witcher in marvel

Chapter 513 The Battle Before the Throne

Chapter 513 The Battle Before the Throne
The flames of the world cannot melt the essence of fear, and Nightmare prowled and hunted his kingdom for a long time, until he found a pair of passionate lovers who had just separated for the first time. In their passion that had no place to release, Nightmare found his furnace.

The mortal tools cannot form the essence of fear, and Nightmare found a father who was on his deathbed, comatose and awake alternately.The nightmare cast a curse on him and made him wake up, but he could not talk to his daughter for 50 years.Using the father's strong will as a blunt and clumsy instrument, the Nightmare forged the form of the Crown of Dread.

No liquid in the world can cool this perfect forging, so the nightmare found a person in the dream, a person who flooded the forum all day long and babbled "it's just like this" at the bottom of the post.Relying on this wettest "tissue", Nightmare found a refrigerant powerful enough to neutralize the heat.

This is an impossible craft, and only in the unimaginable dream realm of Nightmare can there be hope to complete it.

Mephisto looked at the shining silver crown with a smug smile on his red face.

He has spent decades of planning, tempting Nightmare to create the Crown of Fear, liberating the big snake from the seal, leading Nightmare to the material world to activate the sleepers... Now, the harvest season is coming.

He will be Satan in hell!

However, when he walked into the Infinite Embassy and saw the figure on the throne, his expression froze instantly.

The infinite embassy.

This is where the Hell Council is held, and Satan's throne is at the very center.

At regular intervals, the demon kings of hell would gather here and hold a party in a hypocritical manner.

At that time, all the demon kings of hell would stare at this rough throne with their green eyes, but none of them dared to sit on it, not even the well-known Lord of the Crimson Universe Saitorak.

No way, Cytorak is a great god of the multiverse level. At his peak, he can force the existence of the Tribunal of Life, and his strength far exceeds that of other dimensional demon kings, but he has a huge weakness, or all the dimensional masters have this kind of weakness The weakness is that once they leave their territory, their strength will plummet.

Cytorak at the multiverse level, once he leaves his crimson universe, is at most a heavenly father level, and he can't even defeat Odin and the big snake in singles.

Before Orochi recruited Venerable Skyhammer on Earth, one of the red tanks was Saitorak's favorite general. Orochi's blatant behavior of robbing his younger brother made Saitorak furious and clamored to show Orochi a good look.

Unfortunately, he was just talking about it.

Mephisto instigated Saitorak to go to the earth to create fear, but Saitorak is very self-aware. The serpent who has recovered his strength belongs to the peak-level heavenly father god. It's different from humiliating yourself.

Fortunately, Mindless Nightmare succeeded.

The Crown of Fear was successfully cast, and even if Cytorak didn't make trouble, Mephisto would still have a chance to ascend the throne.

But what made him angry was that someone had taken Satan's throne one step ahead of him, and looked at him with a half-smile expression, as if he was just a useless... clown?
Have to say, this is a great time.

Among the many dimensional demon gods, Cytorak and Dormammu, who are the strongest, do not have a strong desire for hell, while the other hell demon kings all concentrate on Nightmare, chasing after the long-lost fear crown.

It can be said that this period is the emptiest time of the infinite embassy, ​​and it is also the best time to ascend the throne and gain the power of Satan.

However, how could Mephisto, who has long regarded hell as his own, allow the fruit to be given up before he succeeds?

"I thought you left Earth."

Mephisto maintained his demeanor, wearing the crown of fear on his head, and his soaring spirit pressed over like a mountain.

Bai Jinglan set off countless storms on the earth, causing changes in the development of the entire earth's civilization. Mephisto, who has been paying attention to him secretly, is extremely afraid of him, otherwise he would not have caused the big snake to set off a storm of fear on the earth when he left the earth .

Bai Jinglan, who was sitting on the throne, waved his hand lightly, turning Mephisto's pressure invisible, and said calmly: "I did leave the earth, but because of you, I had to end the journey and came back early. "

Satan's Throne is not just a seat, it, like the crown of fear, can give the person who receives the title infinite power.

The most classic Ghost Rider, Johnny Blazer, once took advantage of the emptiness of hell to forcibly sit on the throne of Satan. At that time, he could even force Mephisto, who was wearing the crown of fear, the throne of the king of hell. The meaning can be imagined.

"Then do you know..."

Mephisto pointed to the black jewel-like throne, "Anyone who sits on this seat will arouse the hatred of all the demon kings in hell."

Bai Jinglan smiled lightly: "Compared to hatred, I am more inclined to...fear!"


Mephisto sneered, "Even Cytorak can't scare us, let alone you, a new Lord of Hell!"

He raised his finger to the sky, and a ray of light burst instantly.

Within a few breaths, figures appeared one after another.

It was the hell lords who were searching for the Crown of Dread.

"Mephisto, I knew it must be you bastard who stole the crown of fear!"

"Take off the crown!"

"Wait, don't you guys see the problem with this? We can't trust either of us, which means..."

A group of hell lords surrounded Mephisto, clamoring for ownership of the Crown of Fear.

Mephisto's expression remained unchanged, and he raised his hand and pointed at the throne of Satan: "Great demon kings of hell, haven't you discovered that some foreign gods broke into hell and occupied the throne of Satan on their own initiative?"

Mephisto, who is in the dimension of hell, has jumped to the level of a single universe, not much worse than Dormammu in the dark dimension, and after adding the bonus of the crown of fear, his strength has once again surpassed one class.

However, this guy is used to intrigue and tricks, and he is even more used to letting others be pawns, while he hides aside and pokes secretly as a fisherman.

And this group of fierce hell lords has been played by Mephisto countless times, and they will act according to his plan almost every time.

This time will be no exception!
Sure enough, after finally noticing the figure on the throne, the most reckless Karlaku broke out, lifted a lord's stone seat and threw it over.

"You bastard, how dare you ascend to Satan's throne!"

boom! !

The huge stone seat was cut into pieces by an inexplicable force just after flying halfway.

Bai Jinglan straightened her back, lowered her legs, and stood up from Satan's throne.

"You bastards are all here, now I want to make an official announcement."

"From now on, hell will belong to me."

"You guys are all going to hell to be tortured!"

boom! ! !
The violent sand soared into the sky, and after an explosion sounded, Bai Jinglan disappeared in place, and when he reappeared, he was already in front of Karlaku.

His palm covered Karlaku's big face, and before he could react, Bai Jinglan pressed down on him to the ground, and then rushed out while clinging to the ground.

Boom! ! !
After a short period of silence, the hurricane raged, blowing yellow sand and covering the sky. Bai Jinglan's original standing position was blasted into a big crater by the reaction force. In front of him was a deep and wide gully, extending straight and infinitely forward.

The strong wind howled, the ground trembled, and the sand was torn and cut by the turbulent wind and turbulence. Visible vigor spread and spread, followed by a slow rhythm, making the sound of explosion.


(End of this chapter)

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