so after adding it, it only needs to be stir-fried twice to start the pot.

I went out to see a doctor today, and the next chapter will be updated later.

(End of this chapter)

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