witcher in marvel

Chapter 79 The Proud Angel

Chapter 79 The Proud Angel

Lucifer Morning Star, the most beautiful and powerful Archangel in the Kingdom of Heaven, was called the "Star of the Dawn". Later, because he refused to submit to the Holy Son Christ, he chose to abandon the title of Archangel and left "Ning Go to hell to be a king, not to be a slave in heaven", leading one-third of the angels in heaven to launch a riot, which ended in failure, and fell into hell for nine mornings and dusks in the chaos, and became the king of hell.

Of course, this is what the Bible says.

The story of this universe is somewhat different. Lucifer is indeed a rebellious child, and God did punish him to go to hell, but...hell is to heaven, similar to Niflheim to Asgard, but it is the head office and branch. The difference in the company is that Lucifer, who was punished, only entered the branch as the general manager.

What needs to be mentioned is that Marvel's hell dimension is not a vast space, but divided into countless regional fragments. Almost every regional fragment has a hell lord, Lucifer, known as the king of fallen angels, but many A member of the Lord of Hell.

There is a supreme title in hell——Satan. Being Satan means becoming the emperor of hell. Many powerful hell lords call themselves Satan, but none of them dare to sit on the throne of Satan.

This is like the Three Kingdoms at the end of the Han Dynasty. Whoever dares to be the first emperor will become the target of public criticism and be eaten by many enemies who are staring at each other.

Closer to home.

Lucifer was sent to hell reluctantly, responsible for helping Heavenly Father punish those sinful souls.

Hundreds of thousands of years later, Lucifer was tired of being the Lord of Hell, so he applied to the Heavenly Father to change shifts with his brothers, but the Heavenly Father never approved his request.

Therefore, Lucifer, who entered the rebellious period, decided to skip work.

He brought his good friend Mai Zejin to apply to the Supreme Master, preparing to live a retired life on Earth.

The Supreme Sorcerer agreed.

Bai Jinglan had heard this gossip from Xiao Wang, but no one knew the exact location of these two except for the supreme mage. If it wasn't for the scene he happened to see just now, he really wouldn't have guessed that this big dog is more flamboyant The guy who is so angry will be the legendary King of Fallen Angels.

Lucifer shook his wine glass, showing his white teeth: "Little guy, did the supreme mage tell you to look at me?"

"You're thinking too much." Bai Jinglan shrugged, "I was just passing by here and saw you being shot, so I stayed and took a look out of curiosity."

"What are you looking at?" Lucifer disapproved, "See how I punish that sinner? Heh, since I have promised the Supreme Mage, I will definitely not mess around on Earth. I like life here, and I will not destroy it at will."

Mai Zejin pushed back the hair in front of his forehead, and said coldly: "He is bound in this mortal body, and he has already forgotten how to use spells."

It seems that the little succubus is full of resentment towards the boss's depraved behavior.

"What's so bad about having a mortal body?" Lucifer smiled smugly, "Only a mortal body can experience happiness..."

"and many more."

Just as his coquettish smile was in full bloom, Mai Zejin suddenly raised his hand and asked strangely, "I noticed one thing, you seem to be a little different from that female police detective just now."

The smile on Lucifer's face suddenly took on a different meaning: "I can awaken the evil deep in people's hearts, and I can also make all women fall in love with me, but..."

His voice suddenly became excited: "Chloe is different, my ability has no effect on her, isn't it interesting?"

The devil can seduce the dark side of human nature, but has no effect on the pure soul.

It has been more than four years since he came to the human world. Chloe was the only pure soul he had seen besides those children, and he became very interested in it instantly.


The corner of Bai Jinglan's mouth twitched, the magical version of the domineering president falling in love with me?
Hey, poor detective girl.

However, he was not prepared to stop it.

The supreme mage once said that although Lucifer is the demon king of hell, he is a demon king who keeps his promises.

He will lure sinful souls to make mistakes, but he will never pollute pure souls, so even if he has bad intentions for the female police detective, he will only adopt normal pursuit behaviors.

As long as the means are right, Bai Jinglan has no reason to stop him from picking up girls, right?
Mai Zejin's face was full of contempt: "Other women hook their fingers and throw themselves at you. You feel tired, so you stare at the woman who doesn't like you?"

"I have a hunch—it's love!"

Lucifer corrected solemnly.

"Yes, yes, love." Mai Zejin rolled his eyes, "Just like my love, there is a different love every day, and I'm getting tired of it."

Bai Jinglan: (¬_¬)
Nima, as expected of a succubus!

Suddenly, a strange force enveloped him.

The voices of people talking disappeared.

The jumping lights froze.

The dust dancing under the lights stopped.

This is... the power of time!

Bai Jinglan felt that his whole body was stagnating, but his spirit still kept alive.

In his field of vision, there was a light above the bar, and a strong figure fell from the sky.

There is a pair of wings flapping behind him.

This is a... dark-skinned male angel!
"Amanadir!" Lucifer put down his glass and said with some dissatisfaction, "You will make the Supreme Mage dissatisfied, and I don't want to be expelled with you."

"I was hoping she would do that." The black angel retracted his wings and walked over as if nothing had happened, "Lucifer, the heavenly father ordered you to return to hell!"

Lucifer curled his lips, and said in a cold tone: "Then you help me tell Dad that I won't do it in hell anymore, because I'm tired of always doing what he wants."

The black angel's face sank: "I warn you, don't be disrespectful to Heavenly Father!"

"Really?" Lucifer didn't care, "Our father has looked down on me since the beginning of time, and I think he is not very good, is there anything wrong?"

"Your existence is nothing short of sacrilege!"

Amenadiel spread his wings, like a row of sharp blades, resting on Lucifer's neck.

At this moment, there was a loud explosion.

"Birdman, have you thought about how to explain to Karma Taj?"


Amenadiel turned his head to look at the source of the sound, only to see a crescent-shaped saber aura break through the space and slash towards him fiercely.

Bang! !

The black angel crossed his arms, and was pushed back by the heavy knife wind, splitting the entire bar in half.

The time freeze was lifted.

The lights flickered again.

The dust is flowing again.

People in the bar also resumed their activities.

Then, people looked at the almost destroyed bar, their faces were full of bewilderment.

what happened?

Amenadiel stood up from the broken bricks, looked at the feathers that had fallen from the wings, and his eyes were full of anger.

Wings are not only a symbol of angels, but also the source of their power.

With each feather lost, their strength drops.

"My lord!"

Bai Jinglan has already summoned the Lord Bai Tian to possess him, otherwise it would be difficult to break free from the time freeze.

Without waiting for the proud black angel to attack, he swiftly flew to the top of his head, and then slashed down without hesitation.

when! ! !
A golden spear blocked the sharp edge of the Zanpakuto.

The image of Marvel’s God is very vague. It is completely different from the DC universe. It has no supreme status, but it is still a powerful god. It is not comparable to other earth gods. It may be at the unit universe level or at the multiverse level.

It is said that Lucifer has half the power of God.

In other words, he is at least a heavenly father.

Then, this black guy who dared to threaten Lucifer head-on was probably also a heavenly father.

However, they are dimension demon gods.

Dimensional Demon Gods have a huge weakness. The farther they are from their own dimension and the longer they leave, the lower their strength will be.

The typical example is Cytorak, who is the Lord of the Crimson Universe. In his own dimension, he even has the ability to attack the Life Tribunal, but outside the Crimson Universe, his threat is like diving.

The world is far from heaven.

The most important thing is that if the two can really have cosmic-level strength, the Supreme Mage will never let them enter the scope of the earth.

At least judging from Bai Jinglan's induction, their strength did not surpass him.

Especially Lucifer, this guy is so weak that he might not be able to beat Christine.

Therefore, these two archangels on the earth are either incarnations, human bodies, etc., or they are greatly restricted.

Since they are all planet-level, what are you afraid of?
Damn it!
Anyway, if you lose, you can call your parents, and if you win, there will definitely be benefits—not to mention the points for defeating the angels, the scattered angel feathers alone are already very greedy benefits.


(End of this chapter)

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