witcher in marvel

Chapter 494 Symbiote Dragon

Chapter 494 Symbiote Dragon

Instinctively, the dying Eddie called out.



"Protect me! Protect me!!"

It seems to have received Eddie's call, the venom wriggling on the ground, like an octopus that has landed, lifts up its tentacles with great difficulty, slowly wraps around Eddie's chest, and then flows to all parts of his body, At the same time, he called out to him in panic: "Eddie! Eddie, wake up! I don't know what's going on, I didn't want to leave you, I was forced to leave in my consciousness... Eddie, hold on, I will heal you!"

The symbiote's properties prevented Eddie from dying, but it wasn't easy to get him back to normal right away.

Eddie's blurred vision turned to the group of symbiont agents, only to see them walking into the flames and heading towards the container.

"Why did they... go back into the truck? What's in there?"

"Stop talking, Eddie, stay awake!" Venom tried hard to heal the wound on his chest, and reminded him angrily, "Eddie, you must keep breathing, or you will die!"

Suddenly, the container exploded again, and one after another withered corpses were thrown into the sea of ​​burning flames, and then burned into coke in an instant.

That's the symbiote agent from just now!

"Oh my god!"

This time it was Venom exclaiming, "They're dead, something in the car ripped off their symbiote!"

Boom! !
With the explosion of the shock wave, the sea of ​​flames was spread far away.

In the depths of the sea of ​​fire, a giant dragon that seemed to be wrapped in oil rose into the sky.

Eddie fell to the ground, looked up at the dragon flying away, and couldn't help muttering, "What... did we do?"

"We would also like to know what you did, Mr. Eddie Brock."

Eddie turned his head and saw a Mediterranean looking at him with a smile.

Because of Bai Jinglan's random entry, the earth's mutations have diversified, mutants, aliens, enhanced people... Countless superpowers have emerged one after another. The S.H.I.E.L.D. has a general understanding of superpowers everywhere.

Not long ago, the space program of the Life Foundation brought a group of symbionts into the earth, and created "Venom" and "Riot". The two fought at the rocket launch site in San Francisco, and naturally entered the field of vision of S.H.I.E.L.D. .

"Riot" was thrown into the flames by "Venom" and destroyed together with the ready-to-go rocket, while "Venom" became a street hero, except for always eating people's heads, what he did was generally for human beings Civilization is beneficial, so S.H.I.E.L.D. has maintained a monitoring but non-interfering attitude towards him.

But this time, he made a big fuss.

"Venom" inexplicably intercepted the official transport convoy, and caused the scrapping of the underground highway built at a cost of billions of dollars, and an unknown number of innocent people were implicated and killed. SHIELD must no longer turn a blind eye.

Moreover, S.H.I.E.L.D. has to figure out what happened.

Seeing the evil dragon flying away in the fireworks, even the current Coulson felt terrified.

The fear gushing from the depths of his heart was not weaker than the previous worldly python.

This made Coulson bitter: What happened to the earth?Why are these monsters showing up one after another?

new York.

Feeling bad, Coulson chose the place to interrogate Eddie in the Avengers Building after asking for instructions. Most of the heroes who gathered because of the Orochi incident are still here to wait for the people from all over the world. message feedback.

"The turmoil that terrorists roiled the world two days ago is not over, and early this morning there are multiple sightings erupting across the city that were seen before, allow me to quote - a dragon wrapped in oil from New York to Flying out of the New Jersey junction, two news helicopters were crashed one after another..."

"We contacted the NYPD, but the NYPD said it has not yet determined the cause of the accident."

"Recently, due to the many terrorist incidents that broke out around the world, including the stock price of Stark Technology, the world's financial indexes have plummeted..."


Tony Stark rubbed the center of his brows, and asked Eddie, who looked tired, "Hey, did you see that we managed to make the world settle down, and you've provoked new troubles, don't you think we should give it to you?" Do we have an account?"

Eddie raised his head, looked at the group of big men in front of him, and licked his lips: "Can I have a cup of coffee?"

Tony rolled his eyes: "Jarvis, give him a cup of coffee, instant!"

Jarvis made complaints with ease: "Sir, you need to send someone out to buy instant coffee. The price/performance ratio is too low. I don't recommend you to do this."

Coulson coughed dryly, and interjected: "Mr. Stark, our time is limited, why don't you get angry at this time?"

Tony snorted and didn't make any further fuss.

Soon, the door of the meeting room opened, and a staff member walked in with coffee.

Eddie seemed to have not drank water for a long time, regardless of whether the coffee was hot or not, he picked up the cup and poured it all into his mouth.

"I've got an alien parasite on me..."

Eddie's explanation had just begun when a small black head popped out of his shoulder and roared at him, "I told you, I'm not a parasite!"

The corner of Eddie's mouth trembled, and he distinguished: "I know, that's just a nickname."



"Apologize now!"

"Okay, okay." Every time he faced this question, this guy was very persistent. Eddie knew that he couldn't beat him, so he honestly admitted, "I was wrong, so now, can I continue talking?"

Before Venom spoke, Tony leaned over and said with great interest, "Wow, is this little monster a parasite on your body?"

"I told you, it's not a parasite!"

Venom can't wait to reach out and bite him, but Tony will definitely not be bitten.


Now Sol is busy with the duel with his sister, and Sif, as the spokesperson of Asgard and the fighting teacher of the Extraordinary Academy, is already familiar with everyone in the Avengers. After seeing the venom emerging, she came over in surprise, " I have heard of other creatures of this kind, they have no ability on their own, and must be combined with other creatures to exert great power."

"Strong power?" Tony looked at her, "How powerful?"

"do not know."

Sif shrugged. She had only heard about it, but hadn't seen it with her own eyes. How could she know how powerful this thing is.

Coulson clapped his hands speechlessly: "Gentlemen and ladies, let's not go wrong anymore, shall we?"

The scene finally quieted down.

Under Coulson's gesture, Eddie pursed his lips and continued: "As this lady said, Venom is a symbiote, and he has many of the same kind, um...Venom is not the first symbiote to come to Earth, Many years ago, a symbiote came to the earth and was caught by the government to carry out the "Rebirth Plan 2.0", but it seems that this plan failed. The government is going to destroy the symbiote. Venom feels the same kind of help, so I will where to."

Coulson: "What happened?"

"I stopped the truck transporting the symbiote, but..." Eddie covered his face with his hands and shook his head vigorously, "I don't know what happened, those guys who were parasitized by the symbiote cut off the link between my consciousness and Venom, Let the venom leave my body and open a hole in my chest. If the venom hadn't returned in time, I would have died in the sea of ​​fire, and then... the guys who were parasitized by the symbiosis seemed to be affected by something in the car , all symbionts were stripped, and those parasitic agents died."

"Where did that thing come from?"

Tony pointed to a blurry news image of a dragon seen boiling over fireworks.

Eddie replied, "Inside the car."

Hawkeye compared the pictures, and interjected: "But this thing is obviously bigger than the carriage, and it's much bigger."

"I really don't know what happened." Eddie argued hard, "Looks like the parasitic agents released the thing from the car, and it killed them all and flew away, oh yeah It's..."

Coulson hurriedly asked, "Anything else?"

Eddie looked at the venom on his shoulder, and replied weakly: "The parasitic agents once said a word, and the venom said that it was an ancient language of the symbiote family, which has not been used for more than 100 million years. "

Natasha asked, "What does that word mean?"

Eddie: "The gods are coming!"

Captain America stroked his forehead: "Could it be that kind of evil god who wants to make trouble again?"

Hawkeye said depressedly: "Don't do it, the big snake's troubles haven't been solved yet!"

He has not been home for many days and misses his wife and children very much.

Suddenly, the screen in the meeting room flickered, and Fury's black face flashed: "Everyone, Agent Carter just got a piece of information from the government of the United States. The government unearthed some kind of native symbiote dragon during World War II. Then use its body tissue to inject some soldiers who were seriously injured and dying in the war, turning them into super soldiers, but all the soldiers had problems, turned into brutal monsters, and had to be sealed away... I want to escape in the early morning That giant dragon is probably the symbiote dragon that was excavated. Judging from the fact that all the people parasitized by it have turned into monsters, this guy is definitely not a good thing, and he must be captured as soon as possible."

Tony curled his lips: "Catch it back and let you continue your research?"

A braised egg with a black face and a black heart is really no different from the official government of the United States.

Fury didn't change his face: "Tony, now is not the time to struggle with this."

Tony waved his hand impatiently: "You don't need to say this, do you think I am idle and have nothing to do now? I have already used all the satellites I can use, just waiting for this guy to show up and attack him."

Fury's expression changed, he looked down, and said lightly: "I think there must be something wrong with your satellite. The symbiote dragon appeared, and those little guys have already passed. Maybe when your satellite reacts, This war is over."


(End of this chapter)

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