witcher in marvel

Chapter 74 Rush Hour

Chapter 74 Rush Hour
Los Angeles.

Bai Jinglan drove Stark's luxury car, got off Highway 101, and followed Jarvis' voice prompts all the way to the Chinese Consulate General in Los Angeles.

Max followed Pepper to receive a comprehensive inspection, and he stopped by to help Aunt Wu deal with the little trouble here.

Should be a minor annoyance.

For a magician, finding someone is not difficult.

As long as people are still alive, they can definitely be saved.

The car stopped behind the consulate. This is a very elegant villa area. It is said that the consuls and consul's family members will live in this villa area.

Just as Bai Jinglan parked the car, two white men with serious expressions came up to him.

The two looked at him and asked in a very cold tone: "What's the matter with you?"

Bai Jinglan frowned: "I want to see Consul Han."

The expressions of the two changed slightly.

One of them immediately said: "Tell me what you need from the consul first, and then we will decide whether to pass it on for you!"

Bai Jinglan was a little unhappy, and said lightly: "One of my elders is a friend of Consul Han. He knew that Consul Han was in trouble, so he asked me to come and help."

Some mistakes, he forgot to ask for the phone number of the Consul Han, otherwise just make a phone call, why bother talking nonsense with these people...

Huh, wait!

Chinese consulate, why are the guards foreigners?
Moreover, these two guys don't look like guards at all.

When the two heard this, a bit of disgust appeared on their faces.

The leader said bluntly: "Please tell Consul Han's friends that the case of Consul Han is handled by the FBI, and there is no need for the police in Los Angeles or Hong Kong Island to intervene, and there is no need for other inexplicable people to meddle!"

Another person answered immediately: "This place has become a security zone. We are responsible for all safety matters. It is inconvenient for Consul Han to meet you now. You can leave now!"

Bai Jinglan raised his eyebrows, and said with a half-smile, "Two FBI agents, be careful with your guns, or you'll go off."


Not knowing why, the two raised their right hands at the same time.

Because of the kidnapping of Consul Han's daughter and the previous riots, the atmosphere here has been tense.

When the two FBI agents came out to question, they kept their pistols in their palms.

at this time……


The pistols in their hands fired inexplicably.

Fortunately, the muzzles of both of them rushed down, and they didn't hit any vital parts, but only opened a hole in each of their thighs.



The gunshots and the scolding of the two agents alarmed the FBI in the villa, and a group of black suits rushed out.

Bai Jinglan curled her lips in disdain, suddenly raised her finger, and let out a loud whistle.

The next moment, the crisp bird chirping filled the sky.

Immediately afterwards, a group of black birds flew out from the surrounding forest, and then, like bombers, they landed on the FBI rushing out of the villa.

First, there was a burst of guano bombardment, which made a group of FBI agents look confused, followed by fluttering wings, and numerous beaks and claws scratching.

This is a little skill taught by Dr. Druid, its power is almost worth mentioning, just directing small flying birds to attack, it is not easy to kill people, let alone deal with demons and ghosts.

However, it is very useful for pranks.

A group of chicken feathers and duck blood being played by the FBI, Bai Jinglan Shi Shiran entered the door, and saw the nervous Consul Han in the messy living room.

Hmm... Judging by the clothes, it should be Consul Han.

The most important thing is that this person looks familiar.

The big nose and tease around him are more familiar than black people!
Bai Jinglan blinked: This is... Rush Hour?
No wonder he always felt an inexplicable sense of familiarity after listening to Aunt Wu's introduction!
Also, he now seemed to understand why the two gatekeepers were so angry. It turned out that Uncle Long had just been beaten up by the intruder, and it was the time when he was furious with Consul Han's friend.

By the way, how did the process of this story come about?

Because Consul Han seized a batch of smuggled national treasures on Hong Kong Island, he was hated by the black hands behind the scenes. Uncle Long is a police officer on Hong Kong Island and a friend of Consul Han. little girl.

What happened afterwards?

It's too old a movie, and Bai Jinglan's overall impression of it is probably about Uncle Long's juggling. On the contrary, I don't remember many plots very clearly.

The only thing that is certain is that the mastermind behind the scenes is a friend of Consul Han.

"Hey, kid, put your head in your hands and squat down!"

A group of FBI vehicles overturned at the same time, leaving Consul Han with only two "bodyguards".

Uncle Long's character is more cautious, but he is excited when he is funny than black. This guy is about to be transferred to a traffic policeman. He is eager to do meritorious service at the moment, and he is almost going crazy. He doesn't care how the FBI outside overturned his car. He walked over excitedly with a gun in hand.


"Li, what are you afraid of?"

Lao Hei made an emoji when he moved casually, shaking the gun in his hand triumphantly, "Didn't you see that I have already taken control of the overall situation!"

In the next second, his expression froze there.

"Be careful, it will catch fire."

Bai Jinglan jumped over the muzzle of his gun, and stuck the white ivory into his mouth.

"Hey, don't get excited!"

Old Hei's face was almost pale with fright, he raised his hands in a sensible way, and smiled embarrassingly.

Uncle Long pulled Consul Han behind him and looked at him warily.

Consul Han looked excited: "You kidnapped Surong? What exactly do you want?"

"Ah, a misunderstanding."

Bai Jinglan put the gun away, shrugged and said, "My name is Bai Jinglan, and Ms. Wu Guiyue is my elder. She heard that Consul Han was in trouble, so she asked me to come and help."

Consul Han was startled: "Are you the nephew of Gulliver and Ms. Wu?"


Bai Jinglan smiled faintly, and swipe backward casually. Lao Hei, who was eager to try, suddenly turned 3600 degrees in the air and fell down on the sofa with a bang.

Uncle Long's eyes almost popped out, and he exclaimed, "Wow, what an expert!"

"Laugh and laugh."

Bai Jinglan cupped her hands in a very social way, and she was very enthusiastic about Uncle Long, "This is Officer Li, right? I heard Aunt Wu mention that you are a rare and good policeman on Hong Kong Island."

"Thank you."

Uncle Long forced a smile.

He has a very good relationship with Consul Han, and is also the master of Consul Han's daughter Surong. He is very worried about his cute little apprentice, and he is not in the mood to chat with others.

Consul Han stepped forward and said eagerly, "Gulliver told me that you have special skills in finding people, I don't know..."

"do not move!!"

"do not move!!!"

After Bai Jinglan dissipated his magic, the flocks of birds left one after another, and the panic-stricken FBI rushed back. Seeing the strange Bai Jinglan, they naturally surrounded him again.

Ambassador Han hurriedly said, "Mr. Roth, this time it was a misunderstanding again. This is Mr. Bai Jinglan, the helper I invited."

Roth was the leader of the FBI team, and he was angry when he heard the words: "Consul Han, how many helpers do you have?"

Consul Han was expressionless: "Mr. Bai is very good at finding people. I think it will be very helpful to find Su Rong."

Roth said angrily, "Consul Han, compared to some policemen or private investigators, I think the FBI's methods will be more useful!"

Old Black Carter rubbed his waist and stood up, humming: "No need for FBI, no need for private detectives, Li and I can handle it!"

Roth glared at him: "Officer Carter, it's enough for you to pay attention to the top secret of G14!"

The so-called G14 top-secret mission was actually used by the FBI to disgust Carter. They didn’t want the Hong Kong Island police or the Los Angeles police to make trouble, so they gave Carter a mission with a bluffing name. Uncle wandered around, telling him not to have time to see Consul Han.

However, Carter, who is used to disobeying orders, started his own investigation after picking up Uncle Long at the airport. Uncle Long, who was so anxious, tried to get rid of Carter, found the consulate by himself, and then with a group of The FBI had a big fight.

"Hahaha, I love the top secret mission of G14 the most, I will report to the director now..."

With a sneering expression on his face, Carter picked up the phone on the table and pretended to make a call, but there was actually a voice from the other side.

"Are you the FBI?"

"FBI?" Carter was startled, and then continued, "I am the FBI!"

"If you want that girl, be obedient!"

This is obviously a call from the kidnappers.

Roth hurriedly reached out to grab the phone, but Carter ran around the table. Roth had no choice but to let him act as the operator.

"I'm listening, wait for me to get a pen."

"Pay the money at eleven o'clock tonight, the ransom is 5000 million US dollars."

"5000 million dollars?" Carter grinned, mocking without hesitation, "Do you think Chelsea Clinton's daughter was kidnapped?"

The man ignored him and continued: "Remember, I want all the old banknotes, 2000 million in 50-yuan notes, another 2000 million in 20-yuan notes, and the last 1000 million in [-]-yuan notes."

"50 yuan, 20 yuan, ten yuan... Do you want five yuan bills?"

Carter's broken mouth made the kidnapper a little speechless, and asked directly: "What's your name?"

Carter replied casually: "What about you? You called first!"

The man said coldly, "I want to tell Consul Han that you killed his daughter because you talked too much."

Carter hurriedly said, "Okay, okay, calm down, I'm here to help you!"

"Half an hour before the payment, I will contact you again. I will release the hostages when I get the ransom."

The other side snorted coldly and put down the phone.

At this time, the FBI agent also put down the headset and said loudly: "Found it, 620 South Broadway."

Roth slapped the table: "Let's go now!"


Most of the people in the room cleared up in an instant, and Uncle Long and Carter were also going to follow, only Bai Jinglan remained silent.

Seeing that he was not moving, Carter couldn’t help asking: “Hey, don’t you go together?”

Bai Jinglan curled her lips: "Do you think the kidnappers are such idiots, knowing that this place is full of FBI, they deliberately talk nonsense with you for a long time, waiting for the FBI to track down the source of the signal?"

Uncle Long stopped his steps: "You mean, this is to tune the tiger away from the mountain?"

Bai Jinglan said casually: "I just believe in my own way of finding people more."


 Thank you book friends: Yu Shuang from Edelweiss, book friends 20181124185558643, book friends 20170107151944858, hill2, Liu Xiantianci, Zhaodiqing for their rewards

(End of this chapter)

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