witcher in marvel

Chapter 65 Nancy's Past

Chapter 65 Nancy's Past

Bai Jinglan got up from the bed with his hands on his waist. With his body not inferior to Captain America, he was almost beaten by a woman... It's really a shame!
In other words, after some tests by him, Nancy's enhancements are really good, but compared to Captain America and Winter Soldier, her enhancements are more inclined to agility, but her physical strength is equally good.

Considering her military background, is it the work of some military experiment?
But with the military's pissing nature, will this super soldier be let go?

Bai Jinglan turned to look at Nancy.

Nancy: (ω\)
( ̄~ ̄;)

Bai Jinglan coughed dryly: "Nancy, you were too busy just now, you... what's going on?"

Her drugged expression is not normal no matter how you look at it.

Could it be the handwriting of the marinated egg?

Isn't he afraid that the meat bun will beat the dog and never come back?

"You know, I was once transformed."

Nancy's expression was gloomy, and her voice was as soft as a mosquito, "Actually, I was not born normally...I have no parents, no relatives, just a group of military scientists, artificial humans concocted in the laboratory."

Bai Jinglan remained silent, honestly acting as an audience.

"Like me, there are 48 other people.

We were born in a lab, grew up in a lab, and didn't see the outside world for the first time until we were eight years old.

However, they just want to train us, teach us various combat skills, and make us the coldest fighters.

Many of my companions died in the process, and in the end only twenty remained.

We didn't want to work for them, so one night, we used the skills they taught us to escape from that secret laboratory.

During this period, several brothers and sisters died.

People from the military base have been chasing us. We dare not gather together, so we can only disperse all over the world. In order to prevent everyone from being caught, we dare not even leave any contact information. We can only live alone In the crowd... This is my past. "

Nancy narrated, desperate and tragic.

Bai Jinglan sighed: "I know your past is dark, but I didn't expect it to be so dark... So, the person who has been chasing you is the military laboratory?"


Nancy turned around slightly, tilted her head and looked at him, her long black hair was draped over her shoulders like a waterfall, "They won't let us go, I escaped their pursuit a few times, and then I joined the army and was sent to Iraq theater, I..."

Her expression suddenly changed, she seemed to be in great pain, and her sweet face twitched.

"Nancy, what's going on?!"

Bai Jinglan was taken aback, bent down hastily, and combed her with the energy of the white lamp, but she didn't feel any injuries.

Nancy raised her finger painstakingly, pointed at her clothes, and said tremblingly, "Medicine...medicine..."

"Is this a disease?"

Bai Jinglan didn't know, so she rummaged through the broken clothes, found a white medicine bottle, poured out a few capsules from it, and quickly poured it down for Nancy.

This inexplicable medicine took effect very quickly. Although she was still twitching slightly, her expression had softened a lot.

"It's... very scary... right?"

Nancy's body twitched constantly, with a hint of bitterness in the corner of her mouth, like a broken Barbie doll.

"Your illness..."

"It's not...it's a disease." Nancy said calmly, "It's a gene...a defect...you see."

She lifted her hair up, revealing the nape of her neck.

There's a weird tattoo in there that looks like a barcode.

"This is the number given to us by the... laboratory."

Her voice was choppy, but clearly improving.

Bai Jinglan frowned and said, "Why don't you wash it off?"

"It can't be washed off." Nancy said with difficulty, with a lingering fear in her heart, "This...code is fused with our...gene, I once took...a risk to wash it off, and that time, I almost died , but just a day later, it reappeared."

"These people, hehe..."

Bai Jinglan felt chills in his heart, his fingers touched the skin delicately, as if he could feel the pair of indifferent eyes behind the stripes.

Such an inhuman organization...

His heart moved: "What's the name of that laboratory?"

When he thought of an organization without humanity, he had to think of Hydra.

If it's really Hydra, it's easy, just throw it to S.H.I.E.L.D., and you can exchange it for an intelligence fee.

"I will never forget the name - AIM."

Mentioning this name, Nancy's tone became significantly colder.

In the cold depths, there is still a bit of fear.


Bai Jinglan raised his eyebrows slightly, it was really a familiar name, "The director of that laboratory is Alderezy Killian?"

Killian should be researching the Extremis virus, right?
Could it be that a branch company has been opened to research super soldier serum?
Nancy shook her head: "I haven't heard of that name."

"Where's Maya Hansen? Have you heard the name?"


"That's interesting."

If the lab director is Killian or Maya Hansen, it's just a by-product lab of Extremis.

But since there are no names of these two people, it probably represents another thing - the Extremis virus AIM led by Killian is just a branch of the real AIM.

AIM, the full name is Advanced Idea Mechanics, translated as pioneer technology, it can be said to be one of the most played Marvel villain organizations.

This organization is composed of a group of mad scientists, all members are committed to using violence to conquer the earth.

In the main Marvel universe, Pioneer Technology cooperated with Hydra during World War II to develop subversive military technology for Hydra. Until the end of the 60s, AIM finally parted ways with Hydra due to political differences.

However, their research activities have been carried out in secret, and because they provide high-tech hardware configurations and weapons to many governments and quasi-government agencies, they control huge manpower and material resources in many countries.

Just a Killian is not difficult to deal with, but a complete AIM is not so easy. The black technology mastered by this organization is no worse than that of Iron Man, and it hides much deeper than that of Killian.

Of course, for the current Bai Jinglan, it was just a little more trouble.


Nancy's expression eased, and it seemed that the effect of the medicine had dissipated, suppressing her genetic disease.

She suddenly said, "My real name is Max."

Incognito, of course you have to change your name.

"Okay, I'll call you Max from now on." Bai Jinglan smiled and brought her a glass of water, "AIM troubles you, I'll help you level them."

Although the behavior seems to be a scumbag, there is still a difference between a scumbag and a scumbag.

Max was silent for a while, cleared her throat, and said: "I haven't finished what I just said... When those scientists made us, they didn't just use human DNA. In order to make us stronger than normal people, they created Different animal DNA is added to our DNA. My DNA is fused with cat DNA, which allows me to gain the agility and balance of cats, but I also have cat habits, and I will respond to catnip, I like places where the space is tight, the night vision is very good, and..."

Her voice paused, a little embarrassed: "I have a few days of estrus every year. During this time, the hormones in my body will surge, making it difficult for me to control my behavior."


The corner of Bai Jinglan's mouth trembled, and he glanced to the side.

On the snow-white sheets, there are blossoming plum blossoms.


Max's eyes flickered under the light, with a bit of confusion: "When we escaped from the laboratory, we took some drugs that can neutralize genetic defects, which made me persist for two years, and then the drugs were used up. , although I found a substitute, but it is much less effective than the specific drug, and can only delay the worst convulsion symptoms.

Whenever this period comes, I will ride a motorcycle on the road all night, and use this method to kill the desire in my heart.S.H.I.E.L.D. gave me and Sidney a few days to finish our private affairs. I happened to be in heat, and I wanted to go out on a motorcycle to clear my mind, but today many areas in New York are under martial law. My motorcycle is because of Speeding was confiscated by the police, so I... I can only come to you. "


The corners of Bai Jinglan's mouth twitched unnaturally, ashamed and ashamed, it turned out that this benefit was won by himself unintentionally.

He thought for a while and said, "You can't do this after all. I will find a way to help you get rid of these weaknesses."

"……it is good."

Max's eyelids were lightly closed, drowsy.

The side effects of the medicine came up, which made her very depressed.

"Sleep peacefully, it's safe here."



(End of this chapter)

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