witcher in marvel

Chapter 467 Carnac's Action

Chapter 467 Carnac's Action

The Cree Empire is a military dictatorship with distinct classes, adoring rational thinking and scientific creation, so the brains of the outstanding generals, scientists, philosophers, politicians and thinkers of the Cree race are combined to form the supreme wisdom.

Originally, the Cree’s purpose of making the highest intelligence was to create their own cosmic cube, but the highest intelligence calculated that this would destroy the Cree, so they refused, and instead used knowledge to help the empire continue to grow, thus becoming an admired god, even There are also related state religions.

The God of Supreme Wisdom is believed to allow the people to have multiple beliefs, so as to increase the activity of thinking, instead of blindly creating gods, so as not to prevent the people and society from being strong.

Because of this, the original blue-skinned Cree, and later mixed with other races, gave birth to the light-skinned Cree race, and even some Cree people are exactly the same as the people on Earth. The amnesiac Captain Marvel can live in the Cree Empire It is because of this that he has not doubted his bloodline for many years.

In fact, doing so by the Supreme Wisdom was a helpless move, because of the greed of the Kree people, they tried to covet the cosmic crystal called "Ultimate Foresight", and attempted to evolve the whole family into a phoenix-like god-level existence, but they were met by "Ultimate Foresight". The punishment of "seeing" freezes their genetic evolution, and they can only break through this seal through the genes of other races.

However, this practice of the Supreme Wisdom split the Cree people. Some proud Cree people were unwilling to integrate with the "lower" race, so they left the Cree Empire and avoided other places.

The people who caused trouble this time were these conceited Cree people.

They built a huge military base on the border of the Cree Empire.

Karnike looked back at the overwhelming battleship group, his heart was cold, but he quickly withdrew his thoughts, and calmly walked into the meeting hall under the gunpoint of a group of Kree soldiers.

At the end of the hall, there is a throne.

A tall blue Kree sits on the throne, flanked by mighty guards.

Karnike stared into his eyes, and walked towards him, but after only a few steps, he heard the Gaoda Keri scornfully say: "Idiot, don't go any further."

Karnak pursed his lips and stopped.

The tall Cree stood up, with a height of [-] meters, looked down at Karnike, and said lightly: "We all know that you are here to discuss surrender with us. As a negotiating envoy, you will be protected by us. You are here There will be no danger."

Karnike's eyes were cold, and his tone was even colder: "My king expresses his gratitude, may I ask your identity?"

"I'm a Kree."

Just this sentence.

Karnike waited for a while, seeing that he didn't intend to continue, he grinned mockingly: "Oh, that's really clear."

The Gauda Kerry stared at him, his tone displeased: "Pay attention to your words, your tone doesn't sound like surrender."

Karnike twitched the corner of his mouth and changed the subject: "Please forgive me, it's just... your recent aggressive behavior has confused us, and here... Oh, although we don't know much about the universe, we heard that before This place is managed by Ronan the Accuser, are you the Accuser?"

"Ronan has already been expelled. That waste is the same as the Supreme Intelligence. He has no qualifications and ability to revive the Kerry Empire. If he didn't run fast, I would definitely chop him up!"

The Gouda Cree snorted, and said proudly, "We are explorers, we have been expanding the territory on the outskirts of the universe, we are the seeds scattered from the flowers of the empire, looking for treasures in the universe, and putting the name of Hara Spread to every planet. We are gone for centuries, some of us have not set foot on the land of our homeland since we were born, we all dream of the golden sky of Harrah, and we sing of Harrah's in our prayers Name... However, Supreme Wisdom and Ronan defiled the sanctity of Hara. They were persecuted by the Skrulls, retreated steadily in the face of the Nova Corps, and even tried to seek peace. Since they cannot protect the great Hara, it is up to us Come!"

Karnike suddenly realized that this is a group of crazy **** lunatics. The Kerry Empire is going to sign an armistice agreement with the Nova Corps. The main reason is that the blood of the Kree Empire has almost been exhausted after thousands of years of war. They need to recuperate. , otherwise without the enemy's attack, the Cree Empire itself would collapse.

It's a pity, for these lunatics, they just want to be quick for a while, and turn a blind eye to the hidden worries inside the empire.

Karnak said: "I still can't understand why you want to slaughter our compatriots. We just don't want to be disturbed. We just want to live our own lives and be free..."

"You are not free!"

The tall Cree interrupted him unceremoniously, and said in a reasonable tone, "Someone told me that you and your people were created as soldiers of our Cree army! My The seniors allow you to leave your post without authorization, but I will not, you must return to my command, risk everything for Hara, and take revenge on all those who disrespected the Kerry Empire!"

For the Kree, faith is not advocating unseen forces, but great things that really exist.

Therefore, most of the Cree worship the Celestial Group of the universe, because the Celestial Group really appeared in front of the Cree, and this mentality changes in another direction, and the Cree will also require their creations to regard themselves as gods.

Obviously, the Inhuman race created by the Cree is the bottom end of this offering chain.

It's a pity that the Inhumans have lived alone for thousands of years, developed their own civilization and culture, and are used to being free, so why would they worship the Cree for no reason?
What's more, it was a group of people who massacred them!

Karnike lowered his head slightly, his whole face was hidden under the hood, and said coldly: "I see, then before we digress too far, Black Bolt prepared a statement, but before the speech, we all felt that Maybe you..."

"There's no need for a statement!" The Godakri sneered at this superficial effort. "If you decide to surrender, just disarm and hand over Black Bolt... If you can do it, no one will die."

He sneered, and pointed to the computer screen next to him, on which was an image of the earth: "As far as I know, there are still many descendants of aliens on this backward planet. If you don't want to become extinct, just be honest. Do as I say!"

"Oh I see……"

The corner of Karnike's mouth curled up a little, full of sarcasm, "We seem to have some small communication problems—we're not here to discuss our surrender!"

The Gao Da Keri raised his hand in disdain: "Well, if you didn't come to surrender, then your safety here will no longer be guaranteed... Noise, if you want, you can kill him."

"It's our pleasure."

Following the gloomy voice, the shadow of the chamber swayed, and Noise, who was dressed very close to Black Bolt King, appeared from the shadow.

This time, he didn't hold a huge ax in his hand, but a small dagger.

"You are Karnak, aren't you?" Noise casually played with the dagger, with blood-red halos in his eyes, "You are the one who can see everyone's weaknesses, I'm curious...does Attilan not have a mirror? ?"

Before he could finish his sentence, his figure suddenly disappeared.

When he reappeared, he was already behind Karnak, and the dagger in his hand popped out mercilessly, stabbing fiercely from under his ribs.


Karnike roared in pain, and punched Noise, but he, who had not been strengthened, was trampled under his feet in one encounter.

"All right."

Noise looked bored, and wiped the blood off the dagger.

At this moment, a sound like thunder came from outside the conference hall.

"What's the matter with that sound?" The Gauda Kerry was taken aback, and turned to look at the hall full of cracks, "What's going on?"

"I said it before……"

Karnike clutched his bleeding wound, got up little by little from the ground, and watched a group of Cree laugh wildly, "Our king has prepared a statement, a statement that no one can refuse!"


(End of this chapter)

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