Punch: From third-rate anchor to top chef

第34章 34.1罐可乐3块,第1口就值2块5

Chapter 34
The reason for saying sacrifice is not an exaggeration, because Li Xiao believes that once the outer skin of a soup dumpling is cracked and the soup inside flows out, the soup dumpling will lose half of its soul.

Perhaps this description is more abstract, but to change it to a more specific description, the greatest value of a can of Coke is probably the hiccup when you take the first sip. A can of Coke is three yuan, and the first sip is worth two yuan and five.

When thirsty, the first sip is always the most thirst-quenching, and then there is less craving, less flavor, less freshness.

In the same way, the same is true for love. Two people are always fresh at the beginning, but as time goes by, the freshness fades away. That is the beginning of love judgment.

Therefore, Li Xiao has always believed that when a couple gets married, they should not put their hands on the Bible and say that no matter they are rich or poor, they will be accompanied by health and disease until death.

I should put my hands on the two books "Evolutionary Psychology" and "The Selfish Gene" and swear: I will go against my nature, go against my instinct, and love you forever.

Li Xiao felt that once the soup of the soup dumpling was separated from the soup dumpling, the essence of the soup dumpling would be lost.

But for the effect of the live broadcast, Li Xiao still had to do this.

The chopsticks gently opened a hole, and the golden soup with a little meat filling flowed into the plate.

Pick up the thin skin, dip it in the soup and eat it, the taste has not changed, but I always feel that something is missing.

It’s like that summer, when you were riding a bicycle, the love you missed, even if the next summer will come back 365 days later, the sun and sea breeze seem to have not changed, but you can never get back the feeling of that summer .

Li Xiao puts the minced meat in front of the camera
"Okay, to meet everyone's requirements, this is minced meat, which will be more delicate than ordinary minced meat."

After speaking, Li Xiao brought the plate to his mouth, and pulled the soup and minced meat into his mouth together.

In fact, there is another way to eat soup dumplings, which is to cut open the skin, pour the soup into a bowl, and then add your favorite seasonings to the soup. However, in Li Xiao's opinion, this way of eating is really wasteful .

The original taste of soup dumplings is better. Excessive seasoning will make the original sweetness lose its true color.

After eating six soup dumplings, I didn't feel much.

Then he pulled the second cage of soup dumpling. The stuffing of this cage of soup dumpling was crab powder. Li Xiao specially took the soup dumpling with crab powder and compared it with [small crab powder].

Picking up the small tip of the soup dumpling and taking a sip of the soup, Li Xiao nodded slightly. The soup here is no different from the previous one, the only difference is that the crab powder soup dumpling soup has a crab taste, which is not very Sweet, slightly fishy.

Let the soup swim on the tip of his tongue, Li Xiao nodded, it's okay.

Although it doesn't make the tongue feel amazing, it is quite satisfactory and quite good.

This kind of freshness and sweetness is the level that normal mass-produced, assembly-line food should have.

It's not that mass production is not good, after all, if it's not mass production and streamlined production, I'm afraid that with the flow of people here, if Li Xiao doesn't wait for 3 hours, she won't even want to have a hot bite.

Mass production increases production capacity and reduces costs, but it also creates a problem, that is, the quality has to be lowered.

After all, there are only a few high-level talents. In order to unify the tastes of all products in the store and stabilize the products, we can only let the high-level talents lower their own abilities to match the general level.

Quantitative, timing, fixed operation, and digitizing everything, this is the essence of batch production.

After all, if the product level is uneven, if the customer eats very delicious food this time, but the next time they eat ordinary food, they will think that the level of the store has dropped.

Rather, every time a customer visits, the taste is the same, so that such customers will not feel dissatisfied.

Li Xiao ate the whole soup dumpling filled with crab noodles, and then said

"There is one thing to say, although [Little Crab Powder] is indeed shoddy, but aside from the fact that he uses a lot of freshness enhancers and the problem of shoddy, [Little Crab Powder]'s crab powder soup dumplings are indeed better than [ [Yangliu Lane] must be enough, after all, the price is there.”

"However, the shortcomings do not conceal the advantages. I personally recommend [Yangliu Lane]. Of course, Boss Yang didn't give me a promotion fee. This is purely personal promotion."

Shrimp soup dumplings are also good. Each soup dumpling has a whole shrimp, and each shrimp inside is very crispy.

Li Xiao specifically picked out one of them and held it in front of the camera.
"Look, this shrimp is big and crispy."

"Here is a small cooking tip for everyone. Do not cook frozen shrimp immediately after thawing. Rinse them with clean water."

"Then add water, baking soda, a small amount of salt powder, and egg whites, and keep grasping with your hands until white foam appears on the surface of the shrimp, and then put it in the refrigerator to keep it fresh for about an hour."

"Let the shrimp absorb the egg white and water completely, so that the shrimp will become crispy when eaten."

After speaking, Li Xiao threw the shrimps into his mouth.

Before the shrimp was chewed, there was applause behind him.

Li Xiao turned his head while chewing the shrimp in his mouth, and an old man with gray hair but very strong spirit was standing behind him.

Seeing Li Xiao turn his head, the old man smiled kindly,

"Young man, that's very good, thank you for your evaluation of our place."

When Li Xiao saw the old man, he immediately recognized it. After all, it was impossible not to recognize him. After all, when he just entered the door, the wall was covered with pictures of the old man.

Li Xiao quickly stood up and stretched out his hands
"Speak so-so, just talk about it, talk about it casually, hello, Mr. Yang Deshun."

That's right, it was Mr. Yang Deshun who came here.

Although [Yangliu Lane] was started by the second generation of the Yang family a few years ago, after all, Yang Deshun is also getting older.

But [Yangliu Lane] is Yang Deshun's lifelong painstaking effort after all, so he is willing to let it go as soon as he says it, so from time to time he will go to the store to visit the store in private to see if there is any problem.

I happened to come over today to take a look, and I heard Li Xiao's introduction to the history of [Yangliu Lane], so I stayed to listen.

It's not like Mr. Yang has never seen Internet celebrities and live broadcasts.

After all, my own store is considered half an Internet celebrity shop, and there are not a few Internet celebrities who come here to make videos.

But it was the first time he saw it, and he spoke so well.

Mr. Yang also shook hands with Li Xiao with a smile, and said frankly

"Little friend is really good, I am very happy, this meal, it is on my account."

As he said that, he said to the waiter brother who was dressed as the waiter in the next shop

"Go and see how much the guests ate, and they all returned. This meal is mine."

The little brother dressed as the waiter in the shop was about to run away, but Li Xiao quickly reached out to stop him,
"Well, what an embarrassment, I must pay for the meal here, not to mention that the bill has been settled, so what's the point of getting it back? Not good, not good."

Mr. Yang haha

"Brother, if you advertise our place, I will pay extra for the advertisement. A meal is nothing."

"How about giving the old man a face and letting me treat you?"

After repeated refusals to no avail, Li Xiao had no choice but to accept.

The old man was very satisfied, and after chatting with Li Xiao for a while, he turned around and went downstairs.

(End of this chapter)

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