Punch: From third-rate anchor to top chef

Chapter 359 360. The old man's collection

Chapter 359 360. The old man's collection
There was no big problem with the tangerine peel itself, and then Li Xiao began to check the age of the tangerine peel.

After 30 years of precipitation, the original orange skin has turned black and purple.

The original pale yellow inner skin also turned dark yellow.

The so-called difficult people will not, and those who meet will not be difficult.

Li Xiao, who has a lot of knowledge about tangerine peel in his brain, quickly confirmed that the age of the piece of tangerine peel in front of him was no problem.

It is indeed a good tangerine peel aged up to 30 years.

He smiled and put the tangerine peel in his hand back into the rattan basket mixed with pine balls, and nodded with satisfaction:
"The quality is 10 points, and the age is enough, and this tangerine peel should be more than 30 years old, at least 31, two years old."

When the audience in the live broadcast room heard Li Xiao's words, there was an uproar immediately.

"Go away! The anchor is going to pretend again!"

"Wait, the tangerine peel didn't say the year and month of production, how did the anchor know his year?"

"Didn't the anchor just say that he already understood a little bit? That means he understands very well."

"31 years, this tangerine peel is older than me."

"One thing to say, I am only 15 years old today, and this tangerine peel is twice as big as me."


Originally, the old man was looking up and down at Li Xiao with a playful look, waiting to see how he would make a fool of himself, but Li Xiao just didn't speak, and he was stunned when he spoke.

"31 years? Impossible. Wait, no"

His negation blurted out without even the slightest hesitation.

However, halfway through the speech, he hesitated instead.

Some memories with a long history were dug out from the depths of his mind.

No, it is not 30 years, it is indeed 31 years.

Because this batch of goods was produced in July 32 years ago, and the actual production time was January 7 years ago, and this batch of goods was bought in February of the second year, and now it is March.

Strictly speaking, we can say 31 years or 32 years, but we cannot say 30 years.

After thinking this through, the old man took a deep breath.

Boy, is this kid's nose a dog's nose?
Just by smelling it and looking at it, the year is accurate to single digits?

If the age of the tangerine peel is not very old, under 15 years old, he is confident that he can accurately say the age of the tangerine peel to single digits.

But once the age of tangerine peel exceeds 20 years, even he, a veteran of the rivers and lakes, has no way to accurately locate single digits only by relying on the smell and appearance.

After looking and smelling, he also needs to do a small amount of tasting to know exactly how old he is.

It's a thousand miles away from Li Xiao's current level.

The corner of his mouth couldn't help twitching. Fortunately, he didn't act too arrogantly just now, otherwise his face would be embarrassing now.

But he is an old man, he will not reveal any emotions on the surface, he nodded slightly.

"That's pretty good. This is indeed a 31-and-a-half-year-old tangerine peel. The young man has pretty good eyesight."

But the old man didn't admit defeat so easily, he turned his eyes and made a plan.

It is not a big skill to be able to see the difference between 31-year-old and 30-year-old tangerine peel.

If he can also distinguish the batch of goods that are waiting, then he really has the ability.

"However, I have a batch of better ones here, collected from the old lady in the countryside."

"She said it was her dowry when she got married. It's been 60 years, but I don't think it looks like it. It looks like it's in her early 40s at most."

"Since the little brother knows a thing or two about tangerine peel, why don't you give me a hand to see what year this tangerine peel is from?"

Seeing that the old man was so polite, and his ideals and performance were very modest, they didn't dare to say anything, and the two continued to walk into the depths of the warehouse.

During the period, the old man showed Li Xiao several kinds of tangerine peels of different years.

Among them are even tangerine peels that have been stored for 60 years.

However, the preservation of the small box of 60-year-old tangerine peel is indeed very ordinary, even the old man himself said it bluntly.

Due to some accidents, the box of tangerine peel did become wet in the middle, even though it was processed.

But in terms of appearance and function, it is indeed worse than normal.

But no matter the price or efficacy, the 60-year-old tangerine peel is far better than the 55-year-old tangerine peel.

The price of tangerine peel in 55 is as high as 60, while the price of 60 years is still 70 even though it is not in good condition.

According to the old man, if the product is in good condition, 75 yuan will not be enough.

In the live broadcast room, the audience has become numb.

"My mother asked me why I was kneeling to watch the live broadcast, and I didn't know what to say."

"70 a catty? I've decided, I save a catty of tangerine peel every year now, and when I get old, I will have endless money to spend."

"Thinking too much, in fact, it's hard to keep this stuff."

"Indeed, did you see the pine balls above? Taobao costs 10 yuan a piece, and the good ones cost 20 yuan! After opening, it can only be used for one year! Look at how many are in that basket! This preservation The cost is not low!"

"The clown is actually me? Just now I thought this vault was exaggerated, but now I find it's not exaggerated at all."

"I did a rough calculation just now, and the value of the tangerine peel we saw has already exceeded tens of millions."

"It's missing, didn't you find it? The old man's display is more than 30 years old, and the ones with a little less age are also valuable!"

"Hey, this is the Black Cross mercenary organization. Now we are openly recruiting death squads to do something big and rob a bank? No, no, no, let's rob a small shop selling tangerine peel!"

After rounds of introductions, Li Xiao finally arrived at the destination.

The old man pointed to a row of shelves with dense labels, and said helplessly:
"When I'm free these years, I'll go to the countryside to collect some messy things."

"It's been a long time, and I've searched a lot of messy things."

"I pile them all up here, and I will bring them over when I meet the guests who are eye-catching."

While listening to the old man's introduction, Li Xiao also understood what the old man meant.

He invited an expert to come here to give him a free appraisal. Good guy, this calculation is really good, and he thought that the other party was really so good to show him what a treasure.

It turned out that he was looking for a free appraiser, he leaned in front of one of the small shelves while thinking.

The details of this shelf are posted above:
[The following ingredients were obtained after sampling research: ginseng, rehmannia glutinosa, musk, gastrodia elata, ambergris, ganoderma lucidum, cordyceps sinensis, cinnabar, mercury, gold, silver (to be completed)]

Looking at the composition table, which is longer than the periodic table of elements, Li Xiao's eyes widened.

He swallowed quietly, could this be the legendary elixir for immortals to concoct alchemy?
Good guy, what the hell has this old man collected?

How come there are things like this that you know are unreliable at first glance?

Moreover, is this a document with the official seal issued by the Central Scientific Research Institute? ? ?

Who would really take this stuff seriously?Are you still so serious about sending it for analysis?

Cinnabar, mercury, gold, silver, are you sure they won't eat dead people?

Seeing Li Xiao staring at the two golden pills, the old man laughed loudly:

"It's not right for people to like weird things when they are old."

"I took this back from the wild Taoist priest on the hill next to Huanglong Temple. He said it was a treasure passed down by the patriarch."

"If it weren't for the fact that I was starving to death, I would definitely not sell it. I was skeptical at the time, but I was moved when I saw that the box was actually made of golden nanmu."

"One piece costs 10 yuan, and three pieces with a box cost me [-] yuan."

"As soon as I bought it, I regretted it. I always felt that I was tricked."

"Who knew that after I sent one of them to be tested, I found that the age of the golden pill was real, a good thing from 300 years ago."

"However, this composition is indeed a bit chilling, so I will leave it here as a decoration."


Hearing that this is actually the golden pill from 300 years ago, Li Xiao immediately became interested.

Thinking of my steel stomach, everything can be digested.

He was really moved, if this golden core was useless, he would be fine.

However, it is true that the death of this golden elixir is really one in a hundred billion, so I will post it myself.
However, thinking about Li Xiao, he felt that this matter was not very reliable. If it was really the real thing, the Taoist would not be so downcast that he wanted to sell his own golden elixir.

Shaking his head slightly, he said with a smile:

"It's really interesting, but Baoyou, this food is not fun to eat!"

Li Xiao knew that he had a stomach of steel, so he was not afraid of poisonous food.

But this old man seems to be just an ordinary old man with a little more energy. If one day he can't think about it, the chance of going to the intensive care unit after eating it should be much higher than the chance of becoming a fairy.

Fearing that his attention would make the old man renew his interest in Jin Dan, Li Xiao hurried to his side.

He took a small piece of black tangerine peel from his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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