Punch: From third-rate anchor to top chef

Chapter 306 306. Food poisoning?

Chapter 306 306. Food poisoning?

Yang Sanxi tidied up the hem of her clothes, and said to Li Xiao beside her:
"Little brother, you and I hit it off right away, and I always feel that there is endless talk. I wanted to chat with you for a while."

"It's a pity that I still have things to do later. Look at it. My family also runs and manages a restaurant. Can you leave me a contact information?"

Although Yang Sanxi thought in his heart that this was the first and last meeting between him and Li Xiao, he changed his tone when the words came to his lips.

Li Xiao was taken aback when he heard old man Yang Sanxi's words, then hesitated.

Although the old man didn't say it clearly, it is obvious that the old man has something in his words.

But his hesitation soon ended. How could an old man who could invite someone he met for the first time without knowing each other to drink a bottle of 10,000+ wine be so bad?
Even if the other party really asks, I don't have to help.

Besides, the short two or three hours of communication between the two just now was really quite comfortable.

After thinking about this, Li Xiao smiled and took out his mobile phone to exchange contact information with the other party.

After exchanging contact information, Yang Sanxi didn't stop. He patted his shoulders and walked out the door quickly.

Li Xiao watched Yang Sanxi leave before continuing to resume the live broadcast, but found that there was a lot of discussion in the live broadcast room.

"The host hurriedly went online to see that there were a lot of people in the star chef exam today. I heard that it was food poisoning."

"Be more rigorous. There seems to be only 15 people in such a large group. Why be nervous?"

"I'll go, you said it so lightly, there are only 15 people, and the word 'talent' is really cleverly used."

"Calm down, there are so many people taking the exam, how many people are sick is it normal?"

"Isn't it normal at all? If dizziness and brain fever are indeed normal, the problem is food poisoning."

"Should the anchor go to the hospital to see if there is food poisoning?"

"Speaking of food poisoning, I just remembered that the anchor has also been hospitalized with food poisoning before."

Food poisoning?

Li Xiao squinted his eyes, looking at this somewhat unusual piece of information.

Opened UC browser and expertly entered relevant information in the search bar, and soon hundreds of news items popped up.

He glanced at ten lines at a glance and understood the whole story.

It turned out that after I handed in the papers early and left the examination room, several incidents of food poisoning occurred in different examination rooms.

There were 15 severe cases and 6 mild cases, which can be said to be quite serious accidents.

Li Xiao quickly scanned the list of these poisoned persons, and then frowned deeply.

impossible!impossible?how is this possible?

His frown became tighter and tighter, almost killing flies.

Impossible, why do you want to do this? What good will it do him?

The development of the matter was completely beyond his expectation, because he suddenly found that there were several in the food poisoning list, and he recognized them all.

It's not that Li Xiao has great powers now and can already recognize many people in the industry.

It was that these people happened to be resting where he was this morning, and more importantly, these people had all eaten the breakfast made by Mr. Badong.

Thinking of this, Li Xiao felt a chill down his spine.

He touched the goose bumps on his arms, feeling a little chilly in his heart.

Could it be that the food poisoning in the examination room today is related to that seemingly amiable, enthusiastic and generous Uncle Badong?
impossible?how could be?

Why did he do this?

Is it
Could it be that Uncle Badong is holding a grudge, because he feels that he has not been able to be admitted to a one-star chef for so many years, so he has a grudge, so he poisoned these new candidates?
So those steamed stuffed buns and soy milk weren't made by the other party's poor craftsmanship, so they didn't taste good, but were they used to cover up the smell of poison?

After all, all the people present are chefs. If the taste is normal, then it may be easy to find something wrong.

But if the taste is biased, everyone may think that it's just that the seasoning skills are not good enough.

Thinking of this, he couldn't sit still, and the more he thought about it, the more reasonable it seemed.

But this result was something he couldn't accept no matter what, he took out his mobile phone and wanted to call Mr. Badong.

But after taking out his mobile phone, he found that he did not have the contact information of the other party, and he felt a little uneasy.

He didn't know if he should report it to the association, but if what he thought was all wrong, wouldn't he completely hurt a good person?

But if it was true but he didn't report it, what if there were more serious food poisoning accidents tomorrow, the day after tomorrow, and the day after tomorrow?

You must know that food poisoning can easily kill a person.

I thought about it, but couldn't think of a good solution.

After hastily eating all the leftover stewed food, Li Xiao greeted the audience and downloaded it.

I didn't look at how popular I am today, nor did I pay attention to how many gifts I received.

After all, human life is at stake. He didn't dare to waste time at this time. He searched on his mobile phone and found an Internet cafe recently.

I didn't apply for a membership card, and bought 5 hours of Internet fees directly. The search function of the computer is always much better than that of the mobile phone.

Soon he found the detailed information from the organizing committee. After looking at the detailed information sent by the organizing committee, Li Xiao, who had been worried all the time, finally felt relieved.

Although it was only a few hours in the past, the organizing committee has already found out the cause of the incident.

Those 15 guys who were sent to the hospital were not so-called food poisoning, but alcohol poisoning.

It's just that some symptoms of alcoholism are similar to food poisoning and are related to the star chef competition, so it becomes food poisoning on the way of spreading rumors.

The reason for the alcoholism of these 15 people was not because they drank too much alcohol, but because the 15 people drank fake alcohol when they had a fellowship party yesterday.

The original problem was not too big, but the key point was that they drank until two or three o'clock in the morning before leaving the banquet. On the second day, they got up early at six or seven o'clock and rushed on the road, without a good rest at all.

When I arrived at the examination room and was blown by the cold wind, my body reacted immediately, dizziness and nausea, so that it was misrepresented as food poisoning at first.

Although he saw the announcement, he still didn't fully believe it. After all, sometimes the official announcement was just to appease the public opinion.

He quickly dialed Zhang Wenjing's phone number again, and asked her to help find relevant information.

Zhang Wenjing didn't delay, and agreed immediately, and Zhang Wenjing's work efficiency was still very fast.

Less than 10 minutes after the two ended the call, Zhang Wenjing got the first-hand news that these 1 people had indeed drank fake wine.

The restaurant that sold fake wine was shut down in an instant without even going through the process.

After all, when such a thing happened during the star chef competition, it also made the association lose face.

Although selling fake wine may not be the original intention of the restaurant, maybe he was just deceived by others, or he was tricked by the dealer.

But at such a critical time, all explanations become pale and powerless. If there is no backstage, it is estimated that this restaurant will not be able to continue to open in the future.

Thanks to Zhang Wenjing's help, Li Xiao also turned off the computer, and he was relieved for a long time with no worries in his heart.

Although he didn't have much contact with Ba Dong, he always thought that the other party was a rare good person in his heart.

He absolutely doesn't want Mr. Ba Dong to have anything to do with such a thing, and it's the best situation if the misunderstanding is cleared up now.

At the same time, he felt a little guilty. Was his suspicion too heavy? How could he doubt such a good Mr. Badong?

Although the taste of the dishes he cooks is really average, but I really shouldn't doubt him.

I glanced at the time on the computer, it was 3:40, it was still a long time before dinner.

He booked a very special restaurant tonight. Not only can he eat but also watch performances, it is a very special restaurant.

This store has a lot of good reviews. Li Xiao also checked the information. Please give feedback from the information. It can be said that the value for money is excellent. I think the live broadcast effect tonight must be quite good.

But the scheduled time is 5:30 admission, and the opening time is estimated to be 6:30.

After thinking about it, Li Xiao sat down again and opened the computer's webpage, and entered the kitten live broadcast platform. He hadn't watched the live broadcast of other anchors for a while.

After all, he is now the number one player in the gourmet section of Kitten Live, and he has indeed become slack.

In the past, I used to routinely observe what other anchors were broadcasting, what trends were popular recently, what hot news appeared on the Internet, and what funny jokes and interesting memes appeared.

But I don't know when, he did these things less and less frequently, and even recently, he completely lost this habit.

Maybe he subconsciously thinks that he has already surpassed these anchors, and there is no need to learn from these losers.

But Li Xiao didn't pay much attention to it. If he hadn't nothing to do now, he probably wouldn't have thought of such a thing.

After all, now that I am in the limelight, no matter what I broadcast live, the number of viewers is at least 20, and with the blessing of the system's popularity, this popularity will only increase.

Four browsers were opened at the same time, and each browser played a picture of a different anchor.

Swallowing and watching the live broadcast of these anchors is purely to pass the time.

Fingers clicked on the screen erratically, and from time to time they clicked the button of the next anchor.

Suddenly a familiar figure appeared in front of him, and that person was Xiaomaojiang, who had micked with him not long ago.

More than ten days have passed, and Li Xiao can clearly see that the other party's expression is getting more and more haggard.

The originally pointed chin has now become rounded. Although Xiaomaojiang has put on makeup, she has a thick and beautiful face.

But he could still see the thick dark circles under the eyes of the other party, and the increasingly ugly face.

And it may be the reason for the previous PK losses, Kitty Sauce was pretty pretty at first, and seven or eight slightly insulting words had already been written on his face.

【Pig head】

【big eater】

【out of breath】


At this time, Kitten Sauce was also engaged in PK activities, and the background behind him was also a restaurant that Li Xiao had never seen before.

He took a look at Kitten Sauce's introduction in today's live broadcast room, Filet Barbecue.

It seems that today I did store promotion again, and by the way, PK to make money.

However, his popularity has increased slightly compared to the last time he was in a PK with himself, from 3 people to 4 people.

Although it can't be compared with her own peak, when she casually had 10,000+ online viewers, it's still pretty good.

After all, it is impossible for an ordinary anchor to change from [-] to [-] to [-] to [-] online viewers in a year or so, but the other party only took a dozen days.

But at this time, Kitty Sauce was also PKing a big anchor, and the other party was not from the food area, but from the singing and dancing area.

Different from Kitten Sauce's slightly conservative outfits, the hostess on the opposite side is very bold in her outfits.

Although the high bulge on the chest is covered with tulle, as long as the light on the screen is brightened, the tulle becomes almost transparent.

At this time, in the live broadcast room of the female anchor with excellent figure, the number of online viewers could break through to 10 by a few hundred.

And the big brothers inside are all arrogant, after all, who can stand the big boss listening to the young lady's voice as a good brother?
Li Xiao subconsciously glanced at the other party's live broadcast room again, good guy, with 10 fans, you can add WeChat, and with 100 million fans, you can go out for dinner and meet.

This process is really one-on-one, but if you add a WeChat account for 1000 yuan, you don’t know who the person chatting with is.

Is it really worth 1 yuan to invite a female anchor to have a meal? Whether to go to the movies or do something after the meal is a matter of opinion.

On the other hand, Xiaomaojiang didn't have any sincerity at all, and he didn't say how much you can add to WeChat, let alone how much you can go out for dinner and date.

Moreover, the impact of offending local tyrants from all walks of life before has not diminished at all. The rewards in the live broadcast room are ordinary viewers, and the reward amount is sporadic and tens of hundreds.

Being crushed by someone is of course not an accident. Li Xiao watched the two of them singing and chatting with the audience blankly.

The PK ended quickly, and there was no suspense in the result. The beautiful young lady on the opposite side was crushed by a big score.

This young lady with a very charming smile behaved very ruthlessly, and she slightly parted her lips:

"Just now I also read everyone's suggestions. The boss who gave the most rewards, 'Grandpa Long', said that the word 'cheap/trash' will be engraved on your face."

"I'm sorry, although I don't want to do this, but this is the request of the big boss, and I can't help it. I hope Miss Sister doesn't mind."

Although there was nothing wrong with what the other party said, the tone of the words made people feel very uncomfortable.

He said he was embarrassed and said don't mind, but he was smiling and sarcasm on his face.

Kitty Maojiang had a smile on her face when she heard the other party's request, but she still forced a smile. She did not refuse the other party's request, after all, she was willing to gamble and admit defeat.

Besides, such two words are really nothing to her now. She has written all the more excessive words on her face during this period of time.

Words like 'cheap/goods' are simply trivial.

Seeing Xiaomaojiang calmly write those two words on his face, Li Xiao frowned slightly, and he remembered seeing the other party with a sweet smile on his face at the Jinsha Hall more than a month ago. The way to say hello.

In just over a month, the opponent fell from the altar, and even fell into the mud as soon as he fell.

Write on your own face, insult your own handwriting, even when you are at your worst, you have never done it.

After all, he felt that once he lost something like personality, he couldn’t pick it up again. Kitten Jiang lost PK more than ten days ago, and he only did some simple punishments. He didn’t expect that after more than ten days, he would be so calm Write words like 'slut' on your face.

He sighed softly, not knowing what to say.

After all, he later went to find out what happened to this former first lady in the gourmet district.

He doesn't know which of the two is worse, not yielding to the powerful, but falling under the money in the end.

But since this is the other party's choice, he also respects the other party's choice.

While he was thinking, Kitten Sauce started the next PK with a blank face.

Kitten Sauce also chose a streamer who is quite good, but this anchor is obviously much worse than the hot young lady just now.

The number of people online is only more than 5. Li Xiao opened the reward interface and clicked OK in the column of the rocket icon.

A rocket was launched silently in the live broadcast room. Li Xiao didn't speak in the live broadcast room, and at the same time closed the live broadcast room.

Kitty Maojiang looked at the rocket that suddenly appeared in his live broadcast room, and was stunned for a moment, then saw the somewhat familiar username.

Her pretty brows were slightly frowned, why is it this person again?
Isn't this the gourmet anchor who is on fire right now?

After the PK with the other party that day, she also checked the other party's information, and found that she had actually met the other party once.

She didn't expect that a smile and a greeting in the past could be exchanged for two rockets and the care the other party took for her last time.

She actually regretted it a little, if she had known that the other party was such a good person.

I'm afraid that when I was still the popular anchor and the other party was still a small anchor.

I'm afraid she will be willing to go out of her way to give her a hand, because now she really understands how difficult the little anchor's living situation is.

Suppressing the emotions in her heart, she just showed a bright smile and wanted to thank Li Xiao, but found that the name of the member with the VIP on her head had already dimmed, and she had obviously left the live broadcast room.

She sighed softly, the smile on her face remained unchanged, and said the thanks she was going to say to the live broadcast room.

Some viewers also recognized the people who tipped the Rockets, and it was actually Li Xiao who booed one by one.

"The current No. [-] brother in the gourmet area actually rewarded the former No. [-] sister as a rocket?"

"Oh, it seems that this is no longer Xiao Xiaoxiao's anchor giving a reward to Kitty Sauce!"

"Could it be that there is some unknown story between the two?"

"The man is talented and the woman is beautiful. Both are the anchors of the food court, and they have the same hobbies! It's a match made in heaven."

"Together with!"


(End of this chapter)

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