Chapter 364

I don't know what happened by the lake, suddenly a group of white birds flew up from the grass by the lake and flew towards the sky.

Only then did Li Xiao come to his senses, he had been in a daze for a long time.

He quickly turned his head to see that the old man was drinking tea quietly, and his nervous mood relaxed a little.

He touched his head, and said with some embarrassment:
"Sorry, I'm fascinated by it."

While talking, he often walked inside.

Zhang Haoquan did not continue to drink tea, but got up and walked towards the dining table.

There is no menu here, just when the welcoming lady is about to report the menu.

Zhang Haoquan waved his hand, and said in preparation:
"3 big meat, 3 small meat, 2 vegetarian, one soup is enough."

"Don't stew the soup. Clear soup is fine. It's going to rain recently, and the rheumatism wants to recur again, and all the bones and bones in my body are aching."

The young lady seemed to recognize old man Zhang, she nodded slightly and exited the door.

When Miss Yingbin left, Uncle Zhang said proudly:
"It's not bad that the old man brought you here?"

Li Xiao nodded
"Really good."

"It's much better than I expected, but isn't this private dish too remote?"

Zhang Haoquan shook his head indifferently:

"At the level of that old thing, he doesn't care at all whether this private restaurant makes money or loses money."

"You may not believe it, but people from the Xinhui Chenpi Chamber of Commerce don't need money to eat here."

"So, do you think he would care, is it remote or not? Are there more or less guests?"

"How about it? Why don't you stock up on some tangerine peel and join our chamber of commerce?"

"We Xinhui people are notoriously united!"

"Isn't it necessary to use so much? I don't buy tangerine peel here to stock up, but to give away fans."

"Besides, I'm an anchor in Dongguan, so it's not suitable for me to join the Xinhui Chamber of Commerce, right?"

Zhang Haoquan rolled his eyes after hearing Li Xiao's evasion:

"What's the matter? Our chamber of commerce still has friends from Free Country!"

"The so-called brothers in the world, you are still a live broadcaster, why are you thinking so old-fashioned?"



Good guy, Li Xiao really didn't have the slightest interest in this new chamber of commerce.

However, the other party said so.

He couldn't admit it:

"All right, if you add it, add it, but I don't have time to participate in any activities."

Zhang Haoquan laughed:
"Okay, I'll go back tonight and help you add your name."

"In the future, if you want to come over for dinner, just give your name."

Suddenly, the old man changed the subject and asked with a smile:
"By the way, do you accept the promotion?"

"Help the Chen Pi of our Xinhui to promote it."


"Everyone is so familiar, you will definitely agree!"

hiss! !

Li Xiao took a deep breath, good guy, he was waiting for him here.

What is brotherhood, what can eat for free, what does not need to participate in activities.

It was all a trap, for the purpose of letting myself join this chamber of commerce, and then being embarrassed to refuse.

Sure enough, he is indeed an old fox, and he has a set of methods.

It was really impossible to guard against, and he just racked his brains to refuse.

There was a knock on the door, and the sweet voice of the young lady came from outside:
"Hello, is it convenient to serve food here?"

"Convenience! You don't need to ask later, what's the inconvenience for the two men!"

The young lady took the clear soup and walked to the four-person table.

"Hello, [Pork Belly Soup with Barley, Yam, Purple Ginger and Pepper], it is used to dispel cold and rheumatism, please take it slowly."

! ! ! !
The speed of food delivery here seems a bit scary?
It's only five or six minutes since Zhang Haoquan placed the order, and the first one came out?

Although, Mr. Zhang didn't say what specific dishes he wanted.

But the other party was definitely not, and gave the two of them soup made in advance.

Because this coix seed yam purple ginger pepper pork belly soup is not old fire soup, the soup color is not milky white, but slightly clear.

Pork belly and purple ginger are all cut into small pieces of similar size, which look very ordinary.

Then, the unexpected system prompt made Li Xiao dare not underestimate this ordinary pork belly soup.

[Ding dong, check in successfully, the gourmet restaurant you checked in is: [Xinhui Guild Hall]]

【Lots of fresh ingredients, just for the enjoyment of a few people】

[Different fresh ingredients in each season form a menu that is always fresh]

[The beautiful dining environment adds a bit of deliciousness]

[Good service attitude and attentive cooking skills]

[Chef: 4-star senior chef: Zhao Yuling]

[Sous chef: 3-star senior chef: Cao Gui]

[Sous chef: 2-star senior chef: Jiang Haitao]

[Sous Chef: 1-star Senior Chef: Wen Sanhu]

[Sous Chef: 1-star Senior Chef: Shi Longhua]

"Ding dong, the system rating, [Xinhui Hall] is rated as 3 stars."

"Ding Dong, you have received a 4-star gourmet store check-in reward"

[Ability: Proficiency in Antique Appraisal]

[Ability introduction: You know 3000-year-old antiques like the back of your hand. 】

[Ability: Proficiency in medicinal material collocation]

[Ability introduction: You have fully understood the characteristics of various medicinal materials, and can flexibly make various combinations]

[Money: 100000 yuan]

【Fame: 40】

[Fame introduction: 1 point of fame will allow 10 strangers to know you through different channels]


This is actually a four-star restaurant?

Originally, in Li Xiao's opinion, this store might be good, but it was at most a 3-star level.

After all, a semi-public and private kitchen must not receive many guests.

This will cause a serious problem. If you do less, your skills will become rusty.

Once the skills are rusty, the level of cooking will naturally decline.

But obviously, the situation here is different from what he thought.

Seeing that there are far more customers here than he thought, or that the chef secretly practiced quite intensely in private.

After helping the two share the soup, the young lady bowed and left the room.

"Pork belly soup with barley, yam, purple ginger and pepper, heh, Xiaoling, you really have my heart."

"Come and have a taste, I always like to drink soup, but unfortunately my rheumatism has high uric acid, and I get headaches all over my body when I drink soup."

"However, Xiaoling's soup is really angry with me."

"Only with this soup, no matter how much you drink, there will be no problem."

"Coix seed nourishes qi gently, yam lowers blood pressure, pepper, purple ginger dispels wind and cold, and pork belly nourishes the stomach. They are really good."

Hearing Li Xiao speak out the efficacy of all the ingredients in the soup in one breath.

The old man was obviously stunned for a moment, but he immediately reacted and nodded slightly:

"It's a bit of a skill. Not only does it have such a thorough understanding of tangerine peel, but it also knows so much about other ingredients. With this skill, it's no wonder there are so many viewers in the live broadcast room."

in the live room.

"Old man, how rare you are!"

"The anchor knows more than you think."

"By the way, didn't some big boss say that the report of the anchor's exam was shady?"

"Yes, I heard that there is such a thing, why is it nothing?"

"Hey, is there any way, the anchor is an ordinary person."

"It's a pity, I just inquired about it, and with the strength of the anchor, a four-star is fine."

(End of this chapter)

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