witcher in marvel

Chapter 503 Gnar's Story

Chapter 503 Gnar's Story

"Wanda, we have something to ask the city lord."

The collapse of belief is not a physical injury, nor is it a mental injury. Outsiders can't intervene at all, and even Steve's encouragement has no effect. Finally, everyone decided to follow Tony's suggestion and send two people to take Sol and Luo. Base to Xuye Palace.

Toria and others went to fight the god of symbiosis, and now the young version of Wanda and Kuaiyin are stationed in the Void Palace.

The pair of Maxim brothers and sisters from the next door have matured a lot at this time, enough to protect the Xuye Palace from being harassed by external forces.

"plz follow me."

Wanda looked at a few people and led them into the palace.

The high throne was vacant, Aizen looked up at the "waning moon" in the sky, wondering what he was thinking.

Bai Jinglan roared away from the earth, and Lan Ran wanted to stay and sit in charge, in order to prevent accidents.

Lan Ran lowered her eyes, scanned the crowd, and finally fixed on Sol, and said lightly: "Sol...disqualified."

"Yes, Mr. Aizen."

The war with the symbiote army is not over yet, and the reunion people naturally cannot leave the battlefield lightly, so this time it was Coulson who accompanied the two Sol brothers to the Void Night Palace. At this time, Coulson replied on behalf of Thor, "Sol The battle between Er and the first princess is about to begin. With his current appearance, I am afraid it will be difficult to win the battle in a few days. This is not a good thing for the earth. We want to ask Mr. Aizen for help to see if there is any way to make So I recovered."

They didn't know that Lanran and Xiaowu were Bai Jinglan's avatars, but Bai Jinglan had ordered before leaving that if they encountered trouble, they could ask Lanran for help.

Aizen naturally knows the attitude of the earth side, but it's really hard to say.

This incident also happened in the main universe. Sol was hit hard enough by Geer, the god-slayer, but he was only skeptical of Geer's words, so he didn't reach the level of disqualification. Saul's conviction disqualified him on the spot from lifting Thor's Hammer, and he hasn't picked it up since.

However, Thor can no longer lift Thor's Hammer, which does not mean that he will lose his thunder power forever.

The divine power still flows in his blood, but he is subconsciously resisting the divine power.

As long as he is given enough stimulation, Sol is not unable to awaken the divine power.

Aizen pondered for a while, and looked at Coulson with quiet eyes: "I think you should pay attention to Jane Foster?"

Hearing this name, Sol raised his head slightly when he heard Jane Foster's name, but quickly buried his face in his palms again, while Loki laughed silently again.

During the time Sol stayed on Earth, he was mostly by Jane Foster's side, but not long ago, the two had broken up.

Coulson glanced at Saul, coughed dryly and said, "For Dr. Jane, S.H.I.E.L.D. has been paying attention, uh... she's not doing well now."

Not only is it not very good, it should be said that it is too bad.

The beautiful doctor who was once elegant and intellectual is now skinny and only a few steps away from death.

Jane Foster's fate has changed a bit. She fell in love with Saul, broke up with Saul, and then got cancer. Chemotherapy made all her hair fall out. The beauty of the past can only be seen from the eyebrows To a mark or two.

Aizen said lightly: "Take her to the battlefield, immediately!"

"……it is good!"

Coulson frowned, hesitated for a moment, and immediately notified Fury by remote communication, but Fury immediately dispatched the best medical personnel without saying a word, and then drove a Quinjet fighter to pick him up.

"We went too."

Lanran turned her fingertips lightly, opened the portal, and stepped in. Coulson and the others hurriedly followed.

At this time, the war with the symbiont army has entered the second half, a large number of symbionts were separated by high-temperature sound waves, and then locked into the jars that had been prepared.

In the crowd, Eddie looked terrified.

Now that everyone knows the weakness of the symbiote, won't he be a superhero in the future?

Maybe he can't even beat a little bastard...

While he was thinking wildly, a light spread rapidly beside him, scaring him away in a hurry.

The once fierce venom is now scary. I originally thought that the earth was a happy land, but how could I expect so many horrible creatures to live there?

Judging from its observations just now, even without the weaknesses of sound waves and high temperatures, there are still a lot of guys who can beat it violently, and the ones that can teleport through space are the most terrifying.

"Mr. Aizen!"

Although Lan Ran and Xiao Wu rarely showed up, Agents of SHIELD and Fulian Chaoying knew him, and they all came over to greet him.

Aizen's personality is not as cold as Xiaowu's, but he only nodded his head to everyone.

Tony knew him very well, and asked with a smile, "Mr. Aizen, do you want to do it yourself?"

Aizen looked calm: "You can't pin all your hopes on others."

"Uh... I was just joking."

Tony shrugged and pointed to the lively battlefield, "We've handled it well, these guys will be wiped out soon."

Aizen said: "As long as Gnar doesn't disappear, the symbiote army will never be wiped out."


Tony was stunned, with a look of sudden realization, "Is that the guy who claims to be the god of the symbiote? Speaking of which, what the hell is he?"

Aizen was silent for a while: "Do you still remember the story of the Tenjin Group that I told you?"

Bai Jinglan once told them about the origin of the universe, and there were naturally related descriptions about the Tenshen Group during this process.

"Of course, the memory is deep."

Things related to the origin of the universe cannot but impress them deeply.

Aizen said slowly: "At the beginning of the universe, there was only nothingness, only endless darkness, Gnar is the conceptual body of the abyss, and has been sleeping in the darkness.

The Celestial Group injected light into the universe. They created stars in every corner of the universe. The light of the stars broke the original darkness and awakened Gnar from his deep sleep.

Gnar, who was expelled from his homeland, was furious, and turned the power of the abyss into a sharp weapon to launch a war against the Celestial Group.In the early days of the war, Gnar relied on surprise and killed several gods, but was soon defeated by the gods and banished to the abyss again.

However, Gnar did not give up. He used the fallen gods as a furnace to forge the symbiote family in the abyss. Because they were tempered by the hammer and flames, the symbiote family was afraid of flames and sound waves.

Later, Gnar used the symbiont as material to forge a black death sword, walked out of the abyss again, and challenged the gods. Countless gods died under the black death sword, but Gnar was finally defeated , he was defeated and landed on a living planet, and found that symbiotes could fuse with life and exert stronger power, so he transformed all the small creatures on that planet into symbiotes and created a symbiote race planet.

Gnar lived in the dragon of the symbiote and came to the earth hundreds of years ago, but accidentally met Thor at that time. Because the symbiote was afraid of high temperature, he was hit by Thor's thunder and fell into a deep sleep until now. . "

"Another immortal cosmic monster, Sol..."

Tony swallowed his saliva, turned his head and saw the embarrassed Sol, and held back the words he wanted to say.

This buddy is already in such a miserable situation, it's better for him not to add salt to his wounds.

At this time, Coulson pointed at the top of his head: "Master Aizen, Dr. Jane has delivered it."

The latest model of the Quin-jet fighter is slowly landing.

Not a moment later, the two agents rushed over carrying a stretcher, followed by several medical staff.


Seeing that the sick ex-girlfriend no longer had an almost human appearance, Sol's expression became even more panicked and self-blaming.

After he broke up with Jane, he didn't pay attention to her anymore, so he didn't expect that she was dying of illness.

It seemed to confirm his inner pain: the gods were vain and vindictive creatures, and mortals who had worshiped them for centuries would be better off without them.The gods do not deserve the love of men, and however much they deceive themselves, they do not deserve it.


(End of this chapter)

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