witcher in marvel

Chapter 89 Bai Jinglan enters the arena

Chapter 89 Bai Jinglan enters the arena

Fortunately, if it wasn't for the fact that Ladick and Max hadn't attacked one after another and attracted the attention of many thugs, at least half of the hostages at the scene would have died due to the unscrupulous fight just now.

"Team A enters the scene!"

"Team B enters the scene!"

"Hostage evacuated, repeat, hostage evacuated."

A large group of soldiers rushed into the hotel and arranged for the hostages to leave.

Lydick didn't move, just sat there, rubbing his head vigorously.

After all, he was old, and he was kicked on the forehead several times, and he didn't die due to cerebral congestion. He was already in good health.

Max didn't leave either.

She didn't want to stay, but planned to leave with Jude.

Dr. Tanaka is dead, and no one will take care of him anymore, or in other words, those who will take care of him in the future will only treat him as a laboratory guinea pig, just like they used to be.

She empathizes with what happened to Jude, so she plans to take him away and arrange a new family for her.

However, as a very important genetic test product, Jude is just like them before. Each cell is worth [-] US dollars. How could the military let go of such high-quality resources?
So she was stopped.

After a long while, Leidick finally got rid of the strong tinnitus and stood up from the chair.

The armed thugs were basically killed, leaving only the leader Jon Darius.

But this guy's fate was even more miserable. Several American soldiers were surrounding him, beating him like a whack-a-mole.

The U.S. government chose the Russian style of anti-terrorism. First, these hostages are not worth much, and second, they were driven crazy by this bastard.

Half of the high-tech laboratories he attacked many times were established by the U.S. government, causing their losses to reach tens of billions of dollars. Killing him hundreds of times does not feel relieved, but the military's arrests The group of soldiers hated this guy after being deflated again and again. Now that he has finally been caught, of course he must take the opportunity to vent his anger.

Ledick took out his ID card and waved it in front of several soldiers: "Hey, what are you doing?"

When several soldiers saw his ID, they hurriedly stood at attention and saluted.

The leader of the team replied embarrassingly: "Sir, we are interrogating the prisoner!"

"Under the laws of this country, he has the right to stand trial."

Ladick looked at Darius, who was covered in bruises, and squinted at a few flustered soldiers, and asked righteously, "Do you want him to appear in court with his clothes covered in bruises?"

"No Sir!"

"Do you want your command unit and your unit to be criticized for your reckless behavior?"

"No Sir!"

"Neither do I!"

Ladick pulled out the pistol on the captain's waist, shot Darius three times in the head, and then put the gun back slowly, "Now... the problem is solved!"

A few soldiers: ( ̄◇ ̄;)
Lydick turned his head nonchalantly, raised his hand and pointed at Max: "Ms. Glaiser, you actually saved my life. It's really beyond my expectation... arrest her!"

"Yes Sir!"

Several soldiers didn't know why, but the commander ordered, and they immediately obeyed the order.

"You think they can catch me?"

For the several black muzzles, Max completely ignored, she just stared at that hideous face with indifferent eyes.

"Max, I trained you all by myself. Of course I know that these trash can't catch you." Ladick smiled faintly, "I'm not talking about them."

Click! !
There was a sound from the broken window, and a group of soldiers in black military uniforms poured in from all directions, holding weapons that were different from ordinary soldiers.

After realizing Max's identity, Ladick immediately called for reinforcements, but he didn't expect to be meddled by armed mobs, almost ruining his old life.

Fortunately, because of Max's weird behavior, he saved his old life, and at the same time waited for the arrival of the elite under his command, blocking Max in this hotel.

Lydick looked at her with a special feeling, and said with a sigh: "Max, you've grown slim, really good!"

Max remained expressionless, and asked disgustedly: "I want to spit at you, but I don't want to waste time, and now I just want to ask you a question - besides me, who else fell into your hands? "

"Twelve people from the X5 unit escaped, and five of them have already been captured." Redick asked suddenly, "Max, are your convulsions serious?"

Max said lightly: "Sometimes."

"We have now found a cure..."

Before he could finish speaking, Max said mockingly: "Are you also visiting the doctor? Or do I have to go back to the Sphinx Base to get the medicine?"

Lydick smiled. "Is it really that bad there?"

"You still have the guts to ask!" Max's voice became more angry, "You tortured us with all means..."

Redick remained indifferent: "You are soldiers in training!"

Max was so angry that she gritted her teeth: "We never thought of becoming that kind of soldier. You chose this fate for us when we were born. We don't have any choice at all!"

Reddick shrugged: "Your memory of childhood must be distorted, it's okay, you'll get used to it after you get home for a while."

"I'd rather die than go back!"

Max got up angrily and clenched her fists.

Her speed surpassed the reaction of normal people, but she was definitely not as fast as a bullet. With so many guns aimed at her, she would become a prisoner with just one flick.

Most importantly, she must take Jude out, and the difficulty of the game increased tenfold in an instant.

Then, only with the help of the power of the white lantern ring!

However, just as she started to communicate with the white light ring, she felt someone grabbed her wrist.

Immediately afterwards, a mighty figure became clear from blur.

Silver and red armor, silver-gray cloak, and bright red two-handed sword.

The visor covered his face, making it impossible for people to see his appearance, and it also added a bit of deterrence.


Just when Max was about to struggle, a familiar voice came from beside her ear.

"Max, it's me!"

The power of the White Lantern Ring comes from people's gratitude, so try to maintain a good positive image, otherwise when people see the White Lantern Messenger, the first thing they think of is bloody violence, and even if there is some gratitude, it will inevitably be greatly reduced.

So, since Max's inner demons have been eliminated, let him deal with these guys... Anyway, he wears a mask on his face, even if those guys guess it is him, as long as they don't show it blatantly, They will tacitly choose to play dumb.

Even if some people don't intend to play dumb, Braised Dan will force them to act stupid--I have to say that the guy with the "suspicious" attribute is full, although he is often annoying, but he is also extraordinary The best buffer between the world and the mundane world.

This can be seen from the Avengers Civil War. When Ludan was the director of S.H.I.E.L.D., he kept the government's coveting of superheroes out of the door as much as possible, preventing them from hindering the Avengers. But when he had to be forced to disappear, the fear of several major powers towards the Avengers was fully revealed, and the Sokovia agreement successfully split the mighty Avengers.

In this regard, Hill, who was recruited into the Avengers League, is far less capable than Braised Eggs.

If there had been a marinated egg coordinating in the middle at that time, I believe that the conflict between the two superheroes with different ideas would not be as incompatible as later.

Bai Jinglan's current situation is also very complicated. All forces covet him and are wary of him, but he believes that Braised Dan has the ability to coordinate the attitudes of all parties.

There is no need to let them all die down, as long as they don't make trouble for him on the surface, that's enough.

On the surface, hello, hello, hello, everyone, can maintain a peaceful life, but Bai Jinglan doesn't care at all about how to kill him behind the scenes.

there is always a solution to a problem!
"who are you?"

Bai Jinglan appeared strangely, and Leidick retreated cautiously and hid behind the special forces, before asking coldly, "Could it be that guy who was with Max? A mage? Forget it, no matter who you are, Our arrest operation was authorized by the military, if you dare to stop our operation, you must..."

He is a scientist who scoffs at the existence of magic, and naturally has no respect for the so-called "mage".

"Too much nonsense."

Bai Jinglan sneered contemptuously, and waved the Sword of Killing God casually.

Like a rain of gold.

The sword energy spread in all directions, with a long cry, like a song of soul-suppressing.

In the next instant, blood spattered.

Many soldiers in the large conference room, whether they came to hunt down Darius or the reinforcements called by Leidick, all fell to the ground spurting blood.

The only one who can still stand is Ledick.

"Max, he gave it to you."


(End of this chapter)

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