witcher in marvel

Chapter 61 Good harvest

Chapter 61 Good harvest

In just an instant, the chilling dark coffin dissipated, revealing the werewolf mage again.

He stood there with a face of horror, still maintaining the posture of running away, but it seemed to be frozen.


Chi Chi Chi! !
Following a series of leaking sounds, countless gaps burst open on the werewolf mage's body, and glaring blood gushed out like a fountain.

"You... uh..."

The werewolf mage looked at the figure in front of him, with deep regret in his eyes.

However, it's too late.

The blood in his body ran out in an instant, taking away all his vitality.

This black magic master of the werewolf family just opened his mouth, and then collapsed to the ground.

[Kill the Werewolf Warlock Formiskovo and get a total of 1500 points]

Bai Jinglan looked indifferent.

He didn't ask the guy why he cursed him, and he didn't need to ask.

In a word: money touches people's hearts.

The mutated black goat cub soaked in the breath of evil gods, any body tissue is an excellent material, and can be sold for astronomical sums in the magic market.

Even if you don't need to exchange it for money, it is a very good choice to exchange items with others.

All in all, this mutated black goat cub is a living golden mountain!
It's not surprising that this guy cursed him and planned to monopolize Jinshan.

Of course, killing people requires the awareness of being killed. If he fails to steal a chicken, he will be killed instead, and there is no need to blame others.

Speaking of which, the magic world has always maintained the original rules, and they don't even have the patience to obey the laws of nature, let alone those annoying laws.

Whoever has the biggest fist has the right to speak.

The Mage Supreme has the biggest fists, so she makes the rules.

The Supreme Mage is very flexible in handling things, she doesn't ask for anything else, as long as she doesn't sell the earth to the Dimensional Demon God, and doesn't wantonly revitalize people in the world to sacrifice, and everyone else is free.

This is also one of the reasons for the high prestige of the supreme mage. The mages of many factions in the magic world, whether they are playing white magic or black magic, will basically give the mages of Kama Taj some face.

Coulson leaned over carefully, looked at the werewolf who didn't have a trace of good flesh on his body, couldn't help but licked his chapped lips, and asked dryly: "Mr. Bai Tianjun, this..."

With a casual wave of Bai Jinglan's hand, the werewolf's robe was separated, and a booklet flew out.

He flipped through it quickly, and pouted, "A werewolf warlock living in the Adirondacks—Formiskovo."

This guy is also considered a small celebrity in the magic world. It is said that he was originally a human wizard, and later occupied the body of a werewolf leader in a way similar to soul seizure, and thus lived from the Middle Ages to the present.

Formiskovo has lived for so many years, and his strength is not much worse than that of Dr. Druid. No wonder he almost overwhelmed Bai Jinglan.

As for the booklet hidden in his arms, it is Formiskovo's magic notes, and the black magic recorded in it is nothing more than that. Bai Jinglan is not very interested in this kind of dark magic, but one of the articles makes him very interested.

The author of the article is an ancient mystic scholar named Dion Fortune, who was considered well-known more than 100 years ago. Although this person’s writing is not satisfactory, his research is impeccable. At the end of the pamphlet, there is a record A copy of his unpublished manuscript mentions several psychic veins, all pointing to an artifact hidden in New York.

According to the content of the manuscript, this magic weapon should be a "key" that can open the entrance of a pocket space.

That space was actually a prison cell, where an ancient god who was being tortured was imprisoned.

It is not clear which ancient god it is, but that ancient god has a bottle of elixir in his hand.

Dion Fortune's description of it has only one sentence: drinking the elixir can remove the troubles of mortals.

The effect is unclear, and it can only remove the troubles of ordinary people, so it is probably not a high-end treasure.

But something that can be valued by the ancient gods should have some value. Even if it doesn't work for him, it's good to exchange it at the altar.

"I have time to look for it another day."

Bai Jinglan pursed her lips, put away the booklet, and took away the werewolf's staff... The quality of this thing is good, maybe it can be replaced with a better one.

As for the magic robe on his body, it has been torn into rags by the black coffin, and it is not worth picking up.

Alas, this fellow is a poor ghost, except for a staff, he has nothing valuable on him.

He didn't like those rags, but Coulson looked at them very eagerly... These are all mysterious things!

Unfortunately, he didn't dare to speak nonsense.

Bai Jinglan glanced at him: "This guy is for you."

Anyway, this guy's corpse is useless to him, so he might as well be a good person and send it out, saving him from wasting effort and destroying it.

"Ah good!"

This was a surprise, and Coulson burst into laughter, not in vain for his suffering, and waved for someone to move the corpse, while thanking Bai Jinglan.

Bai Jinglan also ignored him, losing his spiritual power to suppress, the suppressed five-pillar iron gun was a little unstable, and the revived monster was about to make a fuss again.

However, after all the tossing by the werewolf warlock, the energy of the evil god in its body was already running out.

This time, get it done!
Bai Jinglan pulled out the mirror flower and water moon, exuding a chilling killing intent.

Coulson trembled, subconsciously took a step back.

In the next moment, Bai Jinglan slashed out.

"Broken Way 81, Bingya Zhenglan!"

There was a sudden bang, shaking his feet like an earthquake.

At this moment, Coulson felt his blood coagulate.

In the corner of his line of sight, the land that should have been gray turned white like a sea of ​​ice.

Immediately afterwards, countless ice crystals gushed out like a tsunami, submerging the place where the black goat cub was.


A dull whimper sounded from under the sea of ​​ice, and then dissipated into nothingness bit by bit.

[Kill the mutated black goat cub and get a total of 3000 points]

"It's settled."

Bai Jinglan shrugged, and his figure disappeared in an instant.


Coulson realized that there was a figure around him.

His Erkang waved for half a second, and then he became alive again in an instant, pointing at the sea of ​​ice covering hundreds of meters, and ordered loudly: "Call me the excavator and dig!"

He doesn't know how valuable black goat cubs are in the magic world, but this kind of thing from the mysterious side is worth more than gold even in the material world, and I don't know how many organizations will rush to get it.

Unfortunately, his expectations were in vain.

Bai Jinglan is not stupid, how could he leave such a good thing to S.H.I.E.L.D.?

He didn't leave with Shunbu, but dived under the ice sea, opened a portal there, and stuffed the black goat cub into it.

However, the size of this thing is a bit big, and his underground secret room can't fit it, so he has to put it in the no-man's land of Antarctica first.

It would not be too late for him to get his skin cramped after he finished the things at hand.

Bai Jinglan covered the corpse with magic, and happily said to himself: "These materials should be able to exchange for a lot of good things, and I have to go to the magic trading market another day..."

There is also a trading market in the magic world, and there is a regular market, as well as a black market that sells prohibited items.

However, the earth’s secret law market is still a bit small. The best trading market is in the crack of hell, where there is a city of Creel. The whole city is a secret law black market, also known as the infinite market, and it is the largest cross-latitude trading place. .

Different dimensions are like different planets, with completely different environments. Different species have different physiological structures. For example, some dimensions are only suitable for hell creatures to enter and exit, and some dimensions are only suitable for flesh and blood creatures to enter and exit. Creel City is different. It is said that there is a A very powerful artifact that allows the entire city to accommodate species of any physiological structure. Whether you need the gravity of the earth to walk or neon gas to breathe, Creel City can automatically provide it, so it has become an excellent meeting place .

In the largest secret law black market, anything can be bought and sold, even products listed as contraband by the Life Tribunal. Bai Jinglan has been famous for it for a long time, but unfortunately he has only heard of it, but has never entered it.

Because the guests who come and go there include all kinds of magical beings, demon gods of various dimensions, and various hell lords, all of which may appear there, and the human beings who often make enemies with them, especially the earthlings, obviously belong to different groups. A popular species might have been dismembered in the past trip...

Bai Jinglan had already made a plan, and when he reached the level of Tianfu, he must go there for a break.

Now... let's earn "experience" and upgrade honestly!


(End of this chapter)

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